Item 15 - Discussion of Scope and Topic Areas for Business Survey - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ," INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~ Reba Wri9ht-Quastler, Director of Pla ing Servlces~ Pam Gravel, Management Analyst ~ DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Discussion of Scope and Topic Areas for Business Survey ABSTRACT Staff was directed to initiate the process for conducting a Business Survey. SANDAG was contacted and delivered a preliminary estimate through their Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - This informational report is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT The preliminary estimate of $8,068.00 for a survey of 1,100 business certificate holders or $9,430.00 for a survey of 1,100 business certificate holders and 900 Home Occupation permits suggests the total cost for a Business Survey would be under $11 ,000.00. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Chamber of Commerce. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to enter into a contract with SANDAG through their Local Technical Assistance program, identify topics and proceed with the development of a draft questionnaire. ACTION ,- e:\clty\plannlng\report\buainaur.SUM 1 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ , INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC1lt <.k.. Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ Pam Gravel, Management Analyst ~ DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Discussion of scope and topic areas for Business Survey BACKGROUND The City of Poway completed a Business Survey in 1988. The 1988 Business Survey was sent to 1,754 businesses, 981 were at commercial locations and 773 were mailed to home businesses. The response rate was poor with only 313 surveys returned. Of the returned surveys, 218 were from commercial locations and 95 were from home businesses. Staff was directed to initiate the process for conducting a Business Survey. SANDAG was contacted and delivered an estimate which does not include a deduction through their Local Technical Assistance (LTA) program as this survey is considered part of the Citizen Survey project. FINDINGS Using the last survey as a guideline, Karen Lamphere of SANDAG was able to respond with an estimate that is based upon information obtained from the 1988 survey. In order to fully explore the City's options, SANDAG was asked to provide two estimates based upon the survey's distribution to only the businesses with a business certificate in the city which currently is 1,004, and to both the business certificate holders and an additional 900 to a sample of home occupation permit holders. The estimate to send out a questionnaire to 1,100 businesses with no follow up mailing is $8,068.00. The cost for the survey to be sent to both the business certificate holders and home occupation permits or 2,000 surveys is $9,430.00. As there was a poor response from home occupation permit holders in the previous survey, staff recommends that only business certificate holders in Poway be sent a survey. ACTION: 2 of 12 - - -- Agenda Report August 1, 1995 Page 2 In order to obtain information that will allow us to make comparisons between data obtained from the 1988 and 1995, the following topics are suggested to be included in the 1995 Business Survey. Basic characteristics of resoondent businesses- type of business, location and description of business, owners location of residence, time at present location, time business has been in Poway. Factors associated with Business Ooerations- success of business, characteristics associated with success/non-success, location of customer base. Add it i ona 1 Businesses Needed- to enhance the business community, to serve respondents' business needs, to serve respondents' customer needs. Effect of Powav Citv Government on the Business Communi tv- traffic/roads, zoning code enforcement, appearance and beaut ifi cat i on, pro-growth, anti-growth, hel pful ness of Economic Conference and City sponsored semi nars, efforts to enhance/expedite permits/working relationship with business community. Relationshio between the Powav Chamber of Commerce and the Business Communi tv- member or non-member, effectiveness of Chambers promotions speakers and education The future of the Powav Business Communitv- perceived needs. Miscellaneous- the use of high tech devices i.e. linking business to a fiber optic network, availability of funds and participation in facade renovation programs. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This informational report is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT The estimate is $8,068.00 for a survey of 1,100 businesses with business certificates or of $9,430.00 for surveys to be sent to 1,100 business certificate holders and 900 home occupation permit holders. The Prel iminary estimate suggests the total cost for the Business survey would be under $11,000.00. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Chamber of Commerce. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to enter into a contract with SANDAG, approve distribution to all businesses that have business certificates, identify the topics and proceed with the development of a draft questionnaire. JLB:JDF:RWQ:PGG:kls - Attachments: A. Letter from Karen Lamphere B. City of Poway 1988 Business Survey [:\CITY\'LAHNING\RE~T\IUSINSUR..PT AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 'I 3 of 12 ~ San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Suite 800. First Interstate Plaza 401 B Street April 28, 1995 ..::.0 San Diego, California 92101 (619)595-5300 Fax (619)595-5305 'v\AY 0 , '995 oO"~ING DEPT. Ms. Pam Gravel Management Analyst City of Poway P.O. Box 789 Poway. CA 92074-0789 Dear Pam: This letter will provide you with a cost estimate for conducting a mail-out, mail-back survey of Poway businesses. It is my understanding that the survey would be similar to the one conducted in 1988, that there would be no follow-up mailing to non-respondents, and that the City of Poway would be responsible for providing mail labels. I have developed two cost estimates - one for mailing the survey to 1,100 addresses (retail business license holders) and one for mailing to 2,000 addresses (retail business license holders and 900 home occupation permit holders). SANDAG would design, layout and print the questionnaires, stuff and label the envelopes, process the returned surveys (including coding two open-ended questions), enter the data into computer-readable format, develop computer programs to tabulate the.results, and produce a report containing the results of the study. The tasks and associated costs for this project are shown in the attached table. Since this survey would be considered part of the same project as the public opinion survey, the Local Technical Assistance deduction would not apply. If you have any questions or need further information, please call me at 595-5355. Sincerely, KAREN LAMPHERE Senior Regional Planner - KUcd Attachment AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 ~s: Cities Qf Carlsbad. Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa. Lemon Grove, AD4 of 12 ionaI City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego. San Marcos, Santee. Solana Beach, ViSta, and County of San o~o. MBERS: Camomia Depenmont of TranoporlOtion. U.S, Deponmont of Dstense. S.D. Unifie<I Port District. end Ttjuana/Beja Califomia Attachment 1 - - .-. = Q .S - , I.... - .. i..J..J !!'l ,~ c:>.. & 5 :l .:::.~ ~8t -- - 0 I.../..' - ~ o :s ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ ,.. <::> i~~~ N lI'l ~ .., "'" N ~ \" "'" N - <"l .., N "'" >-. . ~ > VJ::t:~N N - - N .." , ?' .... ~ '" "0 ~ .... j :>.= u C'l:I'- , i:.....l ::I i(l en .. u :.:l - ,~ VJ 5 ~ ~~ <:Il B~~ <:Il ~ 0 8 N <"l 0 .., 0 0 QO ~~ c:I: <"l lI'l - q 00 "'" N \C "'" a- - <"l "'" 0 N "'" ~ ....- riS eni(l- - - - N .... ;;;l... '" .. .... lll< :>'u .- ..'~ >1$ i:...l ::I <... en ~<:Il o~ ~... ~VJ 00 >u ~ b.O = .~ ~ ] i(l ~ - '" ::I u 0 ';;;; .. 0 <:Il C ',0 '" ~ u ,~ '" .. . .. 