Item 10 - Report of Weed Abatement, Nuisance Abatement Charges - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man A INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager(:!~ r- Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services Lynn Walker, Code Compliance Officer DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Report of Weed Abatement, and Nuisance Abatement Charges to be Collected on the 1995-96 Tax Roll ABSTRACT Each year, monies are budgeted for weed abatement, and nuisance abatement, including illegal dumping and encampments. Property owners are notified that all abatement costs will be assessed on the tax rolls. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is categorically exempt under provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Class 8: Actions by regulatory agencies for protection of the environment. - FISCAL IMPACT The proposed resolution will reimburse the City for any costs incurred for the abatement of weeds, and public nuisances from the property owner via 1995/96 tax rolls, with an added $60.00 administration fee. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice was published in the Poway Chieftain prior to the Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution, approving the report prepared for the collection of weed abatement, and nuisance abatement charges on the County Tax Assessor's Roll for the year 1995-96. ACTION - E: \CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\CODE. SUM 1 of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 AGENDA REPORrl CITY OF POW A Y TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ / INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC11": fl',.)&' Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plann~ng Services~ Lynn Walker, Code Compliance Officer DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Report on Weed Abatement, and Nuisance Abatement Charges to be Collected on the 1995-96 Tax Roll. BACKGROUND: The 1995 Weed Abatement commenced on April 4, 1995 with the mail ing of approximately 400 notices to property owners whose properties required weed abatement. The City contractor, Eaton Field Maintenance, began clearing properties on May 15, 1995. Three properties were cleared of trash and debris after the property owners had received notification. FINDINGS: Weed abatement is effective in the prevention of fires and also in the control process of fires. Approximately 150 parcels estimated to be nearly 200 acres, were abated by the City contractor this year. The attached report lists the properties by assessor parcel number and the associated charges. These charges also include a sixty dollar ($60.00) City administrative fee. The Weed Abatement Program has received excellent cooperation from property owners. Over 200 owners have abated their own fire hazards or contracted for the work individually. Nuisance Abatement programs have been effective in the removal of trash & debris, illegal dumping, encampments and all other nuisances that are a potential threat to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. ENVIRONKENTALUVIEW: This action is categorically exempt under provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Class 8: Actions by regulatory agencies for protection of the environment. ACTION: 'of9 ; AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 - Agenda Report August I, 1995 Page 2 - FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed resolution will reimburse the City for any costs incurred for the abatement of weeds, and public nuisances from property owners via the 1995-96 County Tax Assessor's roll. An additional $60.00 Administrative fee has also been added to the charges. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: Notice was published in the Poway Chieftain prior to the Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution, approving the report prepared for the collection of week & nuisance abatement charges on the County Tax Assessor's Roll for the year 1995-96. Attachments: A. Resolution ~ - :: of 9 lUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE REPORT PREPARED FOR COLLECTION OF WEED ABATEMENT, AND NUISANCE ABATEMENT CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR'S ROLL FOR THE YEAR 1995-96 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires that weed abatement, and nuisance abatement charges for the fiscal year 1995-1996 be collected on the tax roll, in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together with and not separate from the general taxes as provided in the Government Code; and WHEREAS, Sections 8.72, and 8.76 of the Poway Municipal Code, of the City of Poway respectively establishes the procedures for weed abatement, and nuisance abatement by notifying property owners of the necessity for abatement and authorizes collection of abatement charges on the tax roll; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a Public Hearing on these matters following due promulgation of notices as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The report submitted to the City Council setting forth weed abatement, and nuisance abatement charges as established by Section 8.72, and 8.76 of the Poway Municipal Code respectively and attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved. Said charges shall be collected on the 1995-96 San Diego County Tax Roll. Section 2: The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and the Auditor of the County of San Diego, State of California. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting thereof this 1st day of August 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 4 of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 .- .