Item 6 - Denial of Claim - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrativ~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager DATE: July 18, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Terry Portwood Denial of Claim - Valerie T. Linton Denial of Claim - Joseoh, Geraldine & Patrick Valencia ABSTRACT 1. On June 14, 1995, a claim in the amount of $14,000 plus interest was received from Mr, Terry Portwood. The claimant alleges that he lost a broker's commission when the City purchased a piece of property directly from the owner. It is recommended that this claim be denied. 2. On June 16, 1995, Ms. Valerie Linton presented a claim for damages in the amount of $572,20. The claim alleges damages to her vehicle by loose blacktop from a pothole on Twin Peaks Road. It is recommended that this claim be denied. - 3. A claim for damages in the amount of $25,000 was received from the Valencias on June 8, 1995. The claim alleges unreasonable and unprofessional action by San Diego County Sheriff's deputies. It is recommended that this claim be denied. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny these claims. ACTION - 1 of 21 ",UL 18 1995 ITEM ~ .;. -- - AGENDA REPORl CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed fr?n:' ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to hBve this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slJp Indicating the report number and give it to the City CIeri( ~to. the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrativ~ servic~~ Douglas A, Milton, General Services Manage~~,; 1'-"'"-- 'j DATE: July 18, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Terry Portwood BACKGROUND A claim for damages was received from Mr. Terry Portwood on June 14, 1995. The amount of the claim is $14,000 plus interest. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS Mr. Portwood alleges that the City purchased property, listed by him as broker, directly from the owner causing him to lose a sales commission, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JlB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg ACTION: 2 of 21 a'ftII"'"o J JUL 1 8 1995 .", City Of 'Poway ' CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF POW D ~ M 1 y , �' Clerk's amp: Receiyed.by �. 4�:�TV' ^� via �UN I Q ;U:S. Maif - inter-0ffice°Nlail Over the Counter ��p0►YAYR —�— _ �_ ^o; a'KMANAGEMENi A'claim must be filetl with the City Clerk or Risk Manager of:the City of'Poway within 6,months after which�the incident orevent occurred. Be sure your claim is°agalnst.the, Gity oi Poway, not anotha� pubhc entity: Where space is insufficient, please use addttional_paper and Identify informadon by par�rsph numbec Completed c�aims must be mailed or deiivered to The:City'of Poway, 13325 CiVic Center Diive,Poway CA.,92064 ( R.O. Box 7 ;AEtn: Ri TO'THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CfTY COUNCIL, THE CITY OF POWAY GALIFORNIA 7he undersigned respectfully submits 4Fie followinp'dalm and informatiomrelative to damage to persons andiorpersonat property: 1: Name of claimant � Cu F!�rti�p.� a. Add�ess of claimanY b. Phone No. c. Date�oi Wrth _. (� Social Security No� e. Drivers Uc:;No:, �. Name, teiephone and post:office address'to which Gaimant desires.noUces to be;sentif`other than ebo"ve: 3. Occurrence orevent trom which the claim arfses: 8 Date b. Time c. Place ( exact and speGfic location) d. How, and under. what circumstances dkt damage or injury xcur? Specity the particular occurrence; event;:act or�omission you claim oaused the injury�o`rdamape�(use additional paper ff'�:necessary';). On Or q,�u'F OG';o ber d!