Item 25.2 - Award of Bid Chemicals for FY 95-96 r- - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY _ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members oftbe City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City MaD~ INITIATED BY: Jobn D. Fitcb, Assistant City Manager ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Douglas R. Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager Don Hall, Laboratory Analyst and Safety Coordinator '1> "'"- DATE: July II, 1995 SUBJECT: A ward of Bid - Cbemicals for Fiscal Year 1995/1996 ABSTRACT Each year bids are requested for the annual supply of chemicals for use at the Filtration Plant. This year it is recommended that the chemicals be split among four (4) suppliers for an annual total of$7I,150.00. Rhone Poulenc Alum $21,762.00 Jones Chemical Liquid Chlorine $17,660.00 Commerce Chemical Potassium Permanganate $ 8,184.00 Van Water & Rogers Sodium Hydroxide $23,544.00 - ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT For fiscal year I995/1996, sufficient funds are budgeted in account number 60-402-4502. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award this bid as specified above. ACTION ~ lof5 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 25-2 -.----- ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Douglas R. Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager Don Hall, Laboratory Analyst and Safety Coordinator DATE: July 11,1995 SUBJECT: A ward of Bid - Chemicals for Fiscal Year 1995/1996 BACKGROUND Each year, bids are requested for the annual supply of Chlorine, Alum, Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Permanganate. This year ten (IO) bid packages were mailed and ten (10) responses were received. It is recommended that the bid be split among four (4) suppliers. FINDINGS Ten (10) bids were received for the supply of Water Treatment Plant chemicals. The most responsible bidders are as follows: ANNUAL TOTAL Rhone Poulenc Alum 156 tons @ $139.50 $21,762.00 Jones Chemical Liquid Chlorine 40 tons @ $441.50 17,660.00 Commerce Chemical Potassium Permanganate 6,600 pounds @ $I.24 8,184.00 Van Waters & Rogers Sodium Hydroxide 72 tons @ $327.00 23,544.00 ACTION: See Summary Sheet 2 of 5 JUl 11 1995 ITEM 2502 - ~ ~ AGENDA REPORT Award of Bid - Chernicals for Fiscal Year 1995/1996 July II, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT For fiscal year 1995/1996, sufficient fimds are budgeted in accOlmt nwnber 60-402-4502. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that the City Council award the bid as follows: ANNUAL TOTAL Rhone Poulenc Alwn 156 tons@ $139.50 $21,762.00 Jones Chemical Liquid Chlorine 40 tons@ $441.50 17,660.00 Commerce Chemical Potassiwn Permanganate 6,600 pounds @ $ 1.24 8,184.00 Van Waters & Rogers Sodiwn Hydroxide 72 tons@ $327.00 23,544.00 Attachment: Bid Tabulation Sheet 30f5 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 2502 I ~I I ~ f ~ '" '" f i: ~ d d ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ e '" .l- i::. '" z C C ~ f.l '" i '" ~ ~ ... 1 ~ '" II r- ..... .. ;; t,. '" ;;l jI: L: "" ~. ~ .. ... ;- -s:. ~ .... '" ~ '" '" ' '" ~ i ..(') '" , .:t. :: >f:- ;;l I ~' , ill ~ ~ .., ... "\ r:' ~ ~ OJ> ;~f ~ t-> .... - . 0 l:: ~ '\.> ij~ so: ..... ~ [ "I """ ~ ~ rf ~rj'~rr' ~ "". '" """ I!'" V' ~~b ~ '; I:- ~s:.... .. '" is c:, ~pt i t s '* i ""'- '>4 !l! ~ S~ '" - t' 1> L>> .~ ~ U", " .,.J ~ ~ 4-~ "3::. '" -.1 ~ "" " '" """ t j:' '" r ~~. r :>> ~ r1 -.I' ....... . "._', . . fErr -t ~ .:t. " ~ ::- ~ ~ ~ ~f -:- .' . ~ "" ", ~ P\ t t '" 'l *" fJ ~ t '" p'" "" ~ . , ..... ~~f -t i 1 ~ -c ' ~ j i ~ 4- ~ 1;:.' I [1 ~~r I . p- t , ! ; t 4 of 5 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 2502 - I .. ~ ~ F\ ~ ~ .. ~ .. ~ a is co ~ ~ co ~ ~ r ~ " t~ ~ '" i i- !:l i ;..' c c .~ l- I \:l ;; = ~ '" .... '" ~ f: , '" c: I. ' . '" ;;l jR .r !:l ! i ~ i'-- ! '" ... '" , ::-- ~r~ r \..> --'l ~~~{f 4- ~ "r~ - "if .:t. \ J OJ .. ., is .. ! l~ ~ ~f ~ "'\ i tp~~ ~ ~ ~ 'i '" - ' <:f t::? ~ .. ~'tt " n fl ~ ?c ~ . - 0' n " ~ ':-- pf~r -P. ..." ~ ~ ... I, .:t. ~trr :t ~ -.l '>{:,.. -....- ...... .-- - r t. .- ----. . 1"- t . ... ~ '- ~ v>-~,..c.?l:S- 1 t-- ~ L~ v'll ;~ ~ ttlh~ } ~I F "' ~ ~ ~. ~;~t l- ~ ~ , 5 Of 5 JUL 11 1995 ITEM 2502 -- --- ,,' ,,,. -e '.' ".' ~- . -' ..:-",,',,;,:; - . '-';1, " .,.:......,;;: . ~ .4- '", - . .! - . '-"',.' ,- . .' ~ /-?'1d..L-/t:~-Y-l..i . '. / ~ . ' %"' " --~--_.- ....-.--2- -- --------- .---- - 1"-, .-' .' '- d-" 'de' \' , L- . .-/' ".., . .... / . ~.. .....,..- " . - -,. -. . ~. ~>~'." . 4.4.J. J ..-?:-4,(4.. .,~;L:.- ,..l2:~" ~1. "., ,,:,':_.~'.:., ~. . -t.- ,,' ,". ".:'-~ - ,~~ "~." 