- FUNU DESCRIPTION: WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES 1995 COUNTY FUND NUMBER 6075-11 PARCEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER FUND DESCRIPTION: WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES 1995 COUNTY FUND NUMBER 6075-11 PARCEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 2738201700 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 2738205300 WEED ABATEMENT $128,00 2738205400 WEED ABATEMENT $128.00 2751810800 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 2752414100 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 2752414200 WEED ABATEMENT $45.00 2752414300 WEED ABATEMENT $45.00 2752414400 WEED ABATEMENT $45.00 2752414500 WEED ABATEMENT $45,00 2752414600 WEED ABATEMENT $45.00 2752414900 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 2752701800 WEED ABATEMENT $323.00 2752704600 WEED ABATEMENT $323,00 2752911200 WEED ABATEMENT $127.00 2757911800 WEED ABATEMENT $192.00 2758101700 WEED ABATEMENT $206.00 2770100900 WEED ABATEMENT $275.00 2771401000 WEED ABATEMENT $157.00 2771401100 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 2781700300 WEED ABATEMENT $219,00 2781700400 WEED ABATEMENT $219.00 2781701600 WEED ABATEMENT $248.00 2781707700 WEED ABATEMENT $145.00 2781707800 WEED ABATEMENT $140.00 2781707900 WEED ABATEMENT $145,00 2781708000 WEED ABATEMENT $139.00 2784425100 WEED ABATEMENT $130.00 2784425200 WEED ABATEMENT $125,00 2784426100 WEED ABATEMENT $178.00 2784426200 WEED ABATEMENT $232.00 2784426300 WEED ABATEMENT $232.00 2784426400 WEED ABATEMENT $150.00 3140311600 WEED ABATEMENT $433.00 3140600300 WEED ABATEMENT $157.00 3140600400 WEED ABATEMENT $113.00 3140600600 WEED ABATEMENT $121,00 3141311000 WEED ABATEMENT $125.00 3141311100 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 S of 9 EXHIBIT A AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 - -_._,.,._-_._..----_..."-_._._-_._~-'"-~-_..,--~- FUND DESCRIPTION: WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES 1995 COUNTY FUND NUMBER 6075-11 PARCEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 3142013500 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 3142304700 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 3142304800 WEED ABATEMENT $128.00 3142306200 WEED ABATEMENT $125.00 3143602000 WEED ABATEMENT $191,00 3143603000 WEED ABATEMENT $319.00 3143700500 WEED ABATEMENT $429,00 3143702500 WEED ABATEMENT $191,00 3143702700 WEED ABATEMENT $197,00 3143702800 WEED ABATEMENT $192.00 3143703600 WEED ABATEMENT $423,00 3145504300 WEED ABATEMENT $133,00 3146503700 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 3146503800 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 3146510500 WEED ABATEMENT $152.00 3148011300 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 3148020700 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 3160202500 WEED ABATEMENT $544.00 3163201600 WEED ABATEMENT $195,00 3170211500 WEED ABATEMENT $65,00 3170211700 WEED ABATEMENT $159.00 3170211800 WEED ABATEMENT $159,00 3170213000 WEED ABATEMENT $195,00 3171521200 WEED ABATEMENT $150.00 3172001300 WEED ABATEMENT $171.00 3174722300 WEED ABATEMENT $125,00 3174800700 WEED ABATEMENT $310,00 3174800800 WEED ABATEMENT $1,385,00 3174903300 WEED ABATEMENT $155,00 3174903600 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 3174903700 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 3175010900 WEED ABATEMENT $136,00 3175011000 WEED ABATEMENT $208,00 3175200500 WEED ABATEMENT $254,00 3175200600 WEED ABATEMENT $229,00 3175730800 WEED ABATEMENT $125.00 3176620100 WEED ABATEMENT $240,00 3177611300 WEED ABATEMENT $116,00 3210113800 WEED ABATEMENT $226.00 3210125300 WEED ABATEMENT $135.00 3210300400 WEED ABATEMENT $321.00 3210306400 WEED ABATEMENT $360,00 3210702000 WEED ABATEMENT $695,00 3210901700 WEED ABATEMENT $1,260,00 E of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 - -- FUND DESCRIPTION: WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES 1995 COUNTY FUND NUMBER 6075-11 PARCEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER . 3211000100 WEED ABATEMENT $360.00 3211806700 WEED ABATEMENT $150.00 3211807400 WEED ABATEMENT $268,00 3211808100 WEED ABATEMENT $325,00 3211808400 WEED ABATEMENT $238.00 3212004100 WEED ABATEMENT $120.00 3212004400 WEED ABATEMENT $307.00 3212004500 WEED ABATEMENT $210.00 3212105500 WEED ABATEMENT $101.00 3212200800 WEED ABATEMENT $231,00 3212200900 WEED ABATEMENT $224,00 3212201100 WEED ABATEMENT $202.00 3212308700 WEED ABATEMENT $144.00 3212308800 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 3212308900 WEED ABATEMENT $105.00 3212309000 WEED ABATEMENT $105,00 3212502300 WEED ABATEMENT $192.00 3214100200 WEED ABATEMENT $129,00 3214100300 WEED ABATEMENT $116.00 3214101800 WEED ABATEMENT $130,00 3214101900 WEED ABATEMENT $130,00 3214102000 WEED ABATEMENT $130.00 3214102600 WEED ABATEMENT $130,00 3214102700 WEED ABATEMENT $130.00 3214103600 WEED ABATEMENT $173,00 3220110600 WEED ABATEMENT $404.00 3220401600 WEED ABATEMENT $280,00 3230100700 WEED ABATEMENT $2,460.00 3230101100 WEED ABATEMENT $225,00 3230102000 WEED ABATEMENT $305.00 3230102300 WEED ABATEMENT $450.00 3230701500 WEED ABATEMENT $314,00 3230701600 WEED ABATEMENT $110.00 3230701700 WEED ABATEMENT $110,00 3230701800 WEED ABATEMENT $110,00 3230701900 WEED ABATEMENT $245,00 3230702500 WEED ABATEMENT $265.00 3230711500 WEED ABATEMENT $320,00 3230910100 WEED ABATEMENT $500,00 3230910200 WEED ABATEMENT $343.00 3232610700 WEED ABATEMENT $125,00 3232620900 WEED ABATEMENT $147.00 3232621000 WEED ABATEMENT $129,00 3232700600 WEED ABATEMENT $125,00 7 of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 ._-~,---_.__._- FUND DESCRIPTION: WEED ABATEMENT CHARGES 1995 COUNTY FUND NUMBER 6075-11 PARCEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 3232700800 WEED ABATEMENT $127,00 3232705300 WEED ABATEMENT $156.00 3232706000 WEED ABATEMENT $515,00 3233600100 WEED ABATEMENT $175,00 NUMBER OF PARCELS: 136 FUND TOTAL $30807,00 8 cf 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 - - FUND DESCRIPTION: NUISANCE ABATEMENT -1995 COUNTY FUND NUMBER 6075-14 PARCEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 2783012200 NUISANCE ABATEMENT $2,755,00 3232705100 NUISANCE ABATEMENT $629,00 3232705200 NUISANCE ABATEMENT $594,00 NUMBER OF PARCELS: 3 FUND TOTAL $3,978,00 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10 9 of 9 -_._- ~_._._-