Item 6 - Collection of Fees and Assessments - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - fO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Han~ . INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Hanage~;.t Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administ' ative serVic~V DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECf: Collection of Fees and Assessments on the Tax Rolls for Fiscal Year 1995-96 ABSTRACf It is necessary for the City Council to adopt a resolution establishing the fees and assessments to be collected on the tax roll for fiscal year 1995-1996, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not reqUired for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines. ~- FISCAL IMPACf In order for fees and assessments to be collected on the tax roll for fiscal year 1995- 1996, it is necessary for the City Council to adopt a resolution authorizing this action. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Published in the Poway News Chieftain on July 27 and August 3, 1995, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the collection of the fire protection fees and street and sewer improvement assessments on the property tax roll for fiscal year 1995-1996, ACfION - ; 0 f 6 AUG 8 1995 ITEU .6 I~ - AGENDA REPORrl CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Ma~ .~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~ Peggy A, Stewart, Director of Administ tive Services DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Collection of Fees and Assessments on the Tax Rolls for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 BACKGROUND Annually the City collects various fees, charges, and assessments on the tax roll by following the procedures set up for such collections by the County, The composition of the charges and assessments varies slightly from year to year as the time span for the assessments expires or new areas and charges are added, The fees, charges and assessments to be collected include fire protection fees, weed abatement, community facilities district assessments, landscape maintenance district assessments, street and sewer improvement assessments, nuisance abatement, and collection for the repayment of neighborhood improvement loan programs, To collect these items on the tax roll, it is necessary to adopt a resolution setting the charges and to authorize staff to transmit the information to the Auditor/Controller of the County. FINDINGS Weed Abatement and Nuisance Abatement -- The charges for weed abatement and nuisance abatement are to be collected on the tax roll and have been set by a separate report prepared by Safety Services, LandscaDe Maintenance Assessment Districts -- The charges for landscaping maintenance districts 83-1, 86-1, 86-2, 86-3, and 87-1 are to be collected on the tax roll and have been set by separate reports prepared by Public Services. ACTION: I 2 of 6 j AUG 8 1995 ITEM .c ' t - - - Agenda Report - Fees and Assessments August 8, 1995 Page 2 Communitv Facilities Districts -- The charges for South Poway Community Facilities District #1, and the Community Facilities District #88-1 (Parkway Business Centre) are to be collected on the tax roll and have been set by separate reports prepared by Administrative Services, Neiahborhood Loan Proaram -- This is the eighth year that the loan payments will be collected on the tax roll for the Neighborhood Loan Program. The City issued loans at an interest rate of 5 percent for neighborhood improvement projects as follows: FY 1995-96 No. of Total Project Year of Loan Participants Assessment Old Coach Street Imorovements Year 8 of 9 28 $12,378.84 Creek Rd/Stage Stop Dr, Sewer ImDrovements Year 2 of 5 IS 13,157,70 Olive Tree Lane Sewer Year 4 of 5 10 10,287,58 Joshua Tree Ct. Street Imorovements Year 4 of 10 4 4,208.96 Hilltoo Circle Sewer Year 3 of 5 14 16,733,24 Cobblestone Creek Bridae St, Imorovements Year 3 of 5 15 25,367.30 Golden Way Sewer Year 2 of 5 2 4,409,92 Budwin Lane Street ImDrovements Year 2 of 10 15 6,825.90 Old ESDola Road Sewer Year 2 of 10 3 12,729.54 A computer printout listing the amount to be collected by parcel is on file in the City Clerk's office. Fire Protection Fees -- On June 1, 1982, the City Council adopted Ordinance 61 which, in part, authorized the Fire Protection Fee to be collected on the property tax roll, With the assistince of the County Department of Public Works, the City has prepared a computer printout indicating the amount of points assigned to each parcel in the City that is on the tax roll, The printout, which is approximately four inches thick, is on file in the City Clerk's office for public inspection, For fiscal yeir 1995-96, the Fire Department has assigned 167,471,97 points to parcels on the tax roll, Based upon the fee of 53,12 per point established in 1982, ,- the Fire Protection Fee to be collected on the tax roll for this fiscal year is $522,516,26. The amount per parcel is rounded to the nearest whole cent, 3 of 6 AUG 8 1995 ITEM b . I ------ --~....- -..--...