Item 18 - Approval of Minutes - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Dir~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant Executive Director Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary"~ U DATE: July 11, 1995 SUBJECf: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACf The Minutes of the June 13 and 20, 1995 regular meetings and the June 15, 1995 adjourned regular meeting have been prepared and are attached for your approval. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACf None ,i ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board approve the minutes of the Poway Redevelopment Agency for June 13, 15, and 20, 1995. "" , ACTION - e:\clty\lecu1at\CltyC nDlDutea.I\Im .JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING JUNE 13, 1995 The June 13, 1995, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:05 p.m., by Chairman Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. DIRECTORS ANSWERING ROll CALL Mickey Cafagna, Susan Callery, Bob Emery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Warren Shafer Director of Redevelopment Services Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PLEDGE OF AllEGIANCE Director Callery led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Emery, to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 11. Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency May 16, 1995, Regular Meeting May 18, 1995, Adjourned Regular Meeting Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 5 (205-02) BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE'S REPORT 1995-96 FINANCIAL PLAN Chairman Higginson opened the public hearing. Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. There is a projected $300,000 surplus in 1994-95. Operating budgets for 1995-96 are recommended to be $34,272,900 for the City and $5,060,930 for the Redevelopment Agency. The General Fund portion is proposed to be $15,B63,I60. Major increases in the budget come from rate increases from Metropolitan Water District, San Diego County Water Authority, and Metro Sewer. Staff also proposes 2096 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 , . - .- .- Page 2 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - June 13, 1995 $100,000 set aside for the library, $100,000 increase in street maintenance, and a $260,000 increase in the law enforcement contract costs. The five year fiscal forecast has improved over the one prepared in 1993-94. Staff has projected three scenarios with the forecast. He commended the staff and the Budget Review Committee for their work in preparing this document. Mark Gordon, 17206 Pinot Place, Chairman of the Budget Review Committee, stated this is not just another balanced budget but a tribute to staff and the City Council for their fiscal prudence. He stated the community must learn to lower expectations because the five year fiscal forecast shows the backlog of needed maintenance projects increasing. Council concurred they are concerned about road maintenance needs and commended staff for thei r efforts to save money. They requested that questions be included on the upcoming community survey to determine citizens' willingness to fund items like the library and parks and recreation through special assessments. Motion by Director Emery, seconded by Director Callery to continue the public hearing to June 20, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 9 (209-00R) COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM Item introduced by Executive Director Bowersox. Staff report by Director of Redevelopment Services Shafer. On September 6, 1994, the Board directed staff and the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to prepare a plan for a commercial rehabil itation program due to the overwhelming response to the residential rehabilitation program. The program could provide grants/loans to provide "facelifts" for businesses in order to help stimulate and revitalize their growth. The Committee has prepared a concept for Board concurrence prior to developing an implementation plan which includes the focus of $250,000 on projects that would implement the concepts contained in the Poway Road Specific Plan, as well as the basic program consisting of $5,000 loans with the availability of an additional $5,000 matching loan, at no interest and 10% forgiven each year. Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Larry Cruse, 13734 Utopia Road, stated Poway needs new businesses rather than sprucing up existing businesses, and suggested the funds be used for a business incubation project. Kennon Dial, 12311 Boulder View Drive, member of the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee, stated more funds need to be put into the residential program and the library site. Board stated a criteria for need and expected results should be developed, as well as specifics on landlord/tenant relationships if a tenant applies for a loan. 2097 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 . Page 3 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - June 13, I995 Motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Callery to direct the Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee to develop a targeted Commercial Rehabil i tat i on Program and approve the concept for the bas i c program, with implementation plans to be brought back to the Board as soon as possible. Motion carried unanimously. CHAIRMAN AND DIRECTOR-INITIATED ITEMS 23. Chairman Higginson announced Director Rexford's appointment to the Redevelopment & Housing Committee is Jeff Schipper. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Emery, Chairman Higginson ordered the meeting adjourned to 7:00 P.M.., Thursday, June 15, 1995 for a joint meeting with the Poway Unified School District Board of Trustees in the Meadowbrook Middle School Multi-Purpose Room, 12320 Meadowbrook Lane, Poway, California. the time of adjournment was 9:45 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency 2098 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 - - -- CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING JUNE 15, 1995 The June 15, 1995 meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, adjourned from the June 13, 1995 regular meeting, was called to order at 7:09 p.m., by Chairman Higginson at the Multi-purpose room of Meadowbrook Middle School, 12320 Meadowbrook Lane, Poway, California, as a joint meeting with the Poway Unified School District Board of Trustees. DIRECTORS ANSWERING ROll CAll Mickey Cafagna, Susan Callery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson DIRECTORS ABSENT AT ROll CAll Bob Emery (Director Emery arrived at 7:23 p.m.) STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PLEDGE OF AllEGIANCE - Chairman Higginson led the pledge of allegiance. INTRODUCTIONS Board President Charlene Zettel introduced the Poway Unified School District's Board of Trustees: Jeff Mangum, Kathleen Zaworski-Burke, Steve McMillan, and Penny Rantfle. PRESENTATIONS Trustee Jeff Magnum presented a Resolution of appreciation to the Mayor and City Councilmembers for their leadership. Trustee Penny Rantfle presented commendations to City Manager Bowersox and Director of Community Services Thomas for their work in the community. (Councilmember Emery arrived at 7:23 P.M.) AGENCY/SCHOOL JOINT PROJECTS PUSD Superintendent Robert Reeves presented a list of joint projects funded by the Agency on School District property including the Performing Arts Center, Twin Peaks and Meadowbrook gymnasiums or for the benefit of the School District on City property such as the FFA facility at Lake Poway. He also mentioned several programs such as the school crossing guards and DARE. (1503-06 ) - 2099 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 Page 2 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - June 15, 1995 Executive Director Bowersox reviewed the juvenile law enforcement program, both intervention/investigation and education. Three deputies have been assigned to work with juvenile-related matters and a fourth will be added in the 1995-96 budget. ( 1301-01) Assistant Superintendent Jim Abbott reviewed proposed projects to be funded from Redevelopment Agency funds when they become available, including development of a Professional Development Center which will also have Redevelopment Agency funding from Office of Education; modernization projects including technology upgrades which may include matching funds from the State; soccer facilities at Pomerado Elementary and Poway High School; ESS facilities at elementary sites; and other programs. (1503-06) Agency and Board discussed the need for additional playing fields in the community and the possibility of improving the upper field at Meadowbrook. FUTURE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDING Executive Director Bowersox stated the City/Agency and School District embarked upon a partnership when the original Redevelopment Plan was adopted in 1983. In 199I the Agency was neari ng its projected debt cap and an amended Plan was adopted in 1993 to raise the financial cap from $480 million to $3.5 billion. PUSD has received $4.5 million to fund projects in the amended Plan. The next major infusion of cash through sale of bonds is expected in fiscal year 1997- 98. (203-22R) ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION The City Council/Agency Board and Board of Trustees discussed: lights at Tierra Bonita School, the push from the sports community to have them and the opposition of the neighborhood; whether the City could benefit from community service hours required from high school students; volunteer opportunities at the new library for students; City sponsorship of the 24 Hour Relay at Poway High School; and parking enforcement during events at the schools. Trustee Mangum volunteered to act as liaison between the City and the District for the 24 Hour Relay coordination. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. The following person was present wishing to speak: Susan Sheldon, 13411 Starridge, suggested that technology 1 inking is needed with the new library, the school district and the City. Superintendent Reeves stated the school district is exploring becoming a hub for the InterNet and home pages are being developed for each school. 2100 JUt 11 1995 ITEM 18 - -- -- Page 3 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - June 15, 1995 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Director Emery, seconded by Director Cafagna, Chairman Higginson ordered the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency .-" ,-.- 2101 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 1995 The June 20, 1995, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:02 p.m., by Chairman Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. DIRECTORS ANSWERING ROll CALL Mickey Cafagna, Susan Callery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson DIRECTORS ABSENT AT ROll CAll Bob Emery STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Warren Shafer Director of Redevelopment Services Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PLEDGE OF AllEGIANCE Director Callery led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Callery to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 13. Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency May 23, 1995, Regular Meeting Motion carried 4-0 with Director Emery absent. ITEM 4 (205-02) 1995-96 FINANCIAL PLAN Staff report by Executive Di rector Bowersox. This is the second of three meetings to receive public input and discuss the proposed financial plan for 1995-96. 