Item 16 - Approval of Final Map for Poway Oaks TM 94-02 Shea Homes - DISTRIBUTED AGENDA R~PORT . CITY OF POW A Y (t)~'/:3 '"''15~ This report Is Included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no Sepllrllte discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request It to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed 5eparl!ltely.lfyou wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please flll out a sUp Indicating the report number end give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meetlng. REVISED TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managercr1t ~ Randy Williams, Director of Public Ser~ices Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Serv Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer ~ Kathy L. Cerini, Assistant Civil Engineer I~ June 13, 1995 Approval of Final Map for Poway Oaks, TM 94-02, Shea Homes, Inc., Applicant; Approval of Agreement Relating to Public Improvements and Adoption of Resolutions for Annexation into Landscape Maintenance District 86-3, Annexation to the Sewer Improvement, Establishing a No Parking Zone Along a Portion of Metate Lane East of Pomerado Road, and Establishing a Stop Sian on Powav Oaks Drive at Metate Lane The Fiscal Impact Section of the report should be revised as follows: FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal impact will occur for maintenance of the public facilities including the public park and the LMD assessments. LMD assessments are levied annually on the property tax roll against the property. Assessments fer fiscal year 1995/1996 are proposed to be $163.00 per unit. The property consists of 62 units. Therefore, calculated assessments fer FY 95/96 would be approximately $10,106.00 per year. D~e te t~e iAel~sieA ef t~e ffiiAi ~ark aA~ creek sle~e areas Iii t~ i A t~e ~e...e 1 e~ffieAt, ~re~erty e'.mers ',Ii 11 Be ~ 1 ace~ i A a s~BzeAe \:i t~ a~~itieAal ~er ~Ait eests Base~ eA t~e ffiiAi ~ark aAd Pe~ay Creek ffiaiAteAaAee. The rate of assessment and the annual assessment are subject to change each fiscal year based on budgetary needs. JLB:JDF:RW:MSW:JS:KLC:bw ACTION: JUN 13 1995 ITEM 16 TO: FROM: - INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerCfl1- Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer,X) rr Michael Robinson, Traffic Engineer('/\~ Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer ~ Kathy L. Cerini, Assistant Civil Engineer IIf:I--C- June 13, 1995 Approval of Final Map for Poway Oaks, TM 94-02, Shea Homes, Inc., Applicant; Approval of Agreement Relating to Public Improvements and Adoption of Resolutions for Annexation into Landscape Maintenance District 86-3, Annexation to the Sewer Improvement District, Establishing a No Parking Zone Along a Portion of Metate Lane East of Pomerado Road, and Establishing a Stop Sign on Poway Oaks Drive at Metate Lane ABSTRACT The final map for Poway Oaks, Tentative Tract Map No. 94-02 is ready for approval. The City of Poway and Shea Homes wish to enter into an agreement relating to the construction of certain public improvements along Metate Lane. As a condition of approval of the final map, the owner was requested to annex the property into the city of Poway's sewer improvement district and into the appropriate landscape maintenance di strict. The design of the subdivision requires that parking restrictions be established on the north side of Metate Lane east of Pomerado Road and a stop sign be installed on Poway Oaks Drive at Metate Lane. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On July 12, 1994, the City Council found that the previously certified' EIR of June 26, 1990 adequately addressed the concerns of this project. FISCAL IMPACT Fi scal impact will occur for maintenance of the public facilities including the public park and LMD assessments. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Shea Homes, Inc. and Lindvedt, McColl, and Associates RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the final map, authorize the execution of the Public Improvements Agreement, and adopt the resolutions for the Landscape District expansion, Sewer Improvement District annexation, establishing parking restrictions on the north side of Metate Lane, and establishing a stop control on Poway Oaks Drive. ACTION 1 of 22 1 3 1995 IIt:M 16 ~ AGENDA REPORr. CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, City Man~ John D. Fitch, Assistant Ci~anagJ~1r J Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service~;r Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Michael Robinson, Traffic Engineer Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer ~ Kathy L. Cerini, Assistant Civil Engine~r II\fJ...v June 13, 1995 DATE: SUBJ ECT: Approval of Final Map for Poway Oaks, TM 94-02, Shea Homes, Inc., Applicant; Approval of Agreement Relating to Public Improvements and Adoption of Resolutions for Annexation into