1995 07-18 Agenda - -. CITY OF POWAY . PJ~~QgNP!~~NIEgnlSt€g~g!PNB~ ... . .... .. .... REGULAR MEETING. JULY 18,1995.7:00 P.M. POWAY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS -15498 ESPOLA ROAD MEfTING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 5 THROUGH ell MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NdsEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE PULLED FOR DISCUSSION. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE PULLED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A REQUEST TO SPEAK SLIP (GREEN IN FAVOR OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND RED IN OPPOSITION) AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. STAFF REPORT ~i~i~I~~~~~i~~i~~~~~i~~~II~I~~~i~~~~I~I~1illllal~ill~1lilll'l~ll[tllliilllllll~1 Ii' ," ]'t '."..'{C .'t' ""'df "'or '11199S1ti51.<'T"~20321} ~:J~;P:::;/1:9::~;n:,::Ht~:tm:;.,':::::,:H;rt)ln~M~;:::):I:)r9m}I::::;R::::;yr:t./::.:;::~:itt,.:;:-:;:::.:;~:;:.:;:~f:I:.::\::;nntt:;JtjtJ}(~:@t~H1MfmMtiR :t,,~~~:,~itJ.>)) NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.* Poway Entertainment Center Project, Bill Sil va Presents, applicant: A) Final Environmental Impact Report; B) South Poway Specific Plan Amendment 84-01Z, a request to change the site's existing use categories to a newly established "amphitheater" use category within the South Poway development plan and standards; * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation - --=- - -- CITY OF POWAY. Cllr COUNCIL AGENDA. JULY 18,191:15 - PAGE TWO C) Conditional Use Permit 95-02 would establish the specific conditions and standards under which the proposed project and ancillary uses would operate; D) Variance 95-06, a request to allow a limited number of musical events per year to exceed the noise standards of the Poway Noise Ordinance; E) Development Review 95-02, a required application for the review and approval of the project site plan, grading plan, landscape/irrigation plan, and building architecture and design features; and F) Vari ance 95-07, a request to allow two advertising monument signs within the landscape setback of Scripps Poway Parkway. A variance from the slope height requirement of the Poway Grading Ordinance, which is a maximum of 30', is also requested. This project is approximately 74.0 acres in size and is located at the southeast corner of Scripps Poway Parkway and Danielson Street. Applicant, Bill Silva Presents. (203-21) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Remove from calendar. STAFF REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR 5.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of June 26-30, 1995 (401-10) 6.* Denial of claims for damages: A)Terry Portwood; B) Valerie Linton; and C) Joseph, Geraldine and Patrick Valencia. (704-13) 7.* Award of bid for Traffic Signal Maintenance to Signal Maintenance Inc., in the amount of $165,271.02 and Street Lighting Maintenance to Southwest Signal Service in the amount of $99,350.41. These costs are shared with the cities of El Cajon, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, and Santee. (602-01 #876 &1088) * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation -- ,- . CITY OF POWAY - CITY C",lINCIL AGENDA - JULY 18,1995 - PAGE THREE , _. 8.* Approval of an agreement between the City of Poway and County of San 9.* ;;~~:::~~~ b;': ,::'::: ,:::'::, ::;::':::j''':'~ (S279): "'1602:::01;""1091) CITY MANAGER ITEMS 10. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 11. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 12. MICKEY CAFAGNA 13. SUSAN CALLERY 14. ROBERT EMERY: ~fmB1i94~~lR91iBfj:i~~t~R;;gR\1nl~!!!1i;'~!~9,ri:;~by,~~!Wlli!~~!l~~i!~n!lilill~ ptl~gQRH~J~~~~~I!!~;g~R~lItB~ai~mlj!i:~gRij~illn~~!;~1lli 15. i,~~~ii~i~!i~~i~~r(ij~BIII~~I~iiiII~I~illli~,i~~J;[l!niQi.~~lng!I:~g~n~,iinf;!Bj9!1;~; Ili~~~i~~~~~~B!~tg!~I!~,~~MM~H~~ll9H;;;P;1ri9~!ji~I~~TI;;;~R;!~\i~R!r,~;;~1llli~%lgniiR~ 16. DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNMENT '- - .