Item 10.1 - CUP 83-01 Annual Review Iglesia ni Cristo - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager lQ... Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 83-01 Annual Review, consideration of possible modification or revocation of approval for continued use of the site by the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ). ABSTRACT On June 20, 1995 the City Council heard testimony from both the applicants and the surrounding residents of the Elm Park Lane neighborhood which surrounds the church. On June 22, staff met with the neighborhood and a list of draft conditions was prepared. Staff met again with the neighborhood representatives to review the conditions and an agreement was reached. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is exempt under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Class I and a Notice of Exemption has been issued. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE This is a continuation of a public hearing from June 20, 1995, for which public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 155 property owners within 500 feet of the project boundaries.- , RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution containing interim conditions of approval for CUP 83-01 and set a follow up hearing date for August 22, 1995, at which time progress toward the required conditions will be further assessed. ACTION , . I , - E:\CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\IGLESIA.SUM -------"-- - .- J _lI1N II 7 tllCIl: ~II 10_ 1 AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City anager ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit 83-01 Annual Review, Consideration of possible modification or revocation of approval for continued use of the site by the Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ). The property is located at 12730 Elm Park Lane, in the R-7 zone. APN: 317-640-52 BACKGROUND On June 20, 1995 the City Council heard testimony from both the applicants and the surrounding residents of the Elm Park Lane neighborhood which surrounds the church. The City Council directed staff to collect recommendations from the neighbors and prepare a list of interim conditions which will address the concerns of the residents. On June 22, staff met with the neighborhood. A list of draft conditions was prepared, then later refined. Staff followed up with a meeting with neighborhood representatives to review the conditions as rewritten, and agreement was reached. FINDINGS The conditions recommended in the attached resolution are not intended to mislead the church into believing that they are in any way being assured of a future approval for expansion of the religious facility, only that the church may continue to operate at its current capacity with benefit of, and compliance with, the terms of this approval. The items covered in the recommended list of conditions include the timing of the installation of the park, hours and conduct of church activities, site improvements, traffic and parking, property maintenance, neighborhood outreach and monitoring/on-going assessment. ACTION: ~ - --- . - _. Agenda Report June 27, 1995 Page 2 Staff has met with the park designer and the construction superintendent to assess the possible construction schedule for the pocket park. It appears likely that, assuming the design is well received by the Council and neighbors, construction could be underway independently of the expansion of the new church. A start date of September 1, 1995, or sooner, is possible. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The subject of this report is an existing facility where no material change has occurred. It is exempt under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Class I and a Notice of Exemption has been issued. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE -,", This is a continuation of a publiC hearing from June 20, 1995, for which public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to ~ property owners within 500 feet of the project boundaries. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution containing interim conditions of approval for CUP B3-01 and set a follow up hearing date for August 22, 1995, at which time progress toward the required conditions will be further assessed. JLB:JDF:RWQ:MVD Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning and location Map C. Property Site Plan D. Correspondence . , 3 of 12 JON 2 7 1995 ITEM 10.1 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING INTERIM CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR IGLESIA NI CRISTO CHURCH, CUP 83-01 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317-640-52 WHEREAS, the congregation Iglesia ni Cristo has obtained a conditional use permit from the City of Poway in 1983 which contained specific conditions of approval relating to the conduct of a church on a residentially zoned property located at 12730 Elm Park Drive, in the RS-7 zone; and WHEREAS, an annual review was brought before the Poway City Council as a result of the recei pt of nei ghborhood compl a ints regardi ng the use of the property by the church; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that it was necessary to consult with the neighbors concerning the need to amend conditions of approval as an alternative to the revocation of Conditional Use Permit 83-01, in order to rectify ongoing problems generated by the church's activities; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section I; Environmental Findinos: The subject action is exempt from the under the provi s ions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Class I, an existing facility. Section 2: Findinos: 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that semi-public uses are permitted in residential zones with benefit of a conditional use permit, provided the applicants abide by required conditions of approval. 2. That the harmony in scale, bulk, coverage and density is consistent with adjacent uses, in the existing buildings are single story, low profil e structures which mirror the scale of surrounding construction. 3. That there are available public facilities, services and utilities already in place. 4. That there will not be harmful effect upon desirable neighborhood characteristics, in that interim conditions are contained herein, which the applicants will either abide by or the conditional use permit may be declared null and void at the next scheduled public hearing on this project which is tentatively scheduled for August . 22, 1995. , 5. That the generation of traffic will not adversely impact the surrounding streets and/or the City's Circulation Element, in that on-street parking will not be permitted by attendees of the church. Parking will only be permitted within designated paved parking lots on the church's property. .. _& 1" JUN 2 7 1QQ5 ITEM 10. 1 Resolution No. P- Page 2 6. That the site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development which is presently establ ished there, in that the interim conditions limit the use of the faCility in terms of hours of operation, maintenance practices, and conduct of church activities in order to prevent further disruption of residential neighbors lives. 7. That there will not be sign Hi cant harmful effects upon environmental quality and natural resources, because the site has been previously disturbed and no significant environmental resource exist there. 8. That there are no other relevant negative impacts of the proposed use that cannot be mitigated. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves the extension of Conditional Use Permit 83-01, subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. The use conditionally granted by this permit shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding residential and commercial uses. This conditional use permi t shall be subject to a bi-monthly, then quarterly review by the Director of Planning Services for compliance with the conditions of approval and to address concerns that may have occurred duri ng the past year. I f the permi tis not in comp li ance wi th the conditions of approval, or the Planning Services Department has received complaints, the next required review before the City Council shall consider modification or revocation of the use permit. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE . APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. 1.. THE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK: 1. A minor development review for the design of the pocket park shall be submitted to City Planning staff by July 5,1995, and be presented to the City Council by August 1, 1995. 2. Site preparation and any necessary demolition work for the park shall begin by August 7, 1995. . 3. Construction of the park shall begin by September 9, 1995. - lL. CHURCH OPERATIONS: 1. Hours of use of the premises shall be limited to between 6:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. JON 27 1995 ITEM 10. 1 5 of 12 Resolution No. P- Page 3 2. No outside activities including, but not limited to, social events, shall continue after 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, or 11:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. (The parking lots are to be empty at these times.) 