Item 9 - Approval to Retire Bonds for Assessment Dist. 79-1 AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY _~~ rIJ/ff.5 , TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ - ITIATED BY: Peggy Stewart, Director of Administrati~ Services Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Services~. Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer~ Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer DATE: June 20, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval to Retire Bonds for Assessment District No. 79-1, Expansion of Water Service to Properties Adjoining the District, and Rebate to Prooerty Owners Within the District ABSTRACT Assessment District No. 79-1 was created by the City Council of the City of Poway on September 18, 1981 to fund public improvements for the installation of a water system and appurtenances. Bonds were sold to finance the construction to be redeemed by installments within a period of 15 years, beginning on January 2, 1983 and ending on July 2, 1997. Under County zoning laws it was projected that 152 dwelling units could be developed. With Poway's incorporation and adoption of new zoning laws, a decrease in water consumption due to conservation efforts, and a reduction in the number of dwelling units served (from 152 to 110), there is excess water capacity available which was not anticipated at the time the District was formed. Therefore, the excess water capacity could be expanded to include approximately 42 additional dwellings with no adverse impact on the existing water system. , -'ixteen property in Belvedere Estates need to connect to the AD 79-1 water system to ,mprove quality and service. Also, other properties east of the District boundary desire to connect to a oublic water supply due to inadequate around water suoolies. , ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review. FISCAL IMPACT Appropriate $159,400 from the water fund reserves, Account No. 510-8916, to complete expansion of the water system and corresponding rebates. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Property owners in Assessment District No. 79-1. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the resolutions approving advance retirement of bonds for Assessment District No. 79-1 and appropriate $159,400 from the water fund reserves. ACTION , " 1 of 16 ,JUN 2 0 1995 III:M 9 Ii - ----------------- 'AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: Peggy Stewart, Director of Administrative Services ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri~ Services~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer Ninoy Basuil, Associate Civil Engineer~ DATE: June 20, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval to Retire Bonds for Assessment District No. 79-1, Expansion of Water Service to Properties Adjoining the District. and Rebate to Prooertv Owners Within the District BACKGROUND: Assessment District No. 79-1 ("District" or "AD 79-1") was created by the City Council of the City of Poway on September 18, 1981 to fund public improvements for the installation of a pump station, primary water distribution line, reservoir tank, appurtenances, and associated work for the benefit of the properties within the District. The area encompassing the District (Attachment 1) is located at the eastern portion of the City in the vicinity of Poway Road and Espola Road and is generally bounded by Donart Drive on the west and Blue Crystal Trails on the east. AD 79-1 was created pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, Division 12 of the California Streets and Highways Code. The improvements were financed through the sale of bonds issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code. The bonds are being redeemed by installments for a period of 15 years, beginning on January 2, 1983 and ending on July 2, 1997. The money for the redemption of the bonds comes from assessments collected from the benefiting property owners. The assessment is placed on the property owners property tax bill and is collected in the same manner as general County Taxes. Based on the adopted County zoning laws and land use requirements, at the time of District formation, it was conservatively projected that 152 dwelling units could have been developed and served by the District. At the time of incorporation, the City of Poway adopted the County zoning standards. In 1983, the City Council adopted "City of Poway" General Plan and the ACTION: 2 of 16 JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 ~, - Approval to Retire Bond, or Assessment District No. 79- June 20, 1995 Page 2 - corresponding Zoning Development Code