Item 5 - Resolution Establishing Assessments for LMD 83-1 AGE;-';D,~PORT SUM~IARY ---- TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City M~ " A''''' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage ' rl James R. Williams, Director of Public Service Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide 1" ~ DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Resolution Establishing Assessments for Poway Landscape Maintenance District 83-1, Zones A and B, to be Collected on the Property Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 1995/96 ABSTRACT On May 2, 1995, the City Council approved the Engineer's Report by adopting Resolution No. 95-024, declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within the City of Poway Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) 83-1, Zones A and B, and set two public hearings for May 23 and June 27, 1995. The May 23, 1995 public hearing allowed public testimonies to be received regarding new assessments proposed to be collected within the District's Zone B (commercial). Assessments for the Zone A (residential) units are proposed to remain at the current rate of $118.48 per unit/year (or $9.87 per unit/month). Zone B (commercial) assessments are also proposed to remain at the - current rate of $255.34 per unit/year (or $21.27 per unit/month); however, one parcel, containing 5.4 units was added to the District during FY 94/95. E~ONMENTALREvmW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient revenues will be generated by assessments to offset the District's maintenance costs. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Pursuant to SB 1977 Section 50078.6, all public notification requirements have been met, including: posting within the Agency, display ad not less than 1/8 page to run in a newspaper of general circulation for not less than three weeks, and mailed notice to property owners affected by new assessments. Informational letters were mailed to all district property owners on June 7 and 9, 1995. No responses have been received regarding the proposed assessments at the time this report was written. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing assessments for Poway Landscape Maintenance District 83-1 to be collected on the Property Tax Roll for fiscal year 1995/96. I ACTION - 1 of 6 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 5 -.-- ._-,_.. -------~-_.._"--------"_.,-~ ~ AGENDA REPOR' CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ , "c': INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerv\, ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide ,.y '~, ~ DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Resolution Establishing Assessments for Poway Landscaoe Maintenance District 83-1 to be Collected on the Progertv Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 1995/96 BACKGROUND LMD 83-1 was formed on June 14, 1983 to maintain landscape improvements installed in conjunction with new subdivisions within the boundaries of the District. On May 2, 1995, the Poway City Council approved the Engineer's Report for LMD 83-1, Zones A and B, and set two public hearings. Under the requirements of SB 1977, a public hearing to accept testimony on the addition of new assessments was held on May 23, 1995. District 83-1, by zone, includes the following developments: ZONE "AII (residential) Map Nos. Development Units TTMs 3495, 4113, 419l Rancho Arbolitos 991 89-15 and 89-18 TTM 3053 Adobe Ridge I* and II 111 (AKA poway Woods) ACTION: l 2 of 6 )) JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 5 - Agenda Report - LMD 83-1 Levy and Collect Assessments June 27, 1995 Page 2 ZONE "A" {continued} Mat) Nos. Develo1;>ment Units TTM 3533 The Colonies 30 (AKA Poway Hills) TTM 3461 Casa Real, Unit 7 68 TTM 85-01 Rancho Espola 12 TTM 84-04R Country Creek 51 TTM 84-07 Woodland Hills 28 TTM 86-05 Community 16 Villas 16 (AKA poway 16) TTM 87-04 Park Village Condos 18 TTM 87-06 Cicero-Pacific 7.5 TTM 88-05 Gateway/La Manda 23 TTM 87-11 Jonathan Park Lane 6.5 TTM 88-07 Indian Trails 11 TTM 88-13 Royster/Footman Lane 8 TTM 88-09 Carmel Vista 21 TTM 86-04 Midland Estates 10 TPM 89-02 Stobbs 2 TPM 89-09 Cusick 4 TTM 91-03 Diroma Estates 2.5 TPM 90-04 Royster/Stone Canyon 2.5 ------- ------- Total Units 1,423.0 TOTAL UNITS ASSESSED* 1,407.0 *Sixteen of the 54 parcels within Adobe Ridge I have been purchased by the City of poway for a neighborhood park. According to Section 22646 of the California Streets and Highway Code, assessments are to be collected on the County Tax Collector's Roll. Governmental agencies, however, do not receive tax bills. Therefore, there are no means to collect for these 16 parcels. JUN 27 1995 ITEM 5 3 of 6 --. --~-~- Agenda Report - LMD 83-1 Levy and Collect Assessments June 27, 1995 Page 3 Zone liB" (commercial) Ma~ Nos. Deve1o~ment Units TPM 86-03 Twin Peaks Plaza 93.08 TPM 89-19 Urban Economics 1 CUP 9l-08/DR 91-25 El Rancho Grande (Montessori) 4 CUP 91 - 05 pomerado Boarding Care 1. 76 CUP 92-05 Kindercare 5.4 ------- ------- Total Units Assessed 105.24 FINDINGS The City Council approved Engineer's Report is on file with the offices of the poway City Clerk, 13325 Civic Center Drive, and the Department of Public Services, 14644 Lake Poway Road, Poway, California. The assessments for Zone A (residential) are remain at the current FY 94/95 rate of $118.48 per unit/year (or $9.873 per unit/month) during fiscal year 1995/96. This rate of assessment is based on the required revenue of $166,702 divided by the number of units (1,407) . Zone B (commercial) assessments are also proposed to remain at the current FY 94/95 rate of $255.34 per unit/year (or $21.278 per unit/month) during fiscal year 1995/96. This rate of assessment is based on the required revenue of approximately $26,872 divided by the number of units (105.24) . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient revenues will be generated by assessments to offset the District's maintenance costs. JUN 27 1995 ITEM 5 4 of 6 -. Agenda Report - Levy and Collect Assessments June 27, 1995 - Page 4 PUBLIC NOTIPICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Pursuant to SB 1977 Section 50078.6, all public notification requirements were met, including: posting within the Agency, display ad not less than 1/8 page to run in a newspaper of general circulation for not less than three weeks, and mailed notice to property owners affected by new Or increased assessments. Informational letters were mailed to all district property owners on June 7 and 9. 1995. No responses have been received regarding the proposed assessments at the time this report was written. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution establishing assessments for poway Landscape Maintenance District 83-1 to be collected on the Property Tax Roll for fiscal year 1995/96. JLB:JRW:DWC:PSN Attachment: Resolution Establishing Assessments JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 5 , I 5 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY. CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING ASSESSMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 83-1 TO BE COLLECTED ON THE PROPERTY ROLL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995/96 WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Poway desires to have Landscape Maintenance District assessments collected on the property tax roll; and WHEREAS. on May 2. 1995. at a regular meeting of the Poway City Council. the amounts to be collected have been set forth in a public report; and WHEREAS, on May 23 and June 27. 1995 public testimony was allowed on any proposed new assessments; and WHEREAS. the public has been allowed to comment on these amounts and this action has been duly advertised as required by law; and WHEREAS. this action is authorized by the laws of the State of California. NOW. THEREFORE. the City Council of the City of Poway hereby finds. resolves, and determines. and orders as follows: Section 1: The sum of assessments to be collected on the 1995/96 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the maintenance of landscape and hardscape improvements within Zones A and B of Landscape Maintenance District are as follows: Zone A: $166.702 Zone B: $ 26.872 PASSED. ADOPTED. and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway. California. at a regular meeting thereof this 27th day of June. 1995. Don Higginson. Mayor ATTEST Marjorle K. Wahlsten. City Clerk JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 5 I 6 of 6