Item 17.1 - Funding Status Update for Scripps Poway Pkwy East AGENDA RRPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the - Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Exec~ Director I'> INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~lk' 4- ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Services Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Enginee~ DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECI': Funding Status Update for Scripps Poway Parkway East and Approval of Utility Relocation Agreement with San Diego County Water Authority ABSTRACT: The Scripps Poway Parkway East project is progressing to a probable construction start in early October, Recent State budget cutbacks have reduced the expected revenue available for the project. Staff estimates that the remaining funding may still be adequate to construct the Parkway. Additionally, a Utility Relocation Agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority is required for a portion of the work (attached). FISCAL IMPACI' - The current estimated total project cost for the Scripps Poway Parkway East is $39,030,000. The current funding projection for this project is $37,210,000 with the probable reduction in State funding. Staff will report back to the City Council when bids have been received for the construction. Funds for reimbursement to the San Diego County Water Authority for engineering and inspection staff time have been programmed into the overall project budget. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental findings are necessary. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency note and file this report on the funding status of Scripps Poway Parkway East and approve the Utility Relocation Agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority. ACTION - 1 of 11 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17,1 ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency F1{O~: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir~ IN1TLl~DBY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~)+ \~Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering servicesJ'"~ Alan F. Schuler, Senior Civil Enginee~ DA~: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Funding Status Update for Scripps Poway Parkway East and Approval of Utility Relocation Agreement with San Diego County Water Authority BACKGROUND The Scripps Poway Parkway East project is progressing to a start of construction in early October. Final plans are complete and have been signed by the County of San Diego and the San Diego County Water Authority. All rights of way and mitigation lands necessary for the construction of the Parkway have been acquired or are in escrow. Several key permits have been obtained and schedules are in place for acquisition of the remaining permits. The funding plan for the Parkway (Attachment #1) has been in place for some time now. The Local SB 300 component of the funding plan has been reduced by recent State actions, In past cycles of SB 300, the State contribution has been greater that 19% of project costs. For this cycle we had conservatively estimated 15%. Due to budget reductions it appears that, based on Caltrans' estimates, we will probably receive about 8.5% with the possibility that the program may be eliminated altogether next year. ACTION: 2 of 11 - - - Agenda Report: Funding Status Update for Scripps Poway Parkway East and Approval of Utility Relocation Agreement wtth San Diego County Water Authority August 1, 1995 Page 2 This could mean a shortfall of approximately $2,700,000 in planned funding. The present cost estimate for the project (Attachment #2) indicates that this amount is approximately equal to our 10% Construction Contingencies. Industry sources indicate that the bid climate is very favorable at this time and we believe that it is likely that actual bids bids from qualified contractors will help us realize