� 149 y� � C�H �`POw4y luas _i n_ r me� �:ha� I�ia d 8: e o ,; k•:� „�,. I:�� r. a8d�000.S� -u 14�{He �� ', ew _ eK�e✓ecf - �H _ t �� n .. �a�icns`wi�h�hco�+nA'dnd �d Wor.h�se �h� san+� o r_ K,. 3. , opo � �?5 g't�► �eo�e � • I � ' by the�City, or its employees, caused.the alleged damage r h{� ..Z e. hat . artic I action , � �� P_ . � °l„ . I ` �- � a CoN►e�t�55Jdj.: ,, � � 3 of zi � JUL 1 g 1995 ITEdl� b , 4. Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss, so far as is known at the time of this claim. If there were no injuries, state "No I~~ he -=::1Jle ~'MI'.c:;!'silTY) ~Du IJ~ (j)1II 1I/'f/~lJo - ~t-1)/ +j)~ C;+'1'~ ,.J I'V~C."'" ~eaJjn.5 Lll ~ th<e- e.e[(t:'r 5. Give name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or Injury: un 1.( l'\ n u) Y\ 6. Name and address of any other person Injured: I LJt"\I<J'\ouJ1\ ~"'5 -tfVtle 7. Name and address of the owner of any damaged property: - B, Damages claimed: I 0 a. Amount claimed as of this date $ --1!:t ,t!)() . b. Estimated amount of future costs: $ pl' . ,~. + 0. Total amount claimed: $ ~ (JIJI") 05 ,~~5 d, Basis for computation of amounts claimed (Inclu e copies of all bills,lnvoices, estimates, etc) : 9. Names and addresses.pf all witnesses, hospi~IS, doctors, etc. a=1!~ ~\5m1 ~=r b. 11", ~ ,,:#('&ti4V c, J~a Y\~~} R1f~. '1id4'l\ C4~i~ J.s~, IOLlO J S:t~4' ~Jt!A. d. 10. Any additional information that might be helpful In considering this claim: : S ~e:. A1:tAc:..hI) J...6-f-t~y WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM! (Penal Code 172; Insurance Code 1 556.1 ) I have read the matters and statements made In the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated upon Information or belief as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I cert~y under penaijy of pe~ury that the foregoing is TRUE and CORRECT. S'""'h;' ~ "'. ,1i'Q~"--1.L.~~Jeqf~~~ Claimant's Sig ture "- Office of the Oty Clerk Poway, CaBfomJa DOCUMENT NO. FILED 4 of 21 JUL 181995 ITEM .6 .. - - If Th.._..~_~~_~_~:~~~~,:':A:~_.~,... City Council unl~ss members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to hBVe this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City ClerK priar to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative' Servic~~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager 1),-~.,_ . DATE: July IB, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Valerie T. Linton BACKGROUND A claim for damages was received from Valerie T, Linton on June 16, 1995. The amount of the claim is $572.20, It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS Ms. Linton alleges that pieces of blacktop from a pothole on Twin Peaks Road damaged her automobile. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. ' FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim, JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Valerie T. Linton ACTION: ~ 5 of 21 . '01 ."-- .--.------ Io�� D . �u � � City of Poway '_�i�, ._ cuuM `AGAINST T}1E CITY OF POWAY � ���► � �'�l_ 9s-oS7 Fieceived by �� U:S: Mail � Inter-Ottice Maii 04er the Counter A ciaim must;be filed with the City Glerk or Risk`Managerof the City of;Bo.way wltFiin,fi monMs'atter which the incident or event occurred. Be your claim is agains! therCity of Poway, not enother public,entily.