and Zoning Map which changed zoning classifications and modified slope criteria and density standards on land development. According to the present zoning requirements, a maximum of 110 dwelling units may be developed under built-out conditions. Sixteen (16) properties in the Belvedere Estates located on Donart Drive are currently connected to public water supply which is serviced from a hydro- pneumatic pump station connected to City water. They have been receiving water with pressure and quality problems for many years. Also, owners of properties located east of Blue Crystal Trails (maximum of 19 lots) have expressed interest to connect to the City water supply. A few of these lots are developed with poor quality wells. The water system in AD 79-1 is the closest available connection to the public water system. However, the AD 79-1 water system would not become available to others outside the District until the bond obligation is paid in full. Staff has held several neighborhood meetings with the residents of AD 79-1 and property owners adjoining the District (Belvedere Estates and Blue Crystal Trails area), who would like to receive water service through the District facilities. As a result of input from property owners and City staff analysis, a methodology has been proposed which provides for the retirement of the bond, a partial rebate to the property owners within the District, and an estimated water service fee for new service to the property owners in the Blue Crystal Trails area. FINDINGS: Pursuant to Part II, Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, commencing at Section 8750, the treasurer may advance the maturity of the bond and cancel the same whenever there is surplus moneys for ret i rement. As of May 3D, 1995, there are enough funds on reserve to retire the bond. In addition, the fund has a balance of approximately $395,000.00 left in the account above the bond reserves. The remaining fund balance is due to early payments and accrued interest on the collected funds during the past 13 years (Attachment 2). Recent analysis indicates that due to water conservation efforts coupled with the increase in the cost of wholesale water from Metropolitan Water District, the water demand per lot has decreased in the District. The decrease in water usage coupled with the reduction in the number of dwelling units served (from 152 to 110) has created excess water capacity not anticipated at the time District AD 79-1 was created (Attachment 3). Therefore, the water service could be expanded to include approximately 42 additional dwelling units with no adverse impact on the existing water system. Bond Retirement and Reserve Reduction - The proposed details to retire the bonds and refund the excess fund balance to the owners within the District include the following elements (Attachment 4): 1. The reserve fund and the construction fund balances will be applied to retire the bonds. JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 rl 3 of 16 - Approva 1 to Ret ire Bo, , for Assessment District No.7. June 20, 1995 Page 3 2. The remaining balance, after retiring the bonds, will be returned on a prorata basis determined by the percent of principal paid on all properties in the District. 3. For those property owners who are delinquent in their assessments, the refund will be applied against their outstanding balance due. Exoansion of Water Service and Rebate to AD 79-1 Prooertv Owners - The elements of selling excess water capacity to properties outside the District and rebating property owners inside the District are as follows: 1. The value of excess water capacity within the District, due to an underutilized reservoir capacity is estimated by staff at a value of $151,800. The cost of this excess water capacity will be borne by the property owners in the Blue Crystal Trails area outside the District (maximum of 19 lots). 2. The value of excess water capacity ($151,800) will be distributed to all the property owners in the District in the form of a rebate. 3. The City will advance $159,400 (value of excess capacity and administrative fee) from the water fund balance for the rebate to the property owners in District AD 79-1 (Attachment 5). The value of the excess reservoir capacity is estimated at S,55/gal. which is the approximate cost to construct reservoirs today. 4 All properties within the assessment district will be exempt in the future from the water service fee for AD 79-1 facilities. These properties are still subject to all other water connection fees assessed by the City. 5. Total of 35 lots (16 in Belvedere Estates and 19 east of Blue Crystal Trails) may be added to the existing water system with no adverse impact on the system's integrity. The proposed number of lots (145) under the built-out condition is below the total number of lots originally intended when the District was created (152 lots). 