Item 30 - MDR 95-32 TUP 95-50 Chabad of Poway _. ll~ :{( AGENDA REPORT ;. . 1/)/-yS CITY OF POW A Y REVISED TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~~)1- UL Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing Services ~ Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 95-32 and Temporary Use Permit 95-50, Chabad of Poway, App 1 i cant: A request to permi t the temporary pl acement of three modular buildings to house the synagogue and preschool for the Congregation Chabad. The property is located at 16580 Espola Road, in the RR-C lone. APN: 275-332-28, 29,30 BACKGROUND Representatives of the Congregation Chabad of Poway have requested that the subject item be removed from consideration, in response to neighborhood opposition to their intended use. It is recommended that the City Council concur with their request and remove the item from the August 1, 1995, City Council agenda. JLB:JDF:RWQ:MVD:kls h "\ ACTION: - ~ A AUG 1 1995 ITEM 3U i --- ----- - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~').r J... Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ing services~ DATE: August I, 1995 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 95-32 and Temporary Use Permit 95-50, Chabad of Poway, Applicant. ABSTRACT A request to permit the temporary placement of three modular buildings to house the synagogue and preschool for the Congregation Chabad. The property is located at 16580 Espola Road, in the RR-C zone. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project is Categorically Exempt, Class 3. FISCAL IMPACT - None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A Notice of Hearing was mailed to 15 nearby property owners and the Green Valley Civic Association president. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Development Review 95-32 and Temporary Use Permit 95-50, subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. ACTION - ::\CITY\PLANNING\REPORT\MDRA9S3Z.SUM AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 : or 12 -.. AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assi stant City Manager C)\\ ~J Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plannlng Services Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Minor Development Review 95-32 and Temporary Use Permit 95-50, Chabad of Poway, Applicant: A request to permit the temporary placement of three modular buildings to house the synagogue and preschool for the Congregation Chabad. The property is located at 16580 Espola Road, in the RR-C lone. APN: 275-332-28,29,30 BACKGROUND On June 13, 1995 the City Council approved a modification to the conditional use permit and approved a development review for the construction of a new worship center for the Congregation Chabad on the northwest corner of Espola Road and Old Espola Road. The Chabad presently provides a preschool on the synagogue property. During the construction of the new religious complex it will be necessary to move the congregation's activities to temporary quarters. This application requests permission to relocate the existing modular buildings to a 1.5 acre site located at the southeast corner of Espola Road and Martincoit for the period needed for the duration of the construction. Completion is planned for August 1996. In 90-days following installation of the modular complex, the Chabad will apply for a minor conditional use permit, which is required by Section 17.26.030.J of the Poway Municipal Code, in order to permit them to remain on the lot until the completion of the new religious complex, but in no case longer than eighteen months in total duration. On July 13, 1995, staff met with representatives of the Chabad and surrounding residents to discuss the proposal to temporarily locate the facility on this site. Solutions were found to several concerns, which are outlined below. ACTION: 2 of 12 ITEM 30 AUG 1 1995 - - - Agenda Report August 1, 1995 Page 2 FINDINGS The property in question fronts Espola Road. It is a relatively 1 eve 1 undeveloped site containing a large number of predominantly eucalyptus trees. The extreme northwest corner of the property contains the Anne Winton real estate sales office. There are single-family homes adjoining the property on the south and east sides. The proposed placement of the buildings would allow for a separation of 50 feet to the rear property line and 85 feet to the eastern property line. Parking and access is proposed to be taken from Martincoit Road. A twenty-foot wide driveway will connect Martincoit with the temporary parking lot, which will be surfaced in decomposed granite so as to minimize rain water runoff from the site. Adjoining neighbors are concerned about a drainage problem impacting their