Landscape Maintenance District 86-3, Annexation to the Sewer Improvement, Establishing a No Parking Zone Along a Portion of Metate Lane East of Pomerado Road, and Establishing a Stop~ Sian on Powav Oaks Drive at Metate Lane BACKGROUND: Tentative Tract Map No. 94-02 is located at the northeast corner of Pomerado Road and Metate Lane and was approved on July 12, 1994, Resolution P-94-31. This map creates 62 single family lots plus one park lot and one open space lot (Attachment 1). Metate Lane is partially encompassed by and adjacent to the Poway Oaks Subdivision. The physical conditions of the southerly half of Metate Lane demands certain remedial improvements which are not requirements of the approval of this project. Therefore, the City of Poway and Shea Homes, Inc. wish to enter into an "Agreement Relating to Public Improvements" (Attachment 2) . The boundaries of the City of Poway's Sewer Improvement District are not coterminous with the boundaries of the City of Poway. All properties receiving sewer service must be included in said District. ACTION: ? OF ?? JUN 1 3 1q95 ITEM 16 Approval of Final Map t Poway Oaks, TM 94-02, Shea Ho" Inc. June 13, 1995 Page 2 The parcels, APN's 317-211-02 and 04, are located within Landscape Maintenance District 86-3. Under the State Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972, Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 was formed on May 20, 1986. Current City annexation policies, Resolution No. 93-026, allow for all new and improved residential properties to be annexed. The design of the subdivision requires that approximately 200 feet on the north side of Metate Lane east of Pomerado Road be established as a No Parking Zone. In addition, a stop sign is required on Poway Oaks Drive at Metate Lane. FINDINGS: The tract map has been examined and found to be technically correct, in compliance with State Law and City ordinance, and is in conformance with the approved tentative map and with the conditions of approval. All fees, securities or deposits have been made. A Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements and posted securities were submitted and approved by the City Attorney. The improvement plans for TM 94-02 describe the public improvements which the City has requested Shea Homes, Inc. construct within the southerly half of Metate Lane. Exhibit "A" of Attachment 2 defines the scope of the improvements. The property owned by Shea Homes, Inc. (Attachment 3) is not within the boundaries of the Sewer Improvement District. The legal description of the proposed annexation is as described in the legal description (Attachment 4). The annexation of the property into the Sewer Improvement District is exempt from CEQA review (Attachment 5). The property owner has consented to the annexation (Attachment 6) and has paid the required fees (Attachment 7). On April 26, 1995, the property owner of APN's 317-211-02 and 04 signed the form consenting to annexation into LMD 86-3 (Attachment 8). FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal impact will occur for maintenance of the public facilities including the public park and the LMD assessments. LMD assessments are levied annually on the property tax roll against the property. Assessments for fiscal year 1995/1996 are proposed to be $163.00 per unit. The property consists of 62 units. Therefore, calculated assessments for FY 95/96 would be approximately $10,106.00 per year. Due to the inclusion of the mini park and creek slope areas within the development, property owners will be placed in a subzone with additional per unit costs based on the mini park and Poway Creek maintenance. The rate of assessment and the annual assessment are subject to change each fiscal year based on budgetary needs. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: On July 12, 1994, the City Council found that the previously certified EIR of June 26, 1990 adequately addressed the concerns of this project. In addition, JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 1 n~ ?? Approval of Final M. for Poway Oaks, TM 94-02, Shea Jmes, Inc. June 13, 1995 Page 3 the annexation of the property into the Sewer Improvement District has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Exemptions. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & CORRESPONDENCE: Shea Homes, Inc. and Lindvedt, McColl, and Associates. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Approve the final map for TM 94-02 and direct its recordation. 