Item 13 - MDR 95-31 Iglesia ni Cristo Church _. - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ /' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managef1l~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 95-31, Iglesia ni Cristo Church, Applicant: A request for approval of the design for a mini park located on Silver Lake Drive at the intersection of Orohaven Lane, in the RS-7 zone. ABSTRACT This is a review of the design for the minipark on Silver Lake Drive and for approval of its construction. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The construction of the park was an anticipated feature of the Conditional Use Permit 83-01, for which a Negative Declaration was issued along with the original approval of - the project. No further environmental review is required of this project. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice of Hearing was mailed to 30 property owners and residents adjOining the church property. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council find that the previously issued Negative Declaration adequately addresses the environmental impacts of this project and approve Minor Development Review 95-31, subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. ACTION - E:\C1TY\PLANNING\REPOAT\MDRA9531,SUM 1 of 8 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 ., -~----_. " AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ J~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerCf,' , &. Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of PlanWing Services ~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 95-31, Iglesia ni Cristo Church, Applicant: A request for approval of the design for a mini park located on Sil ver Lake Dri ve at the intersect ion of Orohaven Lane, in the RS-7 zone. APN: 317-640-52 (Portion) BACKGROUND In 1983 the Iglesia ni Cristo Church was granted a conditional use permit (CUP 83-01) approving the establishment of a church on a 3.2 gross acre lot located at the terminus of Elm Park Lane, and extending west to Silver Lake Drive. The site is overlaid by an open space easement which was recorded in February, 1971 as a means of assuring that a recreational use would be preserved for the long- term benefit and use of the surrounding residents. When the church took ownership of the property, CUP 83-01 specified a location for a public mini-park which was required to be constructed prior to the occupancy of the site by the church. The original location was situated in the northwest corner of the lower portion of the property, fronting Silver Lake Drive, an area of approximately 10,000 square feet. FINDINGS During the course of negot i at ions with the church regarding the overall funct i oni ng of the church on the subject property, it was proposed that the location of the mini-park be moved to the southwest side of the property, thereby allowing more usable space for park development, approximately 21,000 square feet, and allowing the church to consolidate the rest of its property into one contiguous area. ACTION: I 2 of 8 III\JU 1 ~ - - Agenda Report August 1, 1995 Page 2 The park design is the product of two neighborhood meetings, where design input was sought from those most interested in its use. It contains a half-court basketball court, a grassy lawn area suitable for active games, a tot-lot play area complete with climbing/play equipment, a sidewalk extending from Silver Lake Drive to the easternmost corner providing disabled access to all areas, and an assortment of furniture, picnic tables, etc. The park will not be equipped with restrooms, and no lighting is proposed, both of which are consistent with City mini-park standards. It is the desire of the neighbors whose rear yards abut the park to be provided with a six-foot masonry wall in order to preserve their privacy and attenuate anticipated noise. Staff supports the provision of the wall. Once construction of the park begins the church will lose approximately one-half of the existing parking spaces which are located on the lower level of the lot. At the neighborhood meeting it was felt that an interim solution would be to allow a temporary parking area to be constructed in the area designated as the first site for the park. Staff supports this proposal. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ,- The construction of the park was an anticipated feature of the Conditional Use Permit 83-01, for which a Negative Declaration was issued along with the original approval of the project. No further environmental review is required of this project. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice of Hearing was mailed to -1Q property owners and residents adjoining the church property. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council find that the previously issued Negative Declaration adequately addresses the environmental impacts of this project and approve Minor Develooment Review 95-31, subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. JLB:JDF:RWQ:MVD:kls Attachments: _. A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning and Location Map C. Park Site Plan 3 of 8 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-31 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317-640-52 (PORTION) WHEREAS, the Iglesia ni Cristo Church has set aside land to provide area for the construction of a public park on a portion of the property located at the southwest corner of Silver Lake Drive and Orohaven Lane, in the RS-7 zone; and WHEREAS, a design for the development of the park has been completed and has been presented to the City Council at a regularly scheduled hearing; and WHEREAS, neighborhood participation has been sought and included during the design process. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinas: A Negative Declaration was issued for the underlying Conditional Use Permit CUP 83-01, which anticipated the construction of the city park. The City Counc i 1 finds that the previously issued Negative Declaration adequately discusses the environmental concerns of this project. Section 2: Findinas: 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that public parks are an anticipated element within residential areas of the community. 2. That the approved park will not have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties, because it will be adequately screened from adjoining neighbors by fencing, no lights will be installed, and no restroom facilities in order to discourage illegal use of the park at night. 3. That the approved park is in compliance wit the Zoning Ordinance because public parks are a semi-public use consistent with residential zoning. 4. That the approved park encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City in that it will be an attractive and functional recreational amenity in an neighborhood of very small residential lots and neighboring apartments. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Minor Development Review 95-31, subject to the following conditions: 4 of 8 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 - - _. Resolution No. P- Page 2 Within 30 days of approval (I) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOllOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, - Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 5. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project wi thi n two years from the date of project approval. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. Parking lot lights in the lower parking area shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of 18 feet from the finished grade of the parking surface and be directed away from all property lines, adjacent streets and residences. 2. All two-way traffic aisles in the lower parking area shall be a minimum of 25 feet wide. A minimum of 24 feet wide emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear at all times during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Complete 1 andscape construct ion documents shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements (latest edition). 2. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in - accordance with the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements and shall be planted at an average of 30 feet on center spacing along all streets. ) of 8 AUG 1 1995 neM 13 Resolution No. P- Page 3 ~ Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. 1. All damaged off-site public works facilities, including parkway trees, sha 11 be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of bonds and improvements, to the satisfaction of the Department of Engineering Services. 2. Prior to any work being performed in the publ ic right-of-way, an encroachment permi t shall be obta i ned from the Engineering Services department and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits required. 3. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the park, and all surface waters that may flow onto the park from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required by the Director of Engineering Services to properly handle the drainage. 4. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. 5. Water plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway and the County of San Diego Department of Health. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 1st day of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk 6 of 8 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 - _. - JfIr - - - - - \ ,A RR-A CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: MORA 95-31 @ BCALE , TITLE: ZONING & LCCATION NCNE A TT ACHMENT : B 7 of 8 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 ::3/,I'dd -;17\......., '-J-::1f\'" I? -- .- -- .- ~l~ ~!~ ~! ~ 16r ~ ~~t. ~ -:t }! " l' ~ L... ~"'t (l\ +=~ ~ l. ";] ;J tl' , .' -1~1 ~ Q> " fI~ > il1 -l -.:s ~ -l > ,. . (") :tt 1i '11- ::I: '. , \'I' . R .' ..,. 3: "!:. ',' . m ' . I:'i c- L ' \U z -=\.~ .. ~ -l " . )', '3: . , . ., .'. 0' l1' ' , (") , ~.' " . , '1{ , , ' . . '. . . '.. . '.': . , ~' " - \11 . "@ f )1'= l~ l: L ~ q ..- !$ ~"l I>l r =::i~ 3- ~ ~Jl 'Jl 1" lJI ~nlL W~~l~~ !I!ilIIlMn W> ""1i\1~ G F H land1cape~' __INn D~I1.