Item 28 - Annexations to Sewer Improvement District - - AGEND, ~EPORT SUMl'rlARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ , INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerL:rlr " Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineering Service,s' \ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer !pP \,,1 Jesse Tano, Assistant Civil Engineer I DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECf: Annexations to Sewer Improvement District ABSTRACf Conversion of existing structures and vacant lots from septic to public sewer at the following locations: 13612 Sagewood Drive, 15066 Huntington Gate Drive, 13943 San Sebastian Way, and 15176 Huntington Gate Drive. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from C.E.Q.A. requirements. FISCAL IMPACf ~ None, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the resolutions approving the annexations to the Sewer Improvement District. ACTION ~ 1 OF 20 AUG 1 1995 .TEM 28 . AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members ~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineeri-.f Services,/' Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer /1 Jesse Q. Tano, Assistant Civil Engineer 1# DATE: August I, 1995 SUBJECT: Annexations to Sewer Imorovement District BACKGROUND: The boundaries of the City of Poway's Sewer Improvement District are not coterminous with the boundaries of the City of Poway. All properties receiving sewer service must be included in said District. FINDINGS: 1. The properties owned by Jerry Webster, M.T. Mojaverhossini, Michelle Randazzo, and Martin & Mary Bloom (Attachment 1) are not within the boundaries of the Sewer Improvement District. 2. The legal description of the proposed annexations are as described in the legal description (Attachment 1) and the property locations are as fo 11 ows: 13612 Sagewood Drive 15066 Huntington Gate Drive 13843 San Sebastian Way 15176 Huntington Gate Drive 3. Project is exempt under CEQA (Attachment 2). 4, The property owners have consented to the annexation (Attachment 1) and have paid the required fees. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project is categorically exempt from C.E,Q.A. requirements. ACTION: AUG 1 1995 "EM 2 OF 20 - - Annexations to the Sewer Improvement District November 29, 1994 Page 2 - FISCAL IMPACT: None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION . CORRESPONDENCE: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the resolutions (Attachment 3) ordering the annexations to the Sewer Improvement District and authorize the City Clerk to make the necessary filings required by law. JLB:MSW:JS:JQT:bw ATTACHMENTS: 1. Plat Maps, Legal Descriptions, and Consent Forms 2. Notice of Exemption 3. Resolutions Without Exhibits - AUG 1 1995 I'TeM 28 ":! n~ ?:"" SEWER CONNECTION APPLICATION ~ Applicant: I tRPC(' ItIEI5S7e/2... Tel. No. f5.3~Y;:>3<) Connection# 1'~u c ~..-( ;~E-&<I'r'-- Ef:..! ~~325 <:'",c Ce~t~( Drive Address: /30/L 5466k/C'C7'o p.,e" :5.}) "j"'?-/d-- >~way, CA92064 (6191695,1400 LOCATION: /J6/2 5AC61t/c1t?O D/<'" ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. Z7S- - 3"1-/- Z4-- No. of Acres tJ, 74 Number of Connections: / Number of Units: / CONNECTION FOR:(circle) ~idence) Subdivision / Multiple Dwelling / Trailer Park / Motel ANNEXED: _ YES, By Resolution or Ordinance No. Dated (NO~~ Fill Out Consent to Annexation Portion CONDITIONS I fully understand that this connection fee end other incidental costs does not provide for construction of the lateral connection from my property line to the City's Main or Collector Unes. I further understand that all costs of property line cleen.outs, excavation from property line to Main or Collector lines, vitrified clay or other authorized pipe, tees, wyes, end labor to make the necessary connections, 8S well as back fill, compaction. replacement of pavement, ell to City's specifications and approval, is my responsibility, end these costs ere not included in the payment of the connection fee and other fees required to be paid with this application as required by City of Poway Building Code, prior to obtaining building permits or Health Department approval. I further understand that the costs and responsibility for obtaining the necessary City of Poway Building Permits, Road Excavation Permits and other Permits as required are not included in the fees set forth above. /~~ ~S-/?- (?