8 ~ ~5- ';:, .. iJ c:>.. .. 5i:l - - ,Sf '-' 0 '" 5'8 'g - & ~ '" > b.O .. .. - J3 0 "0 d @" '3 < Q) ~ '" .... i: ..= .s1& .. ~ ~ 2 ~ b.O i:' '" .. 0 8 .... 2 - .. ~o .. 0 ~ :>. N ~~ c:>.. ~ = "E.. .., ~ .. ,9 ~ 6b :e ~ ...; lI'l B 0 ..... ::I 0 ::I - ';;;; ~ '-' '" - 8- '" 5 '" .... > .. - '" .. '-' "0 '" E 5~ = ... "0 ~ 1:! E " E ~ .. 0 .. '" '" c:>.. .... ~ ''8 ';;;; b.O u "Ot:: ~ ::I U '" .s 2 8- .~ ::I 0 ~ ....,2 Q,8 't:: or> Q, '" 0 0 ~ '" o u c,;!)Q Q, ';:, - Q, ~ .~ "'t:l ... 0 ';:, :l 6 ~ b.O b.O" .~ 6 0 E .. '" .. = .. ... -- - , , ll.s :>.- '';: oS '" - - 2 5 - u <:Il .. 3 .~ ,~ ~i al 0 0 ::I .. .. ~ ~8 .. ~I 01 :::E :::E 0 :::E E: u - N .., ..f lI'l \0 ..... 00 a- 5 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 CITY OF POW A Y BOB EMERY. Mayor CARL R. KRCSE. De-pur)' Mayor LINDA BRANNON. Council.....oman To TFI L RESPONSES 3/3 DON H1GGI:-JSON. Councilman BRCCE TARZY, CounCIlman Commc.<"CJI1L /3USJNCsSCS ;)./f HomE iSUs. J/v;;S's ES 9S I I I I Dear Member of the Poway Business Community: I I We need your help! The City of Poway is conducting for the first time a survey of aU of the businesses in Poway. The survey focuses on the needs and opinions of the members' of the business community in order that the results may be used to guide us into the 1990's. Please take the time to complete the enclosed questionnaire. The informa- tion you provide will be very useful in helping your City Council determine what can be done to address your needs. AU responses will be treated confidentiaUy and in no way will they be traceable to individual respondents. Please drop your postage-paid. pre- addressed response in the mail by June 6, 1988, Thank you for your assistance. YOUR INPUT COUNTS! Sincerely, A~~ Robert C. Emery Mayor Ciry Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive AUG 1 1995 ITEM 1 6 Of 12 :ldress: P,O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 . (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 Attachment 2 .. - - /V~/€ tI.LL rIGI.JIf'c:S liEf" JL:/V"j 8071i Comrnc,{'C/.ft.L -v.f.) '-, f/;;"..>>.= I.J U.5,/,I.;C".J!; c.J COr>J&Neu. EUSRNESS SURVEY The results of this survey will be valuable in assessing the opinions and needs of the members of the Poway business (1,4) community, The follOwing questions should be answered by either the owner or the manager of this business. Your time and effort in completing this survey is appreciated. 1. Please indicate your position in this business 0 Owner] IS:! (5) 0 Owner / ~Ianager 2 /) J' 0 Manager 3 ]"} 2, What type of business do you operate (Check only one) 0 Automotive / Automotive.related 1 /.J 16) 0 Market. liquor store 2 S<- O Professional 3 J -,L 3 0 Services (e.g" drycleaning. hair salon) 4 ~ j> 0 Restaurant / hotel/entertainment. I} 0 Retail, '7~ 0 Other (describe) J I'f. .- 3. Where is your business located? 0 Poway Road. ea.t of Community Road 1 ~o (i) 0 Poway Road, west of Community Road 2 9'1 0 Pomerado Road 3 t..:l. 0 Midland Road 4 tJ 0 Home occupation s Y b 0 Other (where), / J.. 4, The location of your business is best described as: 0 large center with anchor tenant(s) I 'f'1 (8) 0 Small center 2 J';;'j- 0 Stand.alone business 3 ~ Y- O Home occupation 4 Y.r 0 Other (describe). J ~ DFFICES 5, Do you reside in Po way? 0 Ye. (If yes. skip to question 7) t .) ~ (9) 0 No (If no, continue with question 6) 2 /0 '7 6. Where Is your residence located? 0 Rancho Bernardo 1 .'}O (10) 0 Escondido 2 J ~ - 0 Mira Mesa / Scripps Ranch 3 Jy. 0 Other North County City. "" 0 Other (please specify) s Ix "7"rli'~ SAN ;)"'60 CITy . OTfjER /1 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 7 of 12 --- - . ........ .--.. - , 7. How long has your business been in Po way? 0 Less than 1 year I ~u. ' (111 0 1 and under 3 years 2 il 0 3 and under 5 years 3 S oJ 0 5 and under 8 years 4 ,..:.:<. 0 8 or more years 5 )Or 8, How long has your business been located at its present location? 0 Less than 1 year I 9-" (121 0 1 and under 3 years 2 5" 0 3 and under 5 years 3 oS S- O 5 and under 8 years 4 .,I.] 0 8 or more years s 7 '7 9, Which of the following categories best describes your business? 