3. No outside amplified sound shall be permitted at any time. 4. Noise levels shall not exceed 45 decibels at any time, when measured at the property line adjoining a residential lot. S. No special outdoor events shall be conducted on the property without an approved temporary use permit from the City of Poway and written consent from all adjoining property owners/ residents. IlL. SITE IMPROVEMENTS: 1. A six-foot high tan slump block wall shall be installed by the church at the rear property lines of the homes which back up to the church property by August 22, 1995. 2. Grading shall be accomplished and fixtures installed as required to correct existing drainage problems over the rear yards of adjoining homes fronting Silverlake Drive, which originates on the church's property. Work shall be completed by August 22, 1995. 3. All grading and drainage improvement designs necessary to complete the wall construction, and drainage corrections, shall be submitted for review to the Poway Engineering Services Department by July 7, 1995. lL. TRAFFIC AND PARKING: 1. No on-street parking shall be permitted. 2. Church attendees shall park in paved parking lots only. 3. Speed humps shall be installed at the exit of each church parking lot to control excessive speed when leaving the parking area. Y.... PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: GENERAL: 1. Install two standard size trash dumpsters inside a six-foot high masonry enclosure, with painted, solid wood gates by July 7, 1995. The placement of the enclosure shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning services. . 2. Pedestrian access to Papago Drive shall be closed. The easement , shall be vacated, and deeded to both adjoining residential properties. This shall be accomplished by August 22, 1995. 3. After each use of the premises, police the grounds and parking areas for trash. Provide adequate trash containers and ash cans on the property. Do not throw trash, cigarette butts or any other item into neighbors yards and/or streets. /: ^~ l' JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10. 1 -- - Resolution No. P- Page 4 4. Remove a 11 accumul ated junk and debris from the property, as required by the Poway Municipal Code, within ten (10) calendar days. LANDSCAPING: 1. The entire lot shall be thoroughly weeded and fertilized, irrigation restored to all parts of the property, appropriate plant materials added on the slopes, by July 25, 1995. 2. The plant materials and lawns shall thereafter be maintained in a healthy, thriving conditions free of weeds, trash and debris as provided in the Poway Municipal Code. 3. Container trees, a minimum of 24 inch box size, shall be added to the existing upper parking lot, to be distributed at a rate of one tree for every three parking spaces, as provided in CUP 83-01, and by the Poway Zoning Ordinance. This shall be accomplished by July 25, 1995. ll.. NEIGHBORHOOD OUTREACH: The church shall appoint several representatives to meet twice per month with a neighborhood subcommittee of two or more residents to review improvements and discuss any ongoing problems. Y.I..L. ON-GOING ASSESSMENT: Planning Services staff shall report to the City Council concerning progress toward and achievement of the conditions contained in this resolution on the following dates August 22, 1995, October 17, 1995, and December 12, 1995; thereafter on a quarterly basis for the following 1996 calendar year. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 27th day of June, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk . , -- 7 of 12 JUN 27 1995 IlEIl 10. 1 ~ . :P;l.r~ ''M ~CJJttJ ,. A :. :: Ii- ~ - r ~ :~ . :. .~,~ - "'1,!:' - ~ m " - _ '"" ~ ~~ "L1 I :. ':~ =.; J. ~ '-, 'Ib ~~'j t ~.(~, rc .rr;,J .~: !M~~~ ~;;";,<n ,~~ .1U:'t-~~! r/; : I- -~ '""" ~\ .'1 r I I III :"l :::z:: - ~ , ,\\ \' :, ~ .......\- 0 ~ = III 11 r ~ ,. ~ '/..'Y Sill...... ................l.J o ~ >-.. A R ~L II , II 1 111Tl1 I 1 I I' o > ~rrll' ~ .~l ~~~ I..... ~ , 4 L. 0- f- ,~-" -t 0 0 I J ~ I ~ =- _~ Ct' --' G ~ - .- f -- - . .::: : .C (]- r.: tHEE:ttHB ~ =- RA-~ .... ~ == . __III 1 111.1111 . =- -= Il/i'lllll!I', ~ PF - - / <<: - -~ c'- c., c V ~ ..... - . .' I. ~ _: _: - = __ 0 D' R~, ." ~t ~i ~= ;i EO bS-~ If;" -0 ~ ..., .. - _0,. = ~ . . o I r l .... '""-[ ~ = ~~ _ _ __ _ I ~ I II t~.....~ -t::; .::;,:; L.-< ~ ITII' .1:: ~~ - "~.V' .B' n ~ l. ~~4.~ .. ~ L ~1l.-1TT1 I (rJ:t:a~ 0.. ~ ,,..-rO, I. \ \~11'-.l I 0 '::-' r-r' l · Lt. .Of 11: '. ,- ( ....- ,,\ \ ,\ I \ UIi n 0 0 .i'~'o "" . ' ~I '_I" :$:' . '.;' - 1Ti " '11 I i r I RR-A. 0., . . CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: CUP B3-01 @ SCALE, TITLE : ZONING & LOCATION NONE ATTACHMENT: B i '0 A ""oF 1? .". 