Item 11 - Proposed Water and Sewer Rates for FY 95-96 &.GENDA REPORT Sm9'RlCJTED TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Servic~~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECI': Proposed Water and Sewer Rates for FY 1995-96 ABSTRACI' Water rate resolution 95- increases the water use per unit charge from $1.585 per unit to $1.663 per unit. This increase is due to a 6% increase in the cost of raw water purchase from Metropolitan Water District and County Water Authority and the financing of Poway's water treatment plant upgrade. The flat rate for basic water service increases from $6.91 average cost per month to $7.38. Sewer rate resolution 95- increases the sewer service charge from $43.83 per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) bimonthly to $45.57 per EDU. a 3.98% increase. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - Environmental review not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Water rates will increase by 4.89% and sewer rates will increase by 3.98%. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional public notification sent to members of the Budget Review Committee, StoneRidge Country Club. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 95- establishing water rates for FY 1995-96 and Resolution No. 95- establishing sewer rates for FY 1995-96. ACTION - L 1 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 -_.__._-_._~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: """,b1, "y" '"' "'b"'~' Clty C'""'l FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City anager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Services James R. Williams, Director of Public Services DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Proposed Water and Sewer Rates for FY 1995-96 BACKGROUND Water Rates The largest component of the City's water rate is the purchase of raw water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) of southern California. The City projects purchasing 12,119 acre feet (A.F.) of water in FY 1995-96 (Attachment A). Effective July 1, 1995, MWD approved a rate increase on their wholesale raw water rate of S19 per acre foot. The County Water Authority (CWA) increased its water rate surcharge to S80 per acre foot; and, starting July 1, 1995, an S8-per-acre-foot "readiness-to- serve" charge is being added. This means that the wholesale cost of water to the City of Poway will increase from S405 per acre foot to S432 per acre foot (435.6 units). The majority of this water rate increase covers the program of capital improvements designed to enable the Metropolitan Water District to supply San Diego County more higher quality water. Last year the MWD approved a new rate structure which they felt would provide stable water rates while securing revenues and retaining operating flexibility (Attachment B). The most significant part of this rate structure change was the addition of a readiness-to-serve charge which would be set to recover the debt service not paid from taxes. The charge is to be allocated to each member agency on the basis of a rolling average of historic water purchases from MWD. Currently, all of the property tax payers in Poway pay a $11.50 standby parcel charge on their tax bills. This year the readiness-to-serve charge has been implemented, and the standby parcel charge will be repealed. The new readiness-to-serve charge will be added into the cost of providing water service and will therefore impact only those residents actually receiving water service on the