Item 16 - Public Meeting to Allow Public Testimony Lighting Dist AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ . " INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager (;1.. James R. Williams, Director of Public services& Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide j' <', / DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: A Public Meeting to Allow Public Testimony for New or Increased Assessments to be Collected for the Lighting District During Fiscal Year 1995/96 ABSTRACT The Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 allows for the collection of assessments for the installation and construction of public lighting facilities [including street lights, traffic signals and flashing beacons. New assessments are proposed for 910 vacant parcels at a rate of 50 percent of the assigned benefit rate according to designated land use. An increase in assessments is proposed for another 1,260 parcels currently included in Zone B [indirect benefit] in that they have been determined to have direct benefit of street lighting. These parcels are proposed to be excluded from Zone B and included in Zone A [direct benefit]. An additional 115 parcels, having been found in Zone A to have no direct street lighting benefit are proposed to be excluded from Zone A and included in Zone B. - SB 1977, Section 54954.6(a)(1) requires that City Council conduct at least one public meeting to allow public testimony regarding proposed new or increased assessments. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT - Sufficient revenues are expected to be generated through assessments to offset the City's operation and maintenance costs for public street lighting facilities. Approximately $34,000 will be added to the District through the proposed zone corrections of parcels within Zones A and B, and the inclusion of the assessment of vacant parcels in all District zones. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE - Pursuant to SB 1977. Section 50078.6: 1) Notice of Public Hearing has been posted at three public places within the Agency; 2) A one-eighth page display advertisement has been placed in the Powl\V News Chieftain (a newspaper of general circulation); and 3) Notice of Public Hearing has been mailed to property owners within the Poway Lighting District and those interested parties who have filed a written request with the local agency. At the time this report was prepared, no correspondence has been received. RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that City Council accept public testimony and continue consideration of the proposed increase and new assessments until the August 1, 1995 public hearing. ~- ACTION 1 of 3 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 16 --- --- - AGENDA REPOR.L CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ r INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerc.'~'- d James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Patricia S. Nelson, Management Aide r DATE: June 27. 1995 SUBJECT: A Public Meetinlf to Allow Public Testimony for New or Increased Assessment~ to be Collected for the Liehtinlf District Dunne Fiscal Year 1995/96 BACKGROUND On June 6, 1995, City Council approved the Engineer's Report for the City of Poway Lighting District and adopted Resolution No. 95-042 declaring the intention to levy and collect assessments within Poway Lighting District for Fiscal Year 1995/96. The Engineer's Report for the Poway Lighting District is on file in the Offices of the City Clerk and the Department of Public Services. As of January 1, 1993, SB 1977 required that the public be properly noticed for any new or increased assessments, and for the public to have the right to protest and defeat any assessment increases. Friday, June 16, 1995, public notices were mailed by fIrst class mail to property owners within the City of Poway that will be affected by the proposed increases, either for the new assessment of vacant land [totaling 910 parcels], or for exclusion from Zone B and inclusion in Zone A [totaling 1,260 parcels]. The 1.260 parcels were noted as having direct benefIt to street lighting. Another 115 parcels within Zone A of the District were noted to have no direct benefIt from street lighting; therefore, these 115 parcels will be excluded from Zone A and included in Zone B. The 115 parcels do not require notifIcation since assessments are proposed to decrease. ACTION: 2 of 3 )) JUN 27 1995 ITEM 16 - -- Agenda Report - Lighting District Public Testimony June 27, 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS Facilities maintained by the Lighting District include, but are not limited to, public street lights. traffic signals, and flashing beacons within the City of Poway. The budget for the operation and maintenance of street lighting, traffic signals. and flashing beacons for FY 95/96 is estimated at $638,470. Revenues required are proposed to be collected in the amount of $545,065.42 from property assessments, $112,000 from the State Ad Valorem Tax, and the balance in interest earned on the account reserve. District assessments are based on the costs for the City of Poway to administer and maintain the District facilities and are reflected on the property tax bills. ENVIRONMENTAL REVTF.W Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient revenues are expected to be generated through assessments to offset the City's operation and maintenance costs for public street lighting facilities. Sufficient revenues are expected to be generated through assessments to offset the City's operation and maintenance costs for public street lighting facilities. Approximately $34,000 will be added to the District through the proposed corrections of parcels within Zones A and B, and the inclusion of the assessment of vacant parcels in all District zones. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Pursuant to SB 1977, Section 50078.6: 1) Notice of Public Hearing has been posted at three public places within the Agency; 2) A one-eighth page display advertisement has been placed in the Poway News Chieftain (a newspaper of general circulation); and 3) Notice of Public Hearing has been mailed to property owners within City of Poway Lighting District, and those interested parties who have filed a written request with the local agency. At the time this report was prepared, no correspondence has been received. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept public testimony and continue consideration of the proposed increase and new assessments until the August 1, 1995 public hearing. ,"Mo. JLB:JDF:JRW:PSN 3 of 3 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 16 _.._~-- - - - -~ DISTRIBUTED ~ -~ '3 - q -:; -.-- William & Debbie Gillespie ~'1~ 14230 York AveDUe Poway, Califoruia 92064 ~, (619) 48~181 June 20, 1995 RECE~VEr JUN 2 ~ f995 Honorable Don Higginson, Mayor CITYOFPOWAY & Council members P.O. Box 789 CITY MANAGERS OmCE Poway, California 92074-0789 Re: Re-evaluation of Zone A Street Lighting Assess1ne1llS Dear Mayor Higginson and Councilmembers: We cannot attend the first public meeting on this matter, so we are writing instead. We find it astonishing that our property is somehow underbilIed for street lighting inasmuch as York A venue has no street lights. In fact, the street is pitch black at night except for private floodlights. We would rather it stay that way than pay for services we never asked for. ...A Please fight against the assessments. It might revive ~faith in public officials if, for once, they voted against picking our pockets. Thank you. Sincerely. lJ;~tf~~ h~;.t..g,cJr L2d4.~i&~CL' . WilIiam & Debbie GilIespie M 271995 ITEM 16 ----