Item 17 - Investigative Procedures for Officer Involved Shootings ,AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council OM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Jim Marmack, Commander, Poway Sheriff's Station DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECl': Investigative Procedures for Officer Involved Shootings ABSTRACl' On June 17, 1995, a Deputy Sheriff assigned to the Poway Station stopped a suspected drunk driver. During the process of handling the situation, the deputy reportedly felt threatened by actions of the driver and used his weapon to shoot and kill the suspect. In response to this event, a petition (signed by over 100 concerned people) was received by the City Council. This petition requests "an impartial City investigation into the unnecessary death of ... a Poway resident." ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is exempt from CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACl' ihere is no fiscal impact. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that this report be received and filed. ACl'ION 1 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17 I C:TY OF POW_\Y AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Jim Marmack, Commander, Poway Sheriff's Station DATE: August I, 1995 SUBJECT: Investigative Procedures for Officer Involved Shootings BACKGROUND On June 17, 1995, a Deputy Sheriff assigned to the Poway Station stopped a suspected drunk driver. During the process of handling the situation, the deputy reportedly felt threatened by actions of the driver and used his weapon to shoot and kill the suspect. In response to this event, a petition (signed by over 100 concerned people) was received by the City Council. This petition requests "an impartial City investigation into the unnecessary death of ... a Poway resident" and is attached as Exhibit A. FINDINGS Wh il e the City of poway is not empowered to conduct an "i ndependent" investigation into an officer involved shooting, agencies other than the Sheriff's Department have the responsibility to conduct an independent investigation. Specifically, when a Deputy Sheriff is involved in a situation where lethal force is used, the following chain of events occur: l. The initial crime scene is secured by the responding patrol deputy sheriffs. The patrol supervisor responds, stabilizes the situation, and then notifies the station lieutenant and captain. Both the lieutenant and captain respond to the scene. 2. The actual investigation into the crime scene is conducted by the Sheriff's Homicide "Officer Involved Shooting Team" in conjunction with the Sheriff's Crime Lab, This investigation is to gather facts, but not draw a conclusion. These investigations are usually concluded within 30 days, The officer involved shooting investigation is thorough and is conducted using the same criteria as a homicide investigation. This includes interviewing witnesses, analyzing evidence and, in some situations, staging a crime scene reenactment. 3. Upon completion of the investigation, the case is reviewed by the Sheriff's command staff for completeness. 