2. Accept on behalf of the public, subject to improvements: Poway Oaks Drive, White Oak Way, Whispering Tree Lane, Shady Oak Court, and Oak Tree Lane, a portion of Metate Lane, and a portion of Pomerado Road, as dedicated on said map, together with the access rights appurtenant to Lots 1 through 7, inclusive, 40 through 45, inclusive, 49, 50, and 56 in and to Metate Lane, and to Lots 38 and 39 in and to Pomerado Road and to Lot 59 in and to Whispering Tree Lane, all as shown on the final map. 3. Accept on behalf of the City the easements for drainage/flowage and biological open space over all of Lot 64 as shown on the final map. 4. Accept in fee title Lot 37 for park purposes as shown on the final map. 5. Autho.rize the vacation of a portion of the road easement per document recorded September 11, 1942 in Book 1388, Page 423 of Official Records and the County highway easement per document recorded February 20, 1959 in Book 7509, Page 334 of Offi ci a 1 Records and portion of drainage and slope easements and City street right-of-way per document recorded June 27, 1988 as File No. 88-306986 and 88- 306987 of Official Records, all within the final map. 6. Approve the Standard Agreement and authorize its execution by the City Clerk. 7. Authorize the City Manager to execute the "Agreement Relating to Public Improvements" (Attachment 2) on behalf of the City of Poway. 8. Adopt the resolution ordering the expansion of Poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3 to include TM 94-02 (Attachment 9). 9. Adopt the resolution for annexation to the Sewer Improvement District (Attachment 10). 10. Adopt the resolution establishing parking restrictions on the north side of Metate Lane beginning at Pomerado Road and extending easterly (Attachment 11). JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 4 OF 22 Approval of Final Map f- Poway Oaks, TM 94-02, Shea Hor-, Inc. June 13, 1995 Page 4 11. Adopt the resolution establishing a stop control on Poway Oaks Drive at Metate Lane (Attachment 12). JLB:JDF:MSW:JS:MR:NB:KLC:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Map 2. Agreement Relating to Public Improvements 3. Sewer Annexation Plat Map 4. Sewer Annexation Legal Description 5. Notice of Exemption - Sewer 6. Consent to Annex - Sewer 7. Sewer Fees - Receipt 8. Consent to Annex - Landscape 9. Resolution - Landscape 10. Resolution - Sewer 11. Resolution - Parking Restrictions 12. Resolution - Stop Control JUN 13 1995 ITEM 16 " OF ;>2 ~ <5 ~ .. ~ i 12.2g: ~,f;;' t' . .t"~" p" SECrrON u .~ SECTION .;:;z.~--- .,~t~. ~--- tI ~ 'll.~r ~l.'C'~~;-- ." Z2.... A A1:~ ,0\1~ ,Ci:~ ~ 6"" ~.Y~.t... \e. ~ 'E:~" 4,11\ ",C. ~... 22.26' A9'12.52"W 7&" 18.~.a8' E" . -.. 1\f-"8'$. F"OUNoJ{'IRON p 19.J.''SiJ'J; Ref" /7189 [PE w/rt:lC CJ i?~ '83'.f7'Z3'c 288' PeR PM 68/4 C2 .99' -. II COR BORER lAND . BOOK 1136 PAGE 174 ' NBJ"23'/3'c 88.73' OR REC'O 2/18/4' "', '1'\ N/""I./(>. L2 :.- '4' L3 179.18' NB 'A6'4 'E J6 J5 J4 JJ S EE 6 5/ 42 4.J 44 ... '" 2 , , 5 .. I N4'41,,!,,"1I(RA{)} 38' ROAD SUiVEY NO. 887 H . '1' BASIS OF BEARINGS METIlTE LANE 348.95' FOOND Z- IRON PIPE W/TAG RCE 9415 PER MAP 4282 & ROS 12574. TO BE R~LAC8J PER LECEMJ FOUND1(' [RON PlPE 'tI/TAC RCE 'HIS PER f-fAP 4282 " ROS 12674 MAP 4282 CITY OF POW A Y @ ITEM: SITE MAP APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP POWAY OAKS, TM 94-02, TITLE SHEA HOMES. INC. FOR SCALE: NONE ATTACHMENT 1 Ii nF ?? JUN 13 1995 ITEM 1 AGREEMENT RELA liNG TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS This Agreement. dated May 24 . 1995 is entered into by and between the City of Poway, a municipal corporation ("City") and Shea Homes Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership ("Shea") for the construction of certain public improvements. RECITALS A. Shea is the owner and developer of real propertyl.ocated at the northeast corner of Pomerado Road and Metate Lane, situated in City which is the subject of approved Tentative Tract Map 94-02; approved Development Review 94-07; and approved Variance 94-13 (collectively, "Project"). B. The Project will permit the construction of 62 single family homes and will require the construction of various public facilities. Construction of the Project will also require the payment of various City imposed fees and exactions. including, but not limited to, a drainage impact fee in the total amount of $13,686 ("Drainage Impact Fee") and a traffic impact fee in the total amount of $40,920 ("Traffic Impact Fee"). C. Adjacent to the Project is Metate Lane, a public road which is owned and maintained by City. The physical condition of the southerly half of Metate Lane requires certain remedial improvements which are not required by Project approvals to be made by Shea. However, the parties recognize that the improvement of the southerly half of Metate Lane can only be efficiently completed in conjunction with Shea's other construction activities on the Proje'ct. D. Pursuant to the City's request, the parties intend t~ provide for the remedial improvements to the southerly half of Metate Lane. as further described in this Agreement, concurrent with Shea's construction of the Project. Exhibit" A" attached hereto and Improvement Plans No. 94-02describe the public improvements ("Metate Lane Improvements") which the City has