-Where space is'insutficient, please:usg atlditional paparand identity infortnatfon by paragrap� number: Completed claims must be mailed or deliveFeil to The City oi Poway, 13325 Civic Center Drive,,Poway, CA 92064 (P.O. Box 789). Attni Bisk Meneger. TO THE HONORABLE MAYORAND CITY COUNG�L,,THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA . _. _ Thevndersigned'respectfully submits the following Gafm and infortnadon reletive tp dflmage to persons and/or personal P�P?rtY� � • ,•.--- . _ 1. Nartie of clafinent �. � a. Add�ess of ciaimant' � b. Phone No, - : Date of Birth - _ d. Sociai Secu�ity No: e. Drivers L'ic. No: 2. Name; ielephone end post oHice address.to whiich Gaimant desires rrotices to be'sent N,other Man above: .� �/� 3. Occurrenoe or even) from which the ctaim an§es: , a. Date �/ c7 � �S.S� b. Time �. �r /9'�Yt. c. Place (exaCt and specNic foCation�����,FS �CC� �c'fwe.e-✓ Cpmm��w�, w�iL�J�e�` tl. How and,underwhat circums;ances did;damage or injury occu� Specrfy the particular occurrence, event, act obomission you claim caused the,inJury or damage (use additional paper'it necessary). � �IJ 1// e.v� i Dt r� G�)� '�Li�tr�d TL] H�. .� oao !� '^�� ��s l f� 7 'S �.E -_ _ ,, Q _ �. a� 7 (�acOr..t:tn�� ���`�'�r ��.,! in ifl.z �:al- fiA„is [.s� � r h.u.-f�_�' . � –�isi�—!�[�� � r'Li i: n{�t ��irt�.ti c e�24_� '�`:lei�.! c F..�mi o �T e. What particular.action by the City, or its employees, causedthe alfeged damage or injury? S� p b�u c S(�y:,� -�L+•.� � ��� . ��d � ' =d�L*� 6 o f 21 3UL 1:8 1995 b�'d 4. Giv,e a descripbon of-the:injury damage.or loss so faras is known at the r' of the ctaim. If there wer2 nu injur,es. �state "No tn�ur,es.' �.�= .. � �. < - ' • o.LQ – _ �; name(s) of the City employee(s) causing ttie damage or injury: - � 1 r'��ar:�� 6. Name and address of nyottierperson injured:� 7. Name and address f the owner oi�an -damaged property: r - B. Damages clai a. Amount claimed as ot this date $ ��. 3(!� - � -�-�„ a?'-e • b. Estimated amount of tuture costs: $. c: 7otal amount claimed: $._57�. t_ o d. Basis for computation o1 amounts ciaimeG (inglude copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, eta) - _ /ia o.:.�. ;,.�_�' �� 9: Narties and aildresses Of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. a: b. C: d. t O.,Any>additional information.that might be helpfultin considering the claim: — ��.r �fi.r— �, , �� WARNING: IT'1S'�A CRIMINAL,OFFENSE 70'FILE.A FALSE CLAIM! (penal Code'§Z2; Insurance:Code §;558.1) I-have read the matters�;and;statements'made in'the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own'knowledge, except as�to tliose�matters stated upon information or�behef'as to such matters I belie0e`tfie same to be true: I certify under"penalty of ,perjury that the foregoing;is`TRUE and CORRECT. 'Signed this '�� day of, 19 �t :7laimanYs Signature ^ � ��': � ��°,of th"e Ciry Clerk= 'oway. Califomia ')OCUMEN7 N0. FILED 7 of 21 JUL 18 1995 1�� b`�� ~;$r- ~ ~w& ~.ct ~~~u-.. w~ ~ - ~ ...,. ~/1> go..::P Q iT sr,''''1 ,_A- LMp- .6~cr- o-! .b ~~ p 0 c.d -k:, '?- ~N ~ - k r. -In,? C<.A "'r" bcou..."c.12.d Nt- Lr=.rJ ~N Lt 7//'Yl-e.s hrff/n) -Yl'd ~ .. C()l'i7-/Il....OIA.Jf..i!f 6~~-a..t.. ,:::J::.. ~cf. >>flr J'IfiVV ".t4~ ~fM./.... +n s~ j~a-c-' r~ 1 '"/~~. T u' ddl A.~ IZ,I'!.l()"'-' ~V<..k-j$p C()v..f c..f Oo""hC. '€ ... /.(1::. € -fk:::I, II)~No- d/}1~ flec..es Ii i'-r- fny;' ~ " <t 0 tfu.. ~ , ~if , fle",- -e iAf.cI IS G.W~ .6cu/ /l-~ ..,,9)~ ~ A1~-t~ ~ ;?~..-d - J ... ~ ~ L;<.. ~ j ~, ~h. "'J "W7- ~7~ ~ ~cicP' ~ "/~ ~ {h.d ? Va.edr /YJ.~ .-Zt- wt(.-... ~~; o/~ .. rt2. ~. ~ ~.A5o.d ~ Wz.cI 4v~ ~ .~ ~ ~ 4v C<. ~ c::. .n_~ tvo--J!~ ~(f ~ ~ . ~~~c{} ~~ ~ ~~ -:;" '^' hL ~ 1[;; i \T ~cP ~c?: '... ~ ~ ~ ~ V--/~~ co .... kru- r~ ~ Ov'- iZ--z /LfJ~ ~ r-- ....J ~ 8 of 21 ~ ~ {/uR. ./- g .bod Pi/L -- /tJ'L c./(/\)c;.