additional savings in total costs. Staff proposes to advertise this project for bid on August 4th with a bid opening in the second week of September. If at that time we have received favorable bids, we will recommend award of contract to the lowest qualified bidder. If we realize an actual shortfall of funding based on the State reductions and higher bids, it may be necessary to ask the City Council to appropriate funds from other sources. One component of this project entails the relocation of two 48-inch raw water lines owned by the San Diego County Water District in the vicinity of Sycamore Canyon Road, As a Special District, they wish to monitor and inspect the installation to assure that there is no unplanned disruption of water supply to agencies south of Poway. Additionally, we have acquired a replacement - easement for their new facilities, The attached Utility Relocation Agreement (Attachment #3) provides for the exchange of easements, reimbursement of District expenses, and specifies construction authority and timing. Staff recommends approval of this agreement. Benefit Resolutions No. 94-071 and No. R-94-12 for this project were certified by the City Council/Redevelopment Agency on June 8, 1994. FINDINGS Total estimated project costs are substantially the same as reported on January 17, 1995, with the exception of the SB 300 reductions. Receipt of bids for construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway East will determine if the present funding levels are adequate. The Utility Relocation Agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority is necessary for the construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway East and is consistent with the policies of both agencies. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No additional environmental findings are necessary. 3 of 11 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17.1 Agenda Report: Funding Status Update for Scripps Paway Parkway East and Approval of Utility Relocation Agreement wRh San Diego County Water Authority August 1, 1995 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT The current estimated total project cost for the Scripps Poway Parkway East is $39,030,000. The current funding projection for this project is $37,210,000 with the probable reduction in State funding. Staff will report back to the City Council when bids have been received for the construction. Funds for reimbursement to the San Diego County Water Authority for engineering and inspection staff time have been programmed into the overall project budget. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency note and file this report on the funding status of Scripps Poway Parkway East and approve the Utility Relocation Agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority. Attachments: Attachment #1 - Cost Estimate Attachment #2 - Revenue Projection Attachment #3 - Utility Relocation Agreement 4 of 11 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17.1 - - - Date: July 21,1995 Scripps Poway Parkway East Revenue Projections Programmed Funds Amount powav RDA $3,300,000.00 Develooer Contributions $250,000.00 Prop A-Countv $13,000,000.00 Prop A-Hiahwav $8,800,000.00 Prop A-Bikelanes $258 000.00 Local SB 300 (8.5% est) $3,473,000.00 Local SB 300ITransfer) $515,000.00 STP /Trans net Transfer $250 000.00 Unpledaed SPP West $1,200,000.00 STP /Transnet Transfer $500,000.00 Ted Williams Pkwy. Balance $320 000.00 McMillin (Trident) $1,600,000.00 Street Maintenance $244,000.00 Construction Interest $500 000.00 Powav Creek Detention $3000000.00 Total: $37,210,000.00 - ATTACHMENT +1 5 of 11 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17.1 1 C\l lB Ol 8 ~ Ol 8 8 8 8 8 (II 00 LO V ~ ~ M -i to ~ -i ~ ~ g ~ ~ ai ~ v 00 ..... C\l ..... LO ~ 00 ..... ~ C ~ N cS 00 N tri' tri' ~ v 8 > $ v v ~ v ..... ;; CIl ..... ..... , ~ ..... ..... ~ U) , fit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , LO 00 lB ..... 