Item 7 - Report Regarding Tax Rate for South Poway Community Facilities Dist #1 - - jJ~ f--IJ-YS ..{( AGENDA REPORT ~ CITY OF POW A Y REVISED AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager tJY Peggy A. Stewart, Director of Administrative Service DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Report regarding Tax Rate for the South Poway Community Facilities District No. 1 for FY 1995-1996 BACKGROUND The special tax to be authorized by the Resolution for Community Facilities District No.1 proposed to establish an assessment of $12,500 per net usable acre. The maximum assessment provided for under Resolution No. 8S-093 authorizing the formation of the District specifies a maximum tax of $12,250 per net usable acre. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution as amended establishing $12,250 pet net usable acre as the amount of the special assessment for property within the South Poway Community Facilities District No.1 for fiscal year 1995-1996. JLB:JDF:PAS:eg Attachment: Revised Resolution Setting the CFD #1 Special Tax Rate for FY 1995-1996 ACTION: ~ 1 of 7 EM 7 RESOLUTION NO. 9S- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, SETTING THE SPECIAL TAX RATE AND THE AMOUNT TO BE LEVIED ON PROPERTY WITHIN THE SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO, 1 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1995-1996 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway, California has approved the formation of the South Poway Community Facilities District No.1 pursuant to the terms and provisions of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities District Act of 1982, and WHEREAS, the City Council by following the provisions set forth and said act authorized the issuance of $32,800,000 in 1987 Special Tax Refunding Bonds, and WHEREAS, Ordinance No, 182 provides for the annual setting of a special tax rate amount to be levied on property within the District to service the principal and interest due on the bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the special tax necessary to be collected on property within the District for fiscal year 1995-1996 is set as $12,250.00 per net usable acre on property within the District and that the special tax shall be spread on the 105 parcels totaling 2S2.91S net usable acres as follows: Net Amount Of Lot Number Apn Numbers Usable Acres Assessment 1 317-222-11 3.505 $42.936.26 2 317-222-12 3,210 39,322.50 3-1 317-225-01 2,040 24,990,OO 3-2 317-225-16 1.720 21,070,00 3-3 317-225-16 1.560 19,110.00 3-4 317-225-04 5.680 69,580.00 2 of 7 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 7 . . - - . Resolution No. 95- Page 2 Net Amount Of Lot Number ADn Numbers Usable Acres Assessment 3-4 317-225-05 2.180 26,705.00 3-6.1 317-225-10 0.366 4,483.50 3-6.2 317-225-11 0.344 4,214.00 3-7 317-225-06 0.510 6,247.50 3-8 317-225-07 0.490 6,002.50 4 317-225-12 6.339 77.652.74 5 317-225-13 2,133 26,129.26 3-9,1 317-225-17 0,710 8.697.S0 3-9.2 317-225-18 0.610 7,472.50 3-10.1 317-225-14 0.700 8,575.00 3-10.2 317-225-15 0.690 8,452.50 - 8 317-224-01 2.435 29,828.74 9-1 317 -224-15 0.313 3,834.26 9-2 317-224-16 1.307 16,010.74 10 317-224-06 0.697 8,538.26 11 317-224-07 0.644 7,889.00 12 317-224-18 0.510 6 247.50 13 317-224-19 0.510 6,247.50 14 317 -224-20 0,770 9,432.50 15-16 317-224-21 1.310 16.047.50 17 317-224-22 0.830 10,167.50 18 317-224-23 0.740 9,065.00 - 3 of 7 AUG8 1995 ITEM 7 ... ---- - ---..------ Resolution No. 95- Page 3 Net Amount Of Lot Number ADn Numbers Usable Acres Assessment 19 317-224-02 0.558 6,835.50 20 317-224-03 0.623 7,631.74 21 317-224-04 0.667 8,170.76 22 317-223-19 7.241 88.702.24 23 317-223-33 3.954 48.436.50 24,26 317-223-32 4.140 50.715.00 25 317-223-20 2.461 30,147.26 27 317-223-21 3,670 44,9S7.S0 28 317-223-18 1. 379 16,892.74 29 317-223-28 0.796 9,7S1.00 30 317-223-27 1. 056 12,936.00 31 317-223-15 1. 064 13,034.00 32 317-223-14 1.558 19,08S.S0 33 317-223-13 1,753 21,474.26 34 317 -223-12 3,300 40,425,00 35 317-223-11 3,222 39,469.50 36 317-223-01 3.140 38,465.00 37 317-223-02 2.914 3S,696.S0 - 38 317-223-03 3.126 38,293.S0 39 317-223-04 3.602 44 124.50 40 317-223-05 5,532 67,767.00 4 of 7 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 7 ,.,1 - - . - Resolution No. 95- Page 4 Net Amount Of lot Number ADn Numbers Usable Acres Assessment 41 317-223-06 6.359 77,897.74 42 317-223-07 4.175 51.143.76 43,44 317-223-31 5.865 71.846.24 45.1 317-223-37 1. 280 15,680.00 45.2 317-223-38 1.000 12,250.00 52 317-270-07 2.610 31,972.50 53 317-270-08 1. 992 24,402.00 54 317-270-09 1.816 22,246.00 55 317-270-10 1.906 23,348.50 56 317-270-11 1. 944 23,814.00 57 317-270-12 3.352 41,062.00 58 317-270-13 2.389 29.26S.26 Sg 317-270-14 1.882 23,054,50 60 317-270-15 1.316 16.121.00 61 317-270-16 0.991 12,139.74 62 317-223-30 0,313 3,834.26 63 317-270-18 2.240 27,440.00 64 317-270-19 1.831 22,429.74 65 317-270-20 O,996 12,201. 00 66 317-270-21 0.653 7,999.26 67 317-270-22 1. 477 18,093.24 5 of 7 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 7 ' I --------- - Resolution No. 95- Page 5 Net Amount Of Lot Number Aon Numbers Usable Acres Assessment 68 317-270-23 0.753 9,224.26 69 317-270-24 0.807 9.885.74 70 317-270-25 0.640 7,840.00 71 317-270-26 4.998 61. 225. SO 72 317-270-27 4.674 57,256.50 73 317-270-28 3.894 47,701. 50 74 317-270-29 4.102 SO,249.S0 75 317-270-30 1.118 13.695.50 76 317-270-31 1.026 12,568.50 77 317-270-32 1. 200 14.700.00 78 317-270-33 3,469 42.495.26 79 317-270-34 4.977 60,968.24 80 317-270-35 6.297 77,138.26 81 317 -270-36 6.315 77,358.74 82 317-270-37 2.626 32,168.50 83 317-270-38 2.765 33,871. 26 84 317-270-39 2,998 36,725.50 85 317-270-40 , 3,024 37,044.00 86 317-270-41 2.678 32.805.50 87 317-270-42 2.344 28,714.00 88 317-270-43 2,150 26,337.50 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 7, .... 6 of 7 - . . Resolution No. 95- Page 6 Net Amount Of Lot Number Aon Numbers Usable Acres Assessment 89 317-270-44 2.988 36,603.00 90 317-281-07 3.116 38.171.00 91 317-281-08 3.276 40,131.00 92 317 -281-09 3.023 37.031. 74 93 317-281-10 2.796 34,251. 00 94 317-281-11 3.440 42,140.00 9S 317-281-12 4.411 54,034.76 96 317-281-13 4.280 52,430.00 97 317-281-14 3.154 38,636.50 98 317-281-15 5.971 73,144.74 gg 317-281-16 7.246 88,763.50 - 5,414.50 102 317-270-45 0,442 103 317-270-46 0.608 7,448,00 104 317-270-47 0.313 3,834.26 TOTAL 2S2.91S $3,098,208.76 PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council Df the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 8th day of August, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk - AUG 8 1995 ITEM? 'I 7 of 7