Item 14 - Modification to CSP 77-02M Imad Habba & Clara Aris - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~e City Council FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Man ^ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~)1 Reba IIright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services~ DATE: August 15, 1995 SUBJECT: A Modification to Comprehensive Sign Program 77-02M, Imad Habba and Clara Aris, Owner, lIilliam Primavera, Applicant ABSTRACT A request to modify a previously approved comprehensive sign program for the Oak Knoll Plaza commercial center located at 12207-12245 Poway Road within the Commercial General zone. , ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is not subject to CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT - None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Comprehensive Sign Program 77-02{M) subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. ACTION :\CITY\PLANNING\ PORT\CSP7702.SUM - 1 of 15 AUG 1 5 1995 ITEM 14 ---.------- - AGENDA REPORrl CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man , INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~~ J Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services ~ Carol M. Rosas, Assistant Planner II DATE: August 15, 1995 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: September 15, 1995 SUBJECT: A Modification to ComDrehensive Sian Proaram 77-02M. Imad Habba and Clara Aris. OWners. lIilliam Primavera. ADDlicant: A request to modify a previously approved comprehensive sign program for the Oak Knoll Plaza commercial center located at 12207-12245 Poway Road within the Commercial General zone. APN: 317-151-59 and 316-120-16 BACKGROUND Comprehensive Sign Program 77-02 was approved under the jurisdiction of the County. The applicant is requesting that the comprehensive sign program for the center be revised to allow tenants eligible to install "Type C" wall signs the option of installing either a wood carved sign or a sign consisting of interiorly illuminated red channel letters within the sign fascia areas designated for "Type C" signs. Section 17.40.170 of the Zoning Ordinance requires City Council approval for amendments to a comprehensive sign program. FINDINGS The proposed modification to CSP 77-02 is cons i stent wi th the development standards listed in Section 17.40.170 of the Municipal Code in that the option to allow interiorly ill umi nated red channel letters on "Type C" signs is compatible with the existing signage and the comprehensive sign program for the Oak Knoll Plaza commercial center. A similar sign program exists for the Town ACTION: 2 of 15 AUG 1 5 1995 ... . - - - Agenda Report August 15, 1995 Page 2 and Country commercial center located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Poway and Community Roads. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Comprehensive Sign Program 77- 02{M) subject to the conditions in the attached resolution. JLB:JDF:RWQ:CMR:kls ~- Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning and Location Map C. Comprehensive Sign Program 77-02 - AUG 15 1995 ITEM 14 I 3 of 1: ---.---- RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM 77-02M ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 317-151-59 and 316-120-16 WHEREAS, Comprehensive Sign Program 77-02M, Imad Habba and Clara Aris, Owners, William Primavera, Applicant, request approval of a modification to the comprehensive sign program for the Oak Knoll Plaza commercial center located at 12207-12245 Poway Road within the Commercial General Zone; and WHEREAS, on August IS, 1995, the City Council held a hearing to review the proposed sign program modification. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinas: The sign program modification is not subject to CEQA because it is exempt from env i ronmenta 1 review under Class 11 of the CEQA Guidel ines which includes on-premise signs. Section 2: Findinas: The comprehensive sign program is in compliance with the standards contained in Section 17.40.010 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Comprehensive Sign Program 77-02M subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 30 days of approval (I) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. 