property. ACTION: See Summary Sheet 2 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 -" -" Agenda Report June 27, 1995 Page 2 Attachment C provides a detailed breakdown of the rate analysis for FY 1995-96. It also provides historical information for FY 1993-94 and FY 1994-95, and a 7-year projection through January 2002. The City of Poway is taking two steps which are also adding to the water rate increase. The first is the upgrade to the water treatment plant. This project provides for the construction of new deep-bed dual media filters to replace the nonconventional 12 MGD Hardinage system and to achieve compliance with the surface water treatment rule. This is an $8 million project which will be partially funded by redevelopment funds and water fund reserves. The remaining $2.5 million will be funded from a revenue bond proposed to be sold in the summer of 1995. The rate analysis includes debt service on this bond sale which will increase rates by $.056 per uni t. The MSI cost recovery study conducted for the City in March 1993 noted that the current $.07 per unit charge for capital replacement covered 33% of the annual associated infrastructure replacement costs. The study recommended a phase-in program of increasing that portion of the rate to cover more of the infrastructure replacement costs. The proposed rate structure for FY 1995-96 continues that process by increasing the cost per unit to $.OB a unit and continues by 1/2-cent- per-unit increases over the next three years. The new rate will be billed on the first full water bill following the July 1 effective date. A July/August billing adjustment has been included in the rate analysis and factored into the overall water cost per unit. Aori cultura 1 Rebate Effective May 1, 1994, the Metropolitan Water District implemented an interim agricultural water program. This program provides an agricultural discount of $113 per acre foot for untreated water and is proposed to be a four-year program. The $113 per acre foot discount is a straight pass-through from MWD. In order to participate in the program, a customer must be a qualified agricultural user and also agree that in the event a water supply shortage occurs the agricultural deliveries would first be reduced up to 30% prior to imposing mandatory reduction targets on any other water customers. This agricultural discount equates to $.259 per unit rebate. Basic Water Service Charoe The basic water service charge, which is a flat rate charge based on meter size, covers indirect operating costs to maintain the system and meet administrative overhead. The basic water service charge is proposed to increase by an average of $0.47/month for residential customers. The majority of meters in the City are 3/4" serving residential customers. Their basic water service charge will increase from $6.91 bimonthly to $7.38 bimonthly. 3 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 -"- ---..-- ~---------------._--_._--- Agenda Report June 27, 1995 Page 3 Raw Water Surcharae The StoneRidge golf course is presently served with raw water taken directly from the aqueduct. In addition to the City's actual cost for the raw water, a surcharge for raw water recovers the City's costs of administration and telemetry for the pumping stations. The recommended charge for FY 1995-96 is $28.30 per A.F. (Attachment 0). Pumoina Rates In addition to the regular water rates charged to all customers, additional pumping charges are added to the water bills of customers who have to be served from