Item 21 - Denial of Claim - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -. - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Man~ . INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~lt ~ Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ ativ service~lV Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manage DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECf: Denial of Claim - Jeanna and Jacob Arellano ABSTRACf A claim for dmages in the amount of $25,000 was received from the Arellanos on June 19, 1995. The claim alleges unreasonable and unprofessional action by San Diego County Sheriff's deputies. It is r~commended that the City Council deny this claim. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACf Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim, ACTION - ~ 1 of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 21 ----------....-- ~ AGENDA REPORl CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City CJerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Mana~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Manager~ \\- Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administr tive Services Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manage I DATE; August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Denial of Claim - Jeanna and Jacob Arellano BACKGROUND A claim for damages in the amount of $25,000 was received from Jeanna and Jacob Are 11 ano. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS The Arellano claim alleges unreasonable and unprofessional action by San Diego County Sheriff's deputies, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. JLB:JDF:PAS:DAM:eg : ACTION: 2 of 9 j AUG 1 1995 ITEM 21 Caty Of Po�vay _ R!E�CE�I�Y�E�D� � cu�rM �GNr�sTrrie:c.rTr oF"POwnY �- '� l r3ca9T�Stamp'� Oe8lved 6y�- -+�✓ :vl� . _ r .S. O�liil � . CITY OF POWAY � ;��ep{{�q (y{y1 CITY'CLERK'S,OFFICE wr the Counter x �? 9 �-9.r � dalm:must�be Aled with;tho C(ty Cltrk or,R!'sk Manager ot Mie City ot Poway w2tl�lln 6 trionths plter wh3ch:fhe eident or event ocamedc B� suce�your datm Is�ipalnst the of Poway, not �nothtr pubUc tntlry. Where � ,� ., . �ae� b,irt��ffident pioase us add�tione! paper a�i'q �en�y in om�aGon by piraprspA.nu�bar Completed alma miitt'be mailed`or deliversd to The. Clty oYPoway, 13325.Cfvic�ConteCDrivs,Poway, CA. 92064 ( P.O. oic �88 ). AGn:` Fii s k`M a nager . O THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CRY` THE CTf OF POWAY CAUFORNIA „ he�undersipned rtspectfully submitt tlie followlnp dalm and.intom�BUon roiative=to O�maDo io persons ndJOr personal'property: ,. . PIafT1@ 0(diiT8flt leanna Ar.ell_an'o b 3a'cob ;(mino:r` son) 'm. Address oi a�imanE Q PAOti@NOc/o at',ty` Nunn Dtte'Ofbitth - arob _d. SOCIaI SBwrlty No. - .?ea�,°a �yert.UC. N0. : Name, telephone and post otfice mddreu to whicN GaimanCdesires notice� to De sent H oNer ptian above: c/o Donald A. Nunn At'torney a Law 13'4''76 Community Rd. Poway, CA 92064 �. Occvrrence or eventtrom wAieh+tha clatm artasr. . 8. . DitO 4/ 13 / 95 b. 1'kf10aPP.r 8.?.39P �m •PliC! ('�t8Ct 8nd Sp@CiTiC IOCitlOft) - d How mnd under wAai-:eircumstancas;did:damapa or injury oewr? Speciy the puticulsr occurrence, tyent, acf or. ortiission you daim-caused' (use additional pape�, ifnecas3ary'.). See attachmen't 3d e. WnatparJcufar;ection by th� Gty; ortts �mpioyees, caused°1he,aneped damape or Injury7 See att'achment 3e 3 o f 9 AUG 1 1995 �Eil/ 21 4: GiJe e;dascriptlon of tf►e l. :ry. property damage or los,a;.ao far;,s� Is known ai tho tlme of tf�is ,o daim: `K I�ero wtro na''.injurt�i: slsta"'No: kyuries ' . �; I was six and one tra�f months pregnant at [fi',e`�;ti'me o'f the incident. In ddent �; a,use me to ave'nausea.an s'tomar pain,: r`aus"ng fur:thes concern o'f a d miscatriage. I ven't ,to Pomerad'o Ho's :ital immedlaGel- a-� e.r the in � ' ,nc u e a w, t- e n _ �, 3. vo name ;) e;�ty ai�iby e�� c�us�R� �� be.or �jury: i San Die o Coun ' - '�' c vartz, F. (A8,639}. Claim a7,s:o against Cou'nty of San Diego. Filin .:� w i th '� 1, _ _ ""' ur. s c ns s pr mar.y: � e. �a s�������o t ���; ��;- . + Joseph, Geraldine; & Pa:trick Valencia 15'7,2-0 Sqcamose Canyon Rd-. Powav, CA :: _ r • ,�. r' :� 7. Namo and nddnss of'the pwner of any damaped'property: .. ,, ; 6. DamaDes daimed: ; . ' a Amount claimed as of this date � 2 s o00 .,o o� � = b. Estiinated amount ot tutiife ecsts: $ n n�"� o,W n c • Total amount.elaimed: $ ��;�a� d. Basis for computa0on oi;amounts Claimed ( �nuuqo oopea ora�� aus. fnvoices, estimates; etc) : MedYcal bills "Eor Ms. Az,el"lano {.$131.25) enclosed:. Trauma/emo'tional distre �. IvMt¢i ifl� 800feSiC5��018IIWf$1lsi@S, f105 IS�1.in �t s.. .Arellano. -� - � FicG�n�.�t� LPhvsicians at Pbmerado,Aospital b, ' G . d . . .. 10. My additional Infortnation thai miphi"b�'htlpful In eonsiderin8 this,daim: i This incident was badly•misfiandled 5y Sher1!'f''§'Depu:E Cla imant Arellai �. was peaceably visiting the leas.ed residence_of the'Valencias, was placed �' n az o mme -are ; n ury os ea^ an rsuse o ear or e sa e- e .� . � . , __ ..... - . . :: 3 and 4 year old children'b.y unreas'onabPe and vnpnof;essiona�l arxdons of : _ 'r WA ��a: �$ 61 CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO �10E A FALSE 'Ct/4IMl (P�nst CoCe §72; ,!;,' lnsurancs Code ; 356.i ) ; I'have read ths matteR and�;tatarronts mrd��In tht'abovo daun and J'Ig�ow tM'same to_6e true o(,myown knowleC�c ; �eopt aa to,tho�s ina�tira atafed upo`n �ilormation or batiel aa`to:wch metiort I Da6avo ttw;amo fo Dt; We. t cenily und� periatty oi porjury ihat'fM'biegotng it TRUE arid-CORRECT. • • . biprrd fhis ���_,8ar o� .t i;�, . U � l _ • � '8'Sqnature - ; OfScs'oitl�;dryClair . � PoweyrCa$fomla . COCIINlSPlT NO: .. F11E0 4 of 9 ' AUG 1 1995 ITEN1 21 •. Claim Against the County of San Diego ARELLANO, Jeanna and Jacob Attachment 3d Sheriff's Deputies Jones (#8065) and Schwartz (#8629) came to the above premises in response to a monitored security alarm signal indicating a breach in the security system. One male deputy and one female deputy ordered all occupants out of the house at gun point. Deputies terrorized the Valencia family, their guest Jeanna Arellano and Ms. Arellano's four year old son Jacob for a number of minutes (perhaps as much as ten minutes or more) with the male deputy pointing a gun at all of the above named individuals in general and specifically at the head of Joseph Valencia. Claimants informed the officers that they were residents of the premises. The officers demanded proof of residence but refused to permit residents to obtain the proof being demanded, all the while continuing to wave a gun at everyone, including the children. The officers were not in control of the situation and appeared to have no idea what to do and therefore the male officer continued to wave the gun around holding everyone at gunpoint while demanding proof of occupancy which at the same time the officers refused to permit the occupants to produce. Eventually the officers permitted Geraldine Valencia and Jeanna Arellano to corne and go inside the home, out of sight of the officers and unattended by the officers, while the male officer continued to point the gun at Joseph