requested Shea construct within the southerly half of Metate Lane. The City expressly acknowledges that although it is believed the Metate Lane Improvements will improve existing street and drainage conditions in a cost efficient manner, the Metate Lane Improvements may not resolve all the presently existing drainage and other substandard conditions which have caused the need for remedial improvements. NOW, THEREFORE. the parties agree as follows: 1 . Shea shall construct, concurrent with the other improvements required for the Project, the Metate Lane Improvements. The Metate Lane Improvements shall be constructed pursuant to applicable City standards and shall be subject to City inspection requirements, to the extent City standards are consistent with the scope of the Metate Lane Improvements as set forth on Improvement Plans No. 94-02 and Exhibit" A.. The parties agree that the total cost of the Improvements shall be $152,682 as described on attached Exhibit "B.. The Improvements shall be completed and accepted by City concurrent with the public improvements described and bonded for in the subdivision improvement agreement approved by City in conjunction with the final map for the Project. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement or in the conditions of Paw.y OM. 5/12195 -1- ATTACHMENT 2 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 7 OF 22 the Project to the contrary, the Metate Lane Improvements will not be secured by any bond or other security. 2. City shall provide "credits" to Shea equal to $54,606 for the Drainage Impact Fees and Traffic Impact Fees for the Project. These credits shall be provided by City at the time Shea would have otherwise been required to pay the applicable fee. In that regard, the credit shall be applied regardless of the status of the Metate Lane Improvements. 3. Thirty days after completion of the Metate Lane Improvements, City shall pay $98,076 to Shea provided only that no stop notice or mechanics' lien claims are outstanding against the Metate Lane Improvements. 4. This Agreement shall constitute the only agreement between the parties relating to the Metate Lane Improvements. All other previous agreements: either oral or written, are hereby incorporated in this Agreement. 5. Shea agrees to construct the Metate Lane Improvements in a good workmanlike manner (construction in a good workmanlike manner refers to both the labor and materials supplied for the construction of the Metate Lane Improvements). However, Shea does not expressly or impliedly warrant that the Metate Lane Improvements will completely mitigate the existing substandard street and drainage conditions and it is expressly agreed that Shea will not have any responsibility to repair or further improve Metate Lane should such repair or further improvement be required by reason of the extent or design of the Metate Lane Improvements. 6. The parties shall cooperate and assist each other in their performance of this Agreement. No party shall take any action which prevents or hinders the other party in the performance of its obligations. 7. This Agreement shall terminate on December 31, 2001, unless it has been fully performed by the parties prior to that date, in which case it will have no further force or effect. \, 8. The prevailing party in any legal action, claim or aibitration to enforce this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable legal fees and costs. City of Poway, a municipal corporation By: James L. Bowersox, City Manager Shea Homes Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership BY: J.F. Shea Co. Inc., a Nevada corpor Its Vice President Assistant Secretary "'-""'" 5/12195 -2- JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 8 OF 22 Exhibit "A" SCOPE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS AT METATE LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS . Remove 27,400 S.F. of existing pavement and base material along the south side of Metate Lane and replace with 4" A.C. on 10" Class II Base. . Install stabilization fabric (Supac 8NP) on the existing subgrade prior to installation of base material. . Remove up to 200 lineal feet of existing broken or damaged curb and gutter along the south side and replace. These areas to be determined by Poway representative. . Provide engineering and surveying for street design, staking, and subgrade certification. STORM DRAIN . Remove 40 lineal feet existing 18" C.M.P. at approximately Sta. 15+75.00 and replace with 18" R.C.P. and tie into existing "e" inlet as necessary. . Concrete encase replacement 18" R.C.P. at Sta. 15+75.00 . Install 102 lineal feet 006" R.C.P. to the south side of the intersection of Rancho Caballo and Metate Lane. . Install 36 lineal feet of24" R.C.P. across Rancho Caballo between new inlets. . Install one (I) 20' type B-1 inlet at the southwest corner of Metate Lane and Rancho Caballo