'j ,,"-. ~'~ ~.,.. . ~~ .... ; to. . ....,~ ._ _ .:..'_ ., '1__".;::' , ,"f'-~ ".".~,,,,,,," ,"_. '..- { .... fl.,. """../ '. ~h _ 1": .~"' \ r _~'..' 'j. ......1" j;. '~'''''{,.,~::..(:...i::.~;''.~tl-'~''''':'''',,}{'''(~,,-,;:~':....,>~>-:,., :':',J."~ c......:)_....,~~.~.-~:.:':.:'~:..~.'..~..:~__. ';."' -,.s..I";:~I'~~T:::':}" t' ~-~~_. j?~'~,::';::'. '.r~-~~;;:":"'~"-'-",tr.-:.,,,.v-'''"'-''''I'--' .j' ,~,- --,..... t ~.rt-........-.:1"-,.~,\,... l!~ -.-'if.:,-,-~\"-,..- J ....J~,:.;.-...Z"._., '~~'!f/':fS.~'f.i.;."',,;.- -'\~"1."""".' ~,,.# . .'--~ -..... ;..~, ,',.' . ~"'''', ,:.....~..'1 .r~"'" J..~-' . Ii.... '~"'j~"-r-.t"',~.. _:~"'}-.-'."-"f "., ........"_-.....-.,r_,.~' 'r' ";'-. :~"...#\-,.I. "if"',~ j~ ',;l ..... ~., ) .'J' :.;~"":{'~~'..,.:;:.o,'" ...._, ., .,i"'~>',l." 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VO~W~j 7'1i. 3302- PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE PROCEDURE This procedure is provided to enable development proponents to discuss alternative development concepts with the City prior to submitting development plans. The attached Agreement of Understanding is filled out and submitted to the City Clerk's office, accompaniedb." _1:;' car .<<briefly why this conference is desire&, and--a-ma, {ilcl t"l:gl'!( tha& 8lf2' x II') showing the properly's locatiQrl, The City Clerk will submit your request through the City Manager for City Council consensus that a conference be held on this property. If consensus is given, conference will be scheduled at a workshop session and you will be notified of the date, If no consensus, City Clerk will so notify the proponent. ,- JUL 11 1995 ITEM 32,1 AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as 'City' and L/; t? E T77I MrN~r I hereinafter referred to as 'Proponent' enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax Assessor's Parcel Number(s) . Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development plans unsatisfactory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understanding: a. City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. b. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particular development plan. c. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposal or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. d, If any development proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which Proponent may rely, Dated: '<, -.:" I" . CI S Proponent: ~~ JUL 11 1995 ITEM 32R r CITY OF P'1WAY 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064 , , Don Hi"inlOn, Mayor a DepulyMayor SUlan Callery a Councilmembers: Bob Emery. Micky Caraana . Belly Rexrord Loretta Minet 13485 Sawtooth Road San Diego, CA 92129 April 28, 1995 Dear Ms. Minet: I spoke to the Planning Director the other day regarding your proposed acquisition of the Ogle House and it's conversion to a bed and breakfast. While generally supportive of the concept, she indicated that it would require an amendment to the Old Poway Specific Plan, Before we take a formal application to the City Council, the director thought we should take this item to the City Council under a Pre-Development Conference. This is a no fee application that provides the City Council a brief description of the project and the ability to comment on the appropriateness of the concept. If there are strong reasons that they would or would not support such a request, we know the likelihood of success should you submit a formal application. I have enclosed the form necessary to start this process, It should be submitted to the City Clerk. The process is described on the front page. If you have any questions regarding the process, please call me at 670-4257 or the City Clerk at 679-4239. Sincerely, - JUL 11 1995 ITEM 32,4 , - Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 (619) 748-6600, 695-1400 --- - "'-' ">-. ,..~, .............. /ZL~ /11;/, CHANNEL , \ \ , ) NORWALK ST sa!?-~.r7.r.E /J..?~, 7~ - _ 444 @ 22.68AC ~ ~ ,.. N89-"fl."5't")v ,....-;)\ ~ ::a.oZ.Z2 ~ ~ = ~ 0.88AC.'~ ~ -;"l - ,3Ga ' : t , .".. .VI"~"""'J~...... ~o ~ - 2'50' /t'/4 -=' 2.1/ AC ~. ~ '0 f5\~,~ a:. CD ~ \.::) ,~ ': ~: 18 I '\ o 57A( -:: ~:tI .o~'''''OH SHT ? i ~, ... \:~ /,-ZI ,- I ~ M h I oil ~ (jJ'l:.~.,., ~. _ , .... ~ 7100-4 V(!'SosS..v' "R _ -";~..:::>.s..<~~- "1: .1 . . '. /~4 ;l:;() :,./ V'I . _ _ I 0: 011 0>0,,(:,. @ @ @ Zo '@1@@ 0.75AC O.~5AC 5.00AC " (!), 12 13 ,> <{ !;; .~ ~ . -1 " 0 ~o AC ~ C '. . ~ ~ o.~o tfO' 70 80 ,,, . ~ AC. \!V ,.. (( W.ff'$r /..120 (.:14) _ 374~ @ @ @ @ ~ ~ ~~ 2.BSAC 1.00,o,C 1.00,o,C o.96AC ~ { V:!.) ~ ~ ~ @ ~ "\ ,~ 5.'-..14.'tl'"E : '3.00AC.~ AUBREY ST. /$# I~~ /.6z' /., ,.z.Q @ @ C\. 1I9A( '\iEJ r f 12