2 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17 I i - - i Agenda Report August 1, 1995 Page 2 4. The case is then forwarded to the District Attorney's Special Operations Division. The District Attorney will review the case for criminal intent. The District Attorney can conduct a complete independent investigation of the incident, conduct a complete review of the Sheriff's investigation, or only expand on certain aspects of the Sheriff's investigation. Either way, the District Attorney does not issue a statement or opinion until he feels he has a complete and thorough case with all the facts available to him. Upon conclusion, his options are many, from issuing a criminal indictment, to suggesting additional training for law enforcement officers, to referring the case to the Grand Jury. 5. At the time of the District Attorney's review, the Sheriff's Department conducts a "Use of Force Review Board,. This committee is made up of ranking sheriff officials who review the incident for conformance to internal policy and procedures. This Board reviews all reports and has the authority to request additional follow-up investigations. The findings of this Board are forwarded to the Sheriff for final disposition. 6. At the conclusion of the District Attorney's investigation, a press release is issued describing the conclusions of their investigation. 7. Officer involved shootings in San Diego County are investigated by two separate law enforcement agencies, This check and balance system ensures a thorough and unbiased finding of the incident. Further, if there are extraordinary circumstances, the District Attorney can request that an independent investigation be done by the State of California Attorney General's office, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is exempt from CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that this report be received and filed. Attachments: Exhibit A - Petition 3 of 12 _1 1995 '.S:"w1 17 I_I . June 20, 1995 JUl - 5 1995 Mayor and Members of the City Council CITYOFPOWAY We the undersigned request. an impartial City investigation int~~~~~~E~?s9ffl~~ath of Mike Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimmerman of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June 17, 1995. We further request that if this investigation finds that it was not necessary to kill Mike Allen, that City officials press for charges to be brought against Deputy Zimmerman. We find it extremely hard to believe that this shoottng was justified. frf~'1 --rh1i~ ~-~ Illf,S-Ulbf1I1.!c/ ;t~~ 0. "!,t.d Nom. """to'" Add"''' m ~~ })JO'>df.u'!'f;f ~~ Printed me ~nature I A dress ~1 ~PKJC-K PI..2l~ 1}Ji<,K Ade Printed Name Add~ess 2 .:jh'>5 ~~b:\' J LQ Printed Name /ltdA~/ 6. 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S-r ~;ntpn Name SlQ ure ,I Address 4 of 12 EXHIBIT A V ITEM 17 i AUG 1 1995 , , 1 . . , - - June 20, 1995 ~ayor and Members of the City Council ..~ the undersigned request an impartial City investigation into the unnecessary death of Mike Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimmerman of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the Poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June 17, 1995. We further request that if this investigation finds that it was not .' necessary to kill Mike Allen, that City officials ~ress for charges to be brought against Deputy Zimmerman. We find it extremely hard to be ieve that this shooting was justified. UIC~1n 1/A-l.1;"J?tlAJD ();'J.~(); OtJ,rL ~ 1<I.?<l7 _~rA.o'hI'V1\l: AUt: i'~~ Pr nted Name ~ nature A (lress SCA5&/1'l C Jon~'\ /.q/~~d~i91dcle... 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C~t.T~ 5c.b4"",~1A- & .:J~ Po""""r ~.." 12.)'ir/U.6b_ e.l..."l, rll. Printed Name ' . 51'''t''~ Address -~J~l. ~ 'f M,'j~>-I:.~ ( u4'1' -1rhf~~J Printed Na Signature Address ~eA,^'" \~~\.\~ ~ Q ^-_---. tAC\(\o............. I!.t 11./ b."'~"t-A V~ r;ntpn Name Signature Address ';> ~ 5 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17 -. -.