rear yards, as rain water sheet flows across the subject property in roughly a northeast to southwesterly direction. The applicants are proposing to install a drainage swale parallel to the southerly property 1 ine with the intent to intercept the flow and redirect it to Martincoit Road, thereby relieving some of the oversaturation problems experienced in heavy rain years. The project can be served by temporary connections to the City's water and sewer systems, with mains located in Martincoit Road. The existing trees on the site will not be disturbed by the project. Provisions have been made to work around them with the parking lot, and to place the modulars in a clear area of the property. Due to a possible conflict with Painted Rock Elementary School concerning traffic impacts created by starting times, the Chabad preschool will be scheduled to open at 8:15 rather than 9:00, creating a 45 minute time buffer in order to prevent adverse traffic impacts to the surrounding neighborhood, as requested in Mr. Keltner's letter (Attachment D). The Congregation Chabad worships on Saturdays at mid-morning. They are seeking permission to continue to utilize the current modular building on the temporary site for that purpose. The concerns thus far raised by the neighboring cOlllllunity are; traffic congestion, noise, drainage, existing trees, and the establishment of a "commercial" use in a rural residential zone. A preschool is classified in the Poway General Plan as a semi-public use, and along with a church or synagogue, could be approved under the same zoning with a conditional use permit. In terms of location, the property is located on a major arterial roadway. The lot is flat and large enough to provide generous separations between the complex buildings and activity areas, and adjoining residential properties. Access by way of Martincoit Road is recommended to avoid additional dri veways on Espo la Road. There is only one residence fronting Martincoit within the first block. The number of cars entering the property on weekday mornings is estimated to be 20 to 25. The starting time for the preschool 3 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 ... Agenda Report August 1, 1995 Page 3 can be adjusted in order to avoid congestion. The drainage problem, although not caused by this project, can be significantly improved by the installation of a drainage swa1e. The preschool play areas are proposed to be located on the Espo1a Road side of the complex so as to minimize noise impacts to the neighbors, and in response to Mr. Keltner's letter. Conditions of approval include the prohibition against any amplified sound or the conduct of any outdoor worship services. The outdoor lighting will be required to be minimized. No normally scheduled worship services will be held after sundown. No audible security alarm system will be permitted. At the request of the neighbors, the proposed line of parking which parallels the southerly property line will be deleted from the plan. Finally, at the request of the neighbors, staff recommends limiting the use of the site to a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months or the completion of the new complex, whichever occurs fi rst. A security deposit will be required to be posted in order to ensure the proper removal of the modular complex and all its appurtenances, and to ensure that the property is returned to its natural condition. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project is Categorically Exempt, Class 3 (meaning the project is determined not to have a significant effect on the environment in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act). FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A Notice of Hearing was mailed to ~ nearby and adjOining property owners and the Green Valley Civic Association president. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Deve10Dment Review 95-32 and TemDorarv Use Permit 95-50, subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. JLB:JDF:RWQ:MVD:k1s Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning and Location Map C. Proposed Site Plan D. Keltner Letter AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 .; of 12 - - -- RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-32 AND TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 95-50 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 275-332-2B,29,30 WHEREAS, a request has been made by the Congregation Chabad of Poway for approval to place three modular buildings on vacant property located at the southeast corner of Espola Road and Martincoit Road, in the RR-C zone; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the permit is to provide a temporary location for the Chabad Preschool and Synagogue; and WHEREAS, a report supporting approval of the project has been submitted by the City of Poway Planning Services Department; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heard testimony from the public regarding the application both pro and con. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinas: The project is found to be categorically exempt, Class 3, under the -- provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 2: Findinas: 1. The approved project is consistent with the general plan in that the general plan anticipates the establishment of churches, synagogues and schools within residential neighborhoods. 2. That the approved project wi 11 not have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjOining properties in that the modular buildings are single-story, muted in color and will be placed within a property which contains a large amount of mature foliage which will act as a visual screen. 3. That the approved project encourages the orderly and harmoni ous appearance of structures and property within the City in that the buildings are low profile, residential scale buildings, which will fit with the scale of surrounding buildings. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Mi nor Deve 1 ooment Review 95-32 and Temoorarv Use Permit 95-50, subject to the following conditions: Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. 5 of 12 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 Resolution No. P- Page 2 The use conditionally granted by this permit shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding residential uses. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 3. Trash receptacle shall be enclosed by a six foot high solid wood fence with view-obstructing gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 4. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereof, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 5. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, disabled access requirements, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 6. An outdoor play area suitable for use by preschool age children shall be completed and fenced prior to building occupancy by students. The play area shall be located on the north side of the complex. 7. Outdoor security lighting on the buildings or grounds shall be minimized. Lights shall be directed downward and may be required to be shielded so as not to project into adjoining properties and shall be turned off no later than 11 :00 p.m. 8. No audible security alarm system shall be utilized in the subject complex. 9. No outdoor amplified sound shall be permitted. 10. No outdoor worship services shall be permitted and no regular worship services shall be conducted after sundown. 11. A security deposit in an amount sufficient to ensure the proper removal of the complex and restoration of the site to its original condition shall be required prior to building permit issuance. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 6 of 12 - - ,-- Resolution No. P- Page 3 12. This approval shall become null and void 90 days following the installation of the modular complex. A minor conditional use permit may be granted for the duration of the synagogue construction period, or 18 months, the lesser of the two. PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. A minimum of 24 feet wide emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear at all times during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements. 2. The parking lot surface shall be maintained at all times so as to be accessible to visitors, staff, and emergency vehicles. Where the decomposed materials are worn thin, the applicant will be required to immediately augment the surface upon notice from the Planning Services Department. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided to the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading, to determine which trees shall be retained. 2. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be maintained in a horticulturally acceptable manner. 3. All 1 andscaped areas shall be lIaintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. ~ Any sign proposed for this project shall be des i gned and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVEO BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. 1. The applicant shall pay a $500 inspection fee to the City's Engineering Services prior to building permit issuance. Such fee is to be used to pay for City Inspector's time in making necessary inspections of the project site that are required prior to issuance of said building permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy. 2. A right-of-way permit shall be obta i ned from the City's Engineering Services Department for any work to be done within the publ ic street right-of-way or any City-held easement. Said work shall include, but is not to be limited to, construction of driveway approach, sewer lateral i nsta 11 at ion, water service line installation, street construction - (including concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk). Permit shall be obtained prior to start of work. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 7 of 12 Resolution No. P- Page 4 3. The applicant shall pay a drainage fee in the amount of $1,206.50 prior to building permit issuance. 4. A drainage swale shall be constructed which will collect on-site drainage and direct it to Martincoit Road, to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services, prior to occupancy. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES. 1. Address numbers are to be installed at the entrance of the driveway as well as on the relocated classroom building. The numbers are to be at least six (6) inches in height and easily seen. 2. The old address numbers are to be removed from the roof and new numbers painted on. 3. The drive width shall be maintained at a minimum 20 foot width throughout. 4. The required Fire Department turn around shall be maintained as shown. 5. Two additional access gates shall be provided as shown on the Fire Department comment diagram on file at the Planning Services office. 6. The fire alarm system shall be extended to the new classroom building. Plans for this system shall be approved by the Fire Department before the system is installed. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 1st day of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 8 of 12 - - -- .lI'I};~'~~;V7"~r:ITY ~ ~ ~~ ri ~8 '. OS-R ~,Fj""~ ),,~ ~.~ f- ~ OS R ~ f-i~'" 0-. < ,- - ,")"" rLlQ: t,~": Ej~l I' T ~~ ~_Lr31- f- ,- ~ ~ :ft} ~ _\,~ ' - , ~UJ ~ lIfT r-<\..- l''''~ ~ ,...- ,{' '-, / '-. ..::. " "" , /: , . ," . r-~ L(~ - '.' >...: '-- '- "" '~, -. - - ~ y ~ - - ~~" '\ \f/.. ' - . ,,{.' ~ ~2 L T L-r \'~ ,:, .'L, .~,; . ,-~, " ,. ); ,: - . ),,/'i . . . ",_ . 0--' QS-R ~ ' " ~: . I Cj__--; U Eapola - f\ .' ' , t: J/ Jr;:[- r- I ; -_ '/., / I J " 111~ - \....: " \.J--: """ .......---- 1 - :q \1\ ? - rIJ ~ J /- PF - //4 - 711 ^\ - - r' X\~ ~ \ f ~ <k6$ - /l-~ I ~-~- 1: - -:- ".(- f]/ ?f, I ' I J (::X,y:c;.. -= J'~ r\ 1 K"'/j I -,.;:.... ' , - ~....... .I ~ r 1_ -......- .... J').....}... I ,~~ II I I I --........ ...............'~ ~ '\..-Y . L CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: MORA 95-32 TUP 95-5 ~ SCALE, TITLE : ZONING & LOCATION II NONE ATTACHMENT: B 9 of 12 I I : ;' ~ I "' Z b' " I --. l - - ~ , . ~ ., IN "- I ~ -. ' "":"' l- 'J: _ '" r- <'... lJ' U -0' I- '11 . U . . V1~i -~I 3 :S<~ --~----'l- j ~ tj' III I ol\ g~ a"? ! 1"--' \. - lJ\ ~~~ lOP ~4 f! ,,~\ I" fii ~;i Q : j .,' ( . ' ..I" ~.; ><, :& ~ R .,!.....~, !(I "f ~~. p,if ~~ II. oJ ,~.~,,"~,""1. I ~ '., ' \. .. ~ ..,.',,',',' ",'~ ' v I '., ~,. -~ i? 1 ~ ~ ;cT';6',,' ~ Ii ..j ~ Ii! ' '" . .' --..-~ "- 1 '- - ~ . 3 '..~, : ! - ... ,..... ~ ~ ct .." h~-"-. I g ~ . ~ ~~. AT (" ,,-. , ~, Iilf'" ! ) ; ,coo -7 · 'i' 1 )'. i 1'~ ' ' ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ',,- "" '0 f!- 4:' ~ ~ :; ... ~ j ~ I'. i: -,-=,;, -'- -~. i) etl" \ ~10 _0..J U &. ,..,),..." b~L ~ 4 '!: ~ 9 I- ..:.J I -' - "hl'l \P " " 0.. il3 Ii : ~ I il -. ~: -Q ~ I ~\&. I ~ 0 ~ ~ z ~ ." ~ w-......O 3 '" .. ll. I I ~ - 11 · 8 . I ~ t - t . I . ,~- .", .0 7' ! <I " ~ -0 .- () j li\ - i?- q,,, - ~ ... I- o ~ Z ~. 0 W - ~ ::E I I' ~ I: . 3 () <( ij -N Il: l- I 9 eW I- ~ ~ . <( ~ I. CJ zw ~ . O. ~. - . t' .. <0 ~~ ~D .J , 4 ~I; 41_ ...... . ~ ;;; I .<.'. 0 ""' ~. 0'- -:II: ~ 4 . I~t~.- ... ... VO ~ \l ~"" ';c.', .: ~ a..I ~- ~O;!!,)ll'~' , " ~:', ,;' ~,' . :: u. .. - -""'IF/II "'''' - ,. ~vl .~ ~= ,,~'" II" ~ Ii ~;;,,!i II~ -.. .. ~jll;~~ ij ~ ~ ,..... t ' "'" 111' \/I .. ~ ~ ' ~~ is' w:_ '" ~" .. W ~~ ;">>"I~. :8 .,' 'f ~ ... ';,.,';' -"-' .,. .... . tt ~.c-"j, :; J ~ '\t ,-- - o ;:~;:',,>- '>, f.... % :.,~",J, .:~411 6:1 .. ,~, II' .. . . J ..,- ~'U. . ,:;' :=I" .",. .., ~ _I' ""'.,.. II~ co III \ ~~.:;,;O\h .... .. .. ~~ '.....'.:.. ~ 0 Z .. .. . It. ... .. L ~ 'if'VCJ J.IOJ Nil;:! VW 10 of 12 1" v A ITEM 0 .,,0,; 1 O>"S$ ~ UG 1 5 3 , I r I - - - Harold G. Keltner 16761 Martincoit Road Poway, CA 92064 July 13, 1995 Ms. Marijo Van Dyke City of Poway Planning Department 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Dear Ms, Van Dyke: I am writing as an immediate neighbor of the property at Martincoit and Espola Roads proposed for the temporary "relocation" site for Chabad of Rancho Bernardo. Although we understand the desire of Chabad to locate their temporary facility close to their permanent site, I and virtually all of the neighbors I have polled object to the introduction of the traffic and noise associated with the conduct of the Chabad operations which include, among other activities, a preschool. These operations are -".- proposed on property which is zoned for residential use and is in close proximity to existing residences. We are particularly concerned because the proposed location is nearby an existing elementary school which already generates an enormous amount of traffic congestion and noise along the northern section of Martincoit Road. This problem becomes acute during the hours immediately before and after the beginning and end of the school day when northbound traffic stopped at the Espola Road traffic signal backs up for several hundred feet blocking my driveway and residential traffic trying to enter Martincoit from Sagewood. We believe there are other vacant properties in Poway which would have much less impact on existing residents which should be pursued by the Chabad, We understand the desire of the Chabad to locate close to their existing site and to make it possible for many of their congregation to walk to services. However, we question seriously whether all members of the congregation currently walk to services, and even if they did, we feel sure that under the circumstances, Rabbi Goldstein and the Chabad have it within their power to grant a special dispensation during the period when their new synagogue is under construction. Therefore, we are asking that City Staff recommend against approval of the temporary permit. If City Staff should feel compelled to recommend in favor of the requested temporary - use, we strongly request that the following changes and conditions to the proposal be made a part of the temporary permit: AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 11 of 12 ATTACHMENT 0 2 1. Eliminate the fenced play area on the residents' (south) side of the property. 2. Require that the south edge of the parking area be no closer than 55 feet to the closest residential property. 3. Prohibit operations on the site after sundown. 4. No extemallights of any kind (including security lights) to be permitted anywhere in the parking area or driveway nor on the south side of the buildings area. 5, Neither the beginning or end of the Chabad preschool hours shall be any closer than 45 minutes to the beginning or end of the beginning or end of the Painted Rock School hours. 6. The temporary use permit shall expire and all buildings, equipment, fences, materials and other items brought or constructed on the site by or for the Chabad, shall be removed within 30 days after Chabad has initiated occupancy of their new synagogue, or within 18 months of approval of the temporary permit, which ever comes first. We understand that you are desirous of accommodating the applicant. However, your assistance and cooperation in behalf of the residents who will be impacted by approval of this proposed use will be appreciated, cc: Jerry Hargarten, GVCA AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 12 of 12 - /L~ 7-;;U---.9s r .-fl<, ,..,,,;,, . ~'J (!c~U- # .:; "-",<aU= Chaba<I a' Ran"'. ......... Tblroel Qold.teln , 16934 Old Espola Road. Poway, CA 92064 --~, ""bbt (619) 451,0455 FAX (619) 673,0299 - p~~ "'7 PoU.kofl' Prufdent SClott Peck Vice Pruldcnt Bemlce Lnlne BU.lnc.. Adm. Kathy Alt...a. July 25, 1995 Speetal Adm. RECEIVEr: Dee Lea.ltt Prnc:hool Dnorle Ooldat.ln Hebrew School Mayor Don Higginson JUL 2 7 1995 City of Po way 13325 Civic Center Drive CITYOFPOWAY Poway, CA 92064 CITY MANAGERS OFFICE Dear Honorable Mr. Higginson, This coming Tuesday, we will be attending the City Council meeting seeking council approval for the temporary usage of the land on Martincoit and Espola Roads. - In the past two weeks, I have had the opportunity to meet with the neighbors of the surrounding area and members of the Green Valley Civic Association. It is our hopes that we have addressed the immediate concerns of the neighbors and of the Association. Our consideration now is to gain approval and consensus for a temporary use permit to accommodate our small congregation for a period not to exceed one year, during construction of our new facility. We appeal to you today for approval of this project inasmuch as we will not be able to commence construction of our new building until this site becomes available to us. We would like to provide assurance that we will remain sensitive, courteous, and professional with respect to the needs of neighbors and the Green Valley Civic Association during this transitional period for our congregation. Respectfylly yours, / ~ -X- /., /~' .....,./ " / Rabbi y, Goldstein Lleo,.. . AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 RIIII.cbo B.