~ Signature of Applicant Date CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWA Y (Ref; Section 56261 Government Code) Each of the undersigned represents that he (she) is the owner of the property described opposite his (her) name end hereoy consents to the annexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the annexation thereof subject to the following conditions: 1. Payment to the CITY OF POWAY the sum of $ , due and payable prior to the effective date of the annexation. Said payment is for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal, of said CITY. 2. Payment of all costs of said annexation, including, but not limited to, advertising, engineering and attorney's fees. A" . ~~~k~ _~(?~?S ,~ . ~~.. ''''0- '-" ACTIVITY ACCOUNT FEES PAID Annexation Fee ($400 min;mum + $40 /10th Ac.. ove, an Ac,el 520-602-7684;t -<ftJ17 ' CJ 0 State Fee ($_1 :/. 2'>0 520-602-7684 ., ZOb. 170 Administrative Costs ($4751 520-602'7684 :1' -17.>. CJ 0 Connection Fee ($2356 (south) or $3358' unit) 520-602-7683 ~ 3 3S-b, 00 line Charge / Indirect Benefit Fee ($2000 min+$20m over 100ft/ $500 (north basin) 520-602-7683 t Z<"o17, 00 Clean Out Box ($50) 520-400-7683 517. 00 Inspection Fe~( 520-400-7685 Z~, 00 /7 l ~ """.,,,,. otJ .- ( ~ u. \ Y?f/ Dote S /?r--- 4 nF ?0 / ATTAfHMFNT 1 I AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 ,- - - Exhibit A PROPOSED WEBSTER ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 162 OF CITY OF POWAY GREEN VALLEY ESTATES UNIT 2, MAP 4586, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON JULY 13,1960, AS FILE NO, 141724, CONTAINING THEREIN: 0,50 ACRES -- - AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 5 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1 WEBSTER ANNEXATION - --. -~-- ~ --' - ~---.. ----. -- ., . --- s ~:.E>7't:.E,' E . -- -~._- .._- -- -."--- ... - ---" ---- - 8Sf'OL-<. Ro~ ~ -~ , (- .....- ~. !,,: -, ~ '_ _,-_" r ' "-_ I I ~ ", I f ~ - r" , , , "',' ~ _ _ .. _' t I ~........' . - 2 lJ./ !_~~~~ =l~~- : ::-:;~~~ '5 f3BoS7 ZEo"E._ , ; ~ ~ , ---,- I,." I ,6 ' , ' , , . -', .. ~ ,_- '-' , 1_"__ -- , -, - --. ~~~!, ~~~ ~ N AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 6 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1 - - A' ...,EXATION APPLlCA Tlr i _ 13325 CIVIC Center Drive CITY OF POWA.Y P.O. Box 789 Poway, CalIfornia 92064 (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 ----t1 O,J4.~Ho=6;N.1 ANNEXATION DATE l/') 1./.' " ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. .,_~ .... - , c 'I. I -- .'-" ~/ NUMBER OF ACRES (Legal description and plot mop to be attochedJ DESCRIPTION j .'5' c ( /.-' /-/1' I-' +- I I-'(:'<~:';; ,-, (/ ,/ (\' : -;/~ --:- / ANNEXATION FEE: ACRES @ $ $jGO,OD ( lill- ~I~) ANNEXATION FEE: ACRES @ $ $ ,,*,0. OC ( tc,- 7-k:, i) ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $ -17..s . 00 C"'7EbI) - AMOUNT PAID WITH APPLICATION $ io~ ,00 CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY (Ref: Section 56261 Government Code) Each of the undersigned represents that he (she) is the owner of the property described opposite his (herJ nome and hereby consents to the cnnexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the cnne. xetion thereof subject to the following conditions: 1, Payment to the CITY OF POWAY the sum of $ , due and poyable prior to the effective date of the annexation. Said payment is for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal, of said C!TY, 2. Payment of all costs of said annexation, including, but not limited to, advertising, engineering and attorney's fees. APPLICANT lPrintJ-.t:::!:T. M~H~NI PHONE NO, '22e;> -7U>.!!!:> ADDRESS JSz4! f'>R ""'-411:::6 DR . ~.o1lO60)~. ~Z~ - ~ /'~~:A~; - ~t1~ v Approved By Dote G!3C>/cyj. , AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 ~ E copy Y.ELLOV.' CUSTOMER COPY PINK. INSPECTOR COPY GOLD: NUMERICAL FILE 7 0' ?(1 ATTACHMENT 1 Exhibit A PROPOSED MOJAVERHOSSINI ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 29 OF CITY OF POWAY TRACT 86-01 UNIT 1, MAP 11802, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON MAY 6, 1987, AS FILE NO, 87-249641. CONTAINING THEREIN: 1 ACRE. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 8 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1 - -- I -< - IJ-.'V- '- 2& . ------ Y, @ 7' )7<9 ~,; // ~ - ::: 28 - 't-..; 't-..; 't-..; !! ..... .....193. 96 ' N7S.~,_ //? 39 "tv""":, ~ ~~~, ~~~ ~ AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 N ATTACHMENT 1 9 OF 20 SEWER CONNECTION APPLICATION (i) Applicant: Nt cJJ e'-L€ mAtPAnO Tel. No. (,7?- 9otJ'1 Connection# /II/e. . 