a water reservoir other than the clearwell. Some of these rates require adjustment to continue to be self-funding. One of the areas increases, and the other eight either decrease or remain the same. A comparison of the recommended rates for FY 1995-96 against rates for FY 1994-95 follows: Proposed Pumoina Area FY 1994-95 FY 1995-96 10 #1 High Valley 0.140 0.200 ID #4 0.055 0.055 A-73 Orchard 0.080 0.082 Donart 0.150 0.150 Service Area 6 0.140 0.130 AD #79-1 0.100 0.100 Community/South Poway 0.150 0.150 Welton 0.150 0.150 Sewer Service Charaes Sewer service charges are applied to customers on the basis of equivalent dwelling units (EDU). EOU's are used to distribute the cost of sewer service according to the size and purpose of improvements on the property. The current 16,181 equivalent dwelling units is based upon assigning one unit per home and an equivalent number is assigned to other developed property based upon the land use. The proposed increase is $1.74 per dwelling unit bimonthly, increasing rates from $43.83 to $45.54. Overall the San Diego Metropolitan sewer charges for FY 1995-96 are below those budgeted in FY 1994-95. When Metro prepared its FY 1995 budget, it was anticipated that all capital improvement projects would be bond financed. It is now projected that the bond financing will not occur until 1996. Capital improvement projects under the Clean Water Program side are also running under budget due to reduced costs, lag in billings, and construction delays. The impacts of the recent court 4 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 - - Agenda Report June 27, 1995 Page 4 decisions on Metro's Clean Water Program and their revised bond financing plans are not known at this time. Therefore, we are unable to provide forecasted sewer rates beyond FY 1995-96. However, we do anticipate that Metro sewer charges will escalate beginning in FY 1996-97 as they issue bonds for their capital improvement program. Water/Sewer Rate Studv In the past the City Council has requested that staff evaluate alternative water and sewer rate structures. A flow based sewer rate structure was being evaluated to be implemented with the new utility billing system. With the establishment of the new revenue structure by the Metropolitan Water district, and the complexity of creating and implementing new rate structures, a complete water and sewer rate study is contained in the FY 95/96 proposed financial plan. Requests for Proposal will be distributed in July, and it is anticipated that recommendations from the study will come before Council the end of 1995. FINDINGS Recommended rates for FY 1995-96 to cover increased charges are as follows: Water Water Use Charge $1. 663 fUn it Basic Water Service 6.86% increase (rate varies based on meter size). Raw Water Surcharge $2B.3 per A.F. Sewer Sewer Service $45.57 per EOU, bimonthly Oelinouencv Charge on Past Due 10% or $25, whichever is less. Accounts ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT As noted above. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional public notification sent to members of the Budget Review Committee and StoneRidge Country Club. - 5 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 ------.--.---..- ---- --- ----.----.---.-.--- ~--- - -------- Agenda Report June 27. 