~$n& ~ ~m(O -"...- .- AUG 1 13 3 of 8 . - tJ~ 7--;2[;>9s e.o., ~..., SPHR 12724 RotwfI BIuJ. POIllIUJ, e..t/ornia 92064 /u,....: (619) 748-6857 IIID.t, (619) 679-6051 Ft-e-C-E1-\tE r: July 19, 1995 City Council of the City of Poway JUl 2 5 1995 Poway, California 92064 CITYOFPOWAY RE: Proposed Plans for a Park behind homes located on Robison Blvd. CITY MANAGERS OFFICE adjacent to Silver Lake To Whom It May Concem: I am the homeowner of a property whose backyard borders on the parking lot owned by the church behind me, In fact, my house is the last one in the row before the embankment. I and my family have suffered a number of personal security and safety problems as a result of the parking lot located behind my home. I have two dogs and a pool. Because of the traffic behind my house, my dogs have been provoked and teased on a regular basis. On no less than three occasions in the almost four years that I've owned this property, someone has thrown glass containers over the fence at my animals which smashed onto the concrete around the pool. Glass also fell into the pool and on two of those occasions severely damaged the pool filter causing expensive repairs, The glass was extremely difficult to clean up and prevented us from using the pool for several days after each occasion because of potential injury due to glass in the pool. On yet another occasion, someone climbed the embankment at the fence's edge and threw a rock over the fence, breaking a window on my back door, With the incidents described above, I'm sure you can understand why I am extremely opposed to any additional traffic occurring behind my property. These incidents don't even take into consideration the added noise that would result from the potential increase in traffic, As It is, I'm awakened every Sunday morning by the sounds of cars parking behind my fence and voices from people as they head into the church as early as 6:30 a,m. This was not what I expected when I bought the house. I've managed to make a few adjustments, but there's no way I could adjust to a doubling of the trafficfnoise at that houri I understand that fencing is proposed to help keep individuals away from our property lines, I cannot imagine anything being adequate enough to solve the problems I've experienced to date. The only possibility that even comes close to a viable solution would be a six foot blocked cement or brick wall that is thick enough to offer privacy and protection from strangers on the other side, To date, I've kept these problems to myself and have dealt with them. I assure you If the plans that are proposed do not come with sufficient means of protecting me as a homeowner, I will not hesitate to take whatever legal means are available to ensure my family's protection and safety, My work schedule has prevented me from being active in following the activities associated with the proposed work. However, be assured that my silence to date does not imply my acceptance of these changes, I am steadfast in desiring some assurances that my family's well being is being considered, Thank you. - AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 I -'-- - ~~ 7- 3/-ys .!'-2j iii; ;2:;~ SA S~;, eXeC OFFiCe FAX NO, 6j96186G43 ~ ~,o; . Jay & Diana Kawamoto R Ed-Ce: I1!J I V tE";;'-1 - 12706 Robison Blvd, E L: Poway, California 92064 (619) 748-4182 JUl 28 1995 CITY OF POWAY July 26, 1995 CITY MANAGERS OFACE City Council Members City of Poway ~.O. 9:n( 789 Poway. California 92074-0789 RE; CUP 83-01 -- Iglesia nj Cristo Modification Project Dear City Council: Chapter 17 of the Poway Municipal Code clearly defines the conditions which must be met in order to approve a Conditional Use Permit. It appears as if our Council members have overlooked some of these provisions in their leal to reach agreement with the Church, As a result, we find it necessary to remind you of your responsibilities to the citizens of Powayfor whom you represent in this malter, In this case we are referring to the residents on Robison Blvd. adjacent to the property in Question, Section 17 states in part that the use of the property should be "compatible with and will not adversely affect or be materially detrimental to adjacent uses, residents, ,.," It also further states that there 'will not be II harmful effect upon desirable neighborhood characteristics" nor an adverse impact to traffic conditions. Clearly the proposed plans for the Iglesia ni Cristo violates all of these conditions. As the homeowners of a property which borders the parking lot of the premises. we have dealt with a number of issues over the years. However, these problems are minuscule in nature compared to the foreseeable adverse impact which will arise as a result of the mini-park presently proposed on this land, During the bright light of a pretty summer day, the plans for a mini-park seem cheerful an~ appropi:a~e 10r :he w~o:e neighborhoo~. But when the light of the sur; is gone, and the pale glimmer of the moon is all that lights our path, the negatives associated with locating the park in this location overshadow any positives there might have been. The effects are many and all adversely Impact residents on the north side of the parking lot. We will list but a few to give you a vision of our plight: 1, Since the fence has been taken down, we have been plagued with drunks, parties, noises late at night and early In the morning, homeless people sleeping -- against the fence, cars in and out of the lot at all hours, and trash thrown into our yard. Public access to this area wifl only increase this activity, not make it go away. jAUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 I < . - ,. r,'. ,....