-...... ~ .,~ ~ ~~ ~. -- ---- - ~ " , _nn_ ,._ cr ,~~ ~-~< c/~~ 9 of 21 JUL 1 8 1995 1TEII.6 1;,_ - DAMAGP REPORT 05/,-3D/95 at 12:23 LINTON AL163916 D'.R. 23 645 - 0001247 Est: D. FABEAN RITCHEY-FIPP CHEVROLET`GEO '!�HOOSE THE BEST.." 1374'2 POWAY ROAD POWAY; CA 92064- (.619,) 748-9600-226 Owner,: RICHARD A LSN- Address�h Day P.hone: (61�9) Other Phs (619,) _. DeductibleE $ 0.00 Insuranee Co.: Claim No.: Phone: Adj 92 CH EV BERETTA GT 2D 23U- 6-3. 1L-EI Vin� . oei ` CA Prod Date� 0 / p Odometer: . ,POwer steering Bower brakes Body side moldin s Tinted qlass 4 DuaS mirrors Anti-look brakes (4) Driver air5ag Cloth seats Bucket seats Recline/2ounge seats 5 oke aluminum wheels Clear coat aint P ' • ------------------------ - ------------------------ REPR/ ----------------�---- ��• REPL DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE P�T LBR PAINT ____________ QTY COST HRS HRS MISC --------------------------- ------------------------------------ 1 FRONT BUMpER & LAMPS �--- Z* Repr Coyer 1 3 Repl RT P.ark/turn lam 1.-0 2.7 4 P 1 55:50 0.5 HOOD 5 * Repr Hood 1 6 Overlap Maj;or'NOn-Ad�. Panel 1 2•5 3.0 � Add for C1ear�Coaf - �' z 8 * Repr WINDSHIELD 1 0.6 9,� _ I X 4�5 p0 COLOR TiNT 1 0.5 1�0+� FLEX� AGENT 1 1•1* COVER CAR FOR OVERSPRAY T 10.-00 12* HA'ZARDOUS WASTE RSMO.VAL FEE 1 X 6:.00 ________________ X_- 5 00 ----------° --------------- -----------^ ------- Subtotals =__> 55;:50 4.0 6.6 67.00 Page: 1 �o ot' zl 3ul 1s t995 OT� b:•i� - - DAMAGE REPORT LINTON 05/30/95 at 12:23 D.R. 23845-0001247 AL163916 Est: D. FABEAN - RITCHEY-FIPP CHEVROLET GEO "CHOOSE THE BEST" 13742 POWAY ROAD POWAY, CA 92064- (619) 748-9600-226 Parts (Subject to Invoice) 55.50 Labor 4.0 hrs $ 30.00/hr 120.00 Paint 6.6 hrs $ 30.00/hr 198.00 Paint/Materials 6.6 hrs $ 18.00/hr 118.80 SUblet/Mise 67.00 -------------------------------------------- SUBTOTAL $ 559.30 Tax on $ 184.30 at 7.0000% 12.90 -------------------------------------------- - GRAND TOTAL $ 572.20 -------------------------------------------- UNDER CALIFORNIA CODE REGULATIONS, TITLE 10, CHAPTER 5, SUBCHAPTER8, SECTIONS 2695,8,O,2.C, you ARE ADVISED, THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE ANY REPAIR FACILITY OF YOUR CHOICE TO DO THE REPAIR TO YOUR VEHICLE.HOWEVER, YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY CAN REASONABLY ADJUST ANY WRITTEN ESTIMATE PREPARED BY THE REPAIR SHOP OF YOUR CHOICE. Estimate based on MOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE. Non-asterisk(.) items are derived from the Guide DR1CN87. Database Date 4/95 Double asterisk(..) items indicate part supplied by a supplier other than the original equipment manufacturer. EZEst - A product of cee Information Services Inc. - Page: 2 11 of 21 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM .6 :. .", ----- - AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to h.ave this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Peggy A, Stewart, Director of Administrative Servic~ Douglas A. Milton, General Services ManagerA':,~___ - DATE: July 18, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Joseph, Geraldine & Patrick Valencia BACKGROUND A claim for damages in the amount of $25,000 was received from Joseph, Geraldine and Patrick Valencia. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS The Valencia claim alleges unreasonable and unprofessional action by San Diego County Sheriff's deputies, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg Attachment: Claim for Damages - Joseph, Geraldine & Patrick Valencia ACTION: 12 of 21 .' .