Item 12 - Old Poway Park Operating Schedule for Poway Midland Railroad Rolling Stock - - AGENDA ~PORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ~' ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerCf r ~ "Ili' IN "'E CO Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community Services .~y DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Old Poway Park Operating Schedule for Poway-Midland Railroad Rolling Stock BSTRACT On September 13, 1994, the City Council approved an operating schedule for the operation of the rolling stock by the Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers (PMRRV) at Old Poway Park. The approved operating schedule was from 9 a,m. until 4 p.m, on Saturday and from 11 a.m, to 2 p.m. on Sunday, and one Sunday a month the rolling stock would not operate, PMRRV has requested additional operating hours. It is recommended that this request be denied and the existing operating schedule be retained. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. - FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to John Ohler, Mary Cross, Jill Nasman-Moore, Carman Steven, Denise Hankins, Luke Newcomb, Susan Davis, and Melissa Holgren. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny the request by the Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers for additional operating hours of the rolling stock at Old poway Park and retain the present operating schedule. ACTION - AUG 1 1995 ITEM 12 1 of 5 --------- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~'t ~' Robert L. Thomas, Director of Communit Services DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Old Poway Park Operating Schedule for Poway-Midland Railroad Ro 11 i ng Stock BACKGROUND Neighbors surrounding Old Poway Park have requested that the hours of operating the rolling stock be limited on weekends due primarily to the noise. On September 13, 1994, after listening to several neighbors and representatives from PMRRV, the City Council approved an operating schedule. The schedule set forth specific operating hours on weekends, precluded operations on major holidays, and required a 30-day advance schedule for special event operations (Attachment 1). The City has received a request from PMRRV requesting additional operating hours for the rolling stock (Attachment 2). The request would add one additional hour of operation on Saturday, five additional hours on Sunday, and specify operating hours for community special event days. FINDINGS In establishing operating hours for the rolling stock at Old Poway Park, the objective has been to balance the neighbors desire for peace and quiet with the community benefit of operating the rolling stock. PMRRV has worked diligently on the needed track improvements and equipment renovation in order to operate the locomotive, trolley, and speeder. The locomotive and speeder are in operation and it is expected that the improvements on the trolley will soon be completed. ACTION: 2 of 5 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 12 e. - Agenda Report August 1, 1995 Page 2 Although the present operating schedule may not be totally acceptable to either the surrounding neighbors or PMRRV, it does strive to achieve an appropriate balance. The schedule has been somewhat flexible when additional hours of operation have been requested by PMRRV for a special event, the approved weekend hours have been reduced the same number of hours. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to John Ohler, Mary Cross, Jill Nasman-Moore, Carman Steven, Denise Hankins, Luke Newcomb, Susan Davis, and Melissa Holgren. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny the request by the Poway-Midland Railroad Volunteers for additional operating hours of the rolling stock at Old Poway Park and retain the present operating schedule. JLB:JOF:RLT Attachments: 1 - Operating Scheudle for PMRRV Rolling Stock 2 - Letter from PMRRV (C:\OATA\AGENDA\ROLSTOCK.OPP) - AUG 1 1995 ITEM 12 I 3 of 5 ----- OLD POWAY PARK OPERATING SCHEDULE FOR PMRRV ROLLING STOCK On September 13, 1994, the City Council approved the following schedule and procedures for operating the rolling stock at Old Poway Park, This schedule shall be effective from September 17, 1994 through May 28, 1995, 1. Regular weekend operation shall run from 9 a.m, to 4 p,m, on Saturdays and from 1I a,m, to 2 p,m, on Sundays, 2, There will be no scheduled operations on one Sunday each month, 3, There wilI be no scheduled operations on the following days: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, and Easter Sunday, 4, Operations