Item 9 - EA SPSP Amendment 84-01Y --- - .- -d3-q~ u~S"R\BU1.:.0 AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: .......,. ..... ... .....,. ~C'" Co,"", FROM: .:James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED .:John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager \:~ BY: Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services DATE: .:June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment and South Powav SDecific Plan AIIllndment 84-0lY to incorporate clarifications & amendments including: 1) create regulations for outside storage uses, contractors yards, auction houses, truck or automobile fleet storage, pushcarts, & temporary aggregate processing facilities 2) clarify that land designated as OS (1 du) will abide by the RR-A zone standards; 3) set a 45' maximum height for structures rather than the current 35'; 4) amend &/or clarify the development standards for parking in commercial areas, equipment screens, setbacks, driveway width & fencing; 5) redesignate parcel 317-810-09, at the N.E. corner of Danielson Street/ Nelson Drive from LI (Light Industrial) to SPC (South Poway Commercial); 6) include maps to show changes made to the circulation system & identify the location of various land use designations on maps reflecting these changes; &, 7) incorporate standard safety conditions and criteria for temporary or partial occupancy of commercial/industrial buildings. - ABSTRACT This report addresses the approval of an amendment to the South Poway Specific Plan to amend and clarify Volume I, development plan and Volume 2, development standards. ENVtltONMENTAL REVIEW A Negative Declaration regarding environmental impact is recOMmended per CEQA. make a motion of intent FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and sent to Neville Bothwell of Tech Business Center, George Codling of ADI Properties, Linda Richardson of C.F. Pomerado, Charles McLauchlan, Carol Funk and to 724 property owners within the specific plan area or within 500 feet of its periphery. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council close the public hearing, issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approving Specific Plan Amendment 84-01Y. ACTION 1 of 10 IING\REPORT\SP8401YA.SU2 JUH 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 -----. CITY OF POW A Y AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council ~ FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment and SDecific Plan Amendment 84-01Y to amend the South Poway Specific Plan to incorporate various clarifications and amendments including: 1) amendment of the list of uses permitted to establish regulations concerning outside storage uses, contractors yards, auction houses, truck or automobile fleet storage, pushcarts, and temporary sand and gravel aggregate processing facilities 2) clarification that land designated as OS (1 du) will be subject to the RR-A zone standards; 3) - establishment of a Maximum height for structures of 45' rather than 35' as is currently allowed; 4) amendment to and/or clarification of development standards concerning parking in commercial areas, equipment screens, setbacks, driveway width and fencing; 5) redesignating parcel 317-810- 09, at the northeast corner of Danielson Street and Nelson - Drive from LI (Light Industrial) to SPC (South Poway COIIIIllercial) ; 6) incorporating maps which reflect changes that have been made to the circulation syste. and identifying the location of various land use designations on maps reflecting these changes; and, 7) incorporating standard safety conditions and criteria for temporary or partial occupancy of commercial/industrial buildings. BACKGROUND The public hearing on this item was held on June 20, 1995. The i teal was continued to June 27 because the specific plan amendment could not be adopted until after general plan amendment GPA 95-01A was adopted. FINDINGS At the June 20, 1995 meeting, staff presented the City Council with some revised 1 anguage for the sections deal ing with height, lot coverage, &Ad building setbacks. This revised language is included as Attachment A to this report. In addition, it was recommended that lots 19, 41 and 42 of the Parkway Business Centre property be included in the lots designated for outside starlge and heavy industrial uses. A revised exhibit showing those lots is also iacluded. If GPA 95-01A is adopted at the June 27, 1995 hearing, it will be appropriate to take final action approving Specific Plan Amendment SPA 84-01Y. 2 of 10 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 .- Agenda Report June 27, 1995 - Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW An environmental initial study has been completed in order to assess potential environmental impacts associated with this specific plan amendment and it has been determined that there are no significant adverse environmental impacts anticipated. The issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended. FISCAL IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Publ ic notice was publ ished in the POIII.y Net/s Chieft.in and lllailed to 724 property owners in the project area. RECOMMENDATION It is reclllllllended that the City Council close the public hearing, issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approving Specific Plan AMendment 84-0lY . - JLB:RWQ:kls Attachments: A) Revised language B) Revised exhibit 1:) Proposed Resolution D) Report from 6-20-95 (Limited Di~trihution) JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 3 of 10 .------ -------- South Poway Development Standards, Volume 2 5) All street fronting fences and walls, except for required gates, shall be of conaete tilt-up or solid masonry visually compatible with the building exterior. 