Item 16 - Consideration of Agreement with The London Group Realty Advisors - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY ;9~ ?-d~fS- -- TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ /' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~r ~arren H. Shafer, Director of Redevel ment Services '.)-' DATE: August I, 1995 SUBJECT: Consideration of Agreement with The London Group Realty Advisors, Inc. for the Preparation of a Land Use Market and Feasibility Analysis for the South Poway Industrial Park ABSTRACT This report follows the City Council meeting of March 21, 1995, at which time the Council's direction was to consider alternate land uses, except residential, for the South Poway Business Park. This report recommends retaining a real estate marketing firm to better understand what options may exist and their market possibilities. This information will enable the City to better evaluate any proposal received for alternate land uses and determine whether the City wants to initiate any land use modifications. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The estimated total cost will not exceed $30,000. This represents $28,500 for the proposal plus a maximum of $1,500 for other service charges on a time and material basis. Funding is provided as part of the FY 1995-96 Redevelopment Agency Budget in account 1020-1726, Special Studies. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be sent to Gary H. London, President, The London Group; George Codling, Parkway Business Centre; Sam Craig, CF Pomerado; Neville Bothwell, Poway Corporate Center. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve retaining The London Group Realty Advisors, Inc. for the Preparation of a Land Use Market and Feasibility Analysis for the South Poway Business Park and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form. ACTION -, c:\agenda\london.cov AUG 1 ITEM 16 1995 I 1 of 22 - AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ . -/ INITIATED ~Oh" D. mch, 'n''','' City "",,,4.' \,~ arren H. Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Services DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Consideration of Agreement with The London Group Realty Advisors, Inc. for the Preparation of a Land Use Market and Feasibility Analysis for the South Poway Industrial Park BACKGROUND The City Council, at their March 21, 1995 meeting, considered the status of the South Poway Planned Community, including financial status and outlook, current allowed land uses and possible new uses. As a result of that meeting, the Council's direction was to continue to pursue industrial uses and remain flexible to cons i der different 1 and uses, except res i dent i a 1 . In order to develop a better understanding of what these options are, and to possibly identify one or more that may merit further consideration, proposals from local firms in land use marketing and feasibility were requested. It is recommended that the City retain a firm to conduct a market analysis. FINDINGS Currently, the South Poway Community Plan anticipates 788 acres of industrial and 36 acres of commercial use in the South Poway Business Park. Of this, approximately 450 acres of the industrial property has been developed and is available as finished lots. This leaves approximately 300 acres that are either undeveloped or partially developed. Over the last several years, alternate land uses have been suggested for some of this property. Some of these uses have included a Water Park, a Western Theme Park, an Outlet Mall and others. Additionally, the light-industrial, research and development, and warehouse and distribution markets have changed considerably from what existed in the early 1980's when the original Plan was being developed. For these reasons, it appears appropri ate to reanalyze the market needs and demands of the original targeted users and determine if changes in the original mix and requirements are appropriate. In addition, some uses that require more office space than originally desired could be analyzed. For exampl e, a corporate campus that includes research and development and corporate offices may be a potential use to consider. Finally, it would be helpful for the City to do some independent analysis of some alternates to their market potential and impact on ACTION: AUG 1 1995 ITEM 6.