may run from 9 a.m, to 5 p,m, on the following holidays or special event days: Labor Day, Poway Community Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July, 5, Special event trips involving schools and community groups for educational purposes must be scheduled 30 days in advance and conducted between 10 a.m, and 2 p,m" Monday through Friday, A maximum of six hours may be scheduled per week. 6, One-half hour before and after scheduled operations, the rolling stock may undergo a safety run, These trips shall not be open for the general public, 7, Unless determined not feasible due to safety requirements, the whistle shall not be activated between the hours of 9 a,m, and 10 a,m. PMRRV shall identify an appropriate safety measure in lieu of the whistle, which could include the positioning of volunteers at the crossings. 8, If PMRRV operating revenues are adversely affected due to this schedule, the City shall provide appropriate financial reimbursement. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 12 4 of 5 - - POWA Y MII)JAND RAILROAD VOLUNTEERS June l-l, 1995 Jim Bowersox "We> DELIVERED CMTE, 1.-11.-<< City l\fanager City of Poway Dear Jim, At the June I st Board meeting the Board voted to ask the City to review our operating hours, The Sept. 13, 1994 City Council Meeting established hours for the PIvIRR through May 1995, They felt the hours should be reviewed after r\fay. The Board of Directors would like to submit a new operating schedule to the City. We would request the new schedule to be as follows: Saturday 9:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m, Sunday 9:00 a.m, to 5:00 p,m. Holidays and Special Event Days * 9:00 a.m, to 6:30 p,m, * Special Event Days are days the City has special programs planned for the Park such as Band Festivals, Period Events, Community Days and Street Fairs, We would like to point out that we would not always run these total hours but we would like to be able to support activities in the Park. The Locomotive (when up and running) will probably run a maximum of three weekends a month with the Speeder or Trolley running the other times, To support evening events, i,e,: Christmas in the Park, we would request night runs paralleling the Park Event. Please contact me at 679-1252 if you have any questions, Sincerely, X~s Secretary/Treasurer -, c Bob Thomas, Jim [lentz, John ()hlcr, Doug Stratton, Steve OualIine 1',0, BOX 12.... POWA Y CA 9207" AUG 1 1995 ITEM 12 5 of 5 -. . - -, POWA Y- MIDLAND RAILROAD VOLUNTEERS ANNUAL SUMMARY 7/1/94 thru 6/30/95 Operations In spite of the unfortunate incident last fall that caused the failure of the coach wheels,this year has been quite successful, The highlights of our operation in the service of the citizens of Poway and the public at large are: . Rides were provided for 19526 persons, This is an inaease of 3900 over the last fiscal year, Of this total, approximately 3800 people rode behind the steam locomotive on eight operating weekends, . An estimated 400 complimentary rides were provided to various organizations, *Training thru the Operation Lifesaver prOlTam was provided for 884 chileten .On average. for those operating weekends, 273 people rode on Saturdays and 191 On Sundays, (Note: Sunday hours are 11 :00 to 2:00 compared to 10:00 to 4:00 on Saturdays.) -average riders per hour: Saturday 45 Sunday 64 .When the steam locomotive ran, 474 riders were carried per day compared to 188 with the speeder. The public is becoming inaeasingly aware of Old Poway Park and its railroad, Ridership IS definitely inaeasing, For example, comparing July Fourth 1995 to July Fourth 1994: 1995: 1451 rides ( all steam) 1994: 1228 rides (all speeder) An inaease of 18%, F or just the month of July: 1995: 3452 (2970 steam) 1994: 1807 (287 steam) An inaease of almost 100% ! Other Accomplishments . The volunteers assisted the track consultants to realigl the track. This has resulted in a sizeable reduction in overall noise and a much smoother ride, This also minimizes the wear on the equipment wheels thereby inaeasing their useful life . . The tender trucks have been reworked to improve their tracking ability, This should extend their life until replacement trucks are available, ~-l-45 ..::Ji-ic;?.. - - . Seats have been installed in a third ore c. to carry more riders per trip. 