Item 29 - TUP 94-74R Anytime Towing - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - ; Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager /\ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~)1r Jk Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing Services~ DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Temporary Use Permit 94-74R, Anytime Towing, Applicant: 1) A request to allow a towing operation and temporary storage of vehicles on Lot 13 within Parkway Business Centre. 2) A revised request to allow a towing operation and temporary storage of vehicles on Lots 37 and 41 within Parkway Business Centre. ABSTRACT In order to meet the demands of police and automobile towing contracts, Anytime Towing proposes to relocate their tow operation and temporary storage of impounded vehicles from their Poway Road and Golden Way sites to the Parkway Business Centre. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This proposal is categorically exempt, Classes 4 and 11, per CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE George Codling of ADI Properties, Thomas White of Hallmark Circuits, David Pudgil of Rancho Towing, and Bill Dendy. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) deny the request for a temporary use permit and proposed conditional use permit/development review application for Lot 13 of Parkway Business Centre; and 2) approve TUP 94-74R for Lots 37 and 41 subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. ACTION .- I 1 of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 29 AGENDA REPORT .. I CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no sepenlte discussion or the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Clllendar and discussed separllitely. If you wish to hllVe this report pulled for discussion. pJe85e fill out e slip indiceting the report number end give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Coundl meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ ~Jt Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner~ DATE: June 27, 1995 SUBJECT: Temporary Use Permit 94-74R, Anytime Towing, Applicant: 1) A request to allow a towing operation and temporary storage of vehicles on Lot 13 within Parkway Business Centre. 2) A revised request to allow a towing operation and temporary storage of vehicles on Lots 37 and 41 within Parkway Business Centre. APN: 317-280-54; APN: 317-810-14 & IB BACKGROUND Lot 13 of Parkway Business Centre, the original 1. 6 net acre site for the proposed use is located within the Light Industrial designation of the South Poway Specific Plan at the northwest corner of Danielson Street and Parkway Centre Drive. Since the May 23, 1995 date that this item was on the City Council agenda, the applicant had negotiated to utilize Lot 13 of Parkway Business Centre. A revised site plan would have been developed and approved by staff prior to commencement of a temporary use on the site. A condi t i onal use permit/development review (CUP/DR) application was proposed to be submitted on the same site in the near future. Staff met with representatives of Anytime Towing, George Codling of ADI Properties and Thomas White of Hallmark Circuit on June 14, 1995. Mr. Codling and Mr. White expressed concerns about having the tow operation and temporary or permanent vehi cl e storage yard near thei r developed or soon-to-be developed lots. A draft list of conditions was reviewed incorporating concerns of Mr. Codling and Mr. Whit6 as well as from the City Council discussion of June 6, 1995. Improvements to the conceptual site plan and accompanying conditions still could not overcome their underlying concerns about the proposed use and its possible adverse affect on their properties. Staff met again with the Anytime Towing representatives to discuss their options ACTION: 2 of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 29 - - - Agenda Report June 27, 1995 Page 2 and decided to not proceed with a a TUP nor a CUP on Lot 13 in light of the concerns raised by the City Council and nearby property owners. They have now reached an agreement with Bill Dendy for Lots 37 and 41 of Parkway Business Centre. These lots are immediately south of the SDG&E Pomerado Substation on Lots 29-31. An II-foot high masonry wall surrounds most of their 2.5 acre site. An earlier agreement would have utilized Lots 41 and 42. Lot 42 is constrained by a 12 foot SDG&E easement that can not be fenced or used in any way thus reducing the net acreage available. Adding both Lots 41 and 42 to the list of lots available for outside storage uses will be recommended to the City Council for their June 27, 1995 final action on South Poway Specific Plan Amendment B4- 01Z. Prior review of a site plan for Lots 41 and 42 has occurred by City staff (see Attachment B). Amendments to that site plan are needed to shift the uses proposed for Lots 41 and 42 to Lots 37 and 41. A revised site plan would be developed and be approved by staff based on the City Council's resolution of approval prior to commencement of a towing operation with temporary vehicle storage on the site. If possible, the appl icant will prepare and forward a revised site plan prior to the June 27 City Council meeting. FINDINGS 1. A temporary use permit or proposed conditional use permit/development review for Lot 13 of Parkway Business Centre should be denied without prejudice. 