1995 Page 5 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 95- establishing water rates for FY 1995-96 and Resolution No. 95- establishing sewer rates for FY 1995-96. Attachments: A. Analysis of Water Purchases/Sales B. MWD and CWA Projected Water Rates C. Analysis of Water & Sewer Rates for FY 1995-96 D. City of Poway Raw Water Surcharge E. Resolution Establishing Water Rates for FY 1995-96 F. Resolution Establishing Sewer Rates for FY 1995-96 e;\c;ty\admnserv\director\9495rate.rep 6 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 ~ y~ m O~ o~~oo ~ ~ m.~ ~~ ~_l ~ ~ ~~M 0 0 ~~~ Wm ...11) -- 0 I/)CQO N ~ 0('"')- ....J t - - . - - . . . - .. '" .. c: cn...~ N en COmU1 M "'If' .....0. (Ij~ ~> ..... ~ COU1M CO CO OM""" ~~ =~ ~ ~-- ~..... _N ~N m ~ ~ """ ~N .; " U .~~ N O~ _MCOO""" """ 0 mN~. - I CO _M """MCD U1 N 0 .co 1. ~ ~q ~q~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ c~ ..... n ocom M N U1 coco' -> ..... en COU1CO ..... ~ co.....""" ~~ q ~- ~..... N W ~ """ """ ~: COOOco MCOCOQM 0 ..... -co~ = I """ ~ """COM 0 ~ CO mM~ -M U1 V ..CO CO M N CO"-a ~~ ~ m ~~M ~ ~ ~ MM~ > ..... N ~~. CO ~ _U1 ~ ~ ~- ~....._- "'... ... .~ _CO~~ COm"'lt'OU1 CO __MCO~ o = I comcoU1 co_en M M N~Mm~ W UN ~~U1~ q~~ ~ ~ ~~~~m ~<( <m __ ~ MO~ """ U1 .NNN~ > ..... ~ coco CO en mcn_U1 ~ ~ ~ ~_N ~ _M_M o ~. """ ~ W = en c: <( 0 >~ ~~ ~~ ~ "'~~N'" N "'~"'~;j1. E ~ = I com U1 ~comN_ 0 .coo_~ ~ ~~ u"'" ~- ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~q~~co M ;:~ cm C N "''''N''''''''' ~"'..."'~ >- O > ..... M ~..- co NCO_N m. ~ ~ ~ ~- en ___M C~ ~w ~ M M ~ u..... ~S o~ ~i ~ ~- -uu..o ~~ --..... M~~_CO co _NCOCO~ _~ ~e ~~ ~ ~~g~~ ~ ~~~~m -~ ~ um M . ~~~~M ~ .;oo~ si we> ..... co COCOMMM U1 NN"'If'NU'1 ~_ > u.. ..... "'If'_N_ 0 _U1_M om ..J ...... m Q) c( CO """ U1 c.= z E ~ c( oS m~ m. M ~~~~~ ~ N~.~~ ~; = I ~~ m o.~~~. .NC~~ _ 1:) eft ~~a;) cD.. C"')~r--:C:O.."'..a;).. N.. ~..N..~..~..~ {,"]jj <co a;) ~ MCNa;)N 0:) U')~U')C' 0 > ~ ~ ~~U')~C"') C"') Ma;)NNM _ u.. ... co~~ M ~U')~M cau) co" .. N ,..: 0..> !." c.. f!! 'C Ql U - ~ U) ClJ ~ ~ E U')~.s! en ~ en 8 ~ ~ :l:'~ ~ Ql ~ ~Ql " _ c: > ClJ .. en ~ -~~ ~ ~~g~ U u.:u..c:( ~.... ~ cu.S'-'(Q 0:: <Cc:(::."' Cij~ oS ~ ~ ~cn~~ ~ --Cij OOCij....~ ~. N~~m 9 ~~s ~ ~en~~ ~~~ill. ~~~o 111# ....ca _ -....:>- en ca (1)0.. Q)....c- 0:: ~O~ ~ ~s>~ ~ ....Jo~ s ~s-c W ">-E en U):>cac:!: cv Q).sca~E at U)caClJO ... c'" W Ql"~P~ en ~en~EQl ;: .. _~~] c < Q~e ~ (ijO ~o .. ~~cQ)~ _ ~ SQ)....en .2 ~ ~&~ ~ W~~2~ ~ ....,,~oU~ g 0 sgSca a > ~ OU) =Q)o~~ as _5~~v# u.. ~ ~'cca~ 'c C ::l~C:'" ffi lllgEc:c:;: ~~o~;j1. " E !QQl~ill u :::. C"ca='C L- ClJ_<<lOO - > c.Q)-" ~c>.o ~ > <(~a::~ ~ a::ena::uu ~ ~~..~lll ~ ~ "'~G~ " 0 > 0 .-..>>0 CIl'" . , C ~ > ... u~w>... ~ q; 7 of 21 ATTACH/1ENT A JUN 27 1995 ITEM 11 FTc;CAL POLIcY COMMITTEE @ , '"'" "'EM HO. II-2 San Diego CO~~b~r~~ater Autnority 3211 Fifth Avenue. Son Diego, California 92103.5n8 (619) 682.4100 FAX (619) 297.0511 February 2, 1995 TO: Board of Directors VIA: Fiscal Policy Committee FROM: Lester A. Snow, General Manager RE: Implementation of MWD Revenue Structure (Action) SUMMARY At the January 24, 1995 adjourned Board of Directors meeting staff was directed to prepare final resolutions for implementing the new MWD rates and charges. Attached are resolutions giving notice of intention to impose a new demand charge and a readiness- to-serve charge. Included in the readiness-to-serve charge resolution is language requesting MWD to collect a standby charge within the Authority's service area as a credit against the Authority's readiness-to-serve obligation. A hearing to adopt the charges will be held at the March 9, 1995 Board meeting. FISCAL IMPACT/STRATEGIC PLAN The readiness-to-serve charge levied by MWD upon the Authority