~ 2 of 22 - - - Consideration of Agreement with The London Group Realty Advisors, Inc. August I, 1995 Page 2 the portion of the Business Park as already developed. The goal would be to find uses and users that would be complementary to the already developed areas in the Park. To obtain the information to consider requires marketing expertise beyond that which is available in-house. As a result, proposals were solicited from the two leading firms in the San Diego area. After revi ewi ng these proposals, the proposal submitted by The London Group Realty Advisors, Inc. was determined to be the best value. Attached is the proposal from The London Group (Attachment 1) . This proposal demonstrates Mr. London's considerable background and extensive experience in real estate market analysis, particularly in San Diego County. The scope of services is responsive to our request. The distinguishing features of the London proposal over the other was the timing and the fee. For these reasons, we are recommendi ng that Mr. London's fi rm be reta i ned. The estimated completion time is 13 weeks for the authorization to proceed. That would make the estimated completion date early November. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. .- FISCAL IMPACT The estimated total cost will not exceed $30,000. This represents $28,500 for the proposal plus a maximum of $1,500 for other service charges on a time and material basis. Funding is provided as part of the FY 1995-96 Redevelopment Agency Budget in account 1020-1726, Special Studies. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of th i s report wi 11 be sent to Gary H. London, President, The London Group; George Codling, Parkway Business Centre; Sam Craig, CF Pomerado; Neville Bothwell, Poway Corporate Center. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve retaining The London Group Realty Advisors, Inc. for the Preparation of a Land Use Market and Feasibility Analysis for the South Poway Business Park and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form. Attachment: (1) Proposal from The London Group c:\data\agenda\london.rpt - AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 \ 3 of 22 ,~ V THE LONDON GROUP REALTY ADVISORS, I"C Proposal To Conduct A Market & Feasibility Analysis To The City of Poway June, 1995 Attachment 1 ~T:; Execut,,'e Square, SUite 1020, La )alJa, CA 920r AUG 1 1995 ITEM 10"". 4 of ZZ 61955'1-019, . Fox ~5:;.:;-20 - - -- - -- - -- - . - G-\ln H L:"_:" 1'1U:>J:!E'- REALTY ADVISORS, INC - June 2, 1995 Mr. Warren Shafer Director of Redevelopment City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Dr. Poway, CA 92064 Re: South Poway Business Park Dear Mr. Shafer: On behalf of The London Group Realty Advisors, I am pleased to present this proposal to provide consulting and analytical services to the City of Poway, We have carefully considered the scope of services necessary to successfully undenake this assignment and have prepared this proposal identifYing our approach and qualifications, We believe our qualifications for this assignment include: . Our familiarity with the community as both long time residents in San Diego County and as professionals who have performed studies throughoul Southern California. . The diversity of assignments which we have performed which cover all of the land uses which will be investigated. . Our strong and meaningful relationships with the San Diego County business, development and banking community which should prove consistently beneficial in understanding and evaluating the market . The pride that we take in the quality of our services and in our ability to respond effectively to the assignment Our approach 10 assignments is to be realistic yet always search for opportunity. Gary London will serve as the project manager for the overall assignment The London Group is a diversified real estate consulting firm serving both the public and private sectors. We are a highly regarded market & feasibility consulting firm with extensive transaction and development experience. I wam to point out that while we have eSlimated a 60 day time frame to delivery of the final repon. recognizing that you will be evaluating opponunities during the imerim period, we will make ourselves available to you to advise on these opponunities. Importantly, il will not take us to the completion of the repon to present viable information and recommendations to you. We have detailed our approach to this assignment in the following proposal. We welcome the opportunity to be of service to the City of Poway. Sincerely, j !-~ .I I _.tA_ ., /.,..J.- l .' -- - , Gary R London 4r5 Executive Square. Suite 1020. La Jolla. c~ 920r AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 . 5 of 22 6195='+0194 . Fax ~55-5-20 3 Table of Contents Introduction.....",.."...................,.."...........................".."...................,...,..,.."............. 4 Proposed Scope ofWorkH' H" HH H,..H H H'H H HH' 'HH'" H" 'H',H HH'H" H.. H 'H'H'" H.'H"'H"H'" 5 Budget Analysis. H........... H..H...... .,'H H'. H' H"H' HH"'" H" H" H' H....... H'" H" .................H. 10 Representative Assignments....... .....,......................,....,........................ .,."".........,... 