Item 31 - Poway Visitor Enhancement Program - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ " INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~lt ~j Warren Shafer, Director of Redevelopme t Services ~ Ross D. Spalding, Economic Development Manager ~,5 DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Poway Visitor Enhancement Program ABSTRACT The City Council approved the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program for FY 1994-95, the Program's first year of operation. The budget for FY 1994-95 was $14,150, of which $5,685 was spent. The proposed budget for FY 1995-96 is $23,285, which includes the $8,465 remaining from FY 1994-95. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The Program cost is included in the FY 1995-96 budget. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be sent to Teresa Clark, President of the Poway Chamber of Commerce and Deanna Terrian, Chairperson, Visitors Services. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the budget for the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program for FY 1995-96 in the amount of $23,285. ACTION c:\data\agende\vep1.cov - AUG 1 1995 ITEM 31 1 of 6 - AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y This report IS Included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City CounCIl unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed spparately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion. please fill out a slip indicating the report number '" and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: ',o".bl, '"'' ,"d ....."~ Clty C,"",11 FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man , INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~\"': ____. Warren Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Service~~) Ross D. Spalding, Economic Development Manager ~,5_ DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Poway Visitor Enhancement Program BACKGROUND The 1994-95 fiscal year was the first year for the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program, administered through the Poway Visitor Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. They accomplished many of their goals, but not all, as they started late. They spent $5,685 of the $14,150 budget. They are proposing that the remaining $8,465 be carried over to the 1995-96 budget, which would now total $23,285. The program, to take place in September, involves both merchant and resident participation. Merchants will increase store traffic and residents have the opportunity to win a treasure chest of prizes donated by merchants. FINOINGS The proposed budget of $23,285 has been revised and is higher than the previous fi sea 1 year due to the proposed new and exci t i ng "Shop Poway" Program. The Poway Chamber of Commerce has designed a program that has as its objective to encourage and educate residents about the "Treasures of Poway" through a concerted direct mail campaign: "Shop in Poway, P1 ay in Poway, Stay in Poway." This program involves both merchant and resident participation in a win-win situation. Merchants will increase store traffic and residents will have the opportunity to win a treasure chest full of prizes donated by the merchant. There have been several "Shop Poway" programs in the past, but nothing of this magnitude. It will be a joint effort between the Poway Visitors Committee and Poway merchants. Keeping with the "Treasures of Poway" theme, they are proposing a treasure chest promotion. The success of th is promot i on wi 11 depend on publicity as well as merchant participation. A copy of the proposed budget and program details are attached (Attachment 1). ACTION: ~ of 6 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 3J - --- - Poway Visitor Enhancement Program August 1, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT The Program cost is included in the FY 1995-96 budget. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of thi s report wi 11 be sent to Teresa Clark, Pres i dent of the Poway Chamber of Commerce and Deanna Terrian, Chairperson, Visitors Services. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the budget for the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program for FY 1995-96 in the amount of $23,285. Attachment: (1) Proposed 1995-96 Budget and Program Details - c:\data\agenda\vep1.rpt .