4A<I c: 13325 Ci....,cCenter Drive Address: /4 (12 4 8.eJGl-f7/J"v ,4, 9 ZtlfP 4- Powey.,CA92064 ./ / (e19)S95,1400 LOCATION: /]/143 MA/ Sel3 /l 5 7"/ A.v fI/A If' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 3"2./ - -1(/1(/ - z t? No. of Acres /, t:7/ Number of Connections: / Number of Units: / CONNECTION FOR:(circle) (Reside'~c~ Subdivision I Multiple Dwelling I Trailer Park I Motel ANNEXED: YES, By Resolution or Ordinance No. Dated - LNO, Fill Out Consent to Annexation Portion CONPITIONS I fully understand that this connection fee and other incidental costs does not provide for construction of the lateral connection from my property line to the City's Main or Collector Lines. I further understand that all costs of property line clean.outs, excavation from property line to Main or Collector lines. vitrified clay or other authorized pipe, tees, wyes, and labor to make the necessary connections, 8S well as back fill, compaction, replacement of pavement, all to City's specifications and approval, is my responsibility, and these costs are not included in the payment of the connection fee and other fees required to be paid with this application as required by City of Poway Building Code, prior to obtaining building permits or Health Department approval. I further understand that the costs and responsibility for obtaining the necessary City of Poway Building Permits, Road Excavation Permits and other Permits as required are not included in the fees set forth above. .'\ 6\~S\q~ \\\ [' \-:~ \,~C^--,^ ~~ Date '\ Signature of lic nt -- CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWA Y (Ref: Section 56261 Government Code) Each of the undersigned represents that he (she) is the owner of the property described opposite his (her) name and hereby consents to the annexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the annexation thereof subject to the following conditions: 1. Payment to the CITY OF POWAY the sum of $ I~ " 3 ~ , due and payable prior to the effective date of the annexation. Said payment IS for the right and use of all existing property, rea and personal, of said CITY. 2, Payment of aU costs of said annexation, including, but not limited to, advertising, engineering and anorney's fees. roc ~~\J." ~Q'i'\C~ ~\;I'S \<1 ~ Signature of Appli \ I I Date ACTIVITY ACCOUNT FEES PAID Annexation Fee ($400 minimum + $40 /10th Acre over an Acre) 520-602-7684 1(1(7. 00 State Fee ($1601 520-602-7684 /~. 00 Administrative Costs ($475) 520'602-7684 475" - 00 Connection Fee ($2356 (south) or $3356 (north) per unit) 520-602-7683 /, 6tJ 6.00 . Line Charge I Indirect Benefit Fee ($2000 min + $20M over 1 DOltl $500 (north basinl 520-602-7683 Clean Out Box 1$50) 520-400-7683 50, 00 Inspection Fee 1$251 520-400-7685 25,00 ~ tY. J- TOTAL 4 2,7/{." ()~ ~11?:E> I~ I Approved By: Date AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 ]0 OF 20 ATTACHMENT ] - - - Exhibit A PROPOSED RANDAZZO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 26 OF CITY OF POWAY TRACT 86-01 UNIT 1, MAP 11802, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON MAY 6, 1987, AS FILE NO, 87-249641, CONTAINING THEREIN: 1 ACRE, - AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 " nF ?n ATTACHMEf>JT 1 RANDAZZO ANNEXATION ~ \ V' v / ~ ~ 8 ' ~ 10 ~ I ~4o - ~J I ' \ Q . ~ 1)5 \.- , '2 N /4040 'S2'W ~- \..1 ~ J I ( 7 0/1 34 7 3 ~v \ (TI ~ I ~ v", ~I' ,F-t -II (7 \ lJJ\ :125 ~ - ~ AN - E vv C4p. ~ ~ (2 r~c) u. ->J, - -~_', E 7 ( , / II- " IU " '4 P r ' - 3 ",7 ; ( 7L) I I.1J \.'J,\ . -i ~ - PROPERTY" ~ii?' ~C~,j I c;;, ~O~~E ;/;/~,,~ co' ;,~ . ':"'-: / t>, 0 /'~ I v ~~ / <~. rv f~ /' ~/ / ~. ~ ANNEXED - Vi ,,0j,v '~ \ ^'-' 0 1,/-1.., / ") '0;" I ~ 0 ~ -? >y G;' Q \ /;'< \ ^ O~ ~ .:;? "",0 3 ' 5 8 II E '\ '0 -<': y ~ / ~ /3 / 76' <:9, ;:::0 <0 / . ~ 0 . \ ,~ ~~,/ V) n:> \)0. 29 \..~ ~ ,v; y '/') v - c;~V~V~0~' " 1/) NJ / ~ {J ~v ~ cv u ',,-,':-J, / ~ I (~ \ OJ "" ~~~;, ~~~ ~ N A 9S ITEM 28 ATTACHMENT 1 UG 1 19 12 OF 20 .- - A~,"EXATION APPLlCA TIOrl - 13325 CIVIC Center DrIve CITY OF POWf\Y P.O. Box 789 Poway, CalIfornia 92064 (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 BLOOt-l\ I MftR.ilt\J '4 MfTR).~ ANNEXATION DATE JtJ.j 1, 19'1~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 3dl- l{OO- IS NUMBER OF ACRES 1.0\ ILegal description ond plot map to be ottachedl DESCRIPTION SFR /517 fE' lit; A, 7' //>-' c:-r?'..... G/j-r~ //.,C, , ANNEXATION FEE, _I. 0 \ ACRES @ $ 400. O(l $ LfoO . o.Z> s~ 1.0\ 1100. ~ /60.f>.{) ANNEXATION FEE, -""'Effi @ $ $ Lf- - 60 LflS. oe> ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS 1~. $ AMOUNT PAID WITH APPLICATION $ I03S.