-------- . June 20, 1~ Mayor and Members of the City Council We the undersigned request an impartial City investigation into the unnecessary death of Mike Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimmerman of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the Poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June 17, 1995. We further request that if this investigation finds that it was not necessary to kill Mike Allen, that City officials press for charges to be brought against Deputy Zimmerman. We find it extrem y hard to believe that this shooting was justified. ...."'[b......~ \ L. r+..,JersoJ /~.(''''t? ~k...IIJ ~ Printed Name lS:l ,igna~e Address ~ 1'; f.L 0.1 T2fW 1/-6/ 7 f)al::K;.J~LLf?d ~l ....--- Printed Name . Signature Address J:tw ~ S teue CJ, /t.1'~ '1- 't- t '::> 0 l f. ~ JJ-'\ Printed Name Signature Address ~11/' 13537 ~~ /fit 71rM~ Printed me I: Ad~ Ih rlnted /270Q {~ Ie, ame Ad r ss !?t(.HIk.O ~~iLt"V Nc$3 ~ d Printed Name ~gnjtur~ Address /J~4/~S;I-,e:~~I#~~ "'~ J'#M~ W;/~lIr/4l/ ~ -tjt;. - Printed Name Signat Address 2'-'13(,.,; .JO~A.>-m1':1 ~~ ~~~. / .s//~ '~~/fH ~ "75" Print~d Name ~~ Address , ?/)SZ/ L, L/k:.. R<I ])U5TiD !1vCYrl-....,j Printed Name ~t~ Address (12~(Ik~r~l<" LttJpJ-.r.: td. ~,u(-y / ~ Printed Name . Signatur Address ~~r b L~~, ~~ . ., /3~~r~~ I?P , rinted N'm' . v (1t+n'CI'Gfr La ).);~ - I3s/f /ilOffl- )trc~ Pr i nted ame . ~i9 . . Address uv 1~1 D]( iCi II ARl<tsJ }I -J-.J.~e;{;fiJf~ w.v1 .~~v Printed N~e /p~:L to), ~rf f rowdlr /J tt ~ ? Sl6rcft(7. , Printed Name Signa ure Address o~~)V 171 It' iJ4B. .t5 . IJJ ITD/8. t.. l/l."tjrB /;1;tdd( HIlmI!/( ,(~ I'd ~r Printed Name ignature Address fir /' I (.Jr{hl (1;1 ~ I (1,. Wo-vP q~tp If~ Q:( sO c.~ <;' iLl '2. ~ rl nted Name Signature Address 6 of 12 AUG 1 itEM 17 1995 I . . . - _. June 20. ] 995 Mayor and Members of the City Council the undersigned request an impartial City investigation into the unnecessary death of ~ike Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimmerman of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the Poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June ]7, 1995, We further request that if this investigation finds that it was not necessary to kill Mike Allen, that City officials press for charges to be brought against Deputy Zimmerma~ We find it extremely hard to ~elieve that this shooting was justified. -- '"tf? .1161 S~ r.l "',tod N'~ ""'''U "t1'S'\'E D~t"^ \~J /5J70ftVFttJ;Dli Vf1lug1()~ PrinteB Name Address :::,c...r, LA-M~ (( 'Gu,) ~.."." ~ 4.H5 ~ CI tit Printed Name Address "i~~<:' M. S~~)~ I ~'3QI V ,'e.,. C;;"".c-~ ~ lloJ .J..fJ'1 q,j er..l...l Printed Name Address . M. l- \.ol'l tf 13.:I~' ~,At;.(j P>. ~I '-"f.lIA Y. /JA '.2~ Printed N me ~lddre:t .s~ 1r.so S e I ~l44e;; r f Pnnted ame' t Address ~~ ):\?:. " t0~~ ,'v.:. ~.._ l'~bO~'Cob.~~~ Pr i nted Nafue." .- ~ ,S i gna ture Address -t Jo/;'$~t~ /4S~r~~4/1) ~~J) Printe -'Name /. Address Print d Name Signature Address . 1~!Si<C(ftho~ tJ ~(luf\9..- , . !)7''t ~ ve.[W{eDr. PA1it. I. . ' li6.\(, 2/ ? PtJW;1r) Printed Name Signature Address - . Printed Name Signature Address D...intcrl N:IIme Signature Address 7 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17 ; , . . . June 20, 1995 Mayor and Members of the .City Council We the undersigned request an impartial City investigation into the unnecessary death of Mike Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimmerman of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the Poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June 17, 1995. We further request that if this investigation finds that it was not necessary to kill Hike Allen, that City officials press for charges to be brought against Deputy Zimmerman, We find it extremely hard to believe that this shooting was justified. ftl1-~k., F,w,Q- ~~. I~~ ~J.