Valencia. When finally allowed to do so, Mrs. Valencia produced a lease for the premises. While still being held at gun point, and begging the male officer not to shoot him, Mr. Valencia retrieved his wallet from the shorts he was wearing in order to produce identification. The circumstances confronting the officers at the time of making contact with the occupants of the residence clearly indicated that these people were not burglars. In fact the security alarm had been triggered at a different building (a warehouse) on the property and the officers appeared to have very little idea of what they were looking for or where they were supposed to be. Mr. Valencia was wearing a pair of shorts and was shirtless, shoeless, and sockless. The rest of the family was dressed in pajamas. Jeanna Arellano was visibly pregnant (six and a half months) and the two male children were ages three and four respectively. Despite being able to make these visual observations, the officers accused claimants of being crack dealers who took their minor children to the scene of their burglary activities. When Claimants complained that the officers were mishandling the situation and when the male officer repeatedly refused requests to stop pointing his gun at Claimants, the male officer threatened to arrest them for "breaking and entering". If these Claimants were truly suspect, proper procedure 5 of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 21 __ - ____ _____________ _______________n______________.._____________ Claim against the County of San Diego Arellano - attachment 3d page 2 would never have permitted the females to go into the house, out of sight of the officers and unattended. Despite allowing this to occur, the male officer continued to point the gun at Mr. Valencia the entire time. Ultimately Mrs. Valencia went into the house again, still unattended, dialed 911 and was put in contact with a Sergeant Helman at the poway substation, while Mr. Valencia continued to be held at gun point by the male deputy. In addition to all Claimants being terrorized and traumatized, Mrs. Valencia sustained a broken big toe on her right foot due to striking it on the edge of the doorway when she attempted to push the children back into the house upon first seeing the gun being pointed at everyone. Initially Mrs. valencia believed that the female officer was also pointing a gun. Jeanna Arellano began experiencing nausea and stomach pain and was taken to pomerado Hospital immediately after the incident. Eventually the officers went to the warehouse where the alarm had gone off, and then left the property. 6 of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 21 _. - Claim Against the County of San Diego ARELLANO, Jeanna and Jacob Attachment 3e San Diego County Sheriff's Department. Officers Jones, J. (#8065) and Schwartz, F. (#8629) . The lawful residents of a home were unreasonably and unnecessarily terrorized and held at gunpoint for approximately 10 minutes with two very young children present, two females (one of them 6 1/2 months pregnant) and one male dressed only in shorts and barefoot. Claimants believe that the officers were and unprepared to deal competently or professionally with the situation they encountered despite having been dispatched by the San Diego County Sheriff's Department to the subject property. Claimants believe that these officers failed to follow the policies and procedures of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department at the time of this incident. The officers totally overreacted to a non-threatening situation by holding lawful occupants at gunpoint while the officers tried to figure out what they were supposed to do. In the process they caused Mrs. Valencia to sustain a broken toe and created serious concern that Ms. Arellano would have a miscarriage. Both women incurred medical expenses as a direct result of the incident. 7 of 9 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 21 Jl�jlfl-i��-1?_y5 Q'�: �il FF,'i iPl F'F'H'� . T� 9�•1 F.l�� F�Ot9 Il;�_�B Tp I�_�c�g SENT O�V' G6/Oli9;i AT 36:�7q:cicF. ---- -----_____.__-,_._:_ ................_...-----_.�....---------•--•-.-.. * * ► + �CC1Fll.�� I;ILI. .a r i ._._._..____.-------- F'FH,rn - PqI.CMAR;PVi?Fn�1D0 R1!IV P�3TE: ii6/i�l.i9j TIPiE: 16:C�9 F�E:n��C51'EP 8Y: PHILLIF•5.Jf�1�ICE � P7 �IAME: i+RELL.LINU:, JEAN"T SEn: F� ETHNIC GfiF; T � ADG�:E55: k.HDASE:; CITX: TA'f�: CA �IF': � T[Lq: ArrCUNTa: " ' GA�,�'fi: � . EF�-IiSrDEtf c �,<� MED REL?;t := I CA:i�� 'fYF'c: 0 FINAi•dCLAL GL.\SSIFIr — FlDMIT 13T: i;���/23/^,;; TIPI�: 22:56 DI;�GH.;lif�F- llATElT.IM�°: 0�+139.;� ���q w`* SuF+ 'r�1'��i_S [�r' CATciGOR}• s r CODJT'RArTUA(_ ALL�WANf.C:S gr�g.��,-F F',P•i'r'MENTS iJ. tl�9„F F'i IAF. t �r�'L:'i $:1. 75 LF�LQF •-DCL ; t�EFY y :;�'� . ��� '��t f ��a1JG: �i�O�T��f1l'.;; +•�w CN�afiGES r131 .2S F�i);i Ua7i•]EiJTS srH� . 25C�: E'AYMFMT� ti8. q�;�R ACCGUNI' .$RLwNCF_'� l'L7' L+E�11'Ei. g.ag i �� . J ---% �r;� licMANli L-:.TLI_ Ff::IiJT AUG 1 I995 IT��A. 21 8 of 9 y. � _ � _, ( � . ( ( (. � �tilLl�-\I�l� HI�SI�ITr\L pAL(�MAR POMERADQNEALTH`SY5TEib1 LABOR AND DELIVERY :615 ?omiratlo RaSd Poway, CA79706< ;Ilpnone is�graes.�s���.i� � - - : -. � -. �: a Ca��iom,a��NOSU�wi D�sqxi OUTP.ATIENT REC�RD .uE. • . -. . / _ -�% - � AGE. OATE TII�E.IN ' __�-�- —_------_— �/� �u � ��i/ �J �.- � �� � � Z u � — ; eV .. .. ,. ...._ i�v�D�. . .^ . P�Rk I EDC - 9P� I� ^ � TFN C FMT S L�. �7 71 � � . P$pN �ON ADMISSION � � � - pq NpTIFlED�� . ' TIMf' , �� � �. ^ ��� � �. :AWL�CniIDNS OF PREGN�(y� � - �r IEAG�ES R[�ENT RlNE55;OR'ENVOSUFE� ` /GrI 15EFV�iION/TPEAiMENi - � �l' '�E'S uOTES ` � - � �/ C U b � 2. n � . ,. . . . . - � . ..L. .'`... .� C..'�: : . . �v ( . .-7v ,, .z..l� G'/ Sr. ' L V , lCC S �;. , � _p �.: ,� C .. ' s � � � �% !" � v� — r ,; /' � `,_ . . ^ - / r <G�J . � /� �h � � /4�GL` - vL ,� - ;� �> ,- . ; , � � _ G L G � � / !'� �; L - L CLG �� - .�,.� • - -' % (/ � Sr: . , l'Vu •' `1%C�: /: _ G - , . . . � �' C � �- . � , '� .:� u`L . L C L , /G Z �/l, .. . ,'! \, .!CG � �5� IAN'SNO :5� . . A • GL . ._,.. i� � . � . ,. _�_ U`..c.L � . . -. ��:� � .. ,�� . �.' ' ��l/ /LwG(�,...li '-/Y , , / ' (�^� � . L ✓1.��1, . .� /�� � a- I �� L. ' (/! ,�C� C .Z. � (/l�./ •li:. u'�t.�—L�� G %l' U �u -�.r� G . =1' — /`\. . . .!UN ,' fpp OAT . .. , a 1 MUPSE :. TV E . . .�. AiT p$�M�P(: TiYE UT pMY51Q 5) �G _ ! . YSiCIAN( ORDERS�. "- - � �� ...t . .. �:.�. _ �� . O'NST � OCT ❑;AMNIOCENTESIS�� ���OBS RV T���!�, .❑ PETAL MONITOF D OTHER � ❑ C�C D UA ❑ OTHER t'AB ��b'Ja � uow ua cnaE: � ��/� ��x. ❑ C A I L Y O U R D O G T O R O R O R E T U R N' L O T H E M O S P I T A L I F A N Y O F T H E F O L L O W I N G O C C U R:� a"�� � 1. IF Y,OUR WATER BREAKS. 2. IF YOUR CONTAACTIONS:BECOMEiMORE INTENSE OR REGULAR IN FREQUENCY. 3��.. IF YOU HAVE ANY�BLEEDING. � EASE RETURN: -� �OR NON-STRESS TEST��ON. J YOUR�DOCTOR FOR YOUR NEXYSCHEOUlEO OFFICE VI51T, OR.CALL'T0��:8CHEDULEAN APPOINTMENT FOR ANOFFICE VISIT ON _ . _. OTHER. EREBY AC}(NO2 L�D� jtECEIPT OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ON n � y � � �, ` TE_ �L!/ � X�V �_ . .l�X-`�-�C1.,1�-�� 9 of 9 P�TIEni'SSRiNATIIP( �TE — CANAFY — Labor/Detivery ,- PiNK — vhys¢ianb GopY B�pOtian�pOY