'Work has begun on the refurbishment of a fourth ore car to shorten the waiting time of the public on holidays and special events days, . Design worle: is in progess for the installation of air brak.es on all ore cars to enhance passenger safety. . DeSign of replacement trucks is almost complete, A full scale engineering mockup has been completed, Preparation of <tawings and specifications is in process Requests for bids should take place shortly. . A donor has been found for replacement trolley wheels, The old wheelsets have been sent to the donor and the replacements are expected in late fall. Work will continue, under the supervision of the track consultants. to improve and maintain the track, The consultants have held classes for the Volunteers so that we will be able to perform routine maintenance, ~t:J: 3 - -. !o , "i " ~. " ...'- .,.' ! .....MecOa) .loc:?t'- U) - t)t\I~C\I CD " W / Q " .. ' ~' ~ooo.. .., . 1.0 co C') ~ >__M 1.0 0"": ..,.: Z " CD~OOC\l lli .LOO co :;,. ~LOO LO f\i -', co u...:....: C\i 0 ...-cc.....oo . co C\I co " c..e>:>o ~ ~ g f w....:....: N '" Ul 'Oit i I Q) . ! OMOCC," Q) i . to 0 '" (l') ",....'" '" .... I ~ .,.: ... ~ I < .E ~,' ..J ]I ;; ~, .; -, I C. '. ~~ lOVCOO,.... .OC\lN '" .c: H .. ....ICDC>C"!. 0 ~ - ri Ul lil. ..." ... CIl . ~ z "C ~ :~~~~=? =l co--oocn c:: . 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"- "'" Q.CZ)C>>CDCO C\I AD ~ :cu.OJ_~C\1 ~ en -- .. .... '" ""'i;- <D "C =~ C:CCOO>O>OO ~:t: "'OCCDM....,. .. m..,CO""'.,... ~ .. 0 -'= ~ <ii a: 'iiia'~~~ "C c: -"C"C"C-~ as O"-C=~ "C t-~;:)o ~ >-OlW:rJ2 :E (/J .~ - >- c u. ~ 0 0 :;; ~ !l. ~ !- Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 .. .; N -c--.c"O.eu. - John and Elise Salverda 14039 Eastern Street Poway, California Location of residence: Two blocks east and two blocks south of Old Poway Park, Comments: The activities held at the park are plainly heard at our house, My husband, John, works at night and sleeps during the morning, This is difficult enough without the added noise of the train whistle blowing at 8 in the morning, We already have to contend with the heavy traffic on Midland Road that results from park activities, and the detours that re-route traffic past our house. Therefore, I am totally against extending the hours of operation for the train. ~~ Venous Azodi 14043 Sycamore Avenue Poway, California Location of residence: I block south of the Old Poway Park Comments: I am strongly against extending the hours of operation for the train, l){fU.4V ~. ~-1-'15 ....1.1.- ---.- ."-_._- _. - PETITION We are residents of the City of Poway and feel that the current proposal of Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ) [hereinafter referred to as "the Plan "] is NOT in the best interests of the City of Pclway or its residents, We hereby petition the City of Poway to reject the Plan to be presented to the City Council on 'August 1, 1995 for and including, but not limited to, the following reasons: 1, The City of Poway does not have an urgent need for a "mini park" in our neighborhood. The currently proposed Plan includes the same facilities which' already exist at the Star Ridge Park located approximately 3 blocks away. 2, Additional traffic hazards will be created along Silver Lake Drive, Robison Blvd" Elm Park Lane. and Carriage Road and will further reduce the already limited parking in the area, 3. The Plan will reduce substantially the value of homes in the nearby area, 4, Residents along and near the perimeter of the area will suffer additional noise, light, and traffic pollution, 5, The Plan has the potential of increasing our local taxes to support these changes. 6. The Plan is the wrong use for this type of property, which is better suited for residential use, Residents along the perimeter have been repeatedly assured by the City agents and representatives that the integrity of the neighborhood would be maintained, The undersigned persons are concerned not only for their own well-being, but also for the total effects of any public facilities which the City may create. IT IS TIME TO CREATE DESIGN FEATURES FOR THIS PROPERTY WHICH ATTAIN THEIR OBJECTIVES WITHOUT DAMAGE TO THE SAFETY, QUIET, CONVENIENCE. QUAUTY OF UFE. OR ECONOMIC WELFARE OF ANYONE, Name Printed: GAB.?IE.L. "?c:.\<:.Bi.\N Sig natu re: c::::ad3g<=;; &rCJB M - /' Address: I?:', 7 ~\?. Name Printed: )7 Signature: Address: "3.~i} J~cl(J ,,~J. \Ut Name Printed: McH l ~~ y \0 \J '^-. Signature: Add"" \..,-;,41 \...d ~e~!u J>v ~ q'" Name Printed: j,66 J. 1. I '?rn/~ Signature: ~ Address: 133Z~ V~ <y)...-{"../ . Date: ~h~h5" Name Printed:J(\~ Lot\j Signature: .!)<{;~ ~~ _ Add",,, /3 z: ~ nr: Dot., I 3 H5 Name Printed' . Signature: Add'''" /~J4.' U J/<!: - D.te, ~ Name Printed~",~.~r~ Signature: j /~ ~ ' / " Address:Ja~ 1 fA... v.;;:,~ ~ ~'?"'J ,~ ~/7W Date: ?I~~~- _.__.