8 (lj Ol 8 8 8 8 8 00 ~ ..... v v "! ..... ..CD ci M to to c:i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... 18 ~ ..... ..... ..... 00 . C" 0 00 C") ..... (II ..... CDCIl C\l I- ... E ..f r-: r-: tri' g N tri' ~ r-: g- o ai J!:o en ...- ..... 00 ~ ~ 0 C") fg. LO (II :I" LO ~ LO ..... Ol ~ ~ 0 :I u.n ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ..f ~ c( ..., <C ..... ~ ai ~ ~ ~ CO) W ~ - ~ 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 ~ '01/) c:i c:i c:i ~ ~ ~ c:i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CDQ) 8 8 8 8 "Q) CIl..... tri' tri' aj tri' r-: cS cS tri' r-: ..f v 0 0:: ~ E . ..... 0 00 C\l 00 0 00 00 fg !8 00 CO) .- C LO I'- ~ C\l 00 ..... 00 C\l I'- ~ <C 'liiCll ~ ~ N ~ ~ tri' ~ ..... ..f ~ ai Qj E w-, ~ ~ ~ C\l a. ~ CO) 10 ~ - 0 ~ III - III Q) 3: III CD Q) 'u 0 ... Q) c: " :I u.. ~ 0 .. g U is III ...: c: a. c c: c: Q) ,., ~ .." CD ~ .9 c: Q) "S c: III to 1.Q1 0 en .- III a.. ~ u.. III 'ii 0 "'0 ~ U .. ~ Q) III ~ to c: c: ~ a. 11. 0 to Q) c: - ~ 0 c: c: c: '0 ~ Q) 0 I.g c: u 0 0 0 a. ~ Q) u u U to c: ::l Q) c: to III (/) E - .g c: .0 0 Q) gj 0 ::l :I ::l 0:: :{; ::l :s 0 c: c: ~ ~ .b ~ I~ .9 ~ .r; 'lii 'lii Q) III U ?- m I.~ to III > 0 .2 c: c: c: a: "" c: Q) 0 ~ :"" 0 8 0 en ~ ::l a.. jjj ~ u::: 0 (!) a.. ~ U U E 0 ..... CD ..... C\l C") v LO 00 I'- 00 Ol :c ..... ..... I ATTACHMENT #2 , 6 of 11 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17.1 - - - UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT The City of Poway, hereinafter called CITY, proposes to construct a four-lane arterial street known as the Scripps Poway Parkway. The San Diego County Water Authority, hereinafter called AUTHORITY, owns and maintains two 48-inch reinforced concrete pipelines within the AUTHORITY's First Aqueduct right of way. The right of way and pipelines are within the limits of CITY's project which require relocation to accommodate CITY's project. Therefore, it is hereby mutually agreed that: I. WORK TO BE DONE In accordance with CITY improvement plans number 801-05-921, entitled Scripps Poway Parkway East and dated July 21, 1995, the AUTHORITY's two 48-inch reinforced concrete pipelines are to be relocated. The relocations are to be accomplished by construction plans and specifications prepared by Boyle Engineering to the AUTHORITY standards and approved by the AUTHORITY. The AUTHORITY's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The relocations shall be accomplished through the CITY's contract procedures. Construction inspection will be provided by the AUTHORITY. Any deviations to the approved Boyle plans and specifications shall be with the sole approval of the AUTHORITY. The shut down of the pipelines shall be between November 1, 1995 and March 15, 1996. All costs associated with the shutdown, including any loss of revenue, shall be at the expense of the CITY. .- relocate.egr/page 1 I ATTACHMENT +3 7 of 11 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17.1 II. LIABILITY FOR WORK, ACQUISITION OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENTS The AUTHORITY's existing facilities consist of two 48-inch diameter, reinforced concrete pipelines located within the First Aqueduct right of way and its rights are prior and superior to those of the CITY. The CITY shall obtain appropriate easements and rights of way and thereafter will relocate the AUTHORITY's two 48-inch diameter pipelines to accommodate the construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway and the AUTHORITY will abandon its pipelines in place and take no further action. The AUTHORITY shall retain its First Aqueduct easement and right of way for the possible addition of future pipelines. Foll owi ng the relocation of the two 48-inch diameter pipelines, the AUTHORITY shall execute a Subordination Agreement subordinating the AUTHORITY easement rights to the rights of the CITY as to the First Aqueduct