2. All signs within the center shall conform to the sign criteria as approved by the County Planning Department with Comprehensive Sign Program 77-02 as shown on Attachment C of the subject agenda report (CSP 77-02M), except as modified herein. 3. Tenants having "Type C" wall sign fascias have the option of installing either a wood carved sign or a sign consisting of interiorly ill umi nated red channel letters having dark bronze returns within the designated" Type C" sign fascia area{s). 4. The channel letters for a Type C sign are not to exceed a maximum height of 24" for lettering and logo. S. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with Section 17.40.010 of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City ordinances in effect at the time of the sign permit issuance. 4 of 15 lUG 1 5 1995 ITEM 14- I . - - ~ Resolution No. P- Page 2 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 15th day of August 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: MarJorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) - ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby cert ify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the followrng-vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway - AUG 1 5 1995 ITEM 14 I 5 of 15 r - -- 1...1;; :t:1 J t--.' # ,';[, '<fJ1/1 ~1I R ....-~ ~ t m - A ~ Il'\--- ~ ~ ~ . ~ A tflCii e " ",,~, ~ ill ~ .!9Jh . e", ~ ~".~ R ~ .4 - "'iL .I '~~I 0 (. PF ~ ~ j 1 ~." -' rrr RI..,C t ~ Z bL -LJ FJlf~~\~,f ""c 14 L -+J - ~ r-- J'>-sV:2l:1 1- ( G ~ , ~! ffiffi! -, (~/: ~h, n ..-:'~ I' R.. '~A PF ,';""" cog. . I" ~~~Pfl.~ 0" , '" '. OS~ -'".I . . I au' -~ [1 ~ ~-/ 'eM{ --q~ ~ ~ 'J _-=-n~ ~ "\ /?:\ SIt", ~. 1iiI""'~ ,t I.lT~~ ~". . ti ' GS,I RS-7 -,.., ....--- ',.....,...... - \ \ . '.\~ v-:,:~9-t;_lliLt RR-A tB!H~;:{lI N;'J~ OS-RM \ )"F} I'- . '['I; " 'l' l '<';,12 -- R-A \:<1'1 '1 'n~1f(t / ~ \ \ \JJ F ~ ~f-m (~ \, \ \\.1 ", --.j~?5Z;-itirV. 23 ~ . L\' \V1H r - ~ __ .... _ L..-:::::1'-\\' \ \ J CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: CSP 77-02 ZONniC AND TITLE: LOCA'I'IOti MAP ~ SCALE, NONE ATTACHMENT: B 6 of 15 AUG 15 1995 ITEM 14 ,01 . - ~') -j . , , , \ U < I OAK K1:0LL PLAZA - SIGN CRITERIA The purpose of the attachea criteria is to establish sign stanaaras necessary to insure maximum tenant identification within an overall harmony of design for the total shopping center. The criteria has been designed to give tenants a considerable amount of flexibility in personalizing their own store and at the same time allow for maximum creativity in sign aesign. However, since deviations from the broad criteria would be an injustice to all other tenants who comply, conformance to the criteria will be strictly enforced. In the interest of the center, any installed non-conforming or unapproved signs shall be brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. Signing your location within the limits of the criteria is important to your business future and that of your neighbours. All concerned with this project look forward to working with you on it. Creative ana accurate efforts now will contribute to everyone's future. As an assistance to your planning, we offer the following: .- A. GENERAL . The tenant shall pay for all signs and their installation and maintenance. The tenant shall also be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and approvals - you will receive assistance in this regard from your leasing agent and the sign contractor. B. DESIGNATED SIGNING CONTRACTOR !~ order to minimize the cost of signing to the tenant, to insure safe and high quality workmanship and materials, and ~o furth~z . provide for conformity, JOHN HOWENSTINE INC., has been selected .h as the signing contractor for the cen ter . C. SIGN TYPES. TYPE nAn To be constructed of 3~ cedar and to have sandblasted techniques with the copy and border raised ~". These signs are to have custom printstyles and individual colors are allo~ed upon approval of architectural review. The sign shall be wall mounted with exterior illumina tion. ,- - Attachment C MJG 1 5 1995 ITEM 14 ,4 7 of 15 - -i) . ..) . , OAK KNOLL PLAZA - SIGN CRITERIA . Continued. . PROCEDURE: Tenant should review this criteria and determine some preliminary sign concepts. When such concepts are available your leasing agent can arrange contact with you and the representative of JOHN HOWENSTINE INC. or you may call direct. I-Ihen your final sign designs have been dra~n by JOHN HOWENSTINE INC. , and approved by you, they should be submitted by your leasing agent for Owner approval. When this approv~l'is obtained in writing the signing contractor will complete fabrication and delivery. PLEASE CONTACT: JOHN HOWENSTINE INC., 3188 J AIRWAY AVENUE, COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA. 92626. PHONE: 714 - 557 - 4064. Thank you. If. you have any questions on this sign criteria, your leasing agent will be happy to assist you. 8 of 15 lUG 15 1995 ITEM 14 \ - - - - ol~~ ~'7d, 0 ~ 0 - ' }~ ' .~tJ II ~ _~,:~ /; ~ ~I Fi ~\;" '; I 'I .i~;:>: , , , . / I t ""-'.....~ ~ I I I". ~.~ ~ :;"'" I:., I. ~I ~ " , 'i~ ...::- ~i "\'! '", , \> 9 & /\(~fl I ~ I " .2'... I .~ I I ( " ) ',c,-.. , ~ /1 I' -- :=,~ .~, " , I Y. '%~II ',7' '~-~ I~-b !! I ~ , ;, I" k<<....", ~,,'.!' if'!.". ., I '" \ i I ~rr-~' I ~ - "'-", ~ " <0, . '/J - I .~ , 7j'-- , , ... ',- "> \ ,~L-: I ~ '\ \;;. .= i - : 1 II '. !: I ') i~~/!1 o :_ !G '_, =-t._[] I " i ~..l;:; II , fiii~/i I . ~,,: : I ~!') 'f. i ! ,; /""'. b li~ ~ : ";1 U ,I ,I {'~,\ lit ~ O! !. R' ' _. "'J:t- _...= I<l, . ,~ I, ,,~ ,- ~ , . I , - z-:"::....^""_~__......:;.. -. c:..J ... -.: ,.,.'! 1M i;. ( ~ I( 1-.r~l"~1 I f ~.."'" ~ @ 'F--1 'f! I I!~ I . ~ I jig "- 5G"~ I il . , 7:13' ". . ~~/'-;:" Ii . '- " , . ""-,,. ' , I, " L...: --=-, ,...", ,I (;:s l-l "" 'cd II '~'~i!r, , , , 1"1 ,r 1--0 j, ijji " t' I'~ ~.) ,r II , rp . ii ~'o' ""'1 II (2) ii' ~ I;~ ,I . ,I ~ ,,,....,, II "~ I) "1.311 n, 'I h I I I ~ -9 !I ~ >11 'i g ~ ~t~ '~j ,:! , '~i:.' II ! . ,.. "" I Ii"'" i 11 0: 3,! l;t~i! I I~" II ,f."l H I' ~ I I=-~" ~ II 'i ml~i .e 1-011 ' ii ":!11 i I', V ' "5--'.->----+ · " 8 -" ,- ri, I"~ ~ _........ $' ~, I~ ~I n I ' . lit ;;:::::, ~ ..n. ~ ~~,.., ~ ~r"";:-- :="1-'1-'5 ~:::>,.,.~ 1\ "":11',101.; UI---..J. 14 ' , i:s - J "=" u W - AUG 1 5 1995 I1EII 9 of 15 '] '> / \ , I , , / , I . -, I ., ~ "'" , .. ---1__ __.. . ___ __ I ~ " ~,"'.;,~: i ~11 I ~ II, . 11 . ,I Iii -= · Iii ./ r~ I :1- I ..u:::.. ; I i I . i '7' , \ I ' I'" , ~ I " \ ..... t-& I I II I I I ~ ! I~ t . . I ' f'P~ l, '"'\ i'~' ~ " , It \@ 11 lif,!I! I I I / , f i ;.~ J 10 of 15 AUG 1 5 1995} 5 ~ 14, , - I lj -, I ' .....'-./ SIGN TYPE LOCATION AREA TYPE OR SHAPE Wall Signs /space 14 . North Allow ,/'30 SF 7-0 Req. 35 SF Type "A" c!Jl'd/or (48.3 SE,:,-llIax. 13.3 SF Type "B" . combined) . East Allow 13 SF Req. None . South Allow ~30 SF " , - ~ Req. 35 SF Type "A" Alternate to West . faclng . West Allow "24 SF Reg. 35 SF Type "A" ,,;' Space 15 . North Allow v 30 SF ". Reg. 16 SF Type "8" (13.3 SF max. if combined with <- ~ . South Allow >-"'30 SF adjacent s\,ace Req. 35 SF Type "A" Space 16 ., '! . North Allow --30 SF -, Reg. 23.5 SF Type "c" . . West Allow 66 SF - Reg. 35 SF Type "A" . South Allow ~O SF Reg. None Space 17 Colony Kitchen . North Allow 84 SF ., , Reg. 2$' 49.Q SF Per attached drawings !2.E exterior illuminateu in- . East Allow 126 SF dividual wood carved letters Reg. _ GO.S SF of same size and design as ~,. shown on drawings. ~ ' . South Allow 84 SF Reg. .~ SF .;4.5 c1 . West Allow 126 SF Req. ~SF - S:.....' Maximum allowable 1521.5 SF 7 7 - 0 2 U---'.mum reguested 943.6 SF A' P 11 of 1: . . AUG 15 1995 ITEM 14 I SIGN TYPE LOCATION AREA TYPE OR SHAPE \Vall Signs /Space 8 . \Vest Allow ~22.5 SF II Req. 13 . 3 SF Type liB" V Space 9 "2- . \Vest Allow ~19.5 SF 21-BF ' , Req. Type "A" al'\djor (34.3-Srn\ax. ) 13 . 3 SF Type IIBII ........'Space 10 . \Vest Allow 28.5 SF Req. 35 SF Type "A" and/or (48.3 SF max.) 13 . 3 SF Type "B" . North Allow 13 SF Req. None / Space 11 . West Allow , 43. 5 SF Req. 23.5 SF Type lie II - . South Allow ~91.5 SF ? Req. 23.5 SF Type lie" ~ Space 12 I'.: . North Allow ~ 30 SF Req. 23.5 SF Type IIC" 17 cJ . East Allow /'9 0 SF -.- Req. 35 SF Type "All . South Allow c30 SF Req. 35 SF Type "A" Alternate to East faclng y Space 13 J ;.;,.-: . North Allow "30 SF Req. 16 SF Type "B" (13.3 SF max. if combined with . South Allow v30 SF adjacent space.) -; 1'-L Req. 35 SF Type "All . West Allow ..--13 SF Req. -3-<>-SF Type "A" Alternate to South faclng ~UG 1 5 1995 ITEM 14 I 12 of 15 QP77-02 ,- - ) - SIGN TYPE LOCATION AREA TYPE OR SHAPE Wall Signs / Space 1 "64.5 SF I . East Allow Reg. 45 