14 Qualifications..................................".......................,."..".................................,........ 17 Corporate Profile... ... .... .... ,.. ..., ...... ,. ... ...... ........ ...., ,... ,... ... ..... ...... ....... ... ....... .... ..... 17 Biography.,....................,.,......................,...................,......................,......."..""..,. 18 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 ' 1 6 of 22 - - 4 - Introduction The purpose of this letter is to propose a scope of work, budget and timing to conduct a market and feasibility study pertaining to the future development of the South Poway Business Park. In review, it is our understanding that the City of Poway seeks an evaluation of candidate land USes for the remaining undeveloped portions of this property, as well as a marketing and disposition strategy. The property currently consists of 1,200 gross acres, of which approximately 800 acres remains to be developed, 450 acres in the western portion of the park, and 350 acres on the eastern portion. The business park is located off of Pomerado Road directly to the south and west of Poway's central business district. The purpose of this study is to assist the City of Poway to determine what USes should be proacrively sought, including industrial, commercial or specialty uses; and to create a plan which outlines the steps necessary to target these uses and bring them to Poway. The key questions you are asking include, at least: . How does Poway maximize its opportunity for success with this project? How do you help this project to compete? . What is the extent of industrial demand now and in the future for this market? What are the types of industrial users who might be attracted to the project? . What other uses are compatible and even preferable at the subject site? . What is the impaCt of the Mello Roos financing on the marketability of the project? How can this issue be presented so that it is at least neutralized as a negative marketing factor? . How does the City of Poway go about attracting these users in terms of marketing, financial arrangements, etc.? . What is the likely timing and phasing for these uses? How long will it take to bring these uses here? Among the main attributes and opportunities of the site include: . The City wants the project to succeed and will assist users and developers in any reasonable way to help it succeed. . It is a premiere location with lots available for immediate development. . The City of Poway now has control of the development and disposition program because current owners are behind on the bonds, allowing the city to control the disposition at the point of the auction. . A new east to west highway corridor leading directly to and past the subject site (Highway 67) is scheduled for completion next year increasing visibility and marketability, in addition to the project's proximity to the I-IS corridor. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 1 7 of 22 5 Among the challenges associated with new development include: . Because current owners are unable to meet the financial calls of the public financing, thereby rendering the project effectively in bankruptcy to the bond district, many perceive the project as having failed. . There is also an impression within the brokerage community, apparently shared by users and developers, that the Mello Roos financing is costly and complicated. . The industrial market has been in a four year down cycle in San Diego County. Proposed Scope of Work In the scope of work which follows, we will address these questions and challenges. Our effort will be directed to discovering the market opportunities and presenting a viable marketing and disposition strategy. We propose that the analysis start with a preliminary evaluation of all candidate land uses, and then pare down to a comprehensive analysis of those uses which suggest the best market opportunity. Once the market analysis is completed, we will then write a report which addresses these opportunities, as well as prepare other collateral materials which can be employed by the City for marketing purposes, including a summary of the market opportunities, a description of the site and an explanation of the Mello Roos Financing. The details of our approach are as follows: Phase I: Preliminary Evaluation of Candidate Land Uses Prior to the initiation of this assignment, we will meet with you to verify the uses to be evaluated in this phase, and to clarify our mutual understanding of the objectives. Task I. Identify. obtain and review economic. demol!raphic and ~eneral real estate characteristics. trends and oroiections for the Poway/North County Inland competitive market area. including: l. Population, existing and projected. 