~ . - : RECE(VED ;, Cit3l Of PO�vay JUN g � 19g� ^ C1111M.AG�JNSTTNE'CT' OF POWAY '' �RY,OF POIVAY � CnY CLERKS OFFi�E �ethiQd by ' v!� m m__ . ,S. Y�Aati b�i-0�fi�e Mafl � . ver tno'Couno�r � P-q� -5� -oy� elsJfi P�us! Ds Rlad wtth �a C(ty CI�Ac or Rtsk AAen�ser o( tht Cily o4<Powqr wtWn i montha after whlch !he ddent�or �vent oeamtd.� Be sure your qaim !s ig�tnst tti��� ot P"�" , noY�.snothtr�puDUc ontlry. Where> itca fe;(nsuft�etent,,pifa=e use iOdi�on�l paper,�nd Idi�Ufy in parapraph;fwmbor. Completed tlma, muit;be rtuUed�or detivered`to TRe Clty oL Pow�y; 9�325' Cfvfc+C�ni�� Drlve,Poarsy, CA. 9206a: ( P,p, �z;789 ): �n: Rfsk`Manape � THE HONORABLE'MAY�R AND CITY'COUNCIL TNE CTI pF POWAY'CAl.1FORNtA �t:imdersigned �ospecttuiy submits t!►e tdlowin� daim anC�intom�ation tfl�tNe to damape to persons � Id/0�'pQfE0fliljNCperty:3• Valencia, Patr ck (a minor chi'1d - age 3) 2. Valen,ci°a,,'-Gerald3ne Dendse , 1. �alenci�a �(a1T1� OT.. da1lTlIItli ,, Jn s e p h P a t r i c'k � � Addr�ts ot cla;mant b. , PhOf10 NO c•/o� a;r;ty ,Nunn, < ��l�"Of'biRh . —d. Social Secu�ity No. e. C�Mrs'Ua•Alo. Name, tetepAone snd posi°,olf,ca�adtlress tawhich dsimant dasires notices`to be aent if oV+er fhan ehove: c/o Donald A. Nunn.A#torney Law 13426 Community Rd. Povay, CA 94A64 , Occvrrence or event irom which tha clalm srises: . a: . Date 4 L 1379 5. b. �ln1e a,p.p r,o ic . 8:30 P�m �{!Ce (�7CiCt 8t1d BpodQC 10Cttl0�) d How and under whaircireumstanua d'�d damap� or injury�oourrl! Spsctfy !!+e particutar ocwrrence, �vent, act oc om�sion you daim c�mmused V►r lnjury or damsge {use adCitional`paper it;necessary ). See a'ttarhmeni 3d � s. Vvnat Par�cular �ctton by Nr;Gty,:orlts amployees, caused th� alleped:da�nage cr fnjury? � - $ee Ar-ta-chmeni x3e. i s of z i 3UL,18 t995 I7'E�i b 1. G�ye a,descriptlo� of Ci� Jury�;proPenY Oamape or bss, so:ta s ia known �.t the tlme of this � � daim. M Ihece cwer4' , IfO Ify�ti65 staLe 'Plo 4yuri�s.° . i�� �1T�5._ .V?Lr'nr9a- —.f�ra:.rturaA h.{�-o�-.f:np' �.+nY.♦ 1w�. T { -�{- / � Valen'cia< fami�l ' and the3=r u'e'sit 'and ' � Y ., 8_ gue.ev's ch'ild.c , =' s. �ve name(s);?of the Gy:�mployee(sj �au�np'th� damap� or lr�ury: � San ;Diego Couaty Sh'er1�f'£'s Department. Of;f'icers JQnee. J. f+116065) and d+ Scnwartz,, F,. (-6$629), Claim a3so il�ed agatast County of San"DYego., !FilinF ,� with, Cit of� Powa is. ' ecd'ation. At 1' � 6: °�LA�#at�r� o`�;, � , �t�ii� �ti, ' ° s Pr<. mazy:: . Jeanma A'reilaa'o � , � ',= 7. Wame and BdOnsa oEths:ovr�ti�r ot anr demaeed DroPeRy: _. p�p �' , r �� 8. Damapes daimod: . � - $ zs;000.00 . . � a /lmount.clsimed as:ot tAis;date - b. Estimated:amount:ot,h�ture,coats: $ i�oo _ nn c' Total BmouM elaimed � 2s _ ioo = on: d., Basis'lor eortiputation of:arnounLs c�aime0 ( lnctudo°wpea;ot �11 bmsJnvoices. esUmatas, etc) ; M, , - , ma 'em ' . � o a m m r, a g. �fBhFl�fn ad�resses o ar�'ar�tr►easea,'hosp ' , cton, �tc. - , - _ a Car C. Co ;H (witnese to in�;nry;) _ .: .. b,Valley Radiology (witnesa to injury - x-:ray�) G d __ � ,�:, 10. My addi�onaJ Information ihat,mi�ht'bo l�Ipful fn eonsiderinp.Wc clmlm: ,,., �i Shis ibcia'eat_vas badlv m!'shandl'ed bv SherL Devu'tiea Claimants who �� ' We� !•�ve t�eab1b r.e��c�di'.no�...i� �th'eir lPa�4ed �rv�ctd�ence� ve+o niacPd #n fea�T o�f ; i i r Ymmedi'ate inju_ry oz death and caused to fear.fyr ,the,safety of 3 and 4=� � WAR 1NG: tT tS: A RIMINAL OFFEN E TO FlLF A I1L'SE"CLAfM! (�ena1 Code §72; �!�+°� Insuranee Cod� � S56:T ) i;�; . 