6. Properties not currently connected to the public water supply system outside AD 79-1 will be assessed a special water service fee for utilizing District facilities. This money will be advanced by the water fund and then returned by future water service fees. The water service fee will be approximately $8,389.00 (including administrative fee) for District Facilities. All properties outside the District connecting to the District facilities (except those who are already connected to the public supply system) will be subject to all other connection fees as assigned by the City. Properties wishing to connect to the public water supply system outside the District will be required to improve the public water supply system in accordance with City standards as approved by the Director of Engineering Services. JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 [,J 4 of 16 --., - Approval to Retire Bond~ or Assessment District No. 79-i June 20, 1995 Page 4 - FISCAL IMPACT: $159,400.00 must be appropriated from the Water Fund Balance Account No. 510-8916 which will be repaid to the water fund through future water service fees. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This action is not subject to C.E.Q.A. review. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & CORRESPONDENCE: Property owners located in Assessment District No. 79-1. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Adopt the resolution Approving the Advance Retirement of Bonds for Assessment District No. 79-1 (Attachment 6). 2. Approve the disbursement from the AD 79-1 Reserve and Construction Funds to pay the remaining bond obligation and refund the remaining fund balance to the property owners within.the District (Attachment - 4) . 3. Find that additional capacity exists in AD 79-1 water system to provide service to 35 dwelling units outside the current district boundaries (Attachment 3). 4. Appropriate $159,400 from Water Fund Balance Account #510-8916 to complete the expansion of water system to 35 additional lots and corresponding rebates to current property owners in the District. 5. Direct staff to develop the final calculations and return to City Council with a resolution establishing the water service fee for properties not currently connected to the public water supply located outside of the District, as shown in Attachment 7, to recover monies advanced from the water fund reserves. JLB:PS:MSW:JS:NB:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. AD 79-1 Vicinity Map 2. Balance Sheet 3. Water Capacity Analysis 4. Refund Bond Table 5. AD 79-1 Property Owners Rebate and Refund Table - 6. Resolution 7. Vicinity Map - Outside of AD 79-1 8. Petition of Support from residents JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 I 5 of 16 , &o<1ND~~'~S '" ! ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. -79-1 r'-'-' CITY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA ..'0_ r ~ ':;, i . ~ !"I-!~ ~ 1 '.._._~..... /' ,.- I I f"M - ~" I (D '... .....-,.. . ~ I ,"., 1(J7"~ ~ ..... ~ u I ~ ", --- " ",,=...,..0 ~ i' '.'~' <E> ~\ 1;,,: ,"':- ~. __ .., ~ ,__.n \' ,.'" 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"./~ '~_-;"-':'__K~ i .. ~-"J~r -'-~~"- r-- - .-;1 ..--- ..._~ .......,..-. CITY OFPOWAY ITEM: Vicinity Map Approval to Advance the @ TITLE: Retirement of Bonds for Assessment District 79-1 SCALE: None ATTACHMENT: 1 JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 , , - - - AD 79-1 BOND REFUND BALANCE SHEET Original assessment amount $2,150,000.00 Principal payment as of June 30, 1995 $1 ,688, 176.44 Bond District Fund Reserves $ 878,063.00 Remaining balance due as of June 30, 1995 $ 483,070.00 (including bond call cost, penalties, etc.) Excess District funds to be refunded $ 395,000.00 c' - - ATTACHMENT 2 JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 H 7 of 16 -.--.