- -.... .f"'\...... SA S?S tXtC OrriCt -A" t-iO 6'9~7~~~4~ t. G2 ...._:_-'-,~,-_.~j rr\. 1t...'10 t X. . 1 0 I ~Ov ~ , Page 2 2. Drug dealings are already taking place on the street corner, The park only gives them a more comfortable place in which to conduct business. 3, We have a dog which has been provoked and teased through the fence by children passing by, A park will only increase this behavior. The liability associated with what would happen if a child were bitten by my animal, through no fault of the animal's, is unthinkable. 4, Traffic on Robison Blvd. already amounts to an excess of 4,000 vehicles a day driving by our home. A park would increase that traffic, with no provisions for these people to park. S, We have received testimony from a number of resident!. from other neighborhoods concerning the impact that a park had on them and their homes, None of them are positive. Stories of vandalism, peeping toms, noise levels, and higher property taxes are but a few of the negatives we've been told, We've even been urged to "sell now while you can before the park is developed. " 6, Privacy and security are of utmost concern with the development of a park, It's bad enough we have to deal with traffic congestion, noise, and soot from the busy street that we live on, Our backyard has been our place 01 solitude away from these problems, Now you want to take that away by having people be able to gawk at us from the other side of the fence, Council members, we urge you to re-consider the proposal for a mini-park on Silver Lake Drive, In the long run, this development is NOT In the best interest of the community, It is NOT in keeping with the standards set by the Poway General Plan, And it is certainly NOT going to bring harmony to this neighborhood. The resultant effects are detrimental to our residences and adversely affect our quality of life, Should you allow this park to be developed as planned, you will have gravely steered from your desires to retain the small town character and peaceful community image that we so proudly proclaim as Poway. We urge you to re-consider the proposed development plans for the mini-park. There are other alternatives that should be sought, ~e%l..$ , ::-~ Ja~iana Kawamoto AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 I JUL-31-95 r.Oli 9:48 SA SPS EXEC OFFICE FAX NO, 61967961149 p, 02 Copied for: I City Council City Clerk - July 31, 1995 JLB/JDF/RW-Q RECEIVE[\ Mari Jo Van Dyke, AICP JUl 3 1 1995 Anocl.te Planner City of Po....~y CITYOFPOWAY Planning Services Dep'l1'l1Ilent P,O. Box 789 CITYMANAGERSOFACE Po....ay, California 92064 Dear Ms Van Dyke: On Thursd"y, July 271h. Mrs. Diarua Ka....amoto 11lade a reque.'t to receive a cupy of the complete file on the properly involved in Ihe CUP 83-01 maner, On Friday, July 28th, I made" sUnil"" request and ....:is lold by you that Mr., K.....amoto had already requested the 1ile, and that I cuuld get a <opy from her, I sub.equemly comacted Mr., K.....amoto and made. copy of the documents that h.d been provided to hor by your offie:<:, However, in reviewing the m.terial., I discovcred that a number of documents ....er.. not provided to us, A rec.p foIlo...." 1. \t'e know that the property was originally permitted under P70-391 b"ck in 1970. However, there ...'cre no documents in the materials provided that cover the time period 197\l _ 1982, 2. '\1:'e r..ceived a series of documents rderring to th.. July 1983 time period ...,h.,lIthe Chur.:h originally ! took O"cr the property. These appear to be incomplet.., 3. There Was no documcnt:nion from the 1983 rnateriols until 1986. yelthe 1986 m"terials refcrenee data I from 1984 and 19S5 which we were not given, 4, The fjle then makes an even bigger jump from 1986 to 1995. There "'3$ no correspond""" provided for the period of 1987throl1gh 1994. Yet there Are do=ents""e were given that rderence meetings and di;cl1ssions in the April!993 and January 1994 time periods, 5, An O<tob..r 7, 1986 Agenda RepOrt was only partially complete, We received pagc. 1 and 3, Where's the rest of th.. report? We also received partiol pages of repono d.t.,cl Sf" '1, mber 2. 