Easement and right of way. The AUTHORITY shall install any future pipelines under Scripps Poway Parkway and its easement and right of way by tunneling. AUTHORITY shall provide the CITY construction plans, prior to the construction of any tunnel and secure the CITY's approval. CITY will expedite the approval of any such construction plans and approval will not be unreasonably withheld. reloc8te.agr/page 2 AUG 1 1995 rrEM 17.1 8 of 11 . - - The CITY shall acquire the easement and right of way in the AUTHORITY standard form with respect to the relocated pipelines at or near Scripps Poway Parkway and Sycamore Canyon Road. All rights held by the CITY, with respect to the relocated pipelines at or near the Scripps Poway Parkway and Sycamore Canyon Road, shall be subordinated to the rights acquired for the AUTHORITY and the CITY shall execute a subordination agreement to that effect. If any other governmental entity has rights to Sycamore Canyon Road, in the easement and right of way area acquired for the AUTHORITY by the CITY, the CITY shall obtain Subordination Agreements on behalf of the AUTHORITY, subordinating all other entities' interests to those interests of the AUTHORITY. Any future construction by the CITY, whether surface or subsurface in the easement or the right of way area, shall be approved by the AUTHORITY prior to commencing the work. The AUTHORITY approval of the CITY's construction plans shall be expedited and approval will not be unreasonably withheld. III. PERFORMANCE OF WORK CITY agrees to cause the herein-described work to be performed under contract, with the lowest qualified bidder, selected pursuant to a valid competitive bidding procedure, and to furnish, or cause to be furnished, all necessary labor, materials, tools, and equipment required therefore, and to prosecute said work diligently to completion. Technical services for locating, making of surveys, preparation of plans, specifications, as-built drawings, estimates and supervision are to be furnished by the relocBte.lgr/pege 3 'AUG 1 1995 ITEM 17.1 g of 11 consulting engineering firm of Boyle Engineering as a consultant to the CITY. Inspection services for the construction of the relocation are to be provide by AUTHORITY. IV. GENERAL CONDITIONS All costs accrued by AUTHORITY as a result of CITY's request to review, study and/or prepare relocation plans, inspection, and estimates for the project associated with this agreement may be billed pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If CITY's project which precipitated this Agreement is canceled or modified so as to eliminate the necessity of work by AUTHORITY, CITY will notify AUTHORITY in writing and CITY reserves the right to terminate this Agreement by Amendment. The Amendment shall provide mutually acceptable terms and conditions for terminating the Agreement. CITY shall submit a Notice of Completion to the AUTHORITY's Chief Engineer within thirty (30) days of the completion of the work described herein. Should any of the AUTHORITY relocated pipelines be within the CITY's dedicated street right of way, Joint Use Agreements or Consent to Common Use Agreements shall be executed by the parties so as to provide similar rights to AUTHORITY as enjoyed in its exclusive right of way. The AUTHORITY reserves the right to approve all future subsurface uses within the dedicated street right of way, provided approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. relocate.agr/page 4 ~UGl 1995 ~M 17.1 10 of 11 . - - -. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement on the date first above written. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY CITY OF POWAY BY: BY: Stephen M. Eckis, City Attorney Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: BY: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY BY: BY: - relocate.agr/page 5 ~UG 1 1995 ITEM 17.1 11 of 11 - ~~ ~--I-/YJ kcl)/SEO ~1[f;;f!i.lrrl'k{~[16il[i'Q,~illiij.'1ieit!J..f..ijii.llll.