2. Demographics of this population 3. Employment characteristics including dominant SIC categories AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 ~ 8 of 22 - - 6 - Task 2, Identify and evaluate possible land uses for the site Candidate land uses which we will initially review include: . Transient Commercial: including Hotel/Resort and Golf Course. . Recreation uses or theme oriented park. . Commercial Office. . Industrial: light manufacturing, mixed uses, warehouse distribution, showcase. . Retail: outlet mall, neighborhood, free standing or specialty. For each land use we will initiate the market and feasibility analyses to determine a) if there is a general 'fit' in the project for such a use? and b) if so, do preliminary supply and demand factors support a more detailed analysis which would be carried out in Phase II? We will perform a preliminary competitive audit of similar land uses in the primary market area; examine land use designations to initially determine the amount and type of similar land uses which will be supplied in the future within the primary market; begin the process of demand analysis which is detailed in Phase II; on the basis of this information coupled with our own experience, determine which land uses should be pursued for further analysis. Deliverables: We will prepare a written report which will include: . A summary of economic, demographic and general real estate characteristics, trends and projections for the Poway competitive market area. . The findings of the preliminary market analysis. . Preliminary evaluation of the development potential for possible land uses for the site; recommendation of best land uses for detailed market & feasibility analysis. Phase II: Market Feasibility Analysis In this phase we will conduct a comprehensive market analysis. The following describes our basic approach to each effort: Task l. Supoly Analysis for each soecified land use . Identify and define competitive market area. - . Identify and evaluate existing, under construction and proposed competitive projects in the competitive market area. AUG 1 1995 lTEII 16 '.. 9 of 2Z 7 . Determine potential supply by creating a time1ine and estimating building area achievable in the competitive market area at full build out of vacant land, consistent with zoning and land use designations of the General Plan. Task 2. Demand Analysis for Each Specified Land Use . Determine current demand by analyzing critical demand factors which will originate from demographic information and from detailed review of consumer characteristics in competitive projects, . Evaluate recent demand trends, including an evaluation of absorption and other demand factors for the past few years. . Project expected near term and longer term future demand by identifying who the consumers are, the magnitude of their expected demand and the capture at the subject site which is necessary to attract this demand. Task 3. Reconciliation of Suoply and Demand In this task we will reconcile the supply and demand factors which we have researched in the previous tasks to determine expected space needs which are anticipated but where future supplies appear to be insufficient. We will determine probable absorption, capture estimates and overall opportunity for the subject site to attract the alternative land uses. Phase ill: Strategic Recommendations The findings and conclusions from Phase II will form the basis for market and revenue assumptions to be incorporated into our strategic recommendations. Task 1. Develop recommendations for the land use or mix of land uses which best maximize the asset value for a land disoosition. Specifically, we will: . Identify preferred product types including description of facilities and target market. . Recommend optimal size for each land use. . Recommend preferred use or mix of land uses. . Recommend approximate placement of each land use on the subject site. . Recommend targeted timing and phasing of each land use on the subject site. . Establish expected market absorption. . Estimate sale price or lease rates. . Estimate raw land values for specified uses. . Estimate expected inflation/escalation of value. . Establish an expected capture rate for the site for each recommended land use. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 t 10 of 22 - - 8 - Task 2. Analyze the Mello Roos tinancin~ and orovide exolanations. examoles and comoarisons to other comoetitive oroiects. It is our understanding that a significant issue in the development of this project centers on the financing package. We will analyze the financing and repackage it, to help the targeted market understand it. This will likely involve the creation of spreadsheets/tables comparing this financing plan, sales prices, etc. with competitive projects. Phase IV: Preparation of Written Reports Based on our market and feasibility analysis, we will prepare a written report. The report will include a presentation of data in graphical, tabular and narrative form. Task 1. Draft Reoort At the completion of Phase III we will prepare a written report which will include: . An Executive Summary of our findings. . Conclusions and Recommendations . Comprehensive discussion of the Market & Feasibility Analysis . A Section on the Mello Roes financing . Tables and Charts throughout the report summarizing the various analyses Task 2. Issue Final Report We will prepare our final report following your review and approval of the draft. In addition, we will be prepared to present the results of our study to the City Council. We will furnish you with ten bound reports plus a copy ready report which you may reproduce and disseminate at your discretion. Task 3. Presentation Collaterals We will prepare collateral materials which can be employed to market the property. This may take the form of brochures or presentation collateral such as a slide show or transparencies. This material will be presented to you in a copy ready format which you may reproduce and disseminate at your discretion. - ~UG 1 1995 ITEM 16 . 1] of 22 9 Timing and Budget The proposed analysis can be completed within the budget and time frame outlined below and detailed in the enclosed Gant chart: Phase Time Frame Bud et I 20 days $7,500 IT 25 days $13,000 III 7 days $3,000 IV 8 da s $5,000 Total 60 days $28,500 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 , 12 of 22 - - 10 - Budget Analysis The following Gant Chan, budget and resource sheets detail our anticipated work schedule. Fees are estimated on the basis of time. Mr. London's time is estimated based on a rate of $75 per hour. Research assistant's time are estimated based on a rate of $50 per hour. Our budget includes all anticipated directly incurred costs for transportation, reproduction and miscellaneous ~xpenses. We have included in the budget attendance at meetings at the completion of critical milestones, as well as a presentation of our findings to public officials and the City Council. We have not included time for additional public presentations. - .'- AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 13 of 2Z - :Ii ~ ~ "..I ~ ~ ~ I ~ . i =-' ! ~ ~ ~ , :8 ! i~ I . ~, ~ N~ ~e .. ',: ;: ~ . :!~ = i : ~ e ';;. ~: ~ ' - i ~ ;: '" '" - .~ . . : ~ IL- I- [ ~ ~~ i~ · ;~ .. i ~ ~ . ! ~ ;~ II ~I~ , . i .. I ! I' I ' " I "; , .2 L I = c ;: ~ I = ~ i . ~ !' ~~: 1 ~ . ~ I . ~ = I ~ ~ I I .. 5 l I I c . f . I j ~ ~ ; I I . . . IS. ~ _ ~ 2 ,- N ~ ~ - N ~ .. ~ III .. ... '... ... .. .>II. - ('oj l") z- .!_ . :a~::" 1'& .. i 2i -!i ... -= S ~;I- S l- il- I~ J I~ ~ li:: 1 I ..2 .2 i '2 I I l- I~ ~ I "",i:o, Go :Q. : f. i I '-'-1-'" ' ~ 9,- IN " . '. . ~ . :. Ie '- IN " ~ 14 of 22 · , ,- 1- ,- I. ~ I AUG 1 1995 ITEM ~61. j, , It ~ - - 8888888888 .. "! ~u.~_~_~.~_~_~~ a c: a "E .. I/) ""(1')(")1"1 N___ .; -ii fII4"''''~'''II4''''''W N - e .. .. a: 8888888888 .. .. aaaaaaaaaa .. .. "ii " U <:( 8888888888 .. "! ~_U~~~_~_~_~_~ .. .. .. U .. c: ~.(I')M(I')N___ .; " ...........""'......"'" N -.: .. " on > 2! N 8 - 8888888888 .. 0 .. .. .. aaaUaaaaa .. " .. - c: .. 1:: 'i '" 8- " .. 0- .. " a: al - .. '" ... " 8888888888 .. al "! ~ ~_U~.U_~.~_~_~ g .. (J ~~t4t4:~~..;; .; N - "ii .. ~ 8888888888 .. "! - UUUUU .. .. .. 0 t) 'll .. u: .. e " z ... -(I')_('\IN_NM_N .. ~~~~~~~~~~ " . . . . . . . . . . .... 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1- e r.n""NlD(,,)~~:!O'l~ AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 I 15 of 22 '" '" N 0; 0 - 0 .. .. - - .. 8- J: ~ ;: 0- .. 8 Q 0 J: ;: tnll)lI)lI)lI) ""!II)"''''' 11)"'11)","'11) ~UUU $$!l! ~ S:~~PI i~l::~HllUi ll.~::;~ i "- OQ 00 11)11)11)11)11I)11)11)11)11)'" It)..,..,..,..,.., ~U~~~a$i ~U~U ~ Ul::~lOlOll~~ !i~;;:~lOll 0000.0 ~ 0000 ~ .. ~~~~~~~~Ui ~ .. ~~ll~~~ ... :: ! ;;; ! ~ i ~HU~~~Ii~ iU~U~ .............--...-- ....---...- ~ ~ .. :; J E I .. .~ Z _C\l_C'Ilf')_c.,.""'C""I III _N"'C'\If')'" .. i! ':!':!':!':!':!':!':!':!':!':! ~ ':! '~~~'I~ u ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~:!~ g ~ .... m .. iiQ .. C\l1"'i II) '0.... 