is $14,866,336 in fiscal year 1996. This charge is to be offset with estimated standby charge collections of $12,364,000 for a net readiness-to-serve charge to be collected of $2,502,336. Any demands incurred above the base established for the new demand charge will pay a one-time charge of 51,000 per acre foot to be financed at the option of the member agency over a period of 15 years. RECOMMENDATION That the Board adopt the attached Resolution Giving Notice of Intentlon to Impose Readiness-To-Serve Charge and Resolution Giving Notice of Intention to Impose New Demand Charge. DETAIL At the January 24, 1995 adjourned Board of Directors meeting staff was directed to prepare final resolutions and necessary Administrative Code modifications for implementing the new MWD rates and charges according to staff recommendations. The staff MEMaER AGENCIES CITIU IltllGA7ION alST',eTS WArE' 01STltlCTS MUNIC'l'Al WA.fE/t DISTIICTS .:.,. "0-"".=0-"'0 ,"c( '>O"'c;." 'Ioe ......'.....'0. 'CO"'lI<l' "-'-C' . (("-' =" . ;"'~O. . >c. :.,... . . ,'~ .,,,.c...,,". . v"__'c .. ~" 01 -'c',..,' . ~..".. ~o COUNTY '.0'''00. '_, .OJ 'U.LtC UTILlTl' DISTlleT FEDrUL AGENCY JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 .. -~ "Cg,o,. ,. M",O', h..,.....o- 8 0 f 21 ATTACHMENT B - Fiscal Policy Committee February 2, 1995 Page 2 recommendations included the pass-through of MWD's readiness-to- serve and new demand charges according to the same allocation methodology and formulas as MWD. This includes allocating the readiness-to-serve charge on the basis of a rolling average of historical water purchases from the Authority with an offsetting credit for an agency's standby charge collections by MWD, and the imposition of a new demand charge when a member agency goes above its established base demand. The new demand charge base for each member agency is detailed in the resolution of intent as is the anticipated readiness-to-serve charge to be levied upon each member agency. Upon adoption of the attached resolutions, General Counsel will prepare revisions to the Authority's Administrative Code that incorporate the new charges. These revisions will be brought to your Board at the March meeting. Tables are attached showing each member agency's allocation calculation for the readiness-to-serve and new demand charges. Prepared By: /'ft:~ {~(I Marti~es, ash Management Analyst Reviewed By: ~M~'~/lL// Robe t R. Campbel , Director of Finance Approved By: Manager : IBOARP95 ~~~RATE FEa JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 9 of 21 ~-~- - -~----- -- - -----"- ----- . READINESS- TO-SERVE-CHARGE - FY 1995-96 AGENCY ALLOCATION RTS BASIS (AF)' CHARGE VID (BUENO) 7,286 $266,286 CARLSBAD 14.946 $546,223 DEL MAR 1.374 $50.198 ESCONDIDO 12.292 $449.244 FALLBROOK 12.521 $457,595 HELIX 25.399 $928.256 OCEANSIDE 25,878 $945,781 OLlVENHAIN 12,465 $455.567 OTAY 20,916 $764,431 PADRE DAM 18.546 $6n,813 PEN DEL TON 1,081 $39,508 POWAY 11,151 $407,525 RAINBOW 23.937 $874,842 RAMONA 8,832 $322,784 RINCON 6,256 $228.624 SAN DIEGO 138.226 $5,051,852 SAN DIEGUITO 3,923 $143,386 SANTA FE 6,107 $223,191 SWEETWATER 5,781 $211,264 VALLECITOS 12.178 $445,059 VALLEY CENTER 36,657 $1.339.710 YUIMA 1,019 $37,224 TOT AL................ 406,766 $14,866,366 REQUIRED COLLECTION.. $14,866.366 RTS PER AF................... $36.55 . AVERAGE OF A.F. SALES IN FISCAL YEAR 1993 AND FISCAL YEAR 1994 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 10 of 21 -- ~ ~Sl"'lBal16 M(iljCll-rM CII MM!CD~M 8 51111 ~-r~ N ~ O)MMCDMN 8 O>O>c;l;"'o~ ~M C\I~M N ~ "' -[''';'4 8 ...