- AUG 1 1995 ITEM 31 3 of 6 Poway Visitors Center POWAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REVISED PROPOSED BUDGET VISITOR SERVICES 1995-1996 (Ju1y 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996) Reprint poway Brochure (restaurants/lodging) $3,500.00 Postage $350.00 S.D.N.C.V.B. Membership $75.00 S.D.C. & V.B, $475.00 Media Kit Jackets $350.00 Treasure Chest .Shop Poway. Program $15,075.00 Quarterly Mailings (~700.00 quarterly) $2,800.00 Graphics $300.00 Spouse Tour Mailings and Information $360.00 TOTAL: $23,285.00 REMAINING BUDGET FROM 1994-1995 Fiscal Year: $8,464.00 BUDGET NEEDED FOR 1995-1996 Fiscal Year: $14,821.00 The Chamber will administrate and submit invoices and warrants on an as needed basis with quarterly report submitted to Warren Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Services. Poway Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Center. 12709 Poway Road. Suite 101. Poway, CA 92064 (619) 748-0016. Fax (619) 748-1710 -+ of 6 Attachment 1 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 31 .- - ".. - ~, ) .J. ~<~~. '.'! . " - ';,,;;':'\. I ' . /',' Poway Visitors Center ~, , ~"'. .-.- "SHOP POWAY PROGRAM" OBJECTIVE: To encourage and educate residents about the "Treasures of poway" through a concerted direct mail campaign: 'Shop in poway, Play in poway, Stay in poway." This program involves both merchant and resident participation in a win-win situation---merchants will increase store traffic and residents have the opportunity to win a treasue chest full of prizes donated by the merchant. There have been several "Shop poway" fJrograms in the past but nothlng of this magnitude. It will be a joint effort between the Poway Visitors Committee and poway merchants. Keeping with the theme "Treasures of ?oway, II which was initiated last month, we are proposing a treasure chest promotion. The success of this promotion will depend on our publicity as well as'merchant participation. POWAY VISITORS COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: -Contact local merchants for participation in the program. .Supply treasure chests in three sizes for purchase by merchants. .supply advertising: banners, window signs, balloons, buttons, mailers, .Coordinate promotional mailings with the City. MERCHANT RESPONSIBILITIES: .Purchase treasure chest for store. 'Decide on the number of winners (i. e. : two per month, etc. ) -Fill treasure chest with their merchandise. 'Display signs, buttons, etc. . 'Track traffic flow due to the promotion. PHASES OF PROGRAM: 8-15-95 Saturate poway Road with light poll banners saying "Treasures of PO'w-ay" on top with a treasure chest beneath it with the slogan "Sho!? in Poway, Play in Poway, Stay in poway. " Distribute buttons to participating merchants with "Ask me how you can win a treasure chest full of prizes" printed on them for the employees to wear. 9-15-95 In the water bill, mail the second treasure map highlighting local shopping centers and participating treasure chest merchants, along with a brief explanation of how the treasure chest promotion works and what they need to do to win. We may, at this time, include the combination lock card with the water bill or mail it separately a week later on a postcard. A separate mailing would make the third exposure to the program, and may increase results. Poway Chamber of CommercefVisitors Center. 12709 Poway Road . Suite 101 . Poway, CA 92064 (619) 748-0016. Fax (619) 748-1710 AUG 1 5 of 6 1995 ITEM 31 . ,{?,,~;d; .' '--1 ~- .~~"\ t I .....,. Poway Visitors Center .....''''.' ",- ", , . ' "_.,:A_' ~~'Cf ,b- Once residents receive the combination lock card, they may take it into all the participating merchants and try their luck. OTHER POINTS: .Each merchant determines the number of winners they want to have. .Most items will not be dated, and may be used at another time. .Estimated time frame for this promotion is from 8-15-95 to 12-15-95. POSTCARD MAILER WITH PUNCH-OUT LOCK 'Quantity needed: 12,400 'Approximate cost: 1-color $5,332.00, 2-color $5,952.00 COMBINATION LOCK CARD .Quantity needed: 12,400 .Approximate cost: l~color $2,232.00, 2-color $2,480.00 POSTAGE FOR POSTCARD MAILER 'Approximate cost: $2,800.00 LIGHT POLE BANNERS .Suggested quantity: 50 sets of two (3' x 5') .Approximate cost: 2-color $2,775.00 BALLOONS .Suggested quantity: 1,000 .Approximate cost: $140.00 BUTTONS 'Suggested quantity: 1, 000 - 2,500 'Approximate cost: 2-color/1,000-$210.00, 2-color/2,500-$525.00 MERCHANT WINDOW SIGNS .suggested quantity: 50 .Approximate cost: $400.00 TREASURE CHEST .Quantity unknown at this time. .Approximate cost: Large-$90.00, Medium-$60.00, Small-pO.OO .These will be purchased on a as needed basis which will be reimbursed by the merchant. MERCHANT TREASURE CHEST PACKAGE .This would include their choice of one of three different size chests, balloons, buttons and window sign. .Suggested cost to merchant: Large-$125.00, Medium-$75.00, Small-$45.00 Poway Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Center. 12709 Poway Road . Suite 101 . Poway, CA 92064 (619) 748-0016. Fax (619) 748-1710 AUG 1 1995 ITEM 6 or b 31