Item 35 - Status Report on Pending Legislation - - I)~ J/~~if' AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managef1L~~ Penny Riley, Senior Management ~s~ Brian Jewett, Management Intern DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECI': Status Report on Pending Legislation ABSTRACI' The League of California Cities has informed the City of the following measures which are pending in the State legislature: AB 1949 (Conroy) Retention, Public Works Contracts; SB 646 (Kelley) Alcoholic Beverage Licenses, Bankruptcy Transfers; and SB 561 (Mountjoy) Notification, Violent Felon Release. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this item under CEQA. FISCAL IMPACI' There is no fiscal impact associated with this informational report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith; Senator David Kelley; Bob Wilson, the City's Lobbyist; and the League of California Cities will be mailed a copy of this agenda report, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council ODDose AB 1949; ODDose SB 646; and SUDDort SB 561. ACI'ION 1 of 4 AUG 1 1995 I1EII.3 5 CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT Th1s report is 1nclwded on the Cons.nt Calandar. Thera will b. no saparat. discussion of the report pr10r to approva1 by the City Council un'e,s ~b.rl of the Council, staff or public request it to b. removed from the Consant C.lendar and discuss.d saparately. If you wish to hava this report pulled for discussion, pl..,. f1'1 out. slip indicating the report number and giva it to the City Clark prior to the beg1nn1ng of the City Council ~.ting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ ~^ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys Brian Jewett, Management Intern~~ DATE: August 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Status Report on Pending Legislation BACKGROUND The League of California Cities has informed the City of the following measures which are pending in the State legislature: AB 1949 (Conroy) Retention, Public Works Contracts; SB 646 (Kelley) Alcoholic Beverage Licenses, Bankruptcy Transfers; and SB 561 (Mountjoy) Notification, Violent Felon Release, FINDINGS AB 1949 (Conrov) - Retention. Public Works Contracts Assemblymember Conroy introduced AB 1949 on February 24, 1995, which would limit cities to 5 percent retention payments on public works projects from contractors, Currently, cities can withhold up to 10 percent until final completion of the job for which they are contracted. This assures the public that the work they are paying for is completed to specifications and guarantees subcontractors are compensated, AB 1949 would "allow" cities to accept a surety bond, deed of trust, irrevocable letter of credit, or other similar security as agreed upon by the contractor and public agency in lieu of a retention withholding. However, public agencies would be barred from unreasonably refusing to accept any of these types of securities, This clause would either lead to forcing cities to accept, for example, a deed of trust in lieu of a retention withholding, or, face a lawsuit to determine whether they refused the deed unreasonably. Additionally, AB 1949 would force cities to deposit retention proceeds in an interest bearing escrow account to which the contractor is entitled to the accured interest, This requirement would also impose a costly record keeping mandate on cities, It is recommended that the City Council oppose AB 1949 because its limitations would disrupt city public contracting procedures. 2 of 4 lUG 1 1995 ITEM 35 - - Status Report on Pending Legislation August 1, 1995 Page 2 SB 646 (Kellev) - Alcoholic Beveraae Licenses. Bankruotcv Transfers Senator Kelley introduced S8 646 on February 22, 1995, which would allow existing alcohol licensed locations, where there is a bankruptcy, to retain for 12 months the option of having a new replacement licensee issued for the premises, This measure would set an unworkable precedent by severing the traditional linkage of the alcohol license to the licensee and instead grant a "right" to the premises to have a license. SB 646 would result in less accountability and will remove the incentive of the property owner to make a lessor "clean up their act." The new licensee would also be able to operate under the same conditions as the prior operator, assuming an establishment was opened before a city enacted a conditional use permit ordinance for liquor stores. Under current law, new licensees are required to comply with the local zoning conditions established by the city. Therefore, 58646 would allow these operators to skirt local control, It is recommended that the City Council oppose S8 646. S8 561 (Mountiov) - Notification. Violent Felon Release Senator Mountjoy introduced S8 561 on February 21, 1995, which would give police chiefs the ability to notify the necessary individuals of the impending release of a violent felon. Current law bars police chiefs and sheriffs from release of this information to anyone outside their department. S8 561 would give law enforcement officials the needed discretion to inform other agencies or individuals who may need to know that a parolee is about to be released. Additionally, the measure would grant immunity for either releasing or not releasing this information. It is recommended that the City Council support 58 561. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this item under California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this informational report. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Assemblyman Jan Goldsmith; Senator David Kelley; 80b Wilson, the City's Lobbyist; and the League of California Cities will be mailed a copy of this agenda report. _1 1995 ..-.... 35" f 3 of 4 ______n______.._ Status Report on Pending Legislation August I, 1995 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Oppose AB 1949 and direct staff to notify the Senate Judiciary Committee of the City's opposition to the measure. 2. Oppose SB 646 and direct staff to notify the local Assembly delegation of the City's opposition to the measure. 3. Support SB 561 and direct staff to notify the Assembly Appropriations Committee of the City's support of the measure. _1 1995 alEY "3'- I 4 of 4