~ - .:Josi e. Ar<.m'5f~a.d ~ ~ 12.."4~ Rob"~on B/vel. ::tJZ2..2) P9-UJ'!j U ~~ /, I~s-'" (! 4;er l.f --::JO/lNJo,J /3 DC! 6 II/A Dc:z 7bILO.~~/l. iYfilf-j /ll. y,:,1f.-.JfiJ;J A'~ jL[. / c:< 7/0-- 'RcJl3lJo,J "7J>L 11'2) HW/ -73~ ' . -, -- From; Fred L. Fear 14062 York Ave. Poway ca. To' , Poway City Council Ref; Extending hours of the train at "Old Poway Park", Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the council, As a neighbor of your park I have made every attempt to be a good neighbor and I have very much appreciated you doing the same, But if you think my neighbors or myself will in any way tolerate extending the hours of that Damned whistle on wheels you had better think again, I've been unable to enjoy my Sunday afternoon nap as I had tor many years prior and I'm getting a little cranky, Don't push it. Sincerely, Fred 1. Fear ~I '" -.-.--.-- i - - August 1, 1995 Carmon L. Steven 14134 Sycamore Avenue Poway. Ca 92064 City Council Hearing August 1. 1995 re: Expanding Train Hours at Old Poway Park I respectfully request that the hours NOT BE expanded for the rolling stock at the Old Poway Park, I live directly across from the park on Sycamore Avenue and the train affects the quality of J:I'I? life outside, and when the locomotive is running, inside our home during the existing hours, Any extension of the already allotted times would merely exasperate my, my husbands. and our neighbors. condition, The rolling stock is noisy, The whistle on the locomotive can be completely intrusive, particularly when it is blown directly opposite my home, A few weeks ago the locomotive was also emitting a noxious steam that rolled in black waves across my yard and caused coughing and eye watering. This was admittedly an isolated occurrence; however, it just underscored how my life has been impacted by the park, and most particularly, the locomotive. That day I was so distressed by the train. and this new condition of the steam, that I actually talked to my husband about disclosing the train as a liability and selling our property of 22 years. 22 years in which we raised children, were active in the local PTA, volunteered with the newly founded Poway soccer league, and generally contributed to this community, The rolling stock may in fact turn away a few riders by not being open longer hours; however, they like every other BUSINESS. post the hours of operation and the consumer, or public, must comply. When the hours were initially set by the City Council. members of the train auxiliary stated directly to me that this meant the locomotive could seldom run, and never on Sundays, because it wasn't worth it to get it operational for limited hours. This turned out to be an inaccurate concern as the locomotive frequently runs all day Saturday and on Sundays. It may be equally inaccurate to feel that their revenue would significantly increase, and if revenue is truly an issue put a minimum increase on the cost of the adult fare during the existing hours to compensate! I ask the Council to recognize that the train is only one piece of the park, a park that I generally enjoy, even when it feels like I am having a perpetual birthday party in my front yard! And when the train stops, the concerts begin, which frequently means theA'is no quiet time in my front yard, house, or back yard from sunrise to sunset on the weekends which are my leisure time. ---~.- - - Thank you for your consideration in having the scheduled train hours remain unchanged, ~./. ~ , -- ICJ3l/lsEt:J #,;1''TP~t4J.. ,C)~ I' ~-I-~S-' I Gf." Landscape Architectu. .J I Landscape Architecture RECtfV t: u Land Planning AUG 0 1 1~5 MEMORANDUM PLANNING DEPT. TO: Pastor Benjamin Dela Paz, Iglesia n1 Christo, poway Locale FROM: Gary F. Hoyt, ASLA DATE: Ju1y31. 1995 SUBJECT: Sllverlake Mini Park-Probable Cost of Construction 35 % Construction Documents (Project #5.4041) I I On July 28. 1995, I spoke With MarlJo Van Dyke, project planner with the I City of Poway. She reviewed the 7/28/95 budget memo with Javid Siminou of the City's Engineering Services Department, Ms. Van Dyke said that the City I Will regard the mini park as a public project-in effect. eliIllinating all costs for permits and fees. ThIs Will result in substantial reduction of the indireot I project costs for the church (approximately $10.000). The budget is still subject to change based on further input from the neighborhood and review of plans by I the City. Budget for design and construction of the mini park is $60,000,00, I Additional Improvements have been identified as bid alternates if adequate I funds are available, I Please note that