'n '" ............... ',-rea. 1f\ 1 1"1 - - 7!r . , , ,~ ./ . , 0 "' 0 a: UI C). "' - a: a: "' 0 1.1_ -=- . ". . ROBISON B L V D. @llurn rPIh&lJ:!l . .,CITY OF POWAY ITEM: c..Uf' <is;:!. -0 I . ~ scm, ~n.lE. TITLE: ~l'te. 'Pc...N.\. c ATTACHMENT: _ o. , . .. -~~. , 9 of 1:> .... ., ....._._--_._-,_._-~,-_._---_._._- . ._~ - 17 June, 1995 City Clerk REC~iVEO City ofPoway JUN 2 0 ~ 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA. 92064 PLANNING DEPT. Dear Sirs: I would like to express my opinion concerning Conditional Use Permit 83-01 which is up for review on 20 June 1995 in the city council chambers. Summary Statement of concerned residents regarding compliance with and renewal of Conditional Use Permit 83-ol. It is my position as a concerned Poway Resident living adjacent near the Congregation Iglesia ni Cristo that significant requirements set forth in the Conditional Use Permit 83-01 have been largely ignored since it was issued in 1983. The church bas had more than adequate time to comply with these requirements, but instead has: 1) proposed to the City Council that the church's obligations in the permit ( including the pocket park) be removed or delayed, 2) perfonned construction without valid }"'ul.its, 3) sought to barricade itself from the SIllTOunding community by constructing an illegal fence and signs, and 4) generally demonstrated disregard towards the community by holding noisy nightly meetings and creating unacceptable traffic in the area. I therefore do not support approval for cOntinued use of the property by the Congregation Iglesia ni Cristo unless an provisions of Conditional Use Permit 83-01 are immediately met in full. - Sincerely, Jeffrey S. Bertino tifJ-~ - 133 0 Silver Lake Drive Poway, CA 10 of 12 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10. . \, .- . _..._.__.~___. __ . "_W'" ..._.__~ - .-----..-..--- -, .. --.'.. ---_. - ....-.,. _.-,.-. - . RECEIVED June 14, 1995 JUN 2 0 1995. Re: Iglesia ni Cristo Page 1 of 2 PLANNING DEPT. To whom it may concern, Our family moved into our home exactly one year ago this month. In this year we have experienced many situations that have concerned us about the group, the Iglesia ni Cristo. This group's property sits back to back wi th our property. There is also a walkway connect ing the church property to Papago Drive which runs along our property. Ona weekly basis we experience ongoing problems. When it was brought to our at tent ion that this group plans to expand their exist ing bui lding and services, it alarmed us. We live in a small. quiet neighborhood. A large church does not belong in our neighborhood. CUrrently, the Iglesia ni Cristo group is creat ing havoc in our neighborhood. Following are some of our experiences with Iglesia ni Cristo: 1- On numerous occasions, our driveway has been obstructed by cars parking near the walkway to the church. 2. On an ongoing basis. there is trash thrown into our front. back. and side yards. Candy wrappers, soda cans, cigarette butts. half -eaten food. socks, etc. Most of the trash is thrown over the fence from the walkway into our back yard. . 3. The youth, who frequent ly use the walkway for access to the church grounds. have been loud and disruptive. They often yell and scream, and on occasion have shot off popguns in the walkway. The church does not take responsibility for maintaining their walkway. 4. The congregation uses the church yard as one big parking lot. They park their cars on the grass area that backs up against our back-yard fence, even though they have a paved parking lot. This group worShips late into the night, sometimes as late as mid-night. The group also worships early morning before the sun rises during the week. As these people leave their services and go to their cars, they are not considerate of the neighbors. They will shout to one another, and have many times honked their car horns at all hours. The headlights from the cars that park on the grass, flash . right into our bedroom windows. - 5. As the group e.'l:pands. the increase of street traffic will be a BIG problem. Our neighborhood has a large number of families with children. If our roads become high-traffic roads, it will be unsafe for our children to play. 11 nf 12 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10. 