&L)~ Printed Name Signature . Address 54k1 /l ~I f' /"f ,t.J:''t' , It( /p ~/J.A.C (/:0 Printed Name Address _<\7EVI:- ,Zc;gi'CJ; , /2~Ps-did ~, M Printed Name Address FI2.'f.D f-l e.c~ /30-;/ f)nM, 174- /II c;r~ Printed Name Address' fb 1C.~'1 [r""r.L,O t+\ lSfb'> kl S ~~~ Printed ame ~ Address ( ~E.S K. ER... /3638 EL pf~~""'I. Lt Printed Name Address , /;/ / flu) J!-1 /' I(c/tjh~ / ;:/0 ~ -t ~~III k.:r "l~ Printed Name Address p,'c... utt( ~f )-~~/2:'f> rinted Name jignature ~ Address fOUR/, 1i' ~.fJJi:?IloI.#b f/3ItJfM,u..;.~g~ ..Q ~ ~:I/lLQo. Printe Name ' Signa~ Address ,( /JlIJdJl/ &/,/B.5 /~ ~ /,1~!trf.t1Ik."'A ~,2~ Printed Name Signature Address ;:;p,~pJ! ::~u.- 1:2?~t.*JI~.<l ;xc- Print~d Nam dress ~f/lIC /11- S L I k' c- l!JlLf ~LlftUeiY? Pr'nted Name Address M (l-LE-rL 02. 5" itJ!1tv<I1.f!o \W A~S ~ ~ rinted Name ". Signatu e Address .- ~M';V'~' ~~1I~~~3~~ ''''''f4' . 1-:"'"'' - ~ ']~}jl~ cYl ~4:~ I rintp ~me Signature Addre 8 of 12 AUG 1 ITEM 17 1995 I - June 20, 1995 Mayor and Members of the City Council the undersigned request an impartial City investigation into the unnecessary death of r,,~e Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimmerman of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June 17, 1995. We further request that if this investigation finds that it was not necessary to kill Mike Allen, that City officials press for charges to be brought against Deputy Zimmerman. We find it extremely hard to believe that this shooting was justified. I:?c):~ S/Ack ,<;T Address L'*.pJ- V~, /~ ~ S gna u~~ Addfess l..lbll ~OAM~I'.s"1:..i' U L~':> ~ ~ Address 19 r /ht:J.I Lau~J.lLj!:Iv~ 4 ~u.... _11 /3'&5 tP~m~ p,./ ~., Printed Name Signa ure Address rz;c~ ,/ ~/lc/f- /J~~t/A~FI1'f3/iI1~f: c:r Printed Name Address LJP,$/,;hJL/ . /1"7~~17i~u &.. Printed Name Signature Address r, fJL -R (J. 8......- / t~d - 9" Q.,,~",- ' "}@f\J ~~ I}N....~ r ,~ - Printed Name Address ' 5fq$1T I'!. .JTeL.JfU /$20~/NG" ./Yl7l22tJ Printed Name Address ~ RrC4vna!Cof}e'1!- 1~2 ~~.~9. ~ Pnnted Name Address t{?; U'l q fJ C,C MilAr f?/ltJ.I//3k,e.s ~ ~.)' L341crr "/R/Y~.sr4 0'< Printed Name A dress LJJ. Y'v.f"" &'</e .I.f~Z.R-~ 7Rk- 4h-; Printed Name Address ~p\\ .~~, C- ..t\~'1 V~~>>.7 ~~1\~\ nn ed Name Address .. RIO/~^ A l'JZ.er/~ 1/431/ A:,.~ ~....k ~s A.- />;u". C- '::l./A ~ Printed Name #11'5 Address J-.H6 Pk ])#....~'r' L /~ lid ' / .". '? -:u: 4../ /...A..I. p,...-., '7 :> e-c. 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We find it extremely hard to believe that this shooting was justified. 5c...<. ~(~\. - ']D 4f:t:~ . --1-=1- , {) \" ~" \M 1- ~ Printed Name g tu e Address ci)uo> ... ) ~A;" \5:tu.S k~ v ~C1;1~~'.L-- e,.;~ Printed Name Signature P2c..ril;t^ j"'.~J..h^d 77jZ., ~1" ,,g. t },.- J 1:3 q '3-5 F f'Q. "" e I<cI P inted me 19 tur ~ Address ~ ~~e~J~fL I~?L/ LJM~-1Ci )/. Printe Name ~ Address IV} A1 SeD , Printed Namiv,1 Signat e ddress v~rfe cprt:- 9~"" '- ~t'ed ~m~ - - Ilz{s- Mln<f~ Lh ff.w'"1~ / Address 4~,?/, ~.. ~",c/.le'7- /'.8, 4- 1'211, ~~ ~~ drinted Name Address . D(1c L "..'4 I? Printed Name Signature Address A-tcnJVtL ~. H A2CJJ ~ Ud~~~ 5~ ~~/ g).Jb&:Ko;04 9117'( Printed Name Signature I-,A~;e~~~.~~ ~J1!..d ~ -&I?-..J __.J~,,- <::2 . Pr i nted Name Address ~0 ffb})~-1' ~H'<f~l> ~~()A- . ri nte Name Address. 5lJ Printed Name Signature Address Printed Name Signature Address Printed Name Signature Address .,' Printed Name Signature Address n ._~-~ .'ame Signature Address 10 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17 j . June 20, 1995 - - Mayor and Members of the City Council h of S D ,,~ We the undersigned request an impartial City investigation into the '~7-ie&&aFY death of ;e Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimmenaan of the San Diego ~ounty Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the Poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June 17, 1995. We further request that 'f n._ iA":uti!lltiar\ rln~s that It tJU Rllt .. ft'C:Il.E58\.1 ll1l.lll Mike All"", L1.dl tll" uFFh.lal. pIUS fer charles tft h.. brougbt a9a..t gellllt) Zh....~....an. -We-rind il...l.~...~lJ I,a,d ~ b"lh.." L1'f this shaallnk~ jllstlfied. +k ~.....Q.:R~ C>~ 4\-.~.s. l",u<Ls.4(~+f",",,- IL. --cL... ~l(c- ~ + +"-'Cf~e,..s ~_+-\I"~ 'Z-I-f..j.' Printed Harne Address 11wv~w~~ I'U-?~ eo Ol.t> 'folAcazAOtl lZ-t> 'ttiu.lA"f' Printed Harne 5,( ,V~~)?~ :::# /~7 ~;J"JE c. ;!AucK I ~ ~/(' (A,f1p..!iO r/,-/n4_ Printed Name Address Printed Harne Signature Address Printed Harne Signature Address Printed Harne Signature Address -- Printed Harne Signature Address Printed Name Signature Address - Printed Harne Signature Address Printed Harne Signature Address Printed Harne Signature Address Printed Harne Signature Address , . Printed Harne Signature Address , Printed Harne Signature Address - Printed Harne Signature Address I D...~..+....... "tame Signature Address 11 of 12 AUG 1 ITEM 17 1995 . . . . . June 20, 1995 Mayor and Members of the City Council We the undersigned request an impartial City investigation into t eath of Mike Allen, a Poway resident, shot and killed by Deputy David Zimme e San Diego County Sheriff's Department in the parking lot of the Poway Jack In The Box on Saturday, June 17, 1995.,_~further re!st that if 1h!: E~~:;:g!~;~~~~ ~~ it w;~~~ i' :;:~:i;';~~"';7.~ :rt~~J;1'':'",- _::, h . :. "]>: -1I,~~ c. -( \ . ~5/!:" C'/15'A fJ.::. C'",~cL 1~ 51t""e- r: ~/ r A./ 1f/(1 '/PlfJ!/tr c."J;. Printed Name Address' 1AIlv e ~~AJSoJ /"Z-'2J?'!> -e o\...p 10~~ P~uJA""" c.A q'ZD~4- Printed Name Signature Address I<e.v I N i'v\ fqr'2.P-e..\ ( _~. n#'.~ I ;J..I./S~ o.../<. K,uof( e~"?( Printed Name Signatu Address 'BR)/Cc.- Dr p~~~p \-:J,"5 Cf.Ji!JAK /(/p!.t1- 'PP. .. rinted Name Address (41:J -H I C P ~V('..~ t' ,C (J(-'( /)....3 IfC, Lid ?t)1V'~,(;r40 Prin ed ame Address +J J?r1()~~5 /3. f)fJJIM f ,,"Sl/O OIlK K/'voll Mt. ... P inted Name Address EDk!/,,' H. JnNEf (Jool B'~R(7N Rd . 7 Printed Name Address \)o~fT"'V M. JONe! r I JOol BOWRoN RI. 7 Pr i ntled Name ~ Signature AjES L (! A- (~ ~ / :< fJtJ. .$ ~ A Ii-. e Printed Name _ef}s;zt;~ t~ Address ~.1/7 C / 2'K).,Cj r;.(? A-Ufl.plt~1? ffI A f( 0 { & (),) l-I-A-kJ (; Printed Name Signature Address fb/'A' \ D.) ;7~A"'- f J r~ . c)u?--A,,;';/t. t:A6/;.) /5fV~ I1mJ.Jr. z:~ Printed Name ~ Signatur Address 13 l 1\ t'e. C'r , .f f r ;.." . ~ (7)) 0 '; rD f.lA\&. v~ f.!J:J.J.;r. 6.,~ ~ Printed Name Signature Address 'PbM et t, L', fA-ILK Eli. . .. /tP?, cj.,f,-"CD "PtJlJ1el2..Mo re- Printed Name ~ Sig Address rbW4.Y,:;: j),q. (II J OU €~ 7'0,.. 13~ '3 Sj I r/eA. (",k4. 60 n Printed Name Sig1Je~ Address ~ }[.;>se- . ~)P/~ ~ Of ~7 /~~=t5 ,JLfJ Printed ame Signature h lfdress ~ l-ltJM bAtJi J~~ otul, .- 6h j1fi th-fl \ Prinbri Name Signature Address 12 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17