1995 08-15 Agenda CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST lb, 1995 - PAGE TWO 6.* City of Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Pl an/Natura 1 Community Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP) which has been prepared in order to obtain a permit under Section lOa of the Endangered Species Act for the construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway extension and to provide a voluntary option for permitting of private projects. (203-11 ) A. Resolution No. 95 - General Plan Amendment GPA 95-02 which incorporates by reference the requirements of the Poway Subarea HCP and Implementing Agreement (IA). B. Ordinance No. - First Reading - An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Californra-Amending Title 16 (Land Use Regulations Code) of the Poway Municipal Code Regarding Regulations and Permit for Grading, Clearing and Grubbing. C. Ordinance No. - First Reading - An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California Amending Certain sections of Title 17 (Zoning Development Code) of the Poway Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance Amendment ZOA 95-01 D. Reso 1 ut ions No. 95- and R-95- - Adopt i ng the City of Poway Subarea Habitat COnservation"Pl an and the Impl ement i ng Agreement/California Endangered Species Act Memorandum of Understanding. - STAFF REPORTS 7.* Development Review 95-09, Roger Mohrhoff applicant: a request to construct a 3,600 square foot retail shop building on a portion of Parcel 4 of Twin Peaks Pl aza at the northeast corner of Pomerado Road and Ted Wi 11 i ams Parkway. (203-14) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. E!~:~;::i;~~II"li~I~1Irll_lllllllilll~'"I~lri!1111[fll111~111~111:11;~II~llll~IIII'~1 CONSENT CALENDAR 8.* Approval of Minutes - City Council July 18, 1995, Regular Meeting July 25, 1995, Canceled Meeting 9.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency July 18, 1995, Regular Meeting July 25, 1995, Canceled Meeting * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - AUGUST lb, 1995 - PAGE TWO 6.* City of Poway Subarea Habitat Conservation Pl an/Natura 1 Community Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP) which has been prepared in order to obtain a permit under Section lOa of the Endangered Species Act for the construction of the Scripps Poway Parkway extension and to provide a voluntary option for permitting of private projects. (203-11) A. Resolution No. 95 - General Pl an Amendment GPA 95-02 whi ch incorporates by reference the requirements of the Poway Subarea HCP and Implementing Agreement (IA). B. Ordinance No. - First Reading - An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Califor~mending Title 16 (Land Use Regulations Code) of the Poway Municipal Code Regarding Regulations and Permit for Grading, Clearing and Grubbing. C. Ordinance No. - First Reading - An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California Amending Certain sections of Title 17 (Zoning Development Code) of the Poway Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance Amendment ZOA 95-01 D. Resolutions No. 95- and R-95- - Adopting the City of Poway Subarea Habi tat COnservation"Pl an and the Impl ement i ng Agreement/California Endangered Species Act Memorandum of Understanding. ---- STAFF REPORTS 7.* Development Review 95-09, Roger Mohrhoff applicant: a request to construct a 3,600 square foot retail shop building on a portion of Parcel 4 of Twin Peaks Pl aza at the northeast corner of Pomerado Road and Ted Will iams Parkway. (203-14) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. i!}~:;;;:I:illl)"I'!~~~~III_I~IIIIIII'I~'"~'B~lrfl[til11~11111;1;1!1~1111!llIlllil~111 - CONSENT CALENDAR 8.* Approval of Minutes - City Council July 18, 1995, Regular Meeting July 25, 1995, Canceled Meeting 9.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency July 18, 1995, Regular Meeting July 25, 1995, Canceled Meeting * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation CITY OF POWAY - CITY C-INCIL AGENDA - AUGUST 15,1--') - PAGE THREE 10.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of July 24-28, 1995 (401-10) - 11.* Resolution No. 95- - Establishing No Stopping, Standing, or Parking Zones on Twin Pea~Road, Espola Road, and Silver Lake Drive; a Time Restricted Loading Zone on a Segment of the North Side of Twin Peaks Road; and, Rescinding Resolutions Nos. 100, 243, 316, 317, 318, 84-034 and 89- 002. (1163-01) 12.* Resolution No. P-95- - Minor Development Review 95-22, Hi 11 side/Ridgel ine, Lindasnyder appl icant: a request for approval to perform additional grading on a residential lot located at 14652 Sunset Mountain Way. (203-10) 13.* Resolution No. P-95- - Minor Development Review 91-67, Hillside/Ridgeline, Anton-5imson applicant: a request to develop a 920 foot long residential driveway which will be accessed from Gate Drive near the Calle Seco intersection. (203-10) 14.* Resolution No. P-95- - Modification to Comprehensive Sign Program 77- 02M, Imad Habba and-cl ara Ari s owners, Wi 11 i am Primavera appl i cant: a request to modify a previously approved comprehensive sign program for the Oak Knoll Plaza commercial center located in the 12200 block of Poway Road. (203-15) 15.* Receive and file report regarding Pomerado Creek Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Study review. (1501-10) 16.* Approval of a consulting agreement with California Housing Partnership regarding ownership transition of Poway Villas, located at the southeast corner of Civic Center Drive and Bowron Road; and appropriate $6,000 from the Housing Fund. (602-01 #238R) 17.* Approval of appropriation of $400 from Bette Bendixen Trust Fund for Lake Poway Rest Stop Eagle Scout Candidate Project. (401-22) 18. * iii~i~~[q9~~~n~i~~i~~i~!-~Biii~i~~;ii~ilit~[*1i~1jijI(~~~/~~~11:2:~;:!;~~:~; 19.* Approval of opposition/support for pending legislation. (701-11) CITY MANAGER ITEMS 20. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 21. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 22. MICKEY CAFAGNA 23. SUSAN CALLERY 24. ROBERT EMERY 25. BETTY REXFORD 26. DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNMENT