1995 06-27 Agenda - CITY OF POWAY m;I;1Igg~!il!~j~~~gg,a1li~g~~~lg~ REGULAR MEETING - JUNE 27, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. PRESENTATION of Pl aques to Commi ttee Members: 1995-96 Budget Review; Housing Commission; Library Advisory; Poway Road Specific Plan; and Redevelopment & Housing 3.1 PROCLAMATION - "Nat i ona 1 Bobby Sox Tournament of Champi ons Week," August 10-15, 1995 4. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State taw may prohibit the City Counci7 from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns wi77 be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 18 THROUGH ~!ll$ MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL 8E NoStPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE PULLED FOR DISCUSSION. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE PULLED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A REQUEST TO SPEAK SLIP (GREEN IN FAVOR OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND RED IN OPPOSITION) AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.* Landscape Maintenance Di stri ct 83-1. Second public hearing to allow public input for assessments to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during fiscal year 1995-96. Proposed assessment for Zone A is $118.48 per year, and for Zone B is $255.35 per year, which represents no change from FY 93-94 for both zones. (Continued from May 23, 1995, Item 9. ) (401-27) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Resolution establishing 1995-96 assessments of $118.48 per unit in Zone A and $255.34 per unit in Zone B. * Exhibit Enclosed - ':;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:::::;:::;:::::;::::::'::;::'::::::;::':;:::::;:::;::::;:;;::::;;:':;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;::'::::::::::::::::::'::'::::::::::;:::;:::::;:;:::;:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:':;;;:;:::;:;';:;:::::::::::.:,',::::::::'::.::;::.:::::,::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::~::;::;:;;::;::'::;::':::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::;::;::~::~:;::::::::r~:;::::::::::;::r:::~::;::::::::;::::::;::,::::::::~:::::::t;:::::;:::::::: CITY OF POWAV - CIl ;OUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 27,1 5 - PAGE TWO 6.* Landscape Maintenance District 86-1. Second public hearing to allow public input for assessments to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll duri ng fi sca 1 year 1995-96. Proposed assessment for Zone A is $261.00 per year which is decreased from $261.02, and no assessment for Zone B. (Continued from May 23, 1995, Item 10.) (401-27) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Resolution establishing assessments of $261.00 per unit in Zone A and $-0- in Zone B. 7. * Landscape Mai ntenance Di stri ct 86-3. Second publ i c heari ng to a 11 ow public input for assessments to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during fiscal year 1995-96. Proposed assessment for Zone A is $163.00 per year, and for Zone B is $113.80 per year, which represents no change from FY 93-94 for both zones. (Continued from May 23, 1995, Item 11.) (401-27) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Resolution establishing assessments of $163.00 per unit in Zone A and $113.80 per unit in Zone B. 8.* General Plan Amendment 95-01A - amending strategy I.F.4 of the General Plan to allow structures in the South Poway Community Plan area to exceed 35 feet in height. (Continued from June 20, 1995, Item 6) (203-11) j!"""'t;"""""""""""""'''''1''''~'''''''''''"""'."""""""""""'"''''''''''''''''1/''''''''..<<..."w.".....'t{'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.".'l'''f'....'.,., CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION"N ""i',t"e,!)$),."t,i'", .... ~~~!1j!)9l~~!!P~IR~~!!J9~j9i'i~PP!J~~,i'i~IGf~!I~~~ill:'!JR!llm",!!NL~I!PHn2 9.