- AD 79-' SUMMkrW OF WATER CAPACITY AI~ALYSIS I. Lots and Dwellinq Units (1995 Zoning) Number of existing lots within AD 79-1 88 Number of proposed lots within AD 79-1 -1.Z TOTAL LOTS WITHIN AD 79-1 (1995 Zoning) 110 Total number of lots outside/adjacent to AD 79-1 19 Total number of dwelling units from Belvedere Estates ~ TOTAL LOTS PROPOSED SERVED 145 II. Existinq Svstem Caoacitv Reservoir storage tank 700,000 Gal 2 pumps (750 gpm) + 1 pump standby 1,080,000 GPD III. Criteria for Storaqe (Water Master Plan) Provide for 3 hours of fire flow @ 1,500 GPM Provide for emergency storage at Y3 maximum day usage IV. Water Usaqe and Excess Caoacitv* Average water usage (actual four year readings) 1,224 GPO Peaking factor (summer peak day) .1L-.J. Peak day water usage 3,672 GPO Projected peak day usage including 8elvedere Estates (110 + 16) X 3,672 462,000 Gal Projected fire demand (3 hr X 1,500 gpm) 270,000 Gal Storage requirements Y3 (462,000) + 270,000 424,000 Gal Excess storage capacity available (700,000 - 424,000) 276,000 Gal Value of excess capacity charged to 19 lots adjacent to AD 79-1 ($0.55/gal X 276,000) $ 151,800 Total cost of water service to properties on Blue Crystal Trails (19 lots) $ 159,390** Cost per each lot for properties on Blue Crystal Trails ($159.390) $ 8,389** 19 *Calculated from water usage 1990-1994 **lncludes 5% Administrative Fee JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 H 8 of 16 ATTACHMENT 3 - - ,... N co Q, ..... 0) N U) N .... co to Q) ~ N _ 'I) Q) ~ C>> Q) c... -D'" Q) It) .. .... It) ... 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(,; JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 'I"i 14 of 16 I - - Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY APPROVING THE ADVANCE RETIREMENT OF BONDS FOR - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 79-1 WHEREAS, on September 18, 1981, the City Council of the City of Poway approved the creation of Assessment District No. 79-1 ("District" or "AD 79- 1") to fund public improvements for the installation of a pump station, primary water distribution line, reservoir tank, appurtenances, and associated work for the benefit of properties within the District; and WHEREAS, AD 79-1 was created pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the improvements were financed through the sale of bonds issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division 10 of said Streets and Highways Code; and WHEREAS, the bonds are redeemed by installments within a period of fifteen years, beginning on January 2, 1983 and ending on July 2, 1997; and WHEREAS, sixteen properties outside the District located in the Belvedere Estates on Donart Drive with water supply serviced from a hydro- pneumatic pump station have been receiving poor water quality for many years; and WHEREAS, also, owners or properties located e,ast of Blue Crystal Trails and outside the boundary of AD 79-1 have expressed'interest to connect to City -, water supply; and WHEREAS, the water system in AD 79-1 would not become available to others outside the District until the bond obligation is paid off. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway that: l. The City finds that advance retirement of bonds be made pursuant to the provisions of Part 11, Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Cal ifornia; and 2. Provide an opportunity for the properties in the Belvedere Estates and Blue Crystal Trails areas to connect to the AD 79-1 water system. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 20th day of June, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: - Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 6 JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 9 it 15 of 16 BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 79-1 rO_O-j, ! 0 ~ ,.., ."'- @ I'!OIIJ.F'~' LOCATION OF 19 PROPERTIES .. I .. _ . _~-i.; - ;:",.'" ._._ PROPOSED TO BE SERVICED l (D.: " ~"t' BY THE AD 79,\ WATERJJSYSTEM ~ iltt<9J' , 1:@/ " ~~, i': , ,-'-"'- ".-~""" ". ,.~ i' ~;r!:;;;;' ;'--" ,. -, 'e .~~., . ~ '-~--~;'T<-----::+",,".~~ : 61..\J.;;,;;~{T"'(,.-!m I . _. . 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L' I ,. ~ . -" ":"''':.'::'"' _'W' --- ~-~ l' -! 0 : ..._-". · · ......{~ -" <!D .........-... ~ 11II aD .....~L.. I ""..- - ~_._ .',.! I _Ioofl .. _ _.. 4~ "_'--, ! -- . ...... -...- .w._ _____K ~ un .nu;"O-<'-"'" ~,.i -~';::.._. VICINITY MAP JUN 2 01995 ITEM 9 ATTACHMENT 7 - ,- Wa.~r Assessment District AD79-1 - We, the undersigned residents and property owners in the Millards Valley area petition in support of the City of Poway Staffs recommendation in the resolution of the AD79-1 bond retirement and urge all parties concerned to accept that resolution. Signature Date Name Address )!/l~ b(glfS JOHIV'i/LfZ;ZI-'''''ol? I'-"G~5 CIlO/9/l- I!-/~/? c.r ,0, I L "'- 11. 6/~/fj ~d~lfl-'IIL ~(".,~( - ........ - - ,;1,ft( ~ (;./fl7.J~ I!.pb.....1 JllI.fI..... lJiu I..rj',d" / ./..;, ~~~-=-- ("--f --7)- M'/ /5~. (c,/ /Cf5T/./'-/.04......c:JJ p~), ,~l~vJ-t\ J,t~\J. 6-8.qrJl~ ~~~Q ltU'b( ~cb-v'~\&~~ d- buJJ:,ilSJ'6{ ~4.~"ill, b' ~-17 5 roMfl>,rM /vlov.l~!(/ 13~$ '\V1. 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