this cost opinion does not include the follOWing dtrect I and indirect costs related to constructl.on of the park: I . engineerIng design. including topographical survey; . utlllty connection fees, including electricity; . removal/disposal of existing A.C, parking lot paving and curb/berm: . clearing and grubbing. including removal of existing trees; . rough grading (ie. import to bring site to Within 0,1 foot of final grade); . pedestrian access improvements from Elmpark Lane (concrete steps): . chain link fence along south side of proposed parking lot (north park I property line): . demolition of concrete driveway adjacent to Silverlake Drive. and curb replacement; . possible requirement for concrete block wall along south park property line. I have estimated some of the excluded development costs below for your information and budgeting purposes: Item Estimated Cost l. Concrete steps from Elmpark Lane $2,000 2. Concrete driveway demolition $600 3. Concrete curb replacement $300 4, Chain link fence along north P.L, $2,000 5. CMU wall along south P,L. $7,300 6. A.C. demolition/disposal. clear review costs with civil engineer and grub. rough grading 13625 Adrian St, Gary F, Hoyt, ASLA Poway, CA 92064 Pr'inclpal TEL (619) 486-4931 RLA#2517 FAX (619) 486-1457 ! AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 , -.--- I . I Ju1y31,1995 I Page 3 I c: Bob Thomas, Director, Poway Community Services Dept. I Marijo Van Dyke. Poway Planning Services Dept. I I Javld Slmlnou, poway Engineering Services Dept. Dan Cannon, poway Public Services Dept. I Ernesto M. Edralin. Construction Company Ll1:nited Glen Groth Architect, AIA Tina guioat Jay Cleveland, American General Building Contractor SalverlakeMP /CostEst3/gh I i I I I I i I I i , i I AUG 1 I 1995 ITEM 13 ... - A~ 7-2J-:-?S- J · AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y REVISED TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ,). INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC(. ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan~ing Services Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: t August 1, 1995 , SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 95-31, Iglesia ni Cristo Church, Applicant: A request for approval of the design for a mini park located on Silver Lake Drive at the intersection of Orohaven Lane, in the RS-7 zone. APN: 317-640-52 (Portion) BACKGROUND On Tuesday, July 18th a subcommittee made up of church representatives, neighbors, design consultants and City staff reviewed the design for the mini park. The City Parks and Recreation Committee reviewed the plans the following evening. The following is a summary of the suggestions from both groups which staff recommends be incorporated in the approval for the park. FINDINGS The neighbors prefer that the park not have a basketball hoop and backboard, however they do want to retain the court hard scape area for multiple uses. A double-sided solid wood fence, with top rail, starting at an eight foot height and descending to six feet is being requested in order to provide privacy and sound buffering for neighboring lots immediately south of the park. One additional picnic table is also requested. The playground equipment recommended will be appropriate for the preschool through six-year-old age range. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council consider the recommendations of the committees and approve Minor Oevelooment Review 95-31, as revised. Attachments: A. Revised Resolution Page ACTION: It 1 of 2 Gl 1995 ITEM 13 Resolution No. P - Page 2 Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. '11!!WW@1~~111~"I.il"II'II.i..I'II.':lfd*~(II(~ '''''~~~''I.'i~";;~1j'!'''*'''la"'k,~,.1t.IB*I~''''"H~~,r",,~m"'#"f~';";iW<'~! RiltliP,;;((,DJ.L,Xl. ,JbAJhlllll!V" "JAg,' )Jli;,N! .,. J~. .~tH!1L;hlL.i;J!bi;);.;!1,l!qiL:;,Al!M ,. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within two years from the date of project approval. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. Parking lot lights in the lower church parking area shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of 18 feet from the finished grade of the parking surface and be directed away from all property lines, adjacent streets and residences. 2. All two-way traffic aisles in the lower church parking area shall be a minimum of 25 feet wide. A minimum of 24 feet wide emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear at all times during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements. 2 of 2 Attachment A AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 I