Item 12 - Participation in Joint Use Soccer Field at Pomerado Elementary School AGENDA ~EPORT SUMMARY ,&~ f-- /- /S- , TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive D~r INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ 1\- Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community Services DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECI': Participation in Joint Use Soccer Field at Pomerado Elementary School ABSTRACT The Poway Unified School District has acquired property to develop a soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. The District has proposed a joint use for the soccer field and parking lot with the City, and requested that the City contribute $100,000 to the project. It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the request to contribute $100,000 for the development of a soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT It is recommended that $50,000 be transferred from the Twin Peaks Gym Floor Reconstruction Project account and that $50,000 be provided to the District upon the receipt of proceeds from the next Redevelopment Agency bond sale. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to A.J. Abbott, Poway Unified School District, Jim Jennings, Youth Soccer, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the allocation of $100,000 to the Poway Unified School District for the joint use of a soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. ACTION Approved staff recommendation 4-0. Mayor Higginson absent. - .~~, arie Lofton, epu y City Clerk 1 of 4 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 12 ..- -~--- - - ,- if AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y . TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Honorable Chairman and Members of the RedeVel~AgenCY FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dir INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community Services DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Participation in Joint Use Soccer Field at Pomerado Elementary School BACKGROUND The Poway Unified School District is currently in design for a soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. The District has insufficient funds to complete the project and has requested funding from the City/Redevelopment Agency. As proposed, the field and parking lot would be available to the community for soccer during non-school hours. FINDINGS The attached site plan (Attachment 1) shows the proposed soccer field and adjacent parking lot. The dimension of the field is approximately 154' wide by 322' long. The field could accommodate division 4 use by youth soccer or youth under the age of 12. With increasing youth participation in soccer, there has been a need for additional practice and playing fields. As proposed, the field and parking lot would be available to the community during non school hours and for school use during school hours. Over the years, the City/Redevelopment Agency has participated in numerous joint use projects with the District which have benefited both agencies. The development of a soccer field at Pomerado Elementary School has received support from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and from representatives of youth soccer. ~ /. r ACTION: '\'I See Summary Sheet L ~ 2 of 4 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 12 I '- - /- Participation in Joint .e Soccer Field at Pomerado EleL /tary School August 8, 1995 Page 2 If the City/Redevelopment Agency were to construct a soccer field and parking lot, the cost would be in excess of the $100,000 contribution requested by the District. In order for the City/Redevelopment Agency to contribute $100,000, . it is recommended that $50,000 be trans'ferred from the Twi n Peaks Gym Fl oor Reconstruction Project account and that the remaining $50,000 be provided to the District upon the receipt of proceeds from the next Redevelopment Agency bond sale. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT It is recommended that $50,000 be transferred from the Twin Peaks Gym Floor Reconstruction Project account and that $50,000 be provided to the District upon the receipt of proceeds from the next Redevelopment Agency bond sale. AOOITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to A.J. Abbott, Poway Unified School District, Jim Jennings, Youth Soccer, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council/Redevelopment Agency approve the allocation of $100,000 to the Poway Unified School District for the joint use of a soccer field and parking lot at Pomerado Elementary School. JLB:JDF:RLT Attachment: I - Site Pl an (C:\DATA\AGENOA\POMEAAOO.FLD) - AUG 8 1995 ITEM 12 , 3 of 4 'or" of pot, 00 " J': ,t ~" s"",' F1, ld I t 'om"'~l E,' '''"tory S'b"'1 , (' ~ _H' ~ ' I (. A . I I ,',' II : .' / \. ./ ,..',,' Ii j ;/ I!! I i , I I,' . '~', " I;; I i J I \ liH~'l::O- Lt. IS; ':.\ I "I ',-- . .,_.', ( I I, ~~ l! . J' \, t t. .. 'J./ ; l 10 ~\, ~1"I.., ,. jI . '. '. I I t ii \ -1--."'-'--- t. ..),...." . ,. r -,-- ---r-::'::::"'-r- -,~ I II" /" l331/l5, HlNIN,..1' r'~ I II , , --.,.- \ ' \ '" .. , .....~ . l ; ,I" r I \ I r. ' ~ __~ I \ (I'" .'t . 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