1986 (p~g. 3 only), September 23,1986 (pase 3 only), December 17, 1985 (page 4), July 12, 1983 (poges 1, 3 and 5), \t'e 'Would also like to reque.t clorification on the differences between a Speci:tl Us. Permit and Condition.u Use Permit, In order for u. to m.ke educated decisions as to the matters surrounding the Iglesia ..; Cristo. ....e need to have sufficient data to talk knowledgeable about the IUbject_ Th~t ~'.. the re..on rur the request for th.. files. We ""e not .ble to do '0 ....ithout the d~t., There OlI'e holes missing in the inform.tion th.t we received, - 1995 ITEM 13 A\lG 1 I -- JUL-31'85 r.JN 9:49 SA S, EXEC OFFICE FAX NO, 619, ~6D49 P.03 Mari Jo V:lll Dyke - July 31, 1995 - Page 2 You indicated to me on the telephone on Friday th"t there were three (3) huge ftlcs conceming this ID.tter, You funher clarified m:l1 Mrs, Kawamoto was receiving a copy of the ., ...i.. file, induding all three folders,. However, the dan that We Were given doesn't even fill one 1 inch notel,ook. It is obvious that we were not given me entire file, W' e resp""tfully request to receive copies of the ~m.unil1g documeuts from tilt files In quenion. These documents are needed urgently in order to altempl to dige.lthe information hefore the meeting scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesd.y) ni~lt, As such, your a5sistnnCt in gathering the additional data for us is requested and appreciated, Mrs. Kawamoto will be contacting you by ttlephonc to pick up m., documents for me since I am unable to I..\\'c my office today to pick them up, Th,Ulk you for your prompt mention to this request, Calhy Francis Po.....y Homeowner AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 - ':" :185 MOtj 13:43 SA SP~ tiEC OFFICE FAX NO. 6196, "049 P,01 " Tim and Wendy Phillips 12718 Robison Blvd. , Poway, California 92064 (!))f1" Jv ' home: (619) 679-6585 _ ~ .~~ -. _ -P~--- July 30, 1995 City Council of the City of poway Poway, California 92064 RE: Proposed Plans for a public mini-park located on Silver Lake Drive at the intersection of Orohaven Lane. To Whom It May Concern: I Myself, my husband, and two children (ages 11 and 2 ye~rs) are residents of a property whose backyard borders on the parking let owned by the church. Iglesia Ni Cristo" behind us. Our home is the third house over from Silver Lake Drive on Robison Blvd. We understand that a public mini-park adjacent to " Iglesia Ni Christo . is being considered at this time tor construction by the City Council of the City of Poway. I am not a public speaker or formal letter formator, though we wish to express our concerns AGAINST having the mini-park constructed at this location. In the very least, we would like our request heard to construct a slump block wall over six feet at the rear property lines of ~ur homes which back up to the proposed mini-park. Our most serious concern is for the safety and security u: our family, mainly our two children. Robison Blvd. is the stre~t in the front of our property and is also a frontage street to poway Road. This brings us excess traffic, speeding, and traffic noise. We do not allow our children in the front of our home to play unless supervised by us due to the large amoun~ of traffIC and the danger it brings. This means that the backyard of OUr home is their " safe play " area. We are very concerned ;,b"1Jt what kind of Eatety and protection we can offer to our childr~n ~nd our home if this mini-park is constructed right behind ~E, wit,h only a chain link or double sided wood fence separatin1 us. We have had several invasions of privacy and safety Inc:de~ces OVer the past four plus years we have resided her0 ,~ ~ result of having the church parking lot behind our home. We hove experienced on at least three different occasions, rocks beIng thrown over the fence into our yard while Our children hdve been playing, hitting our house. We have tried to confront this, though, by the time we can get to the fence the kids from the church parking lot are too far away, not an adult In sight.We \',avc: h"d cigarette butts flicked over our fence, ...hld, r~is,"s another highly issue of concern . Fire . ( 1 ) A\JG 1 1995 ITEM 13 I .itlL 3>95 MON 13:44 SA. ,EXEC OFFICE FAX NO. 6L .96049 P.02 (continued) .---.----."-- ._-~- RE: Proposed Plans for a public mini-park located on Silver Lake Drive at the intersection of Qlohaven Lane We have viewed the plans for the Park and also oppose the Hot Ash Receptacle. On a number of occasions, there have been male adults and children peeking through our fence when I am in my kitche~ in the mornings or doing my laundry. Both of these rooms iace our backyard and have large windows and sliding glass door. I Two of the four homes whose property borders this proposed mini-park along with ours have dogs. I can not recall on how many different occasions these dogs have been provoked and teased due to the traffic on the other side of "the fence". Our family is very attuned to this due to the dogs waking our two year old countless times during the day and night since he has been born, and keeping our family up during the night when the church kids are out up until 10:00 pm playing volleyball and basketball in the parking lot. This brings us to yet another issue" noise control." As we have mentioned, Robison Blvd is a cause of great traffic noise. Due to this, we are forced to keep the bedroom windQ~s facing Robison Blvd. closed when sleeping at night and when our