1 . . Re: Iglesia ni Cristo Page 2 of 2 6. After we moved into our home, we found we had little privacy due to the Iglesia ni Cristo group. We constantly have to deal with people peering into our backyard through the holes in our wood fence, as well as people mulling around their cars when they are parked along our back fence. We are concerned that our limited privacy will be totally taken away with the building of a new church building over one story. A tall building will allow upper story windows to look right down into our home. In conclusion, it has been our observation that the Iglesia ni Cristo has demonstrated great negl igence in caring for and maintaining their existing grounds. Further, Iglesia ni Cristo has fai led to demonstrate any care or concern for the consideration of the people in our neighborhood. It is our opinion that expansion of Iglesia ni Cristo would be further damaging to our neighborhood. CC-1Y\> L - ~~ ~~~'-\.D ~- ~ Chris and Terri Parkllan 12731 Papago Drive Poway, CA 92064 #748-4609 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10. 1 .. . . ^ -- /f)~r;2-~/f~S ~ IGLESIA HI CRISTO .;P~- J.1~1) POWAY CONGREGATION 12730 ELMPARK LAKE POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92064 The Honorable Don Higginson Mayor of the City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Mr. Mayor: Through this letter, we would like to relate to you our feeling towards the issues which were voiced out by our neighbors during the council meeting on June 20, 1995. We admit that we were remiss on some issues, but at the same time, we would like to reveal the facts and circumstances surrounding the major complaints which we never have the chance to address during the meeting. We would like now to present our side concerning the following issues: CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED CITY PARK The major issues which delayed the construction of the park were the handling of the liability insurance and the maintenance of the park. The city adhered to its stand that the church should be liable for the insurance and maintenance and the church was holding on to its position that we will handle the insurance and maintain the park for a length of time and then turn them over to the city. It was only recently that a mutual agreement was reached by both parties. The church is now ready to build the park and already ass igned Mr. Gary Hoyt to design the plan for the park. Once the plan is approved and the necessary permit granted, the construction of the park will start since the mother church has already appropriated the fund for this purpose. PARKING We were accused of obstructing our neighbors' driveways, parking by the fire hydrant, and on the grass area at the back of our chapel. For more than 12 years that we were in the neighborhood, there was one incident that a brother was cited by the Sheriff's office for parking near the fire hydrant. For more than 3 years now, we are discouraging our brethren to park at Elmpark Lane during our worship services even to the chapel side of the street. To impose this, we assigned some of our brothers as parking guards. After the first neighborhood meeting, we secured the access leading to the back of our JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10./. ~---_._-- . chapel to prohibit our members to use it as parking area. NOISE GENERATION Our neighbors accused our members of conducting all night rock parties, youth talking loudly, loud car and transistor radios, playing late night basketball, worship services before the sun rises and sometimes as late as midnight. We have occasional youth gatherings but only during week-ends and they never go beyond 10 in the evening. Our youth do not indulge in rock parties because it is against our church doctrines and besides these gatherings were being monitored closely by the church elders. We have year-end celebration that can go beyond 10 in the evening. However, for the last 3 years we were holding our year-end gathering off-site by renting school auditoriums and civic centers. About 5 years ago, there was one incident that some of our members played basketball after 10 pm, but the incident was not repeated. Our brethren have been advised not to play basketball late at night and lately we took down the basketball board. We apologized if some times our young members because of their age and energy played their car and transistor radios loudly. However we are constantly teaching and reminding them to conform to the standard of our neighbors. Our worship services are being conducted in a very solemn and dignified manner since we are doing this in honor of our God. We have 3 worship services on Thursday and Sunday to accommodate our members since our present chapel is limited in capacity. We have a 6 AM worship service on Thursday for our brethren who cannot attend our evening worship services. However, they have to leave right after the worship service since most of them have to work. After 10 in the evening, there is no one in the chapel except for some brethren who are assigned as guard. The schedule of our worship services are as follows: Thursday: 6 AM, 6 PM, and 8 PM Sunday: 7 