1995 06-15 Agenda CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ADdOURNED REGULAR MEETING - dUNE 15, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. dOINT MEETING WITH THE POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRIGT BOARD OF EDUCATION MEADOWBROOK MIDDLE SCHOOL MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM 12320 MEADOWBROOK LANE THIS IS AN INFORMAL WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE COUNCIL JOINTLY WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD AND IS NOT DESIGNED FOR PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS ON DOCKETED ITEMS. HOWEVER, IF YOU FEEL YOU HAVE INFORMATION PERTINENT TO THE AGENDA, YOU MAY ARRANGE FOR INPUT WITH THE MAYOR PRIOR TO THE MEETING. ITEM 10, PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, IS PROVIDED TO GIVE THE PUBLIC THE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK ON ANY CITY-RELATED ITEM NOT APPEARING ON THE AGENDA; HOWEVER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE LAW, NO ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING ON ANY SUCH ITEM. 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Higginson 3. WELCOME A. Board President Charlene Zettel - Introduction of School Board B. Mayor Don Higginson - Introduction of City Council REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS 4. Recognition of Poway City Council - Board Members Mangum & Ranftle 5. Historical Update of City/School District Joint Projects and Programs - Superintendent Reeves 6. Update on Juvenile/Police Liasion Programs - City Manager Bowersox 7. Future Joint Projects & Programs - Superintendent Reeves 8. Future Redevelopment Funding - City Manager Bowersox 9. Roundtable Discussion of City/School District Joint Issues 10. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNHENT POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING WITH POWAY CITY COUNCIL JUNE 15, 1995 Multipurpose Room Meadowbrook Middle School 12320 Meadowbrook Lane Poway, CA 92064 1. Call to order 7:00 p.m. 2. Salute to Flag - Mayor Don Higginson 3. Welcome · Board President Charlene Zettel - Introduction of School Boardj · Mayor Don Higginson - Introduction of City Council 4. Reports and Presentations: A. Recognition of Po~vay City Council - Mr. Jeff Mangum and j Ms. Penny Ranftle, Board Members B. Historical Update of City/School District Joint Projects and Programs - Dr. Robert Reeves, District Superintendent j C. Update on Juvenile Police Liaison Program - Mr. James Bowersox, City Manager D. Furore Joint Projects and Programs - Dr. Robert Reeves, District Superintendent E. Future Redevelopment Funding - Mr. James Bowersox, City Manager F. Round Table Discussion of City/School District Joint Issues - City Council/School Board 5. Adjournment TO: BOARD OF ,.,.)UCATION MEETINg= DATE: June 15, 1995 FROM: Robert L Reeves AGENDA ITEM: 4-B. SUBJECT: HISTORICAL UPDATE OF CITY/SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD GOAL: NIA JOINT PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS [] Action [] Consent Calendar [] First Reading RECOMMENDATION: [] Information Information only. [] Presentation [] Public Hearing [] Roll Call Vote DISCUSSION: Required Since the incorporation of the City of Poway, the City and the School District have nurtured a cooperative effort in order to extend the greatest possible benefits to our common constituency. The past 14 years have resulted in the development of numerous joint facilities and shared programs that have contributed to improving the quality of life in the City while enhancing the learning environment for the children attending Poway schools. A summary of these joint efforts is as follows: Facilities Poway High School Performing Arts Center Twin Peaks Gymnasium Meadowbrook Gymnasium Poway High stadium lighting, bleachers, concession/rest room facility, running track, and field improvements Poway High School varsity baseball field Valle Verde school site sale and park development Twin Peaks, Tierra Bonita, Midland, and Pomerado field upgrades Future Farmers of America facility at Lake Poway Silverset school site/park development School bus parking facility Modernization funding for Valley, Pomerado, Midland, Garden Road Elementaries, and Poway High School Continued . . . MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE: MANGUM __ McMILLAN __ RANFll. E __ ZAWORSKI-SURKE __ z,t:~ ItL Proqrams Crossing guards DARE YMCNPRYDE Programs at Meadowbrook Middle School Safe Schools Safe Communities Task Force Juvenile/Police Liaison Program Traffic Safety Support Community Pool usage The above listing does not include the day-to-day support each agency provides to the other to resolve the on-going operational issues our staffs confront, We believe the relationship that exists between the City and the School District is unique and should not go unrecognized. We should be proud of our accomplishments and should look forward to our future joint efforts. TO: BOARD OF ~UCATION MEETINg_ DATE: June 26, 1995 FROM: Robert L. Reeves AGENDA ITEM: 4-D. SUBJECT: FUTURE JOINT PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS aOARD ~OAL: ~A [] Action RECOMMENDATION: [] Consent Calendar Information only, [] First Reading [] Information : [] Presentation [] Public Hearing [] Roll Call Vote DISCUSSION: Required In looking forward, we believe it is important to continue our joint efforts to provide improved levels of programs, services, and facilities for the community and the students of the District. In this regard, there is much to be done. Projects currently identified which are under consideration, or have been previously approved, are listed below: Joint use and development of the Professional Development Center · Additional modernization projects as schools reach 30 years of age · Technology upgrades for all Poway schools · Joint use and development of a new soccer facility at Pomerado Elementary School Joint use and development of a new soccer facility at Poway High School · Funding of Preschool and Extended Student Services facilities at elementary sites · Continued development of DARE, Juvenile/Police Liaison, after school youth, gang prevention, and other programs to address the safety of students and the community · Traffic safety efforts We look forward to the challenges of jointly meeting the needs of our students and community. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: VOTE: MANGUM -- McMILLAN -- RANI~fl.E -- ZAWORSKI-BURKE /..t:l It:IL