1„ hevo naC�tha matte�s 8nd ttstem�rus.trsodt 6� tfw aDove ,da;m and t krsow aame lo.b�.bv� ot own know(eC e, `, @iccePt t010 thoie iriatter=;tett0 upon.Yilormation,or tiaGSl'aa to buCf�'tt�iil! 1p�6eve it� b:bo itut. I:CeRi�;un ;,; ponarty of`p��u"ry` uial tne�bre;ou�p`Is�TAUE anC,CORRECT.. �, P`o..�a� �,,,,P, y Y- ; Siprwd Mts� �'�'z day,ot� �l�� . , � , . �.: ' _ . ,� . "� � : '. � ;;. ; r x � O[Sos ot�d�e C1ry;C7ask. � • �f� (f`11..a �� ��,�i;� (l� �,, r, Poursy. ,Cs9forsila . DOCUNiENT NO. �J�p 14 of 21 �� 1$ (�5 �� b � - - Claim Against the County of San Diego VALENCIA, Joseph, Geraldine, and Patrick Attachment 3d Sheriff's Deputies Jones (#8065) and Schwartz (#8629) came to the above premises in response to a monitored security alarm signal indicating a breach in the security system. One male deputy and one female deputy ordered all occupants out of the house at gun point. Deputies terrorized the Valencia family, their guest Jeanna Arellano and Ms. Arellano's four year old son Jacob for a number of minutes (perhaps as much as ten minutes or more) with the male deputy pointing a gun at all of the above named individuals in general and specifically at the head of Joseph Valencia. Claimants informed the officers that they were residents of the premises. The officers demanded proof of residence but refused to permit residents to obtain the proof being demanded, all the while continuing to wave a gun at everyone, including the children. The officers were not in control of the situation and appeared to have no idea what to do and therefore the male officer continued to wave the gun around holding everyone at gunpoint while demanding proof of occupancy which at the same time the officers refused to permit the occupants to produce. - Eventually the officers permitted Geraldine Valencia and Jeanna Arellano to come and go inside the home, out of sight of the officers and unattended by the officers, while the male officer continued to point the gun at Joseph Valencia. When finally allowed to do so, Mrs. Valencia produced a lease for the premises. While still being held at gun point, and begging the male officer not to shoot him, Mr. Valencia retrieved his wallet from the shorts he was wearing in order to produce identification. The circumstances confronting the officers at the time of making contact with the occupants of the residence clearly indicated that these people were not burglars. In fact the security alarm had been triggered at a different building (a warehouse) on the property and the officers appeared to have very little idea of what they were looking for or where they were supposed to be. Mr. Valencia was wearing a pair of shorts and was shirtless, shoeless, and sockless. The rest of the family was dressed in pajamas. Jeanna Arellano was visibly pregnant (six and a half months) and the two male children were ages three and four respectively. Despite being able to make these visual observations, the officers accused claimants of being crack dealers who took their minor children to the scene of their burglary activities. When Claimants complained that the officers were mishandling the situation and when the male officer repeatedly refused requests to stop pointing his gun at Claimants, the male officer threatened to arrest them for ,- "breaking and entering". If these Claimants were truly suspect, proper procedure 15 of 21 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM .6 . , would never have permitted the females to go into the house, out of sight of the officers and unattended. Despite allowing this to occur, the male officer continued to point the gun at Mr. Valencia the entire time. Ultimately Mrs. Valencia went into the house again, still unattended, dialed 911 and was put in contact with a Sergeant Helman at the poway substation, while Mr. Valencia continued to be held at gun point by the male deputy. In addition to all Claimants being terrorized and traumatized, Mrs. Valencia sustained a broken big toe on her right foot due to striking it on the edge of the doorway when she attempted to push the children back into the house upon first seeing the gun being pointed at everyone. Initially Mrs. Valencia believed that the female officer was also pointing a gun. Jeanna Arellano began experiencing nausea and stomach pain and was taken to Pomerado Hospital immediately after the incident. Eventually the officers went to the warehouse where the alarm had gone off, and then left the property. . 16 of 21 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM,6 :. . . - - - Claim Against the County of San Diego VALENCIA, Joseph, Geraldine, and Patrick Attachment 3e San Diego County Sheriff's Department. Officers Jones, J. (#8065) and Schwartz, F. (#8629) . The lawful residents of a home were unreasonably and unnecessarily terrorized and held at gunpoint for approximately 10 minutes with two very young children present, two females (one of them 6 1/2 months pregnant) and one male dressed only in shorts and barefoot. Claimants believe that the officers were and unprepared to deal competently or professionally with the situation they encountered despite having been dispatched by the San Diego County Sheriff's Department to the subject property. Claimants believe that these officers failed to follow the policies and procedures of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department at the time of this incident. The officers totally overreacted to a non-threatening situation by holding lawful occupants at gunpoint while the officers tried to figure out what they were supposed to do. In the process they caused Mrs. Valencia to sustain a broken toe and created serious concern that Ms. Arellano would have a miscarriage. Both women incurred medical expenses as a direct result of the incident. - - 17 of 21 JUL1S 1995 ITEM b . , ----------~-~--~------------------------------------_.----..-- --- -- ---....-.-- L ..........._.._..,.�..,�...�,,.,.� r �. � �CCOVNf1q. lili UUU'fH, b1i1J'119'!�N', AIJ� A�J:JULLACL'.J 4t�L' EAST VALLL�Y f A'liliW'AY SU1TE 11iJ �1�� ;H1MPI]N .� A:iSl�l": E'SGUNUIUG, CA� SifiJ]35� �=4Etl,� EA:,I' VALL�EY PF4l.Y, ST 110 .. _ . L�I:,UJ�UY�LrU," l>A y::�J:::.i � 6iAlEYFJ1lUATE l�UMCEDUE� WOUNfFNCLO5E0' GEkA'LUING U. VkLF:IJGl_A, ;,/��1/;�;; 9'7.49 a�u�s�um v�n�crrta , . �vt��Twa o�te wiu �iPFAR�ON �OUR XEllT' . iTA76YFKi DA7E � Dq. �SEAVICE�.CODE �DESCHIPTION OF SEqVICES' �ppG�� PAYMENTSI CREDITS � � 9711-�D0 VALENCIA, GEkALDI'NE D: 9�1/14/5;i GC 99:�;Q12 � UI FICG%�UTPAT-IENT VISIT, ;NEW 60.00 )4L;25/9:i �GC � GHAMkUS l;itLi,AitL/PALME'(TU ,bil-led 60. �D�D � <Se'rvice date: �4/14/y5) 9;i/Y"G/95 � Haymenl: G}IAMI�US TIZIGARE/PALI9ETT00.00 9511G/95 � CO-NAYM6NT 0.00 95/lb/95 GC � UEUUGI'1L�LE 47.94 cbesvice date: d4/14/y5') 95/l�i/y:i CC i pP0 Wkl'1'LOFF -12.56 I (Service'date: 0�1/14/95) � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ( � I � . '�I � I �, . �_ -,�ceo BALANCES 47. .0.00 0.00 0.,00 47.44 . _. _ ..: : -� . � : � . . . _ .. . _ ._ _ � . , . ' '�i ' T __ _Thank ynu - ra of 21 JUL 18 1995 1T�A b• � � — � THRIHTY, DRUC' �:t7;18'. ' 12666 POWAY'��ROAD� :�ATIENT:� VALENC21.,. CELAD3NE POWAY CA 9206�4 . � . _... . APb-WILLIAM: HARAOW " -� .. � DOCTOR:� CORNELI�US�. CAAOL, (619)486-0851. DRUG