AM, 11 AM, and 5 PM MAINTENANCE OF THE CHAPEL AND ITS SURROUNDING We are conducting once a year chapel day for a complete beautification and clean-up of our property, twice a year removal of accumulated trash, monthly general clean-up, and bi-weekly cleaning of the chapel and immediate surrounding in preparation for our worship services. It seems that this effort is not enough to meet the standards of our neighbors. After the first neighborhood meeting, we doubled our effort. We fixed our irrigation system, we removed the fence, we planted more shrubs, and re-seed our lawn. We are now JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10.1. . allocating twice a year chapel day, weekly general clean-up, and ongoing beautification projects. BONFIRE We admit that in two occasions we had bonfire in our property, one during the day in 1986 and the other at night in 1992. However, in both cases, we secured permit from the City Fire Department. No other incident of this nature occurred after that. STREET TRAFFIC We dispute that a bigger house of worship will generate bigger volume of street traffic than the present condition. In the first place, we will still be maintaining our present worship services schedule so the total membership will be distributed according to the schedule they prefer. It is also the pOlicy of the church that once the locale becomes big, another locale will be established for an effective administration of the members. We would like to mention at this point that after the first neighborhood meeting, two incidents of vandalism happened in our property. One was on May 6, 1995 when one glass window was stoned and the security lights surrounding the chapel were intentionally broken. The other incident was on June 22, 1995 when the other window of our office was broken too. Both incidents were reported to the Poway Police Department. We are not deterred by these incidence and we will continue to work with our neighbors for the betterment of the community. Now that we are fully aware of their concerns, we will do our best to correct them. We are sure that most of these concerns will be minimized if not totally eliminated once the new house of worship is constructed. Sincerely yours, ~ Benjamin d Poway Residen JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10,[ ! -- --- . , - -!}~~-?AIr -,RCM GLENN GROTH ~RCHITECT 96.27.1995 15'29 P. 1 CD s;!I.ENN FAX I6ANSMIT I.IlL uRmH '_~ ARCHITECT, AlA 687 RIVIERA COURT, VISTA. CA nOl4 Pit (il9) 9'1.)600 . rA.~ ('''I 9""0" DATE c:'.~7''1S TO FAX # <:;;, 7'1 .14JB _......___NUMSEROFPAOES INCLUDING TlIISONt~ PLEASE CALL IF YOU DON'T REceIV" ALL THH ~^aES ATTN eC:t::t._L0R.I!::'U'7-~AS."1u:rJt _ FIRM NAME C:c~~ Q()~ RoA..lA.),.:Jc;?_ FROM~ c:;_~ .......--__GG PROJ. # Q4oll?_ SUBJECT I~~ ~l~1"LB~f-_.__c.LJ. P. 83 -0{ -e-:: MESSAGE A Wl.l."tT~_~~._::re 't"Ue' _ r.,:)&I~_.__ ~~ .Ao"'~(L~s..._.<!::::f..) .~,bSJ.,.^ ('~lt.::C.{.l.:. ~~.(Xj. _~e:' kA.kd:: 1'4i? ~~er ~n..~.~L4-e- ~~"Il.p~_ -Jf-ft~.Y:1_..E'-~ ~J!.~_~~ 4e- ..a~u.-;_. _m_._.._ "-- ~'--"~ - -~~ -~~= › k. . , JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 1 0 ~ .~.~- - FROM O~IHH OROTH ARCHITECT -- 06.27.199' -130 P. 2 .. " . -- GD GLENN GROTH ARCHITECT, AlA .r. ~ RECEIVED June 27, 1995 JUN 2 7 1995 Ms. Reba Wright-Quasller p, ''''i'' Director of Planning Services City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Re: Conditional Use Permit 83-01 Annual Review Report Dear Ms. Wright.Quastler: As of today. June 27, 1995, we are in receipt of the Agenda Report Summary regarding Conditional Use Permit B3-01 and resolution IfP -- Interim Conditions. We also understand that Ihe report will be brought before the Poway City Council this evening for review and possible action. At this time we would like to express our concern regarding the time constraints pUI on certain work to be accomplished, which were determined necessary as a result of a neighborhood meeting held with staff on June 22, 1995. Specifically I am referring to the fOllowing. which is part of Resolution P -- Interim Conditions: . Page 3, Section III: SITE IMPROVEMENTS /111. Completion of a 6-foot high tan slump brick wall along the neighbors' property lines by August 22. 