youngest is napping during the day. We also keer our livingroom window and front door closed, both of which tac~ Robison Blvd. I most of the time when our T.V.I VCR ic playing or we can not hear them. We ~re concerned and oppoged to any additional traffi~ and noise occurring behind our property. We do not have central air conditioning in our home, so we must keep our back windows open during the night to cool the house in the warmer months. I feel uncomfortable doing this now, we will not feel at all secure or safe with our windows and doors open if a park is constructed behind our home. We will be forced to cloeR windows during the daylight hours for noise reduction al~o, ezpecially if only a double sided wooden fence is b~inq constructed between our backyard and the proposed mini-park. As it is now, every Sunday we are awakened as early '-" ~',~a;n by the sounds of cars parking, car radios, and the volcc~ of people as they go to church. On the weekends and some weeknights, the noise continues up to 10:00 pm, as the kids are playing sports games with no senSitivity to the hOIl',"s around tbem. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 ( 2 ) ~ JUl' 31-95 MON 13:45 SA Sf - -:Y.EC OFFICE F AX NO, B19l 3049 p, 03 . (continued) --.--. - RE: Proposed Plans for a public mini-park loca~ed on Silver Lake Drive at the intersection of Orohaven Lane. Our family has made many adjustments to the noise and insecurities of Robison Blvd. alone, and have dealt with the shortcomings of the church and its parking lot. Having the proposed mini-park constructed will only double the in~ecurties and unsafe conditions already present within OUr home and family. We are ren~ers at this timel and have discussed with th~ owners the opportunity to purchase this home. We have put that option aside for now, until park plans have been set, as we will not be able to make many more adjustments without knowing that our family and neighborhoods well being is being considered. Our first desire is a strong opposition to the consruc~ion of Silver Lake mini-park. Our second desire is we strongly urge you to take our Concerns seriously and in the very least construct a block wall higher than six feet for OUr protection and safety. Sin~re~1 tJ ,~tfN' , ~ v.... Vi y , .~11Hl1~\~J1I\ lU~T) Tim ~nd Wendy hill ips Branden 11, Jacob 2 ... AUG 1 1995 ITEM 13 ( 3 ) . -,- .... --'-~ , -'--..,--- ~ ne..\"Q\i J ~.,i- 5 -S ~t~1'i~~ ~ :";~;tL ..t \,\)0 -lof'\.( ':'~~~"1 ","4";_,, ',-'-.. ,. < --~~~~~~. 'oIJj' ~ Is this the type of building you want protruding out of the middle of our neighborhood) DID YOU KNOW,,, . The Iglesia ni Cristo (Church of Christ) is planning to increase its membership from 150 per church service to ~OO + per church service three times a day) on Sundays and Thursdays (not counting their special events on other days), The result will be increased traffic, light and noise pollution to our tiny community, . Our streets already have in excess of 4,000 cars traveling on them every day, We don't need any more soot light, or noise pollution to this area, . The church model shown above is a "slightly smaller" version of the one they plan to build in the middle of our homes, This church cost $1 million -- they plan to spend $2,3 million on a structure that will tower over the rest of our community.C!hey'll be able to look right into your own back yard!) . ( The park they plan to build in our area could potentially increase traffic flow, noise levels, vandalism, gang activity, and our property taxes) . The Church has failed to live up to its commitments to the City of Poway for 12 years. Why should we believe them now that they will make amends and beCgood neighbor7 from now on if we give them what they want. WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT... . Come to the public meeting to be held Tuesday night, August 1st, at 7:00 p.m, at City Hall, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, . Sign a petition requesting the City Council to deny the Church's request for expansion of these facilities. Call 748-4182 or 748.6857 to see the petition or talk to someone about the issues, . Get involved in what's going on in your community. Voice your opinion by calling or writing to the City Council about this issue, Let them know how you feel. 8-1-45 :li-l~ . -. .....n..._ @mJlliI~nl J~~'j][f))n UlOUI__ " I ...,.,"'''' "'''''P'''l H .:19 .' I, ]tJi\iJW@] BIMB~ ID(JW'Il&j]~ffil..lD~ I j l ; , .' . . ,,[ l1'l ~fi1 rL Ii. -:z JL~ . - L ~ ~~ ~~~ . -1 Ef1t ill 'lr. \\~IC. "- :liL~ "~ .- \, j _.- >/ ~ ~ i~ J ,J ~ ~ ~ ~" <I;I~ '" ~ ~ \I . ... ~ ') '" QJ '. !' ,,~'" IJ ,~ I" ~::- u '" " . ~ .... ~ VI '" I:i! \) ~ ~ , ' '"", ~ 'G ~,,'{ . I'lj _~<J!l(" '1"L\:~~ II \;: '<I ~ '." . '-l, " 5:- ' ," (.j '. ,ill, ~ 1\1' 'j. . .' ( , I .lD.." l\l ' :(.,. f;.::;:;: <:l ~. 1"-' '~ ,~ ~ -::z --:I l.l . '<t .' ~ -:z. L " k '. ' 'l.l' . ..,. :lr 'A- ~ \:: t~ ' -(, - 'Il '....I ( ~ t~~ ~ !L < ~ '-:l..l .. ~ ~ LIl1.....I ..l " < ~~~ ., .. ~ ~~ Ul.~' i ill ~ :oI.l" ' "- ~~& ,~ ,',..' ~ I.\) ~ -:l. 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