* Environmental Assessment and Specific Plan Amendment 84-01Y to amend the South Poway Specific' Plan to incorporate various clarifications and amendments including: 1) amendment of the 1 ist of uses permitted to establish regulations concerning outside storage uses, contractors yards, auction houses, truck or automobile fleet storage, pushcarts, and temporary sand and gravel aggregate processing facilities 2) clarification that land designated as OS (1 du) will be subject to the RR- A zone standards; 3) establishment of a maximum height for structures of 45' rather than 35' as is currently allowed; 4) amendment to and/or clarification of development standards concerning parking in commercial areas, equipment screens, setbacks, driveway width and fencing; 5) redes i gnat i ng parcel at the northeast corner of Dani e 1 son Street and Nelson Drive from LI (light industrial) to SPC (South Poway Commercial); 6) incorporating maps which reflect changes that have been made to the ci rcul at i on system and i dent ifyi ng the 1 ocat i on of vari ous land use des i gnat ions on maps refl ect i ng these changes; and, 7) i ncorporat i ng standard safety conditions and criteria for temporary or partial occupancy of commercial/industrial buildings. (Continued from June 20, 1995, Item 7.) (203-21) ~li~i~i~lli\l~i1~iil~~~~~~~~1~~~E1'~II~lll~lllill!lli~~11111111111i~lir~~III:I~1 * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY. CITY '-""UNCIL AGENDA. JUNE 27, 19r- . PAGE THREE 10.* Proposed Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1995-96 for the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency. (Continued from June 20, 1995, Item 4.) (205-02) CITY MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close the public hearing; adopt Resolutions (1 City, 1 Agency) approving budget; adopt Benefit Resolutions (11 City, 11 Agency) for Capital Improvement Projects. -- - NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.* Water Rates and Sewer Servi ce Charges for Fi sca 1 Year 1995-96. Mflli~~lf ij~~n~~~ii~;~~~:;I~~~;~~ATION: ItgR~ljB~'il:!~lt~!liJlilliJ:i~il'E9ijJJliiil~ilii!!9 12.* Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment GPA 95-01B, Zoning Ordinance Amendment ZOA 95-01, Zone Change 95-01A, and Specific Plan SP 95-01. These actions will create four new commercial land use categories for the Poway Road area and delete the Manufacturing Service (MS) category (which is currently applied to properties at the eastern end of the area) and the Commercial Community (CC) category (which is currently applied to properties in the general vicinity of Midland Road and Community Road). The actions will also redesignate most properties within the proposed Poway Road Specific Plan area to one of the new categories as shown below. Properties near the intersection of Poway Road and Garden Road, which are adjacent to the eastern end of the proposed specific plan area, are proposed to be redesignated from Manufacturing Service (MS) to Commercial Neighborhood (CN). The property occupied by the Lutheran Church, which is currently split zoned Manufacturing Service (MS) and Residential Single Family 2 (RS-2) is proposed to be rezoned to entirely Residential Single Family 2 (RS-2). Adoption of a Specific Plan, which will establish design gUidelines for the area, is also recommended. (203-11) lil;liiilll~\II\lil"ilii~~I~~~~IIIIII((II~:lllillllfill~ir~ll[lilllflllll * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation _._- CITY OF POWAY - cn COUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 27, , )5 - PAGE FOUR 13.* Condit i ona 1 Use Permit 95-05 and Development Review 95-08, Outback Steakhouse, Wiliam Fancher, applicant: a request to construct a 6,650 square foot restaurant which will also serve beer, wine and liquor, on a portion of an existing .8 acre site at the southwest corner of Twin Peaks Plaza, at the intersection of Ted Williams Parkway and Pomerado Road. (203-08) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; find that the previously issued Negative Declaration for TPM 86-93 adequately addresses the potent i a 1 environmental impacts; close the public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. 14.* Landscape Maintenance District 86-2. Public hearing to allow public input for assessments to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during fiscal year 1995-96. Proposed assessment for Zone A is $186.16 per year which is no change from FY 94-95, and for Zone B is $240.90 per year, which is a decrease from FY 94-95. (Zone A: Sunrise Ranch; SilverRidge; Garden Road; La Paz Summit; Kadon Ranch. Zone B: Sycamore Creek). (401-27) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close the public hearing; adopt Resolution establishing assessments at $186.16 per unit in Zone A and $240.90 in Zone B. 15.