on Metate Lane. . Install two (2) 15' type B-1 inlets on each side of Rancho Caballo south of the intersection. This includes the u:placement of curb & gutter necessary to install these inlets. This includes the removal of the existing C.M.P. in the intersection except where they cross under the cross gutter. A two sack sand slurry will be used to abandon any C.M.P. that is left in place at areas of conflict. . Provide engineering and surveying to design, stake, and certify the stonn drain installation. . Remove and replace 72 lineal feet of existing 30" C.M.P. with 30" R.C.P. that crosses Metate Lane just east of Pomerado Road. Install one (1) A -4 cleanout in the street at the direction change and install 24 lineal feet of24" R.C.P. to property line at Sta.12 + 45.48 on Metate Lane and connect to existing. 519/95 gplwordlfileslpwoalcadd JUN 13 1995 ITEM 16 q OF 22 Exhibit "B" TOTAL COST OF IMPROVEMENTS METATE LANE STORM DRAIN AND SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS STREET IMPROVEMENTS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL REMOVE/REPLACE 4" AC ON 10" CII 27,400 SF 2.912 $ 79,788.80 STABILIZATION FABRIC SUPAC 8NP 27,400 SF 0.217 $ 5,945.80 REMOVE/ REPLACE CURB & GUTTER 200 LF 14.00 $ 2,800.00 ENGINEERING & SURVEY TOPO & DESIGN CHANGE @ RHO CABALLO 1 LS 2,250 00 $ 2,250.00 REVISE RD. GRADES FOR FULL WIDTH 1 LS 900.00 $ 900.00 STAKING FOR FINISH ST.GRADE SO SIDE 1 LS 700.00 $ 700.00 CERTIFY SUBGRADE SO SIDE 1 LS 350.00 $ 350.00 STREET IMPROVEMENT TOTAL $ 92,734.60 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS INSTALL 36" RCP 102 LF 90.00 $ 9,180.00 INSTALL 24" RCP ACROSS RHO CABALLO 36 LF 75.00 $ 2,700.00 INSTALL 15' TYPE B-1 INLET 2EA 4,200.00 $ 8,400.00 INSTALL 20' TYPE B-1 INLET 1 EA 4,800.00 $ 4,800.00 REMOVE EXIST. 18" CMP STA 15+ 75.00 40 LF 10.00 $ 400.00 INSTALL 18" RCP STA 15+ 75.00 40 LF 72.00 $ 2.880.00 18" ENCASEMENT STA 15+ 75.00 40 LF 28.00 $ 1,120.00 REMOVE, REINSTALL 30" AT WEST END METATE 72 LF 78.00 $ 5,616.00 REMOVE, REINSTALL 24" STA 12+ 45 METATE 24 LF 75.00 $ 1,800.00 INSTALL A - 4 CLEANOUT STA 12+ 45 METATE 1 EA 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 ENGINEERING & SURVEY STAKING @ RHO CABALLO 1 LS 750.00 $ 750.00 DRAFTING & STAKING WEST END R & R 1 LS 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT TOTAL $ 41,746.00 SUBTOTAL $ 134,480.60 ADMINISTRATION & OVERHEAD $ 18,201.40 GRANO TOTAL $ 152,682.00 5/5195 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 1 b 1 n nF ?? POW A Y OAKS ANNEXATION 35~A&lr4 7 'n"7~-r- \"~ I' , 7.';:'Z ... ~.Z:S J7J<".. ':17.75 ~Jf%''F DETAIL "A" NO SCALE: DETAil'S' NO SCALE [COR. ; ~$:," 316070.'0 .C.2~-p... : ~f~ I . ,~ '" I~ ." ~ ... , I I ., 01 a:: ----.. ~ - 1-Y I' ., j>" ~vl "e~ -;z.D'F . 'F .<} ~~,.,rt N.V-4COR ) . .St:E . ,s,:rl:; I: \DETAIL'A' . . " ~I:- ~-'.r.,.,,~. -"0" /J'.J.:.:.;l'c' 2. '\:,. ',' ~ "" '<l " '.::: ~ ::9:;7-: . /80 0' .n. - . 01'(, .0 I ' <(j.' \;. ",:; ,... ........ ~ h ':' u...: ~ ." ~ wi ..;:: 2.: 'Vl ': E.C Oi, ; CL ,.: ~. .; ~'~: SE" eoETAll'B" '.... .'... : ~. ~'1111] " . .:+... ol'''? . "- , J...> .., ",.2... . ...... '~J'.~-;. ,r-"'" , . I" / ,,1:':"~_ 'n~-~'T! /+~-r7(':. , .-- /L:~63.m; g . ff ..;." , ,,~ ~ t. . ~ ,'1'. (1. O' . ~:. . . /.. ' ~ '~" "";,- "', pt. ." ,-f : ." ~'J.. '. 'iI"7~~. PROPERTY .@to:eeANNEXE? ',-- " " "';"i 8 1C-.16 AC. " "'. ., "'-, . "- '. .', ;;." '" "', ., '.~-- "... ", ,~~-- '. ' ..;...'-~....,..., -- -..~......~ ( _._ \"\ \ RANCH C.ABAUD \ \ ;-,-RD. @ PLAT MAP N JUN 13 1995 ITEM 16,. 11 OF 22 ATTACHMENT 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: That portioo. of Sectioo. 23, 'l'aoInship 14 Scuth, Range 2 West, San Bernarclin:l r-Eridian, in tn: County of San Diego, State of California, acx:ordir.g to United States Govern1Ent Survey, described as follCMS: Begi.nning at a point 00. tn: Easterly lire of Missioo. Road I-A, acx:ordir.g to Map of said Missioo. Road I-A, Sheet 15, San Diego County Highway Cattnissicn, filed in the Office of tn: County Surveyor of San Diego County; which said Point of Beginning bears South 3'14' 52" East 289.04 feet fn:m tn: intersect:icn of tn: N::n:1:h lire of Secticn 23, at a point North 88' 57' West 3955.5 feet fn:m tn: l>brtheast =ner of said sect:i.cn with tn: center lire of said road at Statioo. .378 plus 70.9 feet t:tEreof; thelloe South 78' 49' 07" East 193.25 feet; t:herx::e Scuth 89017' West to a point in tn: Easterly lire of Missioo. Road I-A, above referred to; t:herx::e North 0043' East alcn;J said Easterly lire to the Point of Begi.nning . Parcel 2: That portioo. of Sectioo. 