01 S! ~::!: ~ Q IN f')ltHO.... ~ 0:: " a: 9- N AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 16 of 22 - - 14 - Representative Assignments The London Group has been involved in many real estate analyses assignments for developers, lenders, investors and public agencies. These have included market analyses, feasibility studies and financial analysis. We have undertaken many market and feasibility assignments over the years for developers and investors. The following list includes recently completed selected representative assignments in various categories: Retail Assignments: Market Analvsis on behalf of Clairemont Sauare, a community shopping center located in San Diego, CA Included a competitive analysis of 18 projects in the primary market, as well as detailed supply and demand retail category analysis. Client was Land Grant. Contact: Mr. Sam Morasco A Rehabilitation and MarketinlZ Reuse StratelZV on behalf of a Regional Shopping Center in Santa Maria, CA Client was Plaza Properties (a division of The Hahn Corporation). Contact: Mr. SCOtt MacDonald, President. Market Analvses of three seoarate WalMart anchored shoppinlZ centers in San Diego County. Client was Gatlin Development. Contact: Mr. Frank Gatlin. Paladion: market and feasibility analysis on behalf of this high end specialty retail center. Contact: Mr. Steve Davis Industrial Assignments: Industrial Analvsis: A comprehensive analysis of the Sorrento Mesa, Torrey Pines Mesa, Kearny Mesa and Miramar industrial areas. Prepared to support an acquisition of an industrial park Client was Flagship Properties, Mr. John O'Brien. Otav Mesa Analvsis: completed a market analysis of the Otay Mesa (south San Diego County) industrial market. Client: Rocky de la Fuente, American InternationaL UCSD Proiect: Mr London directed a major research effort on behalf of UCSD evaluating certain sites which they had available for industrial and R&D development. We provided market & feasibility analysis as well as helped guide their efforts as a public agency in attracting industrial users to their sites. (1991-92) Contact was Nancy Kossan, UCSD. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 17 of 22 ---- 15 Transient Commercial & Resort Assignments: Hvatt Grand Hotel: feasibility analysis for the financial investor, Yasuda, in consideration of their investment opportunity for this project Rams Hill: Analvsis of development potential of Rams Hill in Borrego Springs including a comprehensive golf course supply and demand analysis and residential market & feasibility study. Client: Sterling International, Mr. Bill Gailus. Wateroark Analvsis: Market and financial study of a proposed waterpark facility in San Diego North County. Additional information on client and project is available from us Commercial Office Assignments: Civic Center Plaza: Analysis of market opportunity and holding/disposition strategy on behalf of this downtown San Diego highrise. Client is Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, NY One America Plaza: Market and Leasing Strategy analysis on behalf of this downtown San Diego highrise. Client information available on request Public Agency Real Estate Research Projects: Among the public agency real estate research projects we have performed include: CalTrans Mixed Use Study: We have completed a study of a twelve (12) acre site in the Old Town District of San Diego, currently the District 11 headquarters for the California State Department of Transportation. The study, which we undertook for the agency, provided market and feasibility analysis which created recommendations for a more intensive and fiscally advantageous development of the site including a new headquarters building, specialty retail, residential, hotel and office in a phased project. Reference: Mr Brent Scott Chief, Business Management CalTrans 2829 Juan Street San Diego, CA 92186-5406 619-688-6676 Rental Analvsis. Citv'& County of Honolulu. Department of Housimz and Community Development: We are in the process of evaluating the City's rental housing stock with the 18 of 22 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 - - 16 ,.-' goal of making recommendations to the Mayor and City Council as to how they can best achieve and encourage a more afford ably balanced housing stock. Reference: Mr. E Ron Lin, Director Honolulu Dept. of Housing and Community Development 650 South Hope Street, Fifth Floor Honolulu, HI 96813 808-523-4427 - - AUG 1 \995 ITEM 16 19 of 2:: 17 Qualifications Corporate Profile REPRESENTATIVE SERVICES Market and Feasibility Studies Development Services Work-Out Projects Financial Structuring Asset Management Litigation Consulting Asset Disposition Strategic Planning Government Processing Capital Access The London Group is a full service real estate investment and development consulting, capital access and publishing firm. We determine the answers to the questions: Should I purchase the property? If so, how much should I pay? What type of project should I invest in or develop? What type of deal should I structure? To answer these questions we conduct market analysis, feasibility studies, provide financial structuring advice and general economic consulting. Often we 'package' the deal and provide access to capital sources, We also have capabilities in pre-development consulting including asset management and disposition and In providing team coordination, processing and