2102 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 - - .- Page 2 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - June 20, 1995 There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Director Callery, seconded by Director Rexford to continue the public hearing to June 27, 1995 for adoption of the 1995-96 budget. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Emery absent. ITEM 10 (405-01R) 1995 REFUNDING CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION POWAY ROYAL MOBILE HOME PARK - 1991 COPS Staff report by Di rector of Redevelopment Servi ces Shafer and Di rector of Administrative Services Stewart. The City issued Certificates of Participation in the amount of $28,300,000 in January, I991 to fund the acquisition and improvement of Poway Royal Mobile Home Park. The Poway Redevelopment Agency acquired the mobile home park and leases it to the City. The City makes lease payments to the Agency equivalent to annual debt service on the COPs. The City operates the mobile home park, collects rents, and pays all operating coss and the lease payment from rent proceeds. The City Council has approved taking steps to stabilize the rents and staff is pursuing three courses of action: refi nanci ng the bonds; establishing affordable housing covenants for fi fty spaces; and entering into resale agreements with the tenants which enables a CPI based rental schedule. The actions recommended under this item will refinance the bonds. The maturity schedule will be extended for five years but there will be $3,000,000 in savings in the first 10 years. Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Sylvia Nicpon, 13325 Buena Vista, President of the Poway Royal Homeowners Association Motion by Director Callery, seconded by Director Cafagna to adopt Resolution No. R-95-05, entitled, "A Resolution of the Poway Redevelopment Agency Authorizing the Preparation, Sale and Delivery of not to Exceed $32,000,000 Principal Amount of 1995 Refunding Certificates of Participation (City of Poway Capital Improvement Projects - Poway Royal Mobile Home Park) And Approving Certain Documents and Authori zing Certa i n Act ions in Connect i on Therewith," approvi ng the Trust Agreement, the Escrow Agreement, the Preliminary Official Statement, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Lease Agreement, the Site Lease, the Assignment Agreement, and the Special Counsel Agreement, and direct staff to complete the transaction only if interest rates remain low and there continues to be a financial gain. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Emery absent. ITEM 11 (405-01R) 1995 REFUNDING CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION SWIM CENTER. PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 11986 COP} -- Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. The City issued Certificates of 2103 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 . Page 3- POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - June 20, 1995 Participation in the amount of $IO,OOO,OOO in 1986 to fund the construction of the swimming pool, performing arts center and Valle Verde Park. By refunding now the Agency will be able to obtain lower interest rates than are currently being paid for debt service which would mean an annual savings of approximately $IOO,OOOO, or $2,290,000 over the life of the issue. It does not extend the life of the original issue. Motion by Chairman Higginson, seconded by Director Callery to adopt Resolution No. R-95-06, entitled, "A Resolution of the Poway Redevelopment Agency Authorizing the Preparation, Sale and Delivery of not to Exceed $10,000,000 Principal Amount of 1995 Refunding Certificates of Participation (1986 Capital Improvement Projects) and Approving Certain Documents and Authorizing Certain Act ions in Connection Therewith," approvi ng the Trust Agreement, the Escrow Agreement, the Preliminary Official Statement, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the Lease Agreement, the Site Lease, the Assignment Agreement, and the Special Counsel Agreement; and direct staff to complete the transaction only if interest rates remain low and there continues to be a financial gain. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Emery absent. ITEM 11.1 (602-01 #1077) AFFORDABILITY COVENANTS POWAY ROYAL MOBILE HOME PARK Staff report by Director of Redevelopment Services Shafer. Another part of the attempts at rent affordability at Poway Royal Mobile Home Park is the placing of affordabil ity covenants on some spaces in the Park. The majori ty of Park residents are very-low, low or moderate income households. It is being proposed that the Agency would pay $2.1 million to the City for a guarantee that a minimum of 50 mobile home spaces are reserved as affordable housing, as defined by State statute, for a period of 30 years. These spaces are not fixed, but float as needed. Motion by Director Callery, seconded by Director Cafagna to adopt Resolution No. R-95-07, entitled, "A Joint Resolution of Agreement of the City Council of the City of Poway and the Poway Redevelopment Agency Relating to the Acquisition of an Affordable Housing Covenant (Poway Royal Mobile Home Park) and that the Redeveopment Agency approprite $2.1 mi 11 i on for the subject acqui sit ion." Motion carried 4-0 with Director Emery absent. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Higginson adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m. on motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Callery. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency 2104 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 18 ~