~,lf;;fit~]liilIlJllf ~:nq~1r;ijifilxs.!m[j;Rp.s't~ill!R!I.l~iiijRgt;1!:lilJ!i.]K!jilil!q[g~i:q~~) lijglinl1~w.1tIVI~~%(fllllj~!@jfu\ti!:I.I__nglfl.i~_BI~jiillifisi:i~ i]!j.l,i.ii!~[tl!.lii}li~lIm,>>>>,jJili!!!lI[.iliIQ1Jl.l'1I.t4}II; i~~i;rRllJiL9,rrlI1i[@R!I~~>>1\r!fl11~i'irlfi~~Jfu{fl.1i"l,flI'1Ii1.',illllj;1;ftl~ pit~~~.1jgn;lilg~JD~tlm:~g!li!!BltJ1!1'!!Jli!f.IJrIJl~lgl{i]1i! QO *Igq9g1[~ni~~gf:]j~,ili!I!~,lM&i~~if[liil~!!~iiJlfitlf;t!il'ililf1WlillDl1iiflDfln i~i1:1Biififiii~~!jij,RHJ1i~JJ~,iil~tliii~jiijiJ[~;li;[mjl\1~91[!iJli!il~1t!ljlt6il 0 .ngg!~gi!1!;ilip!~~1:~n;i~ql!!!!i~~fi,~!lqf[II~iljf~!~I:i1ig~;:111~11ii~,,",lill!ip:t~;I:ill ~Hi!lr:iggjj;\ji;IJqjlf,ll!!i:nifi,glfI1i!\lp~lp!tg~:~1'Iti<<~tUtlgnliiRllfig;j!!!rt~llgn ~.ilrM~gi~t6ilii~:qil;liffql:i~bl1ji~iI!!ii.il:l!lljljj~lii;'I'!i!~jlilIBEPM~iq~lll1j i9~jqgilI!JiI;;I~milt~~,~'lngB~g!lil!j6i~lljtii!;t~IIK~,jII~t;~ llfi~~i\!!!lf~,ifi~1P~1~:ilti~~mlgg~lE;!l<<111Il\lfi~!!!{isl;"gi:1~!lJ.1l~!<Alm,~11g!l l!i!~~~j~;Yi.;~i.1~~lj!llil~illli..'~~~l.'~,~jl.ill,i.f,<<R.'fip;t:![j:iJilJ3',~iRftsiliifijl~:1![1!'~YJI; m!~9~jj.~9pi.I~~1IiHgl~E~~t~Yl!!!,~i!!11~gili,iIill~~l\i~ln!it<<f!i.liR!.~i!I~111 - II. LIABILITY FOR WORK, ACQUISITION OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENTS The AUTHORITY's existing facilities consist of two 48-inch diameter, reinforced concrete pipelines located within the First Aqueduct right of way and its rights are prior and superior to those of the CITY. The CITY shall obtain appropriate easements and rights of way and thereafter will relocate the AUTHORITY's two 48-inch diameter pipelines to accommodate the construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway and the AUTHORITY will abandon its pipelines in place and take no further action. relocate.agr/page2 ~Gl 1995 ITEM 17. /.if . ------- ,~\C1 - , ", 1 , " CHAPIN, FLEMING Cst WINET : . ... ~"c..tOMA.. eO....O..'*"'ON ., 0 n "". i ATTORNEYS AT LAW J. ....... "'N D,eoo or",c" 1.08 ANa.La. O_'CI: '.,J ~.O COl.lol....... eT..CT <4'0 SOUTH MCI...oac 0"'''1:, SUITe 10' ,a'a. ""''''M'.. eau......,..,ilto" .UITC "01 , . ';,. . ...,. 01&00. c.....u''O,,",. ..~~.. ..0. """0""1l8. c.....,ro....,.. eoo.. .., _ , *' TCL&~MO"':c 1.'.' .~...... VISTA, CAU'ORNIA 02083 T.I"Il~H. 1:1101.......3.. ,',f TeLl""'. (e.., 1211....010 TCL.C~O~C ,e,.) 75......1 TIE..."". jalO, acw...:>>e .........,. TI:I.C""'x '."1) 7s....ao ,~H ''''I RANDALL L WINET ..,.,.To: . "'.; ..,f,.' ,.,,... - North Coullly orr... July 28, 1995 Mr. Terry Allen 11281 Del Diablo Way San Diego, CA 92129 Re: Al:'.n v. County of San Diego Our File: BC-l92 Dear Mr. Allen: Pursuant to our discussions on July 27, 1995, please find -~, enclosed the letter we recently wrote to Paul Pfingst at the G :....-I District Attorney's Office. We hope that Mr. Pfingst seriously examines the Sheriff's Report and decides to prosecute Mr. Zimmerman. If you have any questions concerning our letter to Mr. Pfingst, please do not hesitate to contact me. i very truly yours, CHAPIN, FLEMING & WINET {lUI Z- iJ~ andall L. Winet RLW: smh ambIBC 192..11 EDo_... , 0' j ~ . I I . "\;. I ',,:.l I "1 I . r, I '. -1 j~q 0 { .' . . - ;#--; "Vi ';'~ ' . Ill. "'. -}t. ' \'6-l-, 5 , !..~ i\ I ".I.;~ '1 . I{ ~,'" . . I :~~'~~, -. ,.... .~ _. , - .J - CHAPIN, FLEMING (sc WINET .. ~tItOrc..ION"'" COlIl'...,.""'1OH !lAM 01100 O,.ncc ATTOANEY5 AT LAw 1..0. ....IfCIILC. o...",ce ("; .aao ~.,. aT"C&T 0410 SOUTH ....1:1...051: OfltIVC. SUITE 10' ,.,.. Wil,.......... .ou"CYAI"o" .VITI ..0. ....... Olcoo. CA4.1,.O......... ..tOl'~".. VISTA. C......"OIlltNIA 82083 LO. .~CL... C"UII'O"""tA ~.. T'I.&~ Ie.., u....... TCI.C~MOfiIl' (alOJ .......a. TCI..,.ale.e) .:M....'O Tt:Lt:~H.C ee.e, 7S....... TILl,.... PIG, 807'....:1. TeLC"". ',ellt) ?'sa.eAaO RANDAlL L. WlNET "'lJTo: SL. L. II North CoulUy orr.... July 28, 1995 Paul J. Pfingst District Attorney 101 W. Broadway, suite 1440 San Diego, CA 9210~. Re: Allen v. County of San Diego Our File: BC-192 Dear Mr. Pfingst: 0 Our office represents the eighteen year old and fifteen year old daughters of Michael Allen. Mr. Allen was shot five times from point blar.< range by Deputy Sheriff Dave Zimmerman on June 17, 1995. My understanding is that the Sheriff's Homicide Division has been performing an investigation concerning this shooting, and recently submitted their investigation to your office to consider the prosecution of Deputy Zimmerman for the shooting death of Michael Allen on June 17, 1995. At the request of the family as well as numerous residents Ii from the City of Poway, I am requesting that you personally review the Sheriff Investigation Report and prosecute Mr. Zimmerman for the death of Michael Allen. My clients and several residents of the city of poway feel that Mr. Zimmerman is not fit I to be a Sheriff in their community and should nQt be allowed to make life and death decisions for the Sheriff's Department. , , To provide you a brief summary, Mr. Allen was driving while allegedly intoxicated on June 17, 1995. He was pulled over at the Jack in the Box on poway and Pomerado Road by Deputy , I Zimmerman. Mr. Allen was unarmed, in no condition to injure , anyone, and has had a passive personality during his entire I lifetime. I , ,0 Detective Zimmerman alleges that he in some way was in ( danger or another deputy was in danger, and this required him to , I .. ". ". ~. ~... .,j . ''". '" -- . --,._,-- ----~."--~~~--- --'- . _. ,.,- Re: Allen v. County of San Diego ,". f July 2S, 1995 Page 2 shoot Mr. Allen five separate times. These bullet Wounds (as reflected in the autopsy report) show that Mr. Allen was shot from close range and the bullets entered either the left arm or I left chest area. Further, the trajectory of the bullets show that Mr. Allen was apparently continuously shot as he fell Over to the passenger side of the vehicle. There simply was UQ J justification for Sheriff Zimmerman's actions. We have spoken with numerous business owners and residents from the City of poway who had previously dealt with Deputy Zimmerman. He had not only continually harassed numerous business owners in both commercial code enforcement, and bars around town, but he had bragged that he was not afraid to "put somebody down if it was necessary". The AlIens and the residents from the City of poway that I have Spoken to are most concerned that Mr. Zimmerman's actions will not be carefully reviewed by the District Attorney's Office, and he will return to the streets of Poway. This would be a ,......, tr~vesty for all concerned. We were glad you were elected to be the District Attorney this past year because of your internal fortitude and strerqth in making sure things were done right. There was simply no eXCUse for Deputy Zimmerman for pulling out his gun and shooting Mr. Allen five times, cutting his life short, and leaving two young ladies without a father. On behalf of his daughters and several City residents in the City of Poway, we again request that you investigate this matter personally and prosecute Deputy Zimmerman for the crimes he has committed. My understanding is that a private resident from the City of Poway having no association with the Allen family recently distributed a petition throughout the City of poway and obtained numerous signatures asking for Mr. Zimmerman's removal from the Sheriff's Department. Please be assured that this petition was not obtained at the request of our office or the Allen family. but is the voice of the City of poway residents displaying their disgust for Deputy Zimmerman's actions. } ) --. "+- "'-- - -_.. . .- Allen v. County ot San Diego ( Re: July 28, 1995 Page 3 Thank you tor your anticipated review ot this matter. 1 Very truly yours, CHAPIN, FLEMING & WINET :j r.;?i{.4 LLL/ I' .1 I Randall L. Winet RLW:smh .mb1BCI92.pfi cc: Terty Allen -. . . , , I i ,i 11 1....." ( , , I -.- \ . .-