NAME:- For>TYLENOL �3 W/COD TAH GENERIC'�NAME: ACETAHINOPHEN (;a and CODEINE (�KOE-deea) COt9�foN USES: This medicine is used fb telieve pain. HOW TO USE TH2S MEDICINE: Fo1low.tHe directione for usinq thie . medicine�..provided by��your doctor:: THIS;MEDICINE MAY 8E TA]CEN WITH� FOOD i�f it upsets your�stomach. IF YOU�MISS A'DOSE OF TH7S�MEDICINE end you are using ,it regularly, take it as soon ae poecible. If iY is almost time !or your next dose; skip the miesed dose end go back to your -regular dosing schedul'e. Do not take 2'dosea at once. CAUTIONS: DO�NOT EXCEED THE RECOh49ENDED DOSE or take this��medicine for longer than;preacribed without cheeking with your doctor., Exceeding the recommended dose or taking thie medicine�for loriqer than prescribed may'be habit THIS'MEDICINE MAY CAUSE��.drowaineea�or di�zzinesa. Using'this medicine alone,. with otAer.medicines;� or with alcohol��may leseen your abi drive or to perfortn�other potentially, dangerous taeks. Ask your doctor or pharmactst if you have '��estions about which med'icines�causp drowainees. BEFORE�'�YOV BEGIN � .iKING'ANY NEW�MEDICINE either:;prescrlption or over check with your doctor or pharmactet. SZDE EFFECTS: SIDE EFFECTS�, that�may go�avay duririg treatment, include dizzinese, drowsinese, lightheadedness, constipation, neusea, or vomit�ing. If they continue��or� ate bothersome, check with you; doctor�. CHECR WITH YOUR DOCTOR A$ SOON AS POSSIBLE if you expeiience : �rash or itching..If you notice� � � � . your doctor, nurse, or pharmac copyrigbt 1995 Medi-span, inc. GordonDoolh,M.D. PAl�0A1AR•t'OMFJ2AD0 Ronald:Shimmin°M.D. All rights reserved. Grol Co-Comelius, M:D. �L�'�'�'1 ' Database .Edifion 95.1 ��dusblalMedldne; Information Sxpires June 29, ] Gateway.Medjcal[iuildi 1571] Pometado Jid.,;Poway; Cq g2pGq � (619)'G75-5520�' i NAME '-'V " L '��i�� %t � J �:. , � 'V C l-'G:i % LO'�� � DATE y .. . '. _ . . .. _. .. AODHES� . . . 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L- �� ' . ;; ,`� � •�. •. � � L` e D4/14/95 ' . � Txt' 1086682 ,., _. �."_, , . . ,.. .;.: Dr. CORNELZUS � - �� � �� � ' - _APAPLCODEINEL30cAROL . : . : 0%30_TAB LEMM� � � -- i5�_'TAB� 57.95 � _ . � . 9 E., .. . ., .:8 - � BE� qMT DUE L: _� � � � �THANR YOU FOR�SyOPBING AT 2HRIFTY � � ,,..,; . . .. . . � . . . � . . � � � f. . . �_�. � �. . ��, .. . � ........ ,. 'r 2 0 o f 2 i _ 3UL i 8 1g95 iTEll� b �OV�[ °�NN,I AVENUE r � t • �j� � � � ' ,A�N��� O��q;! 'MI ES(' DO. CA 9202573% }���' u: .. . ; PH�,..�: (619J 743-6543 � > i :�/�.'_/ �: _ DESCAIFTIONOFSEHVICES. ' - . �'AMWHT .���.�rsr�a•r.��nni�arn ��n[ur.swrtoswrrr. . N �, 1 . �"ri : T)S6'�-7J T icSs `.I::HT 9�'7.7 57�80 awcart� �e�YU�asueaucr — ^. rv �i dy3d7;) C�A•'1:f:i a^,,��,tr�r�r 4�.3?T- � T% �' � .. ,�owSSaNO��F SECpMOM�IYStA�MQ • .�� �n 1 WY! CryEC41�IJ0.{ t0 � j � �.VALLEY RADIOLOGY CONSUITANTS i i MEDICAL GHOUP, ING: �60 E,,PENN51lVAMA �VENUE L ESCOMOIDO: Ca..9ROf!•31!! � I .. . M+ONE: N'7+ldSU' — uiliR�v ti � P.MOUMT PEMITTED �� �""""' I� . . � � �� O,: �(�EKf LOf �. r . ._.. . . ... �;.�, . ' � OFFiCE HOURS N � F 8:30am - t2;00 noaz � . .. � �� � .. . LOOOm - S.Wpm 1 ,°.. V2C—G'Ai�LktY 2A�CJLO',Y r,. , 5 - r. 3 m�� ta: i - . Ml�V10AtE' �'ap05510MW1F. .: D�SCM�AGE��O��[ � ItRF'VtlMG'�M'/SlG1AMe� ' - - � 6.4[1:/:)% CaR\FIiUSr ��.��3L KQ JG�'t_P:t r VAi�:YL.;.`. _ --�--- -- -- --'— � �nEMD0�0.aMT51C��M � 1 ' q .: . n.ce os se�ucE wre ov��suru�art � - >� �~•� Ob/02/�97 �T�'�! DQCiORS _X-AAY� �BRl t5 SEPARATE FROM YOUR _ ';�"' ?"' HOSAfTAL X-RAY BIIL SEE REVERSE �StOE�FOFi DfDt11HAT1pN. � r , . r � tc � � .r . � � M1I f� �