6) All exterior wall elevations facing any street are to have architectural treatment 7) Wood siding shall be permitted in SPC zone only. b. The following materials are restricted. 1) Sheet or corrugated metal, asbestos or similar materials used on exterior walls. 2) Use of a single material (such as more than 70% glass) on exterior walls. 2. Roof - - No part of the roof may project above the building parapet, except architectural screening of roof-top mechanical equipment 3. Height - 1 >::: - 4. Equipment screens a. All roof mounted equipment and/or duct work shall be screened by an enclosure of equal or greater height which shall be consistent with the building design, building materials and exterior colors. South Poway Specific Plan Attachment A 48 4 of 10 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 ,- South Poway Development Standards, Volume 2 3. COVERAGE a. Maximum allowable coverage is 50".4. 1he area allowed for structural coverage shall be no greater than 50% of the net lot area. The net lot area for development is exclusive of slopes and road right~f-way. Ma~dml.lm 9l.lih:liAg I:leigl:lt is 35 feel b. The sum total of building footprints within norH"eSidential PUD's or industrial condominium subdivisions shall not excEled the 50 percent coverage as defined above. Careful consideration should be given during the environmental review of proposed non-residential planned unit developments and industrial conc:Iominium subdivisions in the 1I and IP designations to ensure that traffic generated by such subdivision projects does not cause an increase in traffic over and above that anticipated by the plan and its supporting environmental impact reports. A site specific traffic analysis may be required. - 4. SETBACKS: a. Building Setbacks: b. Parking Setbacks: c. Fences and/or Screen Walls: 5. DRIVEWAY WIDTH I b. ' Driveway width shall be limited to 30 feet for each 100 foot segment of property line abutting the street, but no single driveway shall have a width of more than 30 feet measured at the property line. 6. LOADING AREAS: a. All loading facilities and maneuvering areas shall be on-site. b. Loading areas in the front of the building shall be prohibited in the IP and SPC zones. Front loading areas shall be permittecI in the LI zone if appropriately screened. South Poway Specific Plan 55 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 5 of 10 - - ,- .--------.....----- South Poway Development Standards, Volume 2 c. Loading areas and truck doors shall not enaoach into front or exterior side setback areas, nor the landscape setback along South Poway Arterial. d. ~~~IJiareas andddoorst beare pe~~~~ed~ SbPC !i\1'l$lYill!_~ zaRes an mus scr........... . . . . .... y a concrete or masonry wall a minimum of six feet and not more than 12 feet in height, textured or colored to match the main building and located no closer to a street than the applicable par1dng setback requirement. TABLE 1 BUILDING SETBACK SUMMARY Light Industrial South Poway Industrial Park Commercial ~i&llri;rit('-fl'*j ~ ~ ~ .nmJL~~~..D!mgmK _ iN) RIll - Rear Yard 0'120' CJI2CJ 0'120 ElEteriar siEle (samer parsals)yarEl 35' 35' 35' IlJterjpr, ~ideN vards.,.um~. 40' 4CJ 4CJ ........=....,.,...~.. "''''1' . .. ..... ~ ~,,~..,... Ko,g%m ~x!a""" "~~';;' ...... . ....... " ..' .. ~,~)... ...~~9t~, 'E.....k: l:..) ..:......... .. .:., .:...... . x .';. . ......""~!L....".....'dL.......... .*~p",.....};4r .'d. d . S'-S.",,,,;,,,,,,~.. '~'lW:MI,li.;. iI" '.. ~",!lS~~LJ9~l9"nlg.!L.ilHU1l!n~f.i * ":: , ::: . 1, Rear yards which abut streets shall be considered elEteFiar III side yards. South Poway Specific Plan 56 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 6 of 10 - - - South Poway Development Standards, Volume 2 2. When either rear yard or 8*leFior III side yard abut the .. Poway _, the 50 foot landscaped setback requirement shall supersede minimum building setbacks and, in those cases, the minimum building setback shall be SO'. 3. For all buildings over 250 feet in length an additional one (1) foot front yard setback per ten (10) feet of length to a maximum fifty (50) feet from the property line shall be required. 4. Sideyard and rear yard setbacks shall be CJ or 2CJ or greater where no slope exists, but in no case shall the sum of the sideyards on each lot be less than 40'. 5. All setbacks are measured from property line. 6. Front and street side yard setbacks for buildings may be averaged. as iIIl.1stAHeEl iR ~ieit 11'~ Bl.IiIEliR!lS may Ret eAsmash RlElr-e tIlaR fi';e feet iRtEl 1/:Ie reql.liFaEl 35 feet seteask. In all cases, the encroachment shall be offset by an equal building area which observes a proportionately greater setback._ The aveF8ge Ill.lilEliRg soteask R'll.lst eo as feet. - 7. Where adjoining property side anellor rear yards are separated by slopes, the horizontal distance between buildings shall be no less than 20 feet, and the distance between a building and the top or toe of slope shall be a minimum of five feet. This standard is illustrated in Exhibit 1 B. 8. Setbacks for buildings located in non-residential PUD's and industrial condominium subdivisions in light Industrial and Industrial Park areas shall meet or exceed the minimum setback standards in Table 1 above with respect to the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. Setbacks from individual lot lines may be zero feet provided that required building separation is maintained. 9. In cases where approved lots within the PC Development Plan have two front yards each of which adjoin a street, building setbacks may be reduced within one of the South Poway Specific Plan 57 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 7 of 10 --- -..