-r~~It)N CD~ "''''0> "I:t MC\lMC\I _CII 0> CCCD'V,....~_ 0> ""''''''(\IU') ,.... 0> VMMC\l C\I ~ (j) W I- CD M--.:t_CC_ 0> CO,......... Ln..... I.t) <t 0> 'VMMC\lM(\I ~ a: 0 ... (00)8-0- ~ 0> -rlt) -rg-r 0> VMMN C\I ~ ~ ~ COV"l:tcn"'ltCD Nc;l;CDCIICDN 0> V C\lNNC\I ~ It) C\llnMNMN 0> ~~"'N"'N 0> "I:t C\I N C\I N ~ W II: en Cl ::l f- en < . oenoClo wU en::l wenw<w <II: Of-Of-Of- uf- w<w<w< en f-Wf-Wf-W lJ5~ <1I:<1I:<a: Wf-Wf-Wf- <w II:za:za:z CllZ f-::lf-::lf-::l JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 11 0 f 21 -.-- __._____~__...__._ _,__",.,__",.".,.___. 0"_'-" -~'---"-'~"-- ~ "~NO ~O.~ cm~ ~~ ~~~~O~~~ I~ NO N~ I ~~~. ~~~. ON~ MO .N~...g~ . ~~ ~. ~ M.M~ .~.~ OO~ OM ~NCN~~ 0 0 NO ~~ o . - ~~~~ N~O ~O ~~N~~~.O 00 CO ~~ > "~M~ 00 _ _~.N_~~- ~ ~ I ~ M~ _~ ~ --_-- N N . ~~ . ~ -- .. ~ "~NO ..N~ ~"- M" N.Mio~~~ li.o.~ I ..~. .NN~ M.~ mo _M_ NN~. Nm .~ g :;:--: 1'1.'lf;.~N o..~.-: ...~ tto..~ .."t~...~ ... "!.~ ~. ""~N' ..0 _0 _M.~M~_O 00 wo _..' > ...... ~ _~~NN ~- ~ . ~ ~~... ~ - ~- ~ N . ..... ~ .. ~ :lil~~ ~:z;.,. ~~~ g" :"'~;lil~l:ll 25: ~lil ...~ . M....~ .."~ _~_ _~ .i~~N_.O 50.o:~ : .... =~;~ iic to =o:~~~=e io NO ~~ ~ ~~... ~ -~~- ~ N ~ .... ~ .. .~ ~I~~ =M2~ =;~ IS .N~g2.1~ g~"2 ~~ . M"~~ .:M~ MN_ _" l:oa.5~o 50 10 .- : .... N~P~ ~~o ~o C..~N..O 00.0 ~~ ~ =~..:.; ~e:~~-=- = ~ , ..;: ..: -- ~... ~....~ ......~ ....~.... ~~"!"""" I........~ ... ~.M. .c...~ MO~.O .ft. .o.~ ~ ~~ 0.... M~~. ~~N ~._.M NC~ ~~oo 0 ~o _ o : ~ ~ OO~: OGo.o O~.~~..O 00 ~o ~: ~ ~ ~:~:~ ~ :~:~:-~- = ~ > ..c .V; .: -- c...." ~ ~Oll: ~rnw~ m~~. CDO.M ~o~~ ~.- C~ NONOOO~_ I. N~ N~ ....>w. I ~__~ _~~.... 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N.. p p iii :Ut;:;;:;:... :I~ : "":.N.........~I.. .........:: fl')OO.....N .. . ~ -::gWJ:;;:3'" .- . p p iF .~~.=5: =:~ .... ~""''-:'~W>>..ct cct....:: W · "'N..WJ_fI').... ~ W )>. _"''''WlNO.. ~ ~ ..,. W>>..t!. ~ a > ~ .... z p~ .. ~~! ~ ..........2 ....~ ~t ~>~.. ~~~~:o =~. o~...... ...... ...... ~~~LI.. N~."....WJ N . z- .. pOP......... ~= LI.. _1ft ~~ ~ u w .. .. =< & .. ~ " ~ ! 0........0 ".d ~ ~ 11)0......0 ...,~ I . = ~~~~~~ ~,..:= u t ~ t ~5i;a~ ~.. ..~ f" 8 ~- ~ II ,I I ..0......0 "'pd ') Iii Ii) ~ ~~~~~~ _~5 J ~~! t ~5;:;:~~ i" 11 ~i 8~ ~- ~ ~ J 11 &! .~ J ~ ~~~~~~ ~:~ tl..ll~ 11 ".......... .. j 1111; I! t P~~..~! 5 ~ ~;~~IDl 5.f~h i) I i ~ II!!~~ ~ ijgiji ; ~ i it lltJ1ii! ! J j J~ ilr!i~lr ~ : ~~ J~" ~Sl E~~j ~ .l".;.Eo" o~"", f""ol".J!l ~ "'.2 ~ E u'" ... 1& .. .. N.I.. .. ~ ~u~~ci :~o ~ J~ait"i ~ i ji~rJ~ j~f" ~ l!lf3il~ t ,,~.. -~ Uo ~ , c ~~ ~ ~ Z~ul~<.EU ~ ~~~l~~~~ u ~ !~=-jM E'U 0 O~=~~O.~ : 0 Il'~ go" ~ ~~; III uZuu.!!...~ ITEM 11 c ... .... ~ !OJ .. .... < < ~ < JUN 2 7 1995 13 of 21 -------- _._--~----- -_.._--------'" CITY OF POWAY ANALYSIS OF WATER & SEWER RATES FY 95/96 Description FY 93-9 FY 94-9 FY 95-9 METROPOLITAN SEWER CHARGES Metro Sewer Proposed Rate $2377/M 2203 2194 Average Flow 3.7MG 3.4MG 3.2MG Equivalent Dwelling Units (Annualized) 96,047 95,868 97,086 Metro Sewer Charges 2,198,460 1,970,144 1,898,637 (Less Capacity Charge) San District Admin Costs 45,503 10,000 Metro Build Out 57,000 50,000 0 Penasqultos/Pump Stn. 64 160,000 426,400 245,000 Subtotal Metro Charges 2,415,460 2,492,047 2,153,637 Cost Per EDU 25.149 25.995 22.183 Percentage Change 2.64% 3.36% -14.