1995 06-20 Agenda - - CITY OF POWAY g~i'~~~Ng~J!iltH&lg~~n;I;I~fiJ~11 REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 20, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. .- CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE I MEfTING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 12 THROUGH 16 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE NOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE NEfTING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITENS PRIOR TO THE TINE COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE NEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE PULLED FOR DISCUSSION. THOSE ITENS WHICH ARE PULLED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEN, PLEASE FILL OUT A REQUEST TO SPEAK SLIP (GREEN IN FAVOR OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND RED IN OPPOSITION) AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.* Proposed Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1995-96 for the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency. (Continued from June 13, 1995, Item 5.) (205-02) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; continue public hearing to June 27, 1995 for adoption of the Financial Plan. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.* Conditional Use Permit 83-01 - annual review and consideration of modification or revocation of approval for continued use of the site by the Congregation Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ). Property located at 12730 Elm Park Lane. (203-08) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take publ ic input; continue the publ i c hearing to August 22, 1995 when the original conditions will be satisfied or CUP 83-01 will be declared null and void. 6.* General Plan Amendment 95-01A - amending strategy I.F.4 of the General Plan to allow structures in the South Poway Community Plan area to exceed 35 feet in height. (203-11) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take publ ic inpout; issue Negat i ve Declaration; continue to June 27, 1995, for final action in conjunction with General Plan Amendment 95-01B. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation - CITY OF POWAY - cn 0 COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 20, 'IvJ5 - PAGE TWO 7.* Environmental Assessment and Specific Plan Amendment 84-01Y to amend the South Poway Speci fi c Pl an to incorporate various clarifi cat ions and amendments incl udi ng: 1) amendment of the 1 i st of uses permi tted to establish regulations concerning outside storage uses, contractors yards, auction houses, truck or automobile fleet storage, pushcarts, and temporary sand and gravel aggregate processing facil ities 2) clarification that land designated as OS (1 du) will be subject to the RR- A zone standards; 3) establishment of a maximum height for structures of 45' rather than 35' as is currently allowed; 4) amendment to and/or clarification of development standards concerning parking in commercial areas, equipment screens, setbacks, driveway width and fencing; 5) redesignating parcel at the northeast corner of Danielson Street and Nelson Drive from LI (light industrial) to SPC (South Poway Commercial); 6) incorporating maps which reflect changes that have been made to the circulation system and identifying the location of various land use des ignat ions on maps refl ect i ng these changes; and, 7) i ncorporat i ng standard safety conditions and criteria for temporary or partial occupancy of commercial/industrial buildings. (203-21) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; adopt motion of intent to issue Negative Declaration and approve Specific Plan Amendment 84-01Y; and continue the public hearing to June 27, 1995 for final action. 8.* Ordinance No. - "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Adding to Section-fO.32.020 of the Poway Municipal Code Establishing Speed Limits on Martincoit Road from Espola Road to Stone Canyon Road"; and Resolution No. 95- - Rescinding Resolution 83-074 Establishing Speed Limits on a Segmeiltof Martincoit Road. This resolution will become effective on August 10, 1995. (701-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; read title and waive further reading (unanimous vote); continue public hearing to July 11, 1995, for second reading of the ordinance; adopt Resolution. STAFF REPORTS 9.* Assessment District No. 79-1: advance retirement of bonds; expansion of water service to properties adjoining the District; and rebate to property owners within the District. Assessment District 79-1 was created to fund public improvements for the installation of a water system and appurtenances for properties in the eastern portion of Poway. (Continued from May 23, 1995, Item 22) (405-02) * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation - - CITY OF POWAY - CITY \"vUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 20. 19&,,-. PAGE THREE -- 10.* 1995 Refunding Certificates of Participation Poway Royal Mobile Home Park. (405-01R) CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.S RECOMMENDATION: l!il''ilreWQUiiE~ti1tit;l&.ni;;llf ~iiilllllliJllllllllltlllilfllff~I'lllllllllll"illllillll'~11I111 11.* 1995 Refunding Certificates of Participation, 1986 Capital Improvement Projects. (405-01R) - -- -- - CONSENT CALENDAR 12.* Approval of Minutes - City Council May 23, 1995, Regular Meeting 13.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency May 23, 1995, Regular Meeting 14.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of May 29-June 2, 1995 (401-10) 15.* Approval of a manufactured slope greater than thirty (30) feet in height at Poway Road and Blue Crystal Trails, MDRA 95-21, Robert and Mary Ann Altaffer, applicants. (203-10) 16.* Award of bid for Dead Animal Removal Services to D&D Disposal, Inc. in the amount of $41,022 for fiscal years 1995-96, 1996-97, and 1997-98. (602-01 #879) CITY MANAGER ITEMS 17. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS - 18. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation ---.-- CITY OF POWAY. CIl. COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 27, 1:.::15 - PAGE FOUR MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 19. MICKEY CAFAGNA 20. SUSAN CALLERY 21. ROBERT EMERY 22. BETTY REXFORD 23. DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNMENT