Item 29 - Award of Bid Chemicals for FY 95-96 - - AGENDA kiPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members oftbe City Council -- FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ,r INITIATED BY: Jobn D. Fitcb, Assistant City Managertt) t ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Douglas R. HillIker, Water Utilities Manager Don Hall, Laboratory Analyst and Safety Coordinator ~ '" DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: A ward of Bid. Cbemicals for Fiscal Year 1995/1996 ABSTRACT Each year bids are requested for the annual supply of chemicals for use at the Filtration Plant. This year it is recommended that the chemicals be split among three (3) suppliers for an annual total of$70,984.00. Rhone Poulenc Alum $21,762.00 Jones Chemical Liquid Chlorine $17,660.00 Commerce Chemical Potassium Permanganate $ 8,184.00 Commerce Chemical Sodium Hydroxide $23,378,00 - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMPACT For fiscal year 1995/1996, sufficient funds are budgeted in account number 60-402-4502. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICA TION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be mailed to the three recommended suppliers: Rhone Poulenc Jones Chemical Commerce Chemical RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council award this bid as specified above. ACTION - .. lof5 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 29 ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for disCUSSion. ptease fill out a shp indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ i:r INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager c.:J ~ James R. Williams, Director of Public Services Douglas R. Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager Don Hall, Laboratory Analyst and Safety Coordinator -.:>..;::. DATE: August 1,1995 'SUBJECT: Award of Bid - Chemicals for Fiscal Year 1995/1996 BACKGROUND Each year, bids are requested for the annual supply of Chlorine, Alum, Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Permanganate. This year ten (10) bid packages were mailed and ten (10) responses were received, It is recommended that the bid be split among three (3) suppliers. FINDINGS Ten (10) bids were received for the supply of Water Treatment Plant chemicals. The most responsible bidders are as follows: ANNUAL TOTAL Rhone Poulenc Alum 156 tons@ $139,50 $21,762.00 Jones Chemical Liquid Chlorine 40 tons @ $441.50 17,660.00 Commerce Chemical Potassium Permanganate 6,600 pounds @ $1.24 8,184.00 Commerce Chemical Sodium Hydroxide 72 tons @ $324.70 23,378,00 ACTION: 0: 5 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 29 -- -- - AGENDA REPORT A ward of Bid - Chemicals for Fiscal Year 1995/1996 August 1,1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This report is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT For fiscal year 1995/1996, sufficient funds are budgeted in account number 60-402-4502. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be mailed to the three recommended suppliers: Rhone Poulenc Jones Chemical Commerce Chemical RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that the City Council award the bid as follows: ANNUAL TOTAL Rhone Poulenc Alum 156 tons @ $139.50 $21,762.00 Jones Chemical Liquid Chlorine 40 tons @ $441.50 17,660.00 Commerce Chemical Potassium Permanganate 6,600 pounds @ $1.24 8,184.00 Commerce Chemical Sodium Hydroxide 72 tons@ $324,70 23,378.00 Attachment: Bid Tabulation Sheets (2) - 30f5 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 29 "- -~...... B I ~ r ~I ~I~ ~ c c ~ t."!il ~ '" I . . ' ; i! " I i jlt ! .."...... 5: !:l - ;~ ,~. ~~! ... i ~..:.,. ~;;: .,; ~...~ ~ \n '<'5 p I ~'~ i l: e-'" ~ .... "\ .. '" ~ I , '.. , ',' ":J ..,.::::i lU f .. '. '" 1->' i3 1:: ..... - c::. c c . . ~ ~ ~ ~J-~ ,,' [~9$ ~ I ~~j'~ rr:t:l"ll w &..:.1-'-<' , . ~'". ," C>~'- . ~' ... /:' ~15 · r ~(n i * . -'~ ~ ~ 1>4 · ~ _ .. ~ ~ .M :i t.r, !>; _ ~. L>> ' '3;, -,..l ,x..).. ~ VI "" " -J -t. ..n" l f fr ~ r Jl . " " . - ,. f ..... ,. . - , """, ," "." ~ ~ t.' .' " .. ".' v.,.... . .... . "I-" " ~ IT " .... v, c> rtlf " -..l '=" l=- t t [1 ~ 2 P' r 1 I~ " ~'" i r :;: , ~f '" !-'\ -o;r, s::- ~ ~ 4-t't' I 1 <b ~ I'l" , z.,j' ~ ~ ' i ~ ~ j ~ AUG 1 1995 ITEM ' .' _ 29 --- y ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ p, f ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~~ ~~ = ~ 'f. . ~\ ~ 6 i i ~~ ~ t I.... . " · I js c:~ ' ~ ~ i L; lJl ~ ~. ~ ~ I .. " ~ ':::D-o r '.', - f 0 ::-- '" t ~'1e ; ~f ~ ~ -,,1 ~- -..0 . en ~ ",,,,~ - "'" "'[ " ' ~ ' . 0, ~ ",,:~" . ~ ~~Jf ; , ~~, , , i . ~ ~ lH~ ~ i ~.. ,<of",,?, , <> G:l'~~ .' '," .",,: 1\ f1 ~ tf " '; ,,' co"'=r " _ bt........ ClQ.' ", ' '.... ~ ;l i: ~r", ~ ~ -l ~c::::.ti, -i f l ~ ~ ~r . ~l ,~ ~ . (".,_"I~ , ~ .... ~f' "'~!;'f:ts. , ,', , ~ ~ 'u~ ;: \' , ~ <<""~f( , " 1 > ~tt~tr ; ;r - ~ AUG 1 1995 ITEM 29