-.- '-, _ fB:O-- S66~ u Rnr~ ----- . ~ " -., ~ . , ~, , ". ,,' '. " ',901 ,0 , {f) , ..... ~ ...... . W <cr- ~ ~ : CJl .-.., ~ ~ 1> . ,.. y" / I , :::> " ~ "'~ ,. " Ii. M-' ',. .~i ..: I .. Kl -. ~ ..I\' . H' 'S ~..~ . ~ p::; -..... ~ o. ~ ~ ".i';~ '-"" E-< I ~ " o ~ .....'1 ~ ~ z 11 \" " 1 ~ ':. 0;. 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'.; ,i.., ~ ~.!f lit .- " :'i. ~. - ..., Cl - , \ ~ ~ .. -';1-- \lj,...' :I,~ ~ ~ ~ 1;' ~.~ 0 . , -'''' ~ ~,~ . / ~ : \ ~'\\ ~ ~ ~ IlI""''' W ~r- ~ ~ ~'(~t ~ , < ~. ,'t ~r;'\ ~ i 'J.'J7-!.,7 ONN 271995 ITEM 9 t 8 of 10 _..__.._,._ - ~ . a__,_ __ _ ,__. _______________~__~___.__,~__ ,.. _____.. - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 84-01Y WHEREAS, Chapter 17.47 (Specific Plan Regulations) of the Poway Municipal Code (Zoning Ordinance) provides for the initiation, preparation and adoption of specific plans in accordance with Section 65450, et seq. of the Cali forn i a Government Code (Article 8. Specific Plan); and WHEREAS, Section 17.47.020.C (Initiation) of the Poway Zoning Ordinance provides that the City Council may initiate the preparation of, or amendment to, a specific plan on property by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Counc il adopted Planning Resolution No. 94-132 on December 13, 1994 initiating SPA 84-01Y; and WHEREAS, the requested amendment to allow outside storage uses within the LI (Light Industrial) and IP (Industrial Park) land use designations has been researched by staff as directed by the City Council and input received from property owners within the business park as to certain lots for these types of uses; and WHEREAS, the requested amendment of the list of uses permitted to establis~ regulations concerning outside storage uses, contractors yards, auction houses, truck or automobil e fl eet storage, pushcarts, and temporary sand and gravel aggregate processing facilities will allow diversification of uses within the business park; and WHEREAS, another requested amendment would clarify that land designated as OS (1 du) will be subject to the RR-A zone standards; and WHEREAS, a requested amendment would establ ish a maximum height for structures of 45' for the LI and IP land use designations rather than 35' provided the lots are within the interior of the business park and observe a minimum additional front yard setback of ten feet; and WHEREAS, another requested amendment would incorporate amendments made to date to the development standards and propose additional amendments and/or clarification of development standards concerning parking in commercial areas, equipment screens, setbacks, driveway width and fencing; and WHEREAS, redesignation of parcel 317-810-09, at the northeast corner of Danielson Street and Parkway Business Centre Drive (formerly Nelson Drive) from LI (Light Industrial) to SPC (South Poway Commercial) is requested for the Parkway Business Centre office building; and WHEREAS, appendices are incorporated with standard safety conditions and criteria for temporary or partial occupancy of commercial/industrial buildings; and WHEREAS, maps are to be incorporated into Volume 1, Development Plan, of the South Poway Specific Plan which reflect changes that have been made to the circulation system and identifying the location of various land use designations on maps reflecting these changes. JUN 2 7 1995 ITeM 9 9 of 10 JUN 2 0 1995 nEM 7 -- ~.__.- ------- Resolution No. Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Ffndfnas: The City Council finds that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. Section 2: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) 84-01Y to make various clarifications and amendments to Volumes 1 and 2 of the specific plan as shown in Exhibit A, on file in the City Clerk's Office. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 27th day of June 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: - Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. ____ , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the _____ day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway .tUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 10 of 10 JUN 2 0 1995 ITEM 7 ., KE"Jrs:f75 South Poway Development Standards, Volume 2 .If .LJ ~lifi__'r I It .. .. . * !ill .... ......... Q ".. .: :.v.:~. ":-:':: .:.".,: .\ _'.: ":"'.,. .:. . ::,;- ".::..,.:.," .'. 1.j~~r6d.'. ,. ........ ..[ .. ... ,. m. : .' :'" .::::..."..: :.,-.: .:' : c. Multiple-tenant, commercial for - lease office use C X where such use does not exceed 40 percent of the floor area within any building. d. Sales, rental, or repairs of the following: building or C C earthmoving equipment, trucks, trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, buses, manufactured housing. e. Building material/lumber yards, contrac- X X tors yards, building material/lumber yards, trash, or refuse processing or distribution. f. Agricultural packing houses, metal forging, X X fireworks/explosives, refining, rendering, hazardous chemicals/materials manufacturing, tire retreading, recapping, and manufacturing, mobile home manufacturing, paint manufacturing, stockyards or slaughter of animals. g. Residential dwellings, churches, hospitals, hotels, X X motels and other similar uses offering lodging to guests, convalescent care facilities, and mobile home parks. h. Private schools/pre-schools (child care). C C i. Commercial uses except for Industrial Support X X Services for up to 10 percent of the gross floor area of each parcel, or Retail Outlets as an accessory use for up to 25 percent of the gross floor area of each parcel. R II ADD South Poway Specific Plan 35 IUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 9 66 of 106 ..1 ---