~ CONSENT TO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY IRef: Seelion 56261 Government Code) Each of the undersigned represents that he (she) is the owner of the property described opposite his (her) name and hereby consents to the cnnexation of said property to the above named district and further consents to the anne- xation thereof subject to the follOWIng conditions: 1. Payment to the CITY OF POWAY the sum of $ , due ond payable prior to the effective date of the annexation. Said payment is for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal, af said C~TY. 2. Payment of all costs of said annexation, including, but not limited to, advertising, engineering and attorney's fees. APPLICANT IPrint) ,TA" m~.v~ PHONE NO. '5f/-J:-I2.h ADDRESS IC/'~r ~fi7~-HJ71 ed ~~ W , - SIGNAT Approved By Dote 11BI~ AUG 1 1995 rreM 28 CE cop, Y.ElLOV'J CUSTOMER COPY PIN!"', INSPECTQP copy GOLD NUMERICAL FILE 13 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT A PROPOSED BLOOM ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 15 OF CITY OF POWAY TRACT 86-01 UNIT 1, MAP 11802, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER ON MAY 6, 1987 AS FILE NO. 87-249641, AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 ATTACHMENT 1 -." i1r ,..,,..., - _ I BLOOM ANNEXATION - " _ _ . \ L ~;----- II /? -- -< - ( / / / I 'c\ )'. . / - C ~ I G) ',v' ).L/ /",- _/ ~" ,I/.}4 y; / ' " /. U" J / . W'7" . -.J / It JJ - ,/- / = ._ . /. =/, I 0J _ W f'> , / /f'> , -" / ~ 0J = Oi I'; PROPER \ / ~:;/~ :0 ,- -'" ~~ co _ TV -/ ....--1 0J ('"" ;,/ . I .., ..j - , 0 1;- ,0 /. Oi (') " TO BE (')/i--.. ,-- ' 0 co. ~(') , ,0 ....--1. T' -1 /"~ '" ;,- - I T ,}' C/,/-; " _~ _ /. "..: T" T I - " ~ - , ANNEXED' l~>c; - w~ -. "~ / ~~. , - , ,,-{ Iv ! lJ) 6;:; \~ - . . <-DI<!?" ~ - \ " 0 I ~ co '-----~ cP ^-.. OJ ---..::. 0 i ~~ "0 _ ). to PLAT MAP ,_ '" __ SCALE: 1 . = 50' ~ m. . v'''' . N AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 ~ Po WAY CITY OF DON HIGGINSON. Mayor SUSA."l CALLERY, Deputy Mayor BOB EMERY, Councilmember MICKEY CAFAGNA. Councilmember BElTY REXFORD, Councilmember NOTICE OF EXEMPTION (15035,5 CEQA GUIDELINES) Jerry Webster. M.T, Mo;averhossini. Michelle Randazzo. and Martin and Mary Bloom Project Name Assessor's Parcel Numbers 275-341-24. 321-400-29. 321-400-26 and 321-400-15 Project Location - Specific Poway San Dieqo Project Location - City Project Location - County Conversion of existinq structure from septic to public sewer, Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project City of Poway Name of Public Agency Approving Project City of Poway Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project Exempt Status: (Check One) I Mini steri al (Sec. 15073) ----- Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071 (a)) ----- Emergency Project (Sec. 15071 (b) and (c)) --x-- Categorical Exemption. State type and section number and reasons why project is exempt: Annexation of area containinq an existinq dwellinq in accordance with existinq zoninq into the sewer district Jesse Tano (619) 679-4281 Contact Person Area Code-Telephone NO.-Extension Date Received for Filing ?71t,k.5' vv~ Mark S. Weston, City Engineer 8 CEOAexem.frm 1995 ITEM AUG 1 City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive 'ing Address PO, Box 789, Poway, California 92074-0789 . (619) 748-6600. 695-1400 16 OF 20 - ..:.;.~ ~ ?:-."" ATTACHMENT 2 -- - - Resolution No, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY ,- ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF POWAY - JERRY WEBSTER ANNEXATION WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A requires sewer service; and WHEREAS, property must be within the Sewer Improvement District to receive sewer service; WHEREAS, the property owner has paid the appropriate fees for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal of the Sewer Improvement District; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has reviewed and considered the annexation of the property to the Sewer Improvement Oistrict of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The territory to be annexed is as described in Exhibit A more commonly known as 13612 Sagewood Orive. 2. The inclusion of the territory in the Sewer Improvement Oistrict is in the best interest of the land owners and the City of Poway, - 3. The annexation has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Exemptions. 4. No City tax split shall occur due to this annexation. The property is within the corporate boundary of the City of Poway and the annexation is to an improvement district within the City. 5. The annexation of the territory described in Exhibit A shall become effective immediately upon pas~;age of the Resolution. 