$6% CLEAN WATER PROGRAM CHARGES CWP/FIRP/SOP Charges 1,478,000 1,189,250 990,783 Front Funded Design Costs 444,390 266,572 Debt Service/Front Funded 59,000 Cost Per EDU 15.388 17.656 12.951 Percentage Change 209.76% 14.74% -2$.65% POWAY BASIC SEWER SERVICE Legis/Admin Servo 535,747 560,418 589,936 Public Servo Admin 183,478 224,399 401,111 Engineering Admin 57,144 54,178 52,932 Admin Charges to be Recovered 776,369 838,995 1,043,979 Cost Per EDU 8.083 8.752 10.753 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 14 of 21 - CITY OF POWAY ANALYSIS OF WATER & SEWER RATES FY 95/96 .( FY 94.95 Description FY 93.94 FY 95.9E I POWAY SEWER SYSTEM USE Sewer Pumping 190,370 198,350 224,750 Sewer Collection 371,020 330,900 345,530 Less Other Revenues (62,980 (66,510 (30,950 Total Costs to be Recovered 498,410 462,740 539,330 Cost Per EDU 5.189 4.827 5.555 Apply Interest Earned and Rate Stabilization (1,270,950 (1,284,873 (570,000 Funds to Stabilize Rates .... Cost Per EDU ($13.233 ($13.403 ($5.871 TOTAL COST RECOVERED $5,168,239 $5.486,422 $4,994,301 TOTAL COST PER EDU $40.58 $43.83 $45.57 Percentaae Chanae 11.42% 8.01% 3.98% ASSUMPTIONS: Cost projections for Metro Sewer/CWP for FY 95/96 program based upon Metro budget dated 6/20/95; future projections not available at this time.) JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 15 0 f 21 22-Jun-9S CITY OF POWAY RAW WATER SURCHARGE FY 1995-96 Customer Services $468,400 Less Meter Read Costs (149990) $318,410 50% to Water Fund $159,205 Water Fund Allocation/12, 119 A.F. Sales $13.12 Telemetry Costs Directly Related to Stone Ridge $4,272 95-96 Allocated Sales to Stone Ridge 372 Telemetry Costs/372 A.F. $11.48 Subtotal Surcharge Fees $24.61 15% Overhead ~ Total Raw Water Surcharge/A.F. $28 30 ATTACHMENT D 16 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 - -- RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 94-079 WHEREAS, it is necessary to retain the pumping charges for Service Areas; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to retain the basic water service charges for various meter sizes; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish water rates for fiscal year 1993-1994; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway: Section 1. That the water rate schedule is hereby established as follows for all water billed on the first full billing cycle after July 1, 1995: Service Type Charge Per Un it 1100 cubic feet) Water Use Rate The basic water rate for all classes of service including agriculture and agriculture/domestic shall eaual" (per unit) $1. 663 Pumoino Charoes Water Customers within the areas specified below shall pay a bimonthly pumping charge for service from a water reservoir: Improvement District No. I $0.200 Improvement District No.4 0.055 Orchard A-73, Silver Saddle 0.082 Donart 0.150 Service Area VI 0.130 Assessment District 79-1 0.100 Community Pump Station 0.150 Welton 0.150 17 of 21 ATTACHMENT E JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 ----- ------....--..- Resolution No. 95- Page 2 Service Charge Basic Water Service Char~es All water customers shall pay a bimonthly basic water service charge for water service based upon meter size as follows: Meter Size 5/8 inch $13.98 3/4 Inch 14.30 1 inch 15.33 1 1/2 inch 18.67 2 inch 24.27 2 1/2 inch 27.2B 3 inch 30.28 4 inch 37.74 6 inch 56.18 8 inch 96.47 Raw Water Rate The basic raw water rate for raw water usage Actual cost of raw water from SDCWA (currently $432 per acre foot) plus a surchar~e of $28.30 Other Charaes Restoration of Service $20 during normal working hours; $45.00 for weekends or after or before normal working hours; $55.00 for holidays Delinquency 10 percent of unpaid balance or $25.00, whichever is less