2. A temporary use permit on Lots 37 and 41 be approved so long as the City Council agrees to add Lot 41 to the list of approved outside storage sites (page 34 of the development standards/page 66 of 106 of the June 20, 1995 agenda report for the South Poway Specific Plan Amendment 84-01t). The TUP would be applicable for up to six months with City Council approval of a CUP/DR application required within four months. 3. rt is recommended that the applicants submit a conditional use permit/development review application on Lots 37 and 41 within 60 days after the City Council's action to approve outside storage uses on certain lots within the business park by CUP. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the procedures of the City of Poway, implementing the California Environmental Quality Act, the above-referenced project is categorically exempt, Class 4 and 11, in that the approved use is temporary in nature and will have negligible or no permanent effects on the environment. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE .- George Codling of ADl Properties, Thomas White of Hallmark Circuits, David Pudgil of Rancho Towing, and Bill Dendy. 3 of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 29 :.e Agenda Report June 27. 1995 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) deny the request for a temporary use permit and proposed conditional use permit/development review application for Lot 13 of Parkway Business Centre; and 2) approve TUP 94-74R for Lots 37 and 41 subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. JLB:JDF:RWQ:SAS:kls Attachments: A. Resolution B. Site Plan for Lots 41 and 42 C. Location Exhibit D. Outside Storage/Heavy Industrial Uses Exhibit, South Poway Specific Plan e:\city\plenning\report\tup9474c.agn 4 of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 29 - - - RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 94-74R WHEREAS, Temporary Use Permit 94-74R, submitted by Anytime Towing, applicant, requests approval of a towing operation and temporary vehicle storage yard on Lots 37 and 41 of Parkway Business Centre, Unit I. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section I: Environmental Findinqs: Pursuant to the procedures of the City of Poway, implementing the California Environmental Quality Act, the above-referenced project is categorically exempt, Class 4 and II, in that the approved use is temporary in nature and will have negligible or no permanent effects on the environment. Section 2: Findinqs: That the proposed use is in accordance with the purpose and standards of Section 17.26.020 of the Poway Municipal Code. Section 3: City Council Decision: - The City Council hereby approves Temporary Use Permit 94-74R subject to the following conditions: The following improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services: 1. The site shall be utilized in accordance with the approved site plan on file in the Planning Department, except as may otherwise be provided herein, prior to commencement of the activity. 2. Approval of this use shall not excuse compliance with all other sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances presently in effect. 3. Obtain building permits for placement of modular office and comply with accessibility requirements. School fees shall be deferred at this time and paid for the office and for the shop/storage building after approval of a conditional use permit on these lots. 4. The temporary use permit shall be subject to monthly review by the Department of Planning Services for compliance with the conditions of approval and to address concerns that may have occurred during the prior month. If the permit is not in compliance with the conditions of approval, or if the Planning Services Department has received complaints, the required review shall be set for hearing with the City Council to consider the modification or revocation of the temporary use permit. S of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 29 Resolution No. p. Page 2 5. This temporary use permit (TUP) shall expire six months after approval by the City Council. A conditional use permit/development review (CUP/DR) application shall be submitted within 60 days after the City Council's action to approve outside storage uses on certain lots within the business park by CUP. City Council action on the CUP/DR application shall occur within four months after approval of the TUP. 6. Impounded cars and trucks only are to be stored at the site during the period covered by the temporary use permit. No wrecked vehicles will be stored at the site. 7. The maximum number of vehicles to be stored on the site is 200. Auction of impounded vehicles is limited to twice per month. 