Item 14 - Approval of Minutes - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Dire~ INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Ass i stant Execut i ve Di rectorl it Marjori e K. Wahl sten, Secretary ~ ,; DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes ABSTRACf The Minutes of the July II, 1995 regular meeting have been prepared and are attached for your approval, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACf None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Board approve the minutes of the Poway Redevelopment Agency for July II, 1995, ACTION II e: ICltylleglstat CltyClrX\Il&c:naa\nnmutes .sum AUG 8 1995 ITEM 14 -. CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING JULY 11, 1995 The July 11, 1995, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:10 p.m., by Chairman Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. DIRECTORS ANSWERING ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson DIRECTORS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Susan Callery, Bob Emery STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox Executive Director John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Warren Shafer Director of Redevelopment Services Marjorie Wahlsten Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Rexford led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Higginson explained the procedure for Publ ic Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Rexford to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 18, Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency June 13, 1995, Regular Meeting June 15, 1995, Adjourned Re9ular Meeting June 20, 1995, Regular Meeting Motion carried 3-0 with Directors Callery and Emery absent. ITEM 7 (602-01 #234R) OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT/TTM 89-l3R APPLICANT: ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT. LTD, Chairman Higginson opened the public hearing, Staff report by Executive Director 2108 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 14 - - Page 2 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - July II, 1995 Bowersox. Environmental Development, Ltd. developers of TTM 89- 13, have requested the Redevelopment Agency assist the project by funding a portion of the public improvements. Staff has determined that Agency assistance is justified and the best method is to fund one-half of the street improvements, undergrounding util ities, installation of street 1 ights, and offs i te sewer improvements. The estimated cost is between $600,000 and $850,000. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Chairman Higginson, seconded by Director Cafagna to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. R-95-20, entitled, "A Resolution of the Poway Redeveloment Agency of the City of Poway, Cal iforni a Approving an Owner Participation Agreement by and Between the Agency and Environmental Development, Ltd. Determining that the Construction and Acquisition of Certain Public Improvements on or Adjacent to the Site is of Benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project and the Immediate Neighborhood in which the Project is Located; Determining that there are no other Reasonable Means of Financing Said Improvements; and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Said Owner Participation Agreement." Motion carried 3-0 with Directors Callery and Emery absent. ITEM 9 (203-22R) AB 1290 REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Cha i rman Hi ggi nson opened the publ i c heari ng, Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. The AB 1290 Redevelopment and Housing Implementation Plan was adopted on November 29, 1994, Senate Bill 732 expanded the Agency's reporting requirements specific to the Agency's affordable housing obligations. Staff recommends amendment of the Plan to incorporate the additional information. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion by Chairman Higginson, seconded by Director Rexford to adopt Resolution No. R-95-2I entitled, "A Resolution of the Poway Redevelopment Agency, City of Poway, California Amending The AB 1290 Redevelopment and Housing and 1mplmentation Plan for the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area Pursuant to SB 732," ITEM 10 (208-00R) COMPREHENSIVE AFFORDABLE HOUSING STRATEGY Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. The Redevelopment Agency approved a contract wi th David Paul Rosen & Associ ates for the preparation of an affordable housing needs assessment and affordability gap analysis which is one component of the Agency obl igations of the judgment entered by the court in Smith v A 11 Persons, The result of the analysis will be the preparation of a five year capital plan for the Agency's affordable housing program. Mr, Rosen has proposed 2109 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 14 .- .-- Page 3 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - July II, 1995 a schedule and process to be followed. Staff recommends approval. Motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Director Rexford to approve the process and schedule and charge the Redevelopment and Housing Advsiory Committee with responsiblities outlined. Motion carried 3-0 with Directors Callery and Emery absent. ITEM II (203-25) DEVELOPER SELECTION PROCESS AFFORDABLE HOUSING CAPITAL PROGRAM Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. The Agency has acquired three sites for the development of affordable housing. Over the past several months, staff and Davi d Rosen have been eva 1 uat i ng methods for developer select i on. The Redevelopment and Housing Advisory Committee is recommending a process including their participation. If the Agency Board wants to participate, they recommend designation of one or more Directors to assist in the selection process. The Board discussed the implications of their participation in light of the Brown Act. Staff will report back on this issue. Motion by Chairman Higginson, seconded by Director Cafagna to approve the process and authorize staff to initiate for the Bowron Road and Brookview site. Motion carried 3-0 with Directors Callery and Emery absent. ITEM 16.1 (405-01R) REFUNDING 1991 COPS POWAY ROYAL MOBILE HOME PARK c', "'~flreport by Executive Director Bowersox. On June 20, 1995, the City Council authorized the refunding of the Certificates of Participation in the amount of $28,300,000. Interest rates changed and the net present value savings dropped. Staff and the financing team are monitoring the long-term tax exempt rates and short-term escrow reinvestment rates on a daily basis. When the combination of the two rates results in a net present value savings of $190,000 to $500,000, staff will proceed to issue the bonds. Motion by Director Cafagna, seconded by Di rector Rexford to di rect staff to proceed with the refunding of the 1991 Certificates of Participation at such time as the recommended levels of savings can be achieved, Motion carried 3-0 with Directors Callery and Emery absent. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Eckis requested a closed session regarding Smith v All Persons, Superior Court Case No. 667691, pursuant to Government Code i54956.9(a), 2IIO AUG 8 1995 ITEM 14 - - Page 4 - POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - Page 4 Chairman Higginson called for a Closed Session at 11:30 p,m, CALL TO ORDER AND ADJOURNMENT Chairman Higginson called the meeting back to order at 12:05 a,m. on July 12, 1995 and ordered the meeting adjourned. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency 2111 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 14 ... ------- --- -