6. The City Clerk shall make the necessary filings required by law, PASSED, ADOPTED, ANO APPROVEO, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 1st of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: - Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 I 17 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3 Resolution No, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF POWAY - M.T. MOJAVERHOSSINI ANNEXATION WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A requires sewer service; and WHEREAS, property must be within the Sewer Improvement District to receive sewer service; WHEREAS, the property owner has paid the appropriate fees for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal of the Sewer Improvement District; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has reviewed and considered the annexation of the property to the Sewer Improvement District of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The territory to be annexed is as described in Exhibit A more commonly known as 15066 Huntington Gate Drive. 2. The inclusion of the territory in the Sewer Improvement District is in the best interest of the land owners and the City of Poway. 3. The annexation has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Exemptions. 4. No City tax split shall occur due to this annexation. The property is within the corporate boundary of the City of Poway and the annexation is to an improvement district within the City, 5, The annexation of the territory described in Exhibit A shall become effective immediately upon passage of the Resolution. 6. The City Clerk shall make the necessary filings required by law. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 1st of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 18 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3 - - Resolution No. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY -- ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF POWAY - MICHELLE RANDAZZO ANNEXATION WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A requires sewer service; and WHEREAS, property must be within the Sewer Improvement District to receive sewer service; WHEREAS, the property owner has paid the appropriate fees for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal of the Sewer Improvement District; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has reviewed and considered the annexation of the property to the Sewer Improvement District of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: I. The territory to be annexed is as described in Exhibit A more commonly known as 13843 San Sebastian Way, 2. The inclusion of the territory in the Sewer Improvement District is in the best interest of the land owners and the City of Poway. - 3. The annexation has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Exemptions. 4. No City tax split shall occur due to this annexation. The property is within the corporate boundary of the City of Poway and the annexation is to an improvement district within the City. 5. The annexation of the territory described in Exhibit A shall become effective immediately upon passage of the Resolution. 6. The City Clerk shall make the necessary filings required by law, PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 1st of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 19 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3 Resolution No, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF POWAY - MARTIN & MARY BLOOM ANNEXATION WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A requires sewer service; and WHEREAS, property must be within the Sewer Improvement District to receive sewer service; WHEREAS, the property owner has paid the appropriate fees for the right and use of all existing property, real and personal of the Sewer Improvement District; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway has reviewed and considered the annexation of the property to the Sewer Improvement District of Poway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Poway does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The territory to be annexed is as described in Exhibit A more commonly known as 15176 Huntington Gate Drive. 2. The inclusion of the territory in the Sewer Improvement District is in the best int~rest of the land owners and the City of Poway. 3. The annexation has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Exemptions. 4, No City tax split shall occur due to this annexation. The property is within the corporate boundary of the City of Poway and the annexation is to an improvement district within the City. 5. The annexation of the territory described in Exhibit A shall become effective immediately upon passage of the Resolution. 6. The City Clerk shall make the necessary filings required by law. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting this 1st of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 1 1995 ITEM 28 20 OF 20 ATTACHMENT 3