8. Submit an interim hazardous materials waste recovery plan satisfactory to the Directors of Planning, Engineering and Safety Services. Approval of the plan is required prior to commencing business. The temporary towing operation and vehicle storage yard shall operate in such a way that drip pans will not be required. 9. Install a vinyl-coated chain link fence of eight feet in height with nylon wind screen or wood slats around the perimeter of the site observing the building and landscape setbacks. A minimum eight foot high screening wall of masonry or other suitable material/fence will be required for the eventual conditional use permit/development review for areas of the site visible to the public with vinyl-coated chain link fencing considered for side and rear yard areas with landscape screening. 10. The main entrance to the facility shall be from either Danielson Street or Blaisdell Place with the other street frontage providing secondary access. 11. No mechanical or auto body repair work will be done for stored vehicles. Minor maintenance and servicing of tow vehicles is allowed. 12. Provide adequate off-street parking for lien sales. No on-street parking along streets within the business park is allowed. Off-street parking on any adjacent vacant lots would require the permission of the property owner for the specified period of use. 13. Seatainers will be allowed for storage during the period of the temporary use permit. Permanent storage buildings may be required for a conditional use permit/development review approval. The following improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services: 1. The site was graded per City approved grading plan G582-89. Any modification to the approved grading plan which will result in the 6 of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 29 - - - Resolution No. p. Page 3 movement of more than 50 cubic yards of earthwork or paving of private roads or parking lots of 10,000 square feet or more requires a grading permit to be obtained prior to building permit issuance. 2. A right-of-way permit is required to be obtained from the City's Engineering Services Department prior to dOing work within the public street right-of-way or any City-held easement. Permit fee and inspection fee shall be paid and appropriate securities posted prior to permit issuance. 3. The following fees shall be paid to Engineering Services prior to building permit issuance: Water fees (minimum of 2 meters required, 1 for potable and 1 for reclaimed water) 2" meter (for potable 1 ine).......... ..$3095.00 1 1/2" meter (for reclaimed)........... 1775.00 Sewer fees Cl eanout box .............................50.00 each Inspection.............................. .25.00 per cleanout - 3 EDUs (2 for waste recovery to sewer)..7068.00* * Assuming only 1/2 acre is used for storage of vehicles with leaky hazardous material. (Note: Traffic mitigation and drainage fees have been paid.) These fees are those currently in effect and are subject to change. 4. Comply with the Poway Municipal Code requirements for industrial waste discharge permits from the City of San Diego and pay applicable fees. Inspection of the site shall occur at least once every six months once the vehicle tow yard is fully operational. The following improvements shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services: 1. Submit proper application for business office and tow truck garage. If either building exceeds 2500 square feet, a fire sprinkler system shall be required to be installed in that building. 2. Provide emergency vehicle access. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 27th day of June, 1995. - Don Higginson, Mayor 7 of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 ITEM 29 Resolution No. p. Page 4 ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. ----- , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by tne-rollowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway B of 11 JUN 2 7 1995 rTEM 29 ,.'- <. --., -. \ . Q.,.., - ~-. \ ~ \ " - " ... \ ---f---- -.L-~'=~~--------.r~. '\ _ ..:' \ . I . l. i \ - ul ~ _ I. J, L, ,l., ?H ~ '~~_ .t' __,~~ ',,j~- -'---" ' , . .' . 1'1-'- \- \0 w .... - '- -- .- .- \ \ w} , .... -- \ \ (.. ..., ..... _ - -'t . ---1\ \ ~1:::1. ,\ . --, - -------'\ ~ \'" .,;' , . - J- ''',. "I- d ,,~....-,.- t: 'Co ~. \"" 4. -- # '. <.. 'f"" 'I ~ '-I :-- ;.....\ n ..'. I: J ~\;'.~ i' \W .. . \ "'\.\" .' \ I !,' \-! C' ", 1. ",,\, <..\\ \ uJ i' I . I' _ . , ~ ." \ ~ '> ;./ i ! ...\.-.'. ~ 'j,~: ._\. - I""~ 11.\ t) /i ' 1'\ fl..,' _ -'" JIl....."".....k..;,."\ - / ~ , -""". --- . , II ...... N[' w .:r:\~ _, \\' ~ /' I' , - uJ 1: ....- "<:t ~l ~ . ;Z . i '..... \ \ ~, v ,- .... 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