0 Successful, /7:J. (131 0 Acceptable 2 ?.r 0 Marginal 3 'J'~ 0 Failing 4 {, 10, To what do you attribute the success / non-success (answer to No.9) of your business? Circle one for each category where: 1 = highly positive Impact 4 = negative impact 2 = positive Impact 5 = highly negative impact 3 ;;:: no impact 1 2 3 4 5 Advertising J.< -/0] - /J,) -1.]-.3 (14.211 1 2 3 4 5 LocationJ3 -/1,)"-/0) -.:!/-/.;). 1 2 3 4 5 Nature of product or service /J:J. - /0>' - )'0 -I' -II 1 2 3 4 5 Quality of product or service I?!' - 'J - /:1 - rlJ 1 2 3 4 5 Service level lio -'5>- JO -.:J- i' 1 2 3 4 5 Extent of competition.:Jo - 6..2 - /I.. _.r! -/9 1 2 3 4 5 Undercapitalization 9- 5' - /, 0 - J:r - I 'Jl 1 2 3 4 5 n....d. {qieeify} - 11. Do you see your business being in Poway five (5) years from now? 0 Yes (If yes. skip to question 13) 1 J" (22) 0 No (If no, continue with question 12) 2 Y7 12. Why do you not see your business being In Po way five (5) years from now? 0 Business expansion, I" (23) 0 Business contraction 2 II 0 Relocation because of non.business factors 31 i' AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 8 of 12 SEP 20 1888 ITEM 8 - - " -. 13. Please indicate the category which best represents the percentage of your business which comes from each of the following: (For each customer source. please check only one box.) Percentage Category (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Customer Source 0.10 11-25 26-50 51.75 76-100 Walk-in Traffic, . , , , . . , , , , , . , IJf- JO :20 ,. /'7 Specific purpose I ~1 ,.,9 124.29) destination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "i'} .2S' '}7 Phone I advertising. . . , , , . . , , 9s- S.J 7'S" J'f- ~S- Referrals, . , , . . . , , . . . , , . . , . , 31 S'f- S(, bY )J" -Olheo-{describe) ............. ............. 14, Please indicate the category which best represents the percentage of your customers - who come from each of the following geographic areas: (For each geographic area. please check only one box,) Percentage Category (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Geographic Areas 0.10 11-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 Poway, , . , . , , . , , , , ' . . , . . ' . , . b(;, &7 60 <f/ JJ' Rancho Bernardo. . . . . . . . . . . . /0) H' Jb J'j .J 130-39) Rancho Penasquitos......... /3) P:f If. :? / Carmel Mountain , .:; Ranch I Sabre Springs. . . . . . . 1"If. JJ / Escondida. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /s'f '/J -3' J .) Mira Mesa I Scripps j'll .:l Ranch. . . , , , , , , , , . , . . . . , , . W' /0 / Ramona. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /1./ JJ j.J ..3 .:::J Other (where).f;~" r;,ry. , , , , , . If. I,) /~ II '? (f!tI{~ , '.;).'. ~,oj)o:V,i)'. . . . . . . . . . .JS"' " If) .J 7 Dv lIul k.lluw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 i <'t'l'l ~ n '~;:(Q ITr.M ~ -' 15. Do you feel the following types of businesses are needed in the City of Po way to enhance and complement the business community as a whole? . No Ves No Opinion 1 2 3 (40.461 0 0 0 light industrial Ii '7 - ,.1 - .,i,J 0 0 0 Research and development/11 - S j- ".;> 0 0 0 Retail 10- )<,<-".r 0 0 0 Professional offices /f,.J- 7/- :;:.s- 0 0 0 Dining and entertainment J:] I -,)..1 -.) '1 0 0 0 Consumer services (e.g..:.: service stations. grocery stores) 97 - j:] ')J -9.J- 0 0 0 Other (specify) J - I - j 16. What types of additional businesses, if any. do you feel are needed in the City of Poway to help serve your business needs? (Please check no more than ~ types of businesses.) Types of Businesses 0 Food / Market 01 G 0 Food / Specialty Store (Bakery. Deli, etc,) 02.;20 (47.521 0 Restaurant / Dinnerhouse 03 I/O 0 Restaurant / Other (specify) 04 a, 0 Retail / Department Store 05,j-'l 0 Retail / Spedalty Store 06 J {. 0 Professional 07 ') b 0 . Services / Supplies / Equipment 08 11.1 0 Light IndustIy 09 I" I 0 OtA.r (<P"rily) 10 E,-.r,i;('7/l'Nmr/VT ? 0 Other (specify) 11 S- 17. What types of additional businesses. If any. do you feel are needed In the City of Poway to help serve the needs of your employees? (Please check no more than ~ types of businesses), - Types of Businesses 0 Food / Market 01 9 0 Food / Specialty Store (Bakery. Deli, etc.) 02 J 0 0 Restaurant / Dinnerhouse 03 il,). (53.581 0 Restaurant / Other (specify) 04 1)< 0 Retail / Department Store 05 '70 0 Retail / Spedalty Store 06 "'I 0 Professional 07 ,,~ 0 Services / Supplies / Equipment 08 'S- O 6d.~. ('I'~.Jfy) 09 E'/l,/.Fnl1llt//'''I.'NT S- O 0tJ.... (...~) 10 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 . 10 of 12 SEP 20 l~ae ITEM 8 - - 18. What types 01 additional businesses. il any. do you leel are needed in the City 01 Poway to help serve the needs 01 your customers? (Please check no more than three types of businesses.) _ Types of Businesses 0 Food / Market 01 '} 0 Food / Specialty Store (Bakery. DeB. etc,) 02.1" 0 Restaurant / Dinnerhouse 03//3 159.64) 0 Restaurant / Other (specify) 04 / J 0 Retail / Department Store 05 .p 0 0 Retail / Specialty Store 06 'f 7 0 Professional 07 o6.J. 0 Services / Supplies / Equipment 08 b'1 0 -ethe! (;'Pl:"cify) 09 FAJ;a.E.(7A//I..II'n~/~ ~ 0 ~;rcify) 10 7 19. What is your general impression of how the Poway city government affects your business? Use a rating scale of 1 to 5 where: 1 ; highly positive impact 4 ; negative impact 2 = positive impact 5 '" highly negative Impact 3 ; no impact 1 2 3 4 5 Roads/Traffic ;)6- b)- J/-6(.-ro (65.73) 1 2 3 4 5 Signage .)/- ,/ - / J'>' - ,JJ>~ .I J' 1 2 3 4 5 Zoning,)~ -j<l -/<So''i''-,JO -) 'JL 1 2 3 4 5 Water / Sewer Service ,2')- 60-/..9 - 9-;'< 1 2 3 4 5 Parks and Recreation Facilities JJ - 63 - /S' i' - /,-r 1 2 3 4 5 Law Enforcement ~.J-!l) - /JI- //-J' 1 2 3 4 5 Code Enforcement and Public Salety Inspection J<,f-gi' -/,J.J -/J-/.r l 2 3 4 5 Planning and Engineering (plan review. inspection. etc,) ;; o-.J / - I y/- J J -.;<; 1 2 3 4 5 Other (specify) ,) - '"' '0 J- J - ~ Additional comments may be made in Question No, 26, 20. What is your general impression 01 how the Poway Chamber 01 Commerce affects your business? Use a rating scale of 1 to 5 where: (74,77) - 1 ; highly positive Impact 4 ; negative Impact 2 ; positive impact 5 ; highly negative impact 3 ; no impact 1 2 3 4 5 Speakers / Education / '>' - ,) -/'7/ - .r- J. 1 2 3 4 5 Promotions /'7- r) - J 'i 0 - ,- >' 1 2 3 4 5 Forum for meeting fellow business personsJ j' - 67 -/" - 3 -, 1 2 3 4 5 Other j- 3 -j-.;-/ """. 21, AIe you currently a member of the Poway Chamber of Commerce? (78) 0 Yes 1 0 No 2 i/7 /9i AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 11 of 12 SEP 2 0 J~sa ITEM 8 - 22. Would you be willing to participate in a promotional/advertising campaign jointly spon- (79) sored by the City of Poway and the Poway Chamber 01 Commerce? 0 Ves (If yes. continue with question No, 23) I /.l/ 0 No (If no. skip to question No. 26) 2 /7J- 23, What would your business be willing to contribute to participate? (80) 0 $25,00 I ,}'f _ 0 $1,001.00 - $5,000.00 51 0 526,00 - $100,00 2S1 0 Over 55.000.00. 0 0 $101.00 - $500,00 3/;1 0 Other 7 $ /'/ 0 $501.00 - $1,000.00./ 24, What type of promotion I advertising campaign would you prefer? Plea~e jodi.cate \o'our (81,82) highest priority with a I and your second priority with a 2,(I',f'lo,,'/ry.J c',I/C'.1/ de""",,,,,,,) i:J Television 1 J. f' 0 Magazine 4 '1 0 Radio 2 1"7 0 Specific suggestions 5 y- O Newspaper 3 "'7 25, For whom would you like to see the advertising campaign targeted? (Please check (83) only one.) 0 Poway residents I .l' 0 Non-Poway residents 2 (. 0 Both residenls and non-residents 01 Poway 3 ? 6 26, At the present time. what are the issues or areas of greatest concern to you or your business which involve the City of Poway (please do not include matters which are purely business related ~ over which the City government would have no control)? 27, How would you like to see the Poway business community develop into the 1990's and beyond? AUG 1 1995 ITEM 15 12 of 12 .. -... ........... .11 "