* Landscape Maintenance District 87-1. First public hearing to allow public input for assessments to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during fiscal year 1995-96. (Pomerado Business Park, Phases I and II; Parkway Business Centre, Phase I; and Poway Corporate Center, Phase I.) (705-14) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take pub 1 i c input regarding proposed assessments of $790 per net acre for Parkway Business Centre and Poway Corporate Center (an increase from $750.84), $1,246.21 per net acre for Pomerado Business Park, Phases I and II and McMillin commercial property (an increase from $750.84) and $311.58 per unit for McMillin residential property (new assessment); and continue public hearing to August 1, 1995. 16.* Poway Lighting District. First public hearing to allow public input for assessments to be collected on the San Diego County Tax Roll during fiscal year 1995-96. Proposed assessments are $15 per unit in Zone A; $3.75 in Zone Band $13.58 in Zone C. New assessments are proposed for 910 vacant parcels at a rate of 50 percent of the assigned benefit rate; $I,260 parcels are being moved from Zone B to Zone A, and 115 parcels are being moved from Zone A to Zone B. (705-10) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; continue public hearing to August 1, 1995. STAFF REPORTS 17 .* Adjustment to Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services' Rate Schedule pursuant to the provisions of the Solid Waste Franchise Agreement. (602-01 #1031) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resol ut ion reduci ng sol id waste rates to correspond with reduction in San Diego County tip fee; approximately 4.39% for single family residential, and 6.96% for multi- family and commercial. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation - ~ CITY OF POWAY - CITY UNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 27, 19f PAGE FIVE . CONSENT CALENDAR - 18.* Approval of Minutes - City Council June 6, 1995, Regular Meeting 19.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency June 6, 1995, Regular Meeting 20.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of June 5-9, 1995. (401-10) 21.* Approval of City's Investment Report: May 31, 1995. (408-01 ) 22.* Approval of an amendment to the Law Enforcement Contract for fiscal year 1995-96, approving an extension through September 30, 1995. (602-01 #59) 23.* Approval of an agreement for the exclusive right to negotiate for the purchase of property owned by the Poway Redevelopment Agency at the southwest corner of Poway and Community Roads with the F.T. Yon der Ahe Company. This property is the former site of Security Pacific Bank. (602-01 #227R) 24.* Resolution No. 95- - Adopting an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 19~ (401-23) 25.* Appropriation of $25,000 from the Capi tal Replacement Fund for the purchase of a 1984 International water truck. (601-04) 26.* Appropriation of $17,500 for Willaim Martincorena's legal servi ces to ,.,-. prepare the agreement with Pacific Bell for the proposed fi ber-opt i c network upgrade as authorized on May 18, 1995. (1208-01) 27. * Extension of agreement with Bob Wilson for lobbying services on behalf of the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency to June 30, 1996. (602-01 #983 & 199R) 28.* Resolution No. P-95- - Temporary Use Permit 95-44, City of Poway applicant: a request TOr approval of an old-fashioned Fourth of July at Old Poway Park and notice of the fireworks event at the Poway High School Stadium. ( 203-07) 29.* Resolution No. P-95- - Temporary Use Permit 95-74R, Anytime Towing app 1 i cant: a reg~f1~t!()}lll ow a towi ng ope rat i on and temporary storage of vehi cl es on Lot~37l!l\dm41 of Parkway Bus i ness Centre northwest corner of P~l1i e 1 son Streefiiiidl"arkway Centre Dri ve;@"gi9gnM,~~;i,ji:!~1~@~~1:gij:::pn]!i;R~ 'l~@ (Continued from June 6, 1995, Item 2S;rQ{203:::07) -- * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CIT ~OUNCIL AGENDA - JUNE 27,1"5 - PAGE SIX CITY MANAGER ITEMS 30. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 31!rH~!li(I~l!~S~ssiiJ!\l. ~!IIIII~~~1111~ii~I~~~~IIII~iil~IJII~iilil~:~~:i:~~!9$}~~lg9 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 32. MICKEY CAFAGNA 33. SUSAN CALLERY 34. ROBERT EMERY 35. BETTY REXFORD 36. DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNMENT