Item 14 - I-15 Corridor Major Investment Study Analysis MTDB <!pI Metropol~an Trans~ Development Board - 1255ImperiaIAvenue,Su~e1000 Item No. -32 San Diego. CA 92101-7490 Agenda (619) 231-1466 FAX (619) 234-3407 Board of Directors Meeting CIP 432.1 July 13, 1995 Subject: 1-15 CORRIDOR MAJOR INVESTMENT STUDY ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION: At the recent Board workshop meeting, a request was made for an update on the 1-15 Corridor Major Investment Study. This report will highlight the work to date and outline the key tasks and milestones ahead. RECOMMENDATION: That the MTD Board of Directors receive this report for information. ~ Budget ImDact None, The study is funded by federal Section 9 planning grants (80 percent) and local TransNet capital monies (20 percent). DISCUSSION: OVERVIEW A comprehensive study of transit needs in the 1-15 corridor was the subject of much Board discussion in 1992 and 1993, At the urging of the Board, staff investigated the pOSSibility for a federally sponsored study. The 1-15 Corridor Major Investment Study formally got under way in July 1993, when our consultant team, headed by Parsons Brinckerhoff, began work, The original intent of the study was an advance planning effort to evaluate long-term transit needs in the 1-15 corridor (defined as the area between Centre City San Diego and MTDB's northern service area boundary at the North County Fair shopping center, including the I-IS, SR 15/SR 94, and SR 163 freeway corridors; see Attachment A). The study was to conform with the, then, federal Alternatives Analysis process, Member Agencies: Cllyof Chula Vllta, City 01 Coronado. City of EI Cajon, City 01 Imperial a.ach, CllyOI La Mesa, City 01 L.emon Grov.. City 01 Nalle".l City, City 01 Pow.y, City 01 San Diego e,l. 0' Sant.., County of Sa" Diego. Stale 01 Clhlorn.. olitan Tra"sit Developme"t Board IS Coordinator 01 tl'le Metropohtar1 TranSit System and 1$ Regulatory AuthOrity for ,..I Para'ransll AdmlnlstrallOi"' 1 of 10 'or, Corpora""n, ;; San 0"'110 T,.n,;! Corpo,.',on i SO' O..go TroUe, Ine and .' San O..go & A"z~tJt'T't1995 comffEM 14 "--..-... Since the study's beginning, two key events have taken place to change the scope of the study: l. In May 1994, the study scope of work was completely revised to conform to the new federal Major Investment Study (MIS) procedures and guidelines that replaced the old Alternatives Analysis process, The MIS process requires a comprehensive look at the total transportation needs in a corridor, meaning the identification of all reasonable transit ~ highway alternatives to address those needs. Caltrans, a co-lead in the study, will be actively involved in the evaluation of the highway alternatives, Because of the large number of modal, alignment, and opera- tional variations, the study has been divided into three phases to help narrow the options in a logical fashion that emphasizes ongoing, proactive public involvement. Since each subsequent phase involves a more detailed level of analysis than the previous one, the aim is to eliminate, early on, those alternatives that do not have a reasonable chance of becoming the preferred alternative, All alterna- tives considered at each study phase will be documented in the final Evaluation Report, and they will be used for justification of the preferred alternative recommendation. 2. In February 1994, the North San Diego County Transit Development Board (NSDCTDB) of Directors voted to allocate funding for adding the segment of I-IS between North County Fair and downtown Escondido to our study. At the May 11, 1995 meeting, the Board approved amending our consultant contract to add the NSDCTDB segment, Making this addition allows us to evaluate the full I-IS corridor between Centre City San Diego and downtown Escondido, STUDY PROGRESS TO DATE Much of the work on the study thus far has centered on three major areas, as discussed below, Initial Set of Alternatives As mentioned above, the study is organized in three phases, In the Phase 1 work now under way, we are evaluating a full spectrum of highway and transit alternatives based on input from other agencies, businesses, and community groups, These alternatives include: light rail transit (LRT), higher performance rail options, express bus system using expanded High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lane facilities, hybrid (or combination) rail/express bus systems, highway expansion/additions, and congestion-pricing strategies. Order-of-magnitude cost estimates, patronage fore- casts, and potential environmental impacts are among the factors that will be analyzed to determine which combination of modal, alignment, operational, and policy variations should be included -2- 2 of 10 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM 14 with our Initial Set of Alternatives to be carried forth for more detailed analysis. A sampling of some key issues being evaluated includes: 0 Limited rights-of-way along the SR 163 segment raise a concern about where rail or HOV alignments can be placed without having to resort to extensive aerial structure and/or tunneling sections. The Sand 6 percent grades leading in and out of Mission Valley also present operational challenges for rail alternatives. 0 While there are reserved rights-of-way for rail or bus transit in the future SR IS/40th Street corridor, right-of- way constraints and grade issues exist both to the north and south of the Mid-City area, Access to many potential station sites through the Kearny Mesa/Tierrasanta and East San Diego/Golden Hill areas is limited due to topography. 0 Kearny Mesa has become the largest employment area in the region but, unlike Centre City, it has dispersed land use development patterns that cannot be served easily by two or three station locations, With parking plentiful and usually free, the challenge will be to design effective alternatives to single-occupant automobile tripmaking. 0 North of Kearny Mesa, the low-density suburban land use ~ patterns are of concern, since very few residents and businesses are located within walking distance of station locations. The results of the transit/land use component of the study (discussed below) will be an important consideration in determining the effectiveness of rail options in these areas. While express bus options may be better able to penetrate areas outside the immediate freeway corridor, the question becomes one of how to design a system that is cost-effective from an operating standpoint. 0 There have been several suggestions to consider higher speed rail options (e,g., magnetic levitation trains, monorails) to counter the long travel distances. While higher speed modes may be desirable, compatibility with our existing LRT system is a concern. In addition, based on our research to date, there are few, if any, urban applications of most of these technologies by which to judge cost-effectiveness and rel iabil ity. 0 There are no plans to expand the current highway system in the study area (other than the completion of the SR IS/40th Street project). While freeway widening is always an option, its cost-effectiveness and community/ environmental impacts may present fatal flaws. Constructing new HOV facilities is an option that will be fully evaluated; although, in many areas, limited rights-of-way may require widening of the entire freeway, Policy options, -3- 3 of 10 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM 14 --- --- such as expansion of SANDAG's I-IS congestion pricing program, will be examined to see if greater efficiency of existing highway facilities can be made. Public Involvement The new MIS process emphasizes .proactive public participation" that encourages and seeks out involvement from the beginning of the study and throughout its course, Towards this end, staff has been actively involved in developing a process that will maximize community involvement. As the study first got under way, introductory meetings were held with all of the recognized community planning groups throughout the corridor, as well as with other civic and business groups, to acquaint them with the study. This past fall and winter, as we began to first develop our study alternatives, we gathered input from our Project Advisory Committees, These are small group meetings spread throughout the corridor. Because the study area is 35 miles long, we felt" that smaller subgeographic group settings (there are 12 groups; see list in Attachment B) afford the ability to concentrate on issues of interest to the communities in a particular area. . We have also met with other community, civic, and business groups, as needed, to discuss specific issues. To date, we have had 125 meetings with the community, - Technical Backoround Studies There have been several technical background studies that have been completed on the following subjects: 0 Hioh-Soeed Bus Svstems - This report provides background for our express bus alternatives; it deals with other cities in North America that have developed extensive high-speed bus systems. 0 Hioh-Occuoancv-Vehicle (HOV) Desion Manual - This manual serves as a resource for both MTDB and Caltrans in providing design guidelines for alternate HOV lane designs, drop-ramp structures, on-line stations, etc. 0 Transit/land Use Analvsis - This report assesses existing and future potential for better integration of transit and land use, especially around station sites. In the final study Evaluation Report, a second phase of analysis will make specific land use change recommendations on the final set of alternatives under evaluation, The potential for such changes will be used as a criterion in the selection of a preferred alternative. -4- 4 of 10 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM 14 0 Hiah Performance Rail Technoloaies - Given the length of the corridor, there has been a fair amount of interest in examining alternatives that could provide a higher speed operation than conventional light rail service. This report summarizes various rail technologies available and offers an assessment on costs and reliability. FUTURE TASKS The bulk of Phase 1 work (Initial Set of Alternatives) is scheduled for completion this fall, As we develop the draft Initial Set of Alternatives Report, another set of PAC meetings will be held to review our findings and help develop recommenda- tions for which of the alternatives to carry forth for more detailed analysis. Based on comments received, a final draft report will be prepared with recommendations. At that point, formal public workshops would be conducted prior to reports to the SANDAG Board of Directors and Caltrans management on concurrence with the Initial Set of Alternatives. The MTD Board and the NSDCTD Board would then make the final decisions on which alternatives to carry into Phase 2, the Conceptual Definition of Alternatives, The aim of the Conceptual Definition of Alternatives phase is to provide sufficient technical and policy guidance to reduce the set of alternatives to no more than six mode-, operational-, and alignment-specific options, More detailed information is - developed on ridership potential, capital and operating costs, operational issues, as well as general assessments of physical environment and social/economic impacts, Phase 3 represents a refinement of those alternatives carried forth from Phase 2. This is where the bulk of the environmental impact and financial analysis is conducted to present a clear picture of the trade-offs between the alternatives, Such information will be needed by the Board in making a decision on the preferred alternative. In a follow-on study, preliminary engineering and environmental documents will be prepared for the preferred alternative. PROJECT SCHEDULE As previously reported to the Executive Committee, our project schedule has been adversely impacted by delays experienced by SANDAG in updating its transportation modelling package. In addition, the 1-15 MIS was slowed down earlier this year due to reductions in our corridor planning staff, These two factors combined resulted in a six-month delay to the original project schedule. The SANDAG model updates are now complete, and additional staff resources will be made available with the soon- to-be-completed Mid-Coast study, MTDB and SANDAG staffs are now developing a formalized modelling process and schedule to minimize any further delays, The initial runs will begin this month. -5- 5 of 10 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM 14 ->.