23, 'l'aoInship 14 Sooth, Range 2 West, San Bernarclin:l M?ridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, acx:ordir.g to United States Govern1Ent Survey, described as follCMS: Begi.nning at a point 00. tn: Easterly lire of Missicn Road I-A, acx:ordir.g to map of said Missioo. Road I-A, Sh=et 15, San Diego County Hign..ey Catmissioo., filed in the Office of tn: County Sw:veyor of San Diego County; which said Point of Beginning bears Scuth 3' 14'52" East 289.04 feet fran the intersect:icn of the N::n:1:h lire of Sectic::n 23, at a point North 88' 57' West 3955.5 feet fn:m the N::lrtheast: =ner of said secticn with tn: center lire of said road at Statioo. 378 plus 70.9 feet t:tEreof; theooe South 78049'07" East 193.25 feet to tn: True Point of Beginning; the...:;e N::n:1:h 0043' East 80.6 feet, rrore = less, to the Sa.rt:hwest =ner of the land described in deed to R. C. B:lrer am Caroli.re Borer, husban::l am wife, as joint tenants, :to:u..u.~ February 10, 1941 in Book 1136, Page 174 of Official ~<ls; t:herx::e South 89017' East 130.00 feet; theooe South 0043' West 80.6 feet, rrore = less, to an intersectioo. with a lire bearing North 89017' East fran tn: True Point of Begi.nning; tharoa Sooth 89' 17' West to the True Point of Beg~. Parcel 3: That porticn of Secticns 14 am 23 in Township 14 Scuth, Range 2 West, San 8errlardino Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of Califomia, acx:ordir.g to United States Goverrm2nt Survey, described as follCMS: Begi.nning at the intersectioo. of the caU:er lire of the County Road, 40.00 feet wide, kn:lwn as Missioo. Road I-A, acx:ordir.g to map in the Office of the County Su:tveyor of said ATTACHMENT 4 JUN 13 1995 ITEM 16 . I , 1? nF 22 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - Continued san Di~ County with the CEnter li.oo of the 50.00 foot County Ib3d krnm as Matate L3re, ~ to Map of !bad Survey No. 887, filed in the Office of the County Rec:u.J.:r of San Diego County, being En;r.ineer's Statien 0 + 00 en said center line of !bad Survey No. 887; then::e alc:ng said center line of !bad Survey No. 887, Narth 850 19' East, 1043.77 feet to an angle point in said rocrl survey: th:n:Je Narth 83027' East alCX1g said center line (~=..uLd Narth 83020' East) 349.00 feet to the True Point of 13eginni.rg: t:rercE retrac.i.n;J Westerly ~ said center line to the Easterly line of said !-\i",,,,ion Road I-A; then::e Nortl-erly alc:ng said Easterly line to a p::rint in said Easterly line, said point bears South 30 14' 52" East 289.04 feet fran the int:ersectien of the Narth l~ of Se::tien 23 at a point Narth 88057' West 3955.50 feet frc:rn the Northeast =ner of said sectien with'the center line of said road at Statien 378 + 70.90 feet: then::e South 78049' 07" East: 193.25 feet:then::E Narth 0043' East 80.60 feet IIOre or less to the Sout::t6.est =ner of the lan:l. described in Deed to R. C. Borer an:i Carolina Borer, husI:larn an:i wife ~=Ued February 10, 1941 in I3cok 1136, Page 174 of Official ~Us; the.>ee South 89017' East: 180.00 feet; then::e Narth 70008'45" East 288.39 feet: then::e Narth 63029'15" East 224.94 feet: then::E Narth 58005'25" East 236.33 feet to the Sout:I-east =ner of the lan:i described in deed to Edward C. M:; Alees, et ux, -,=.bl August: 18, 1927 in I3cok 1361, page 278 of Deeds: then::e Narth 00 43' East alc:ng the East line of the lan:i described in said Deed to M:; Alees, et ux, 12.20 feet to the ~ = of the larrl described in Deed to ~l E_ W::xx1, L=Jed August: 20, 1927 in I3cok 1361, page 285 of Deeds: theu::e Narth 83020' East alCX1g the South line of the lan:i described in said Deed to \b:d to a li.oo whid1 bears North 6033' West fran the True Point of 13eginni.rg: t:he<>ee South 60 33' East: to the True Point of l3egiIlning. Exr::Epting therefran that portien described as follows: l3egiIlning at a point en the Easterly line of Missien !bad I-A, acx=d:ing to map of said Missien !bad I-A, Sbeet 15, San Diego County Highway Camdssien, filed in the Office of the County Surveyor of San Di~ County, which said Point of I3eginni.rg bears South 30 14' 52" East: 289 _ 04 feet fran the intersecti.cn of the Narth line of Sect:i.cn 23 at a point Narth 880 56' West 3955.50 feet frc:rn the Northeast =ner of said sectien with the center l~ of said rocrl at Statien 378 + 70.9 ttereof; then::E South 78049'07" East: 193.25 feet: then::E Narth 00 43' East 80.6 feet IIOre or less, to the Sou1::hl.est =ner of the larrl described in deed to R. C. Borer an:i Caroline Borer, husI:larn an:i wife, L=u..J February 10, 1941 in I3cok 1136, Page 174 of Official ~Js; th:n:Je South 89017' East 130.00 feet: then::e South 00 43' West; 80.6 feet IIOre or less, to an intersecti.a1 with a line bearing l'brth 89017' East fran a point which is dist5lt South 78049'07" East 193.25 feet frc:rn the Point of l3egiIlning; thence South 89017' West to a point in the Easterly line of Missien Road I-A, above referred to; thence Narth O' ~' East alcr1g said Easterly line to the Point of l3egiIlning. Except:i.n;J therefran trose portioos lying wi thin Parcels 1 pro 2 above described. CONTAINING THEREIN 16.5 ACRES . JUN 13 1995 ITEM 16 . I 11 nF ?? CITY OF POWAY NOTICE OF EXEMPTION (15035.5 CEQA GUIDELINES) Shea Homes. Inc. Annexation Project Name Poway Oaks - Assessor Parcel Numbers 317-211-02 and 04 Project Location - Specific Poway Project Location - City San DieGo Project Location - County Annexation of vacant lots to public sewer. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project City of Poway Name of Public Agency Approving Project City of Powav Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 15073) ----- Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071 (a)) ----- Emergency Project (Sec. 15071 (b) and (c)) X Categorical Exemption. State type and section number and reasons why project is exempt: Annexation of area containinG vacant lots in accordance with existinG zoninG into the sewer district Kathv Cerini Contact Person (619) 679-4273 Area Code-Telephone No.-Extension Date Received for Filing CEQAexem.frm -?TJmA:...5 N~ Mark S. Weston, City Engineer ATTACHMENT 5 . JUN 13 1995 ITEM II City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Dnve ing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 14 nF ?? ."~, --- ,..... CITY OF POWAY {;N HIGGINSON, Mayor __ BOB EJ...iERy, Deputy Mayor B. TONY SNESKO, Councilmember SUSAN CALLERY, Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA. Councilmcmbc:r CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Each of the undersigned represents that he/she is the owner of the property described opposite his/her name and hereby consents to the annexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the annexation thereof subject to the following conditions: CURRENT ANNEXATION FEE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION DEPOSIT ADDRESS: NE corner of Pomerado Road and Metate Lane . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OR COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER (attach description, if necessary): 317-211-02. 04 Date: ~22( /qq~ ~~~~ Signat ePauAY ~(~y Date: Signature Date: Signature ~ l , c::: "I:' ..,<") ng Address: ATTACHMENT 6 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 c:\wp\fo~\co"."n.x.frm 13325 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 789 Poway, California 92064 I ~1NEXATION APPLlCAT 'N CITY OF POW f\Y (619) 748-6600. (619) 695-1400 Metate Vi 11 age ANNEXATION DATE August II, 1994 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 317-211-02, 04 NUMBER OF ACRES 17.06 ILegol description and plot map to be attachedl DESCRIPTION 64 lot subdivision at NE corner of Pomerado Road and Metate Lane CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY (Ref: Section 56261 Government Code) Each of the undersigned represents that he (she) is the owner of the property described opposite his (her) name and hereby consents to the annexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the anne~ xetion thereof subject to the following conditions: 1. Payment to the CITY OF POWAY the sum of $ , due and payable prior to the effective date of the annexation. Said payment is for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal, of said CITY. 2. Payment of all costs of said annexation, including, but not limited to, advertising, engineering and attorney's fees. APPLICANT IPrint} t6I<1Atf~) akJ?4-4JY PHONE Ncfi.-'''1)6qS:/~6p ADDRESS 14ft/-A- H 1124Hp.. ~.h-::>, :?v<-l7E 2p~ ~;)~ ~ 4 <72/21 . . , Approved BY~ ~~ t:;.? /'?wRr'~::> ~ DO:: OF ;;;;}1i . I f / JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 CE COpy Y.ELLOW: CUSTOMER COpy PINK: INSPECTOR COPY ATTAr~M"NT 7 GOLD: NUMERICAL FILE 'c /"'Ie' ')'J LITY OF POW A Y DON HIGGINSON. Mayor SUSAN CALLERY, Deputy Mayor ---FITY REXFORD, Councilmembcr ,)8 EMERY, Councilmcmbcr MICKEY CAF AGNA. Councilmcmber POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-3A ANNEXATION The undersigned, as owner of the Property shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto, generally described as County Assessor Parcel Nos. 3172110200 and 3172110400 which property is proposed to be developed by subdivision and will benefit from district- maintained landscaping within Landscape Maintenance District 86- 3A, hereby consents to annexation into poway Landscape Maintenance District 86-3A, pursuant to the California Streets and Highways Code Section 22608.1. EXECUTED ON April 26 , 199~, fJf at San Diego SHEA HCt1ES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a California limited partnership California. By: J.E'. Shea Co., Inc., corporati- General By: tary 10721 Treena Street, Suite 200 San Diego,CA 92131 M~ilinO' JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 ATTACHMENT 8 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive '\ddress: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 17 lie '1') Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY ORDERING THE EXPANSION OF POWAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-3 WITH THE ANNEXATION OF APN 317-211-02 AND 04 BY WRITTEN CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNERS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to expand Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District 86-3 for the purposes of maintaining, servicing, and operating said district as shown in Exhibit "A" pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972; and WHEREAS, the record owner of all of the real property within said expansion area has given written consent to the proposed formation and annexation into Poway Landscape Maintaince District 86-3 pursuant to California Streets and Highway Code, Section 22608.1; and WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience require the maintenance, service and operation of public landscape facilities within said territory. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and the City Council so finds and determines. 2. All of that certain territory shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby added by annexation into Poway Landscape Maintenance Assessment District No. 86-3. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 13th day of June, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 ATTACHMENT 9 10 ("\1"" ,.,,., POWA Y OAKS TIM 94-02 1 Q n" ?? NO SCALE EXHIBIT "A" ~ " It., .... h ~l-n; VICINITY MAP ----I /" \ // , / ,/ \ " . _// \ " \ \ \ 14 \ \ \ ---' - - ---- BOUNDARY OF LMD No. 86.3 AfN:; 31'7 ~Il O.;l..CC) 3t'1.;l110<<00 " o .--J-~~ ~ ---.I - QlI <II, EI ~I , I I < ....-- c:l a: ~ --- - - - -e.- - ":;t4<C: rl\E.-rAT 1 ~:~'-O ~\) JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF POWAY - POWAY OAKS SUBDIVISION ANNEXATION WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A requires sewer service; and WHEREAS, property must be within the Sewer Improvement District to receive sewer service; WHEREAS, the property owner has paid the appropriate fees for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal of the Sewer Improvement District; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has reviewed and considered the annexation of the property to the Sewer Improvement District of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The territory to be annexed is as described in Exhibit A more commonly known as Poway Oaks Subdivision. 2. The inclusion of the territory in the Sewer Improvement District is in the best interest of the land owners and the City of Poway. 3. The annexation has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Exemptions. 4. No City tax split shall occur due to this annexation. The property is within the corporate boundary of the City of Poway and the annexation is to an improvement district within the City. 5. The annexation of the territory described in Exhibit A shall become effective immediately upon passage of the Resolution. 6. The City Clerk shdll make the necessary filings required by law. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 13th of June, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 ATTACHMENT 10 ?f'l n~ .,,, Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY ESTABLISHING A NO PARKING ZONE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF METATE LANE EXTENDING EASTERLY FROM POMERADO ROAD WHEREAS, Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code permits the establishment of "No Standing or Parking" zones in the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that a certain No Parking zone should be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with Section 22507 of the California Vehicle Code, a No Parking zone is hereby established on Metate Lane in the following location: No StandinQ or ParkinQ Zone: Along the north side of Metate Lane beginning at the easterly extended curbline of Pomerado Road and extending easterly 200 feet. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 13th day of June, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on 13th day of June 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway JUN 1 3 1995 ITEM 16 ATTACHMENT 11 ?1 n, ?? Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY ESTABLISHING A STOP SIGN ON POWAY OAKS DRIVE AT METATE LANE WHEREAS, Section 21100 of the California Vehicle Code permits local authorities to adopt by resolution traffic control measures meeting the requirements set forth under Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code permits the establishment of stop signs in the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that stop signs should hereby be established. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in accordance with said Section 21351 of the California Vehicle Code, a stop sign shall be installed on Poway Oaks Drive at Metate Lane. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 13th day of June, 1995. . Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on 13th day of June 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway JUN 13 1995 ITEM 16 ATTACHMENT 12 ,..,") ("Ie .,.,