Returned Check $10.00 Agricultural Rebate for Qualified $0.259 Agricultural Users 18 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 Resolution No. 95- Page 3 Section 2. That the setting of such charges and rates is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA, pursuant to Sections 10BO(b)(4) and (b)(8)(I)& (2) and Section 21060.3 of the Public Resources Code, and Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 15269(c) and 15273(a)(I) & (2) and 15307. Section 3. That Resolution No. 94-079 is hereby rescinded. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 27th day of June, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 95- was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 27th day of June, 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 I 19 of 21 --------- -------- ------- RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF SEWER SERVICE CHARGES AND ESTABLISHING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 94-080 WHEREAS, the City of Poway provides sewer service to citizens of Poway; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase the sewer service charge to provide for the increased costs of sewer service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway: Section 1. That a schedule of bimonthly sewer service charges is hereby established for all sewer services billed on the first full billing cycle after July 1, 1995: Description Bimonthly Charoe Schedule of Bimonthlv Sewer Service Charoes 10.1 Single Family Residences $45.54 10.2 Multiple Dwelling per unit 45.54 10.3 Motel-Hotel Buildings, per unit 45.54 10.4 Trailer Parks & Mobile Home Sites, per unit 45.54 10.5 Rooming Houses, per unit 45.54 10.6 Schools (per each 21 average daily attendance) 45.54 10.7 Churches (each unit, capacity/l00 equals unit) 45.54 10.8 Residence-Business Combinations 45.54 10.8.1 Residence Portion 45.54 10.8.2 Business Portion (see 10.9.2 below) 45.54 10.9 Commercial, Industrial, Professional Buildings 45.54 10.9.1 Each separate business or activity that has sewer 45.54 facil ities 10.9.2 Commercial, Industrial or Professional Businesses 45.54 creating large volumes of wastewater, per unit of 8,000 gallons (The units of 8,000 gallons will be based on monthly readings of water meters) 0.9.3 Public Restrooms, per unit 45.54 (A unit is defined as a separate space containing sanitation facilities [toilet, urinal, floor drain, wash basin, shower, janitorial deep sink, etc.,] with 4 or less fixtures in number. Those spaces containing sanitation facilities in excess of 4 will be considered as an additional unit for each 4 fixtures or portion thereof. ) 20 of 21 ATTACHMENT F JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 - - Resolution No. 95- Page 2 Descriotion Charae 10.9.4 Hospital, per bed $45.54 All service connections whose wastewater is serviced by wastewater pump stations (including the Rancho Bernardo Pump Station> will be charged $1.36jmonth surcharge for each pump station utilized. Upon change of ownership, sewer charges will be prorated on a 60-day billing period basis between old and new customer. A delinquency fee of 10 percent of the unpaid balance or $25.00, whichever is less, shall be charged on all accounts that remain unpaid for more than 30 days. Section 2 Resolution No. 94-080 is hereby rescinded. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 27th day of June, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 21 of 21 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 11 -~_._--~,_.- --- "~.-