~.... -- Once the modelling process has been finalized, we will be able to update the 1-15 MIS schedule, It appears that the study will be scheduled for completion in late 1997. Along with the delays mentioned above, this date includes additional time to ensure adequate public review at important juncture points in the study. Key dates for Executive Committee and Board review over the next year are as follows: 0 Executive Committee. Fall 1995 - Review of draft Initial Set of Alternatives Report 0 Executive Committee, Winter 1995 - Review.of public and agency comments in preparation of Final Initial Set of Alternatives Report 0 MTD Board, SDrina 1996 - Concurrence on recommendations in Initial Set of Alternatives Report 0 Executive Committee. Summer 1996 - Review of draft Conceptual Definition of Alternatives Report Through periodic agenda items, corridor planning updates'wi11 be presented to you on the study's progress, ~,).~ omas , arWln General Manager TFl:DESchumacher:des:bw AI-JULl3.132 7/5/95 Attachments: A. Study Area Maps } Board Only B, Project Advisory Committees -6- 6 of 10 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM 14 --- Att. A, '_ 32. 7/13/95, CIP 432.1 "'" ~ South 09"1)10 ~ ~ Esconoido "'0 Pkwy ) . - . Via Ral)Cho 0,,0/<'\ NCTO ~ "- Segment "j North County Fair ; Q<O ,. "e'\ -l~ Lake Hodges ,. . ~<:-c ~ ~. -<'" c'S . "'\~ \:l" 0 1 ~ p - t , .,. "'0 'll I 0 i:' 3 ,. ~ . ~ I :D t'M Bernardo Q. 001"-0. ':'I Ctr, Dr. \l01(\al . 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PoIentJaJStaIIlns A-I 7 of 10 JUL 181995 ITEM 14 1 ,,0 - 1-fI."d I South Poway Pkwy, . ~I, . - O\~IO I call" ~ N "0 :; c: - c: c I R nch BlvC 0 'iij - ScnPps a c C' I Mira Mesa E " Miramar '" 0 - U ::E , Res.voir '" . u '" Cii . - Mira Mesa Blvc, , - ~O' I taOO . "o~., c~ lear,e\\ Scripps b' '?,,. jcanyon Rd. Ranch cr 009. i USIU " ,<-0' ",;. t- o" - (J .,,"... , :'Iou . ? \.\0 O. ~# & U"!; ~ ~ Miramar \ ~ Wy, ,"!; - ~ \ # "0 \ c: - '" I Miramar Naval Air Station '> - ,... ~ c: - .., ;;; , '" " - l' , - N I . 0 2 Miles ,~f Acproxlmale Scale " .- " ! ~ i' 01 -~ --~ .-,'" '$>'/;1 "'-'~" .,", ,~ 1 .", I..: ... .S'.<J 1 ~<i> @ "::':':-":':, .:.:..... .. '"", . $2. ",... . '."'.',.,., , " '...~",..,...' ....., ~ ,f' , . .., 0 ".,. ,~Ii3,ir.e.rrlO~t,Me.:BI~i.._.__., Jl ~/,,1r~"'Of)l41. l Tierrasanta .:::.; e .c. ~, g. ,.' Kearny I:; ~ ~S" 8^ (j . Me ~ 15 va' "\" {- sa - ::D: . . BalbOa Ave. if I c.1 ".,.,......,'...........'...-., . MTDB I I II I I ExIStlng T roiley I.Jnes ...'....n~____ Proposed LRT I.Jnes 1-15 Transit Corridor Mid-Segment --- Potential Aigmnents . Potential StalIOns A-2 8 of 10 JUl 1 8 me; ITEM 14 . - . 3alQpa ,..." I ,-sa1ooa Ave lit .. ~ I C.alremOr1l I ,"~ _ 2 .. , \1l I 0 .:1 "':,' . . ,'m '(:; Montgomery 0. _ ~ . . -',"-r Field.". " , """"'. '. _ . . '-Aero-Dr-'" . "'I ,I ,;; c Cl's<i . '.: .,,_ G> O"'og. . 'I oF ~O tQ ,. .--","':",:': t/' ;. oJ' ~ ~.., ,'::--" ..~ ~. 'lo ,.- ,I; 0' cO C:i ';. .,~,' t3 IS"". M... ~ ~~ ~, 0 ~~..j". . ~,.:,. ~ 15 0 ~~ .......' .J'. ,t:. <1'.' w" ~ I ~~" '9, . .. -i- - '" . i J ~ ' . 1 ' ~. '- ~ -- - :Y. :,. c: W, t~~'?-- JaCk., - . _, _ ''' 1; I <J ,', ~ Murolly l'" .O..~., ~_,...-;, -... ,_ .II'\.~- rr'" ..~~" ~ V'IIey~." I, "onlOzum.'~,d, ." 1'<\ .,~ .'. . "..'.". \'" -<' . , t (!j " ~,<t-' ,:"':~::O~'!.' "~J , ' '.. .....< O. .".. . Adams A,. , . ,.. ~~ .~;~:.,. M~n .... .....~... ...... San Diego R'v., ,-C," .:.~ V.I..., .~_. _ f,!) 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'""::.=:::~,., MTDB I r, III Exisling Trolley wnes I , Proposed LRT wnes 1-15 Transit Corridor South Segment -.- PotenIIai Alignments . POl8nba1 StaIions A-3 9 of 10 4 -~.._-- Att, B, AI 32, 7/13/95, CIP 432.1 ATTACHMENT B 1-15 CORRIDOR MAJOR INVESTMENT STUDY PROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTEES Purpose: Oriented towards community and business leaders, and other interested members of the public, Meets two to three times per year. Corridor divided into the following subgeographic areas, from north to south: 0 Escondido area - to be organized by North San Diego County Transit Development Board 0 Rancho Bernardo/Lake Hodges 0 Rancho Penasquitos/Carmel Ranch/Sabre Springs/Poway 0 Mira Mesa/Scripps Ranch/Miramar Ranch North 0 HAS Miramar 0 Kearny Mesa 0 Tierrasanta/Serra Mesa/Linda Vista 0 Mission Valley 0 0 Hillcrest/Uptown/North Park 0 City Heights/Normal Heights/Kensington-Talmadge 0 Golden Hill/South Park 0 Southeast San Diego DES:bw AI -JULl3. #31 6/27/95 8-1 10 of 10 JUL 1 8 1995 ITEM 14 ,