-wlardo. l..AlolI.. Saa 01..0 . CHABAD is the Inrg<ost network of Religioul and Social Servi... in California - - ;J~ ?-3r7J .cM.u./Jamr.. g (].nnn 76852 D.d'"".J !Buui d? oad fPOW"!J, C!.o.llfO'l.11La 92064 ;'1 ~ t}:>- t' &7 ~ IWn jL ;;.....,"-'1 RECEIVED J)JMf'~K. dlJ-.MIJ/4~' JUL 31 1995 ~ t2r t41dJ1V: CITY OF POWAY CITY CLERK'S OFFIC! J ~ ~t'tft~14'(" ...<PVfJ~ d~~~.j~~eY;};.r t:hvi/~-~t.kt~'~ 4 ~J ~~~.e--~~~~dt.- d~ r?ni,J ;L, . - -tv ~M41:~ t-~ ~ :lIJ,(,t~ ~.4, ~ ~/.e/ :;e~~ ~ ~ ~~~.?ttd4~~a~ ~dIut .J4~.M~ dtAv. /;;.u../ i4.;1;,~~4dd.b 4 ?4ht~,(. ",Jv.JelA. (1 ~j:: ~1v"'14v Z(("'" d/ tlp'ut- ~~ 0t7~?~ a k~l.v~ /IWI t4f~ A'4~ ~ ~ 1~1dtl-t~I7d1 A/I7~~ ~ r fJ::J; AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 ;tL~t4~r'7Z: MJ~ ,a,~ --- -arnJ()t ~I ~ 4u)~ ('\.V ~Att~ . ~~d#J/ JlJ~/ ~v i-~~ AUG 1 1995 ITEM :3 0 - _/9~ :7-- 31-~ - 1A1~ II~ ~ c~ Jij( / Y O/J} O/J} .J / ~ /) Howard W. MAher 4eI~o~ A I.9.9S 13440 Sagewood Dr. ~~~g~y Poway, CA 92064 O~A 10~ July 26, 1995 Mayor Don Iiigginson poway ci ty Hall 13325 civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 At the August 1, 1995 Council meeting you will have the opportunity to vote on the request from chabad of Rancho Bernardo to issue a Temporary Use Permit for the lot at Espola and MArtincoit. Tl'dr; will allow the synacrogue to move t,heir modular buildings to this location for a year while their new church is being built. Mr. Hal Ket.ner, on the corner of Martincoit and Sagewood, contacted nineteen neighbors to ask their opinion. They all said they did not w~nt the church in our residential neighborhood. There also was a recent meeting attended by city planning staff, the architect, Rabbi Goldstein and seventeen neighbors. Again none of the neighbors were in favor of t.he church moving into our neighborhood. Their objections were: 1. Increased traffic during the week to drop off and pickup pre-school children. This would interfere with Painted Rock traffic. 2. Water problems in the vacant lots that adversely effect the adjoining neighbors. 3. Lights and noise from evening services. 4. Saturday services. 5. Potential for longer stay due to construction difficulties on their new synagogue. -- 6. Neighbors wanted to keep our area Residential. 7. Decreane in property values. AUG 1 1995 ITEM 3U -- our property backs up to the area where the trailers are to be located. My concern is the Saturday services. I asked Rabbi Goldstein why they picked this location. He stated that their congreg"tion is very Orthodox and they walk to services on Saturday and wish to find a temporary location where they can still walk to the saturday services. This is not true. On Saturday July 8th and saturday July 15th I sat in a nearby church parking lot from 12:45 to 1:30 to observe the activities at the church. On the 8th there were twenty cars parked along the street. None were parked in the Chabad parking lot. At the end of services two adults walked away from the synagogue. The balance drove off in the cars parked on the street. The following Saturday there were twenty-four cars on the street. Eight adults walked away and the balance drove off in their carFl. If they did move to our neighborhood they would then park on Sagewood and Martincoit on Saturday which would disturb the homeowners. since we have now observed that the vast majority of the congregation does not walk to services, as the Rabbi claims, I urge the council to reject the permit. If you allow the permit you would be accommodating five to ten people who walk once a week to church but you would be disturbing the neighborhood every day due to pre-school classes, evening services and Saturday services. There are many other locations in poway and Rancho Bernardo that could satisfy their needs without disturbing a residential neighborhood. sincerely. ~1I~,i.lI/ M1 Howard W. Maher A\JG 1 1995 ITEM 3U I - - . . , ~.: Co~atloD Chabad of Rancho Bema.rdo Ylorool aow..... 1693401 Espola Road. Poway. CA 92064 Rabbt (619)451-0455 FAX (619) 673-0299 Ilq .-blf __, "ott _ Vke PrMldent .....1" 1.nI8. __ Adm. Xat.7 A1tJaaa -...... _ r-ntt June 27, 1995 -.- _de _.. ........ 8cb001 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maber 13440 Sagewood Drive Poway, CA 92064 ._. .Qear Mr. and Mrs, Maber, We are a small Congregation and have been in the City of Po way for the past 6 years, We are located at 16934 Old Espola Road in Poway. On June 13th we received approval from the City of Poway for the construction of our new permanent Synagogue on Old Espola Road. In order for us to commence construction, we need to vacate our site and temporarily relocate during the construction period. Inasmuch as, we are an orthodox congregation. we are compelled to walk to Synagogue for Saturday services. - Therefore, a location within a reasonable walking distance from our present location is being sought. We are considering the location that would least effect the neighborhood, We are presently interested in the property fronting Espola Road and cornering Martincoit Rd, We would like to move our current modular buildings to facilitate our small preschool of 50 children. School hours would be frol11 9:00 A.M. to ]2 noon, 5 days a week. We would have week-end services on Saturday mornings at ]0 AM to 1 P.M. for about 60 people (most of whom walk to services), Other services during the week are for about 10 people (for memorial or other services). I am herewith enclosing a proposed layout of the site. The architect has taken into consideration and is very sensitive to the needs of the neighbors surrounding the area. He planned to locate the trailers with a distance of at least 55 feet from all property lines. The playground will face the main road and the property will be fenced in with a 6 ft. fence so as to provide privacy and security. As far as the traffic is concerned we are presently consulting and looking into the best possible way of directing traffic to our school so as to avoid any conflict of traffic during crucial hours. We are hereb)' inviting you to join us for a neighborhood meeting on Thursday, July 13, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. at the City Han Chambers in Poway. The address is 13325 Civic Center Drive. At this meeting our architect and City Planner will be present to answer any of your questions. I look forward to seeing you on the 13th of July. s;~ Rab .' oldstelrr---- CC: , r. J. Bowersox, City Manager Me, Robert Emery, Council Member \ ' Ms. Susan Callery, Council Member Mr. Mickey Cafagna, Council Member Mayor Don Higginson Ms. Betty Rexford, Council Member La Cotto . RaDen a..udo . '1..1011.. ... Diap . CHABAD is the largest network of Religious and Social Services in California ;D~ 7- 3/-7"..5'" ~-22-'22 F~J 11:1~ ): TEL NO: ~'7'i F'Z' .- ~,.q~)~. I (-.., ./ ! RECEIVEr , i .A.W O""lCC8 0'- MUGOiE!u!:Jt o!Ir MUOGLEBEE JUL 28 1995 .UITI ..0 S"~p"..", T. MUOQLlL.e:1: '...0 wa.,. .1"""._010 Olll,y.. FAA ~.,., ..?-~'.a ~1C:""All. ..I. ....l.I08..e:.~e IIAN rirJltoo. CAUPOaH1A 88J.8? CITY OF POWAY le.el ".7-.... CITY MANAGERS OFFICE July 28. 1995 i I Mr. James Bowersox I VIA FAX and US MATI. Office of City Manager, City of Pow~y 13325 Civic Center Drive I Poway, CA 92074 ! I Re: Request For Continuance MDR 95-32 and TUP 915-50 Hf!aring Dat~: AlJg-u~t 1. 1991:). at ,.no p.m. , i Dear Mr. Bowersox: , : i This office has been retained by a grbup of homeowners directly impacted by the aoove-reierenceo appiication for a temporary use permit, by Chabad of Poway. On their behalf we request a two-week continuance of the hearing on this application, presently scheduled for Augustl, 1~95, I Our clients are opposed to the application and my initial investigation iNo the matter revealed new facts having a significant bearing on the proposed usage of I he property. This information was not previously provided to thE' city planner's office and was not included in their report and proposed resolution to the city council. We are attempting to discuss this mCltler with the property owner and provide her with relevant documentation, In hopes of a private resolution of this matter we ask that the scheduled hearing be postponed, to allow us additional time to provide all of rhe parties, including the city council, with all of the pertinent facts, Please consider this notice a request to be heard at the scheduled hearing, in the "vent it is not postponed, Sinc ely, STM;smm IRRT: 95-1055 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 3U I .v~ ~/--YJ ,- - 16291 Martincoit ~d. Poway, CA 92064 July 31, 1995 ;-RECEIVEO, City Clerk, City of poway AUG 1 1995 I P.O. Box 789 . i Poway, CA 92074 '. CITY OF POWAY - CITY CLERK'S OFACI! Dear Marjorie K. Wahlsten: We wish to express our concerns over the placement of three modular buildin~s at 16580 Espola Rd. Such structures are not in kee~in~ with the neighborhood. That location is the entrance to a lovely residential area and their appearance will affect property values. The "temporary" buildings at Painted Rock School do not go away. Once something is designated as a location for modular buildings it seems to stay that way. Yours truly, ~+~ >>~t->~.- ~ /1--- ?J L.-a iI. I. " ~. ~ , ~ v' IS . Joanne W. Casterline - - ~~- ..- --... Paul B. Casterline AUG 1 1995 ITEM 30 oj I