disposition services (packaging and promotion). The Real Estate & Economic Monitor is a newsletter published by The London Group which provides market trend analysis and commentary for the serious real estate investor. As the former West Region Director of the Price Waterhouse Real Estate Consulting Group, Me London brings acknowledged credentials and experience as an advisor and analyst to many successful projects and assignments throughout North America. The London Group also draws upon the experience of professional relationships in the development, legal services, financial placement fields as well as it's own staff Clients who are actively investigating and investing in apartment projects, retail centers and commercial projects have regularly sought our advice and financial analysis capabilities. We have analyzed, processed and achieved entitlements for a wide variety of real estate projects including hotels, office buildings, retail shopping centers and residential housing communities. We are generalists with experiences ranging from large scale, master planned communities to urban redevelopment projects, spanning all land uses and most development issues. These engagements have been undertaken throughout North America for a number of different clients including developers, investors, financial institutions, insurance companies. major land holders and public agencies AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 l 20 0 f zz - - 18 Biography Gary H. London, President EDUCA TION Master of City Planning San Diego State University - 1976 Bachelor of Arts - Political SciencelEconomics 1974 University of California-Berkeley PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS HISTORY Price Waterhouse, Real Estate Consulting Group: West Region Director, 1988 to 1991 Laventhol & Horwath: Director of Real Estate Advisory Services, 1985 to 1987 .-- The Goodkin Group: Executive Vice President, 1978 to 1985 San Diego Chamber of Commerce: Urban Planner, 1976 to 1977 City of San Diego: City Planner, 1975 to 1976 RANGE OF EXPERIENCE Real Estate consulting experience includes investment and development consulting. On the investment side, projects have included apanments, retail centers, office, industrial and mixed use projects On the development side, experience includes large scale residential developments, office buildings, industrial propenies and hotels. Clients include major corporations, financial institutions, small businesses, individual developers, investors and public agencies. Projects include financial feasibility and market economic analysis for acquisition and disposition, strategic and business planning, ponfolio analysis, mixed use assessment, litigation consulting and work-out programs, deal and lease negotiations. Mr. London has had anicles published and has been quoted in Professional Builder, Builder, California Land, California Business, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union, San Diego Daily Transcript, Real Estate Securities and Capital markets and the San Diego Business Journal. Radio and TV appearances have included: channel 39 .- KNBC, channel 10 KABC, Channel 8 KFMB, Channel 9 KUSI, 1000 AM KCEO, 1130 AM KSDO, 89.5 FM KPBS. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 16 21 of 22 - 19 Mr. London has testified before the US House of Representatives, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs. He was featured on the "Eye On America" segment of the CBS Evening News. His speaking engagements have included National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), Pacific Coast Builders Conference (PCBC), International Council of Shopping Centers, (ICSC), National Association of Industrial & Office Parks (NAIOP), Industrial Development Research Council (IDRC), UCLA Extension Courses, numerous real estate and building industry functions and service clubs. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS AFFILIA TION Instructor, University of California, San Diego Extension (Investment and Development Feasibility; Real Estate Economics) Member of the Development Advisory Committee, UCSD Extension Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), Toastmasters International/Founder of La Jolla Village Toastmasters Member of Board of Directors, Lambda Alpha International, an Honorary Land Economics Society Member of American Arbitration Association PAST ACTIVITIES/AFFILIATIONS TreasurerlMember of Board of Directors, Commercial Industrial Council of the San Diego Building Industry Association (BIA) Member of the Political Policies Committee of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF) Member of the Board of Directors, Easter Seal Society of San Diego Member of Board of Directors. Partners for Livable Places/San Diego ~UG 1 1995 ITEM 16 :1 Z2 of Z2