1995. The fence will be over 900' long with perhaps many changes, or steps, in Its height to accommodate the different grade elevations surrounding the property. Only 56 consecutive days, or 40 working days, are being allowed for the design, issuance of permits for, and construction 01 the lence. The solid masonry fence also exceeds the original C.U.P. 83-01, paragraph IfB, which calls lor the existing solid fencing 10 be repaired and repainted. A new, 9oo-fool masonry fence will require additional planning and Ihe work should be coordinated with the site drainage plan, Therefore, the time alloned for lIS completion should be extended another 80 calendar days, or a minimum of 40 working days, to about Oclober 27. /112. DraInage problem to be resolved by Augusl 22. This relates to #1 above In thaI if a solid masonry fence Is to be built, water or runoff Is not going to penetrate the fence. A complele slle drainage plan Is being proposed as part of Ihe amended C.U.P. for a new building. The preliminary draInage plans are currently being prepared and should be ready for submittal to the City Engineering Department by mld-July. Issuance 01 permlta by the City determines when the work can begin. 8ee Item "3. . . JUN 27 1995 ITEM 10 ,~ GlENN r. GIlO" , A.i.A. ARcI-lI'fCCTUHE & PlANNINq JOI'IN !l. Gllod, 6/1/ IIIVIIII.\ t:1. VISI^. r" 'nOIl'\ PilON! (111'1) fl'l~' )Ml() I'AX (101'1) 'I'I~' 10M .~--_.- ~ROH BLEHH BROTH RRCHITECT U. 27. 119' -'-"5'30 j). 3 " Ms. Wright-Qua sUer '. June 27, 1995 Page 2 '3. Requires that designs for item numbers 1 and 2 above be submitted to the Engineering Department by July 7,1995 or 5 working days from today, considering that July 41s a national holiday, On June 20.1995 the Civil Engineering firm for this projecl flew the site and is currently preparing the existing site survey and topographic maps which will be completed during the week of July 3. 1995. As Indicated in #1 above there is extensive work involved in designing a fence over 900 feet long and a drainage plan for a 3,2 acre site. We Iherefore request an extension of at least 30 days for the submittal of preliminary drawings to the City to allow for proper design and approvals, As we are currently in our dry season we should not expect excessive rain runoff during this extension. . Section V: PROPERTY MAINTENANCE #1. This item requires the construction of a masonry dumpster enclosure by July 7, 1995 or 5 working days from now, This work should be coordinated with the grading of the site and possible construction of the masonry fence, The placement of the dumpster must also be coordinated with the Director of Planning Services, We suggest that a temporary dumpster location be selected and utilized until the permanent location be determined, the site graded accordingly and masonry work undertaken. The temporary dumpster could be screened using chain link fence with slats as a visual barrier. This extension of time would coincide with the fence construction. . LANDSCAPING: ITEMS 1, 2, & 3 The requirement to landscape the property by July 25, 1995 does not take into account the time required to grade the site for drainage, 10 Construct the fence and to develop the Neighborhood Park. Park construction and site grading will eliminate virtually all of the existing parking. which will not be needed anyway as the church proceeds with their building program. The first step in the church construction process will be to demolish Ihe existing buildings. The church membership will find temporary meeting spece off. site once the building program is underway, How quickly this happens depends on how soon approvals can be obtained from the City. It Is our recommendation that the maintenance of the lot. restoration of Irrigation, weeding and feeding be coordinated with the fence construction, grading and construction of the Park. Any new landscaping or planting should be coordinated with an approved landscape plan for the entire site and Its Installation be done In the approptlate sequence with antlolpated construction. To summarize end conclude: The members of Iglesia NI Cristo wish to proceed with the oonstructlon of a new worshIp center. The scope of Ihls project Inoludes demolition of all existing structures, grading and reconstruction of the entire site Inoludlng the parking araes, JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10 I ~- FROM a~EMM aROTH ARCHITECT U.27.1"~ 1::1131 F. . .' - Me. Wrlght-Quasllar June 27, 1995 \ Page 3 landscaping and construction of a church and a small fellowship building. All construction Is 10 be accomplished at one time. Funding for the project is in place and work on the necessary documentation, applications and plans Is proceeding as quickly as possible. The church respectfully requests that the present time limits imposed for resolving neighborhood concerns be adjusted to be In keeping with the necessary sequence of events and the vast scope of the project. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, c~~2_..6;~ Glenn Groth Architect, AlA Resident Architect for Iglesia Ni Cristo - GGlng - JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 10 , .....ENO....... ~-_._----_._._.-