--- Agenda Report - Fees and Assessments August 8, 1995 Page 3 An additional $4,654,39 in Fire Protection Fees will be billed to parcels that are not listed on the property tax roll, such as property owned by other governmental agencies, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to CEQA guidelines, FISCAL IMPACT In order for the above amounts to be collected on the tax roll for fiscal year 1995- 1996, it is necessary for the City Council to adopt a resolution authorizing this action, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Published in the Poway News Chieftain on July 27 and August 3, 1995, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution approving the collection of the fire protection fees and street and sewer improvement assessments on the property tax roll for fiscal year 1995-1996, JLB:PAS:CT:eg Attachments: 1 ) Proposed Resolution 2) *Computer Printout of Fees and Assessments by Parcel 3) *Computer Printout of Loan Amounts by Parcel *These items are on file in City Clerk's Office c:\data\wpfiles\assess.agn 4 of 6 AUG 8 1995 ITEM .6 I.~ - - - RESOLUTION NO, 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE FIRE PROTECTION FEES AND STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE COLLECTED ON THE PROPERTY TAX ROLL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway desires to have the Fire Protection Fees and Street and Sewer Improvement Assessments collected on the property tax roll; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Poway City Council, the amounts to be collected have been set forth in a public report, the public has been allowed to comments on these amounts, and this action has been duly advertised as required by 1 aw; and WHEREAS, this action is authorized by the laws of the State of California, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY DOES HEREBY FIND, RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Sect ion 1. That the sum of $522,516.26 shall be collected on the property tax roll in the form of a Fire Protection Fee of $3.12 per point as authorized by Ordinance No, 61 of the City of Poway, Section 2, That no assessments are required to be raised by taxation for Water Assessment District 79-1 since retirement of the bonds was approved by the City Council on June 20, 1995, Section 3, That the sum of $12,378,84 is required to be collected for repayment of the Old Coach neighborhood loan program, That said sum shall be collected as a flat charge special assessment on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll pursuant to the instructions and agreements between the City of Poway and the County of San Diego. Section 4, That the sum of $16,733,24 is required to be collected for repayment of the Hilltop Circle sewer improvement neighborhood loan program, This sum shall be collected on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the payment of interest and principal of said loan. Section 5, That the sum of $13,157,70 is required to be collected for repayment of the Creek Road/Stage Stop Drive sewer improvement neighborhood loan program. This sum shall be collected on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the payment of interest and principal of said loan, Section 6, That the sum of $10,287.58 is required to be collected for repayment of the Olive Tree Lane sewer improvement neighborhood loan program. That said sum shall be collected as a flat charge special assessment on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll pursuant to the instructions and agreements between the - City of Poway and the County of San Diego, 5 of 6 AUG 8 1995 ITEM .6 "'i" -------- -- Resolution No. 95- Page 2 Section 7, That the sum of $4,208.96 is required to be collected for repayment of the Joshua Tree Court street improvement neighborhood loan program, This sum shall be collected on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the payment of interest and principal of said loan, Section 8, That the sum of $25,367,30 is required to be collected for repayment of the Cobblestone Creek Bridge street improvement neighborhood loan program, This sum shall be collected on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the payment of interest and principal of said loan. Section 9, That the sum of $4,409,92 is required to be collected for repayment of the Golden Way sewer improvement neighborhood loan program, That said sum shall be collected as a flat charge special assessment on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll pursuant to the instructions and agreements between the City of Poway and the County of San Diego, Section 10. That the sum of $6,825.90 is required to be collected for repayment of the Budwin Lane Road street improvement neighborhood loan program, This sum shall be collected on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the payment of interest and principal of said loan, Section 11, That the sum of $12,729,S4 is required to be collected for repayment of the Old Espola Road sewer improvement neighborhood loan program, This sum shall be collected on the 1995-1996 San Diego County Tax Roll to provide for the payment of interest and principal of said loan. Section 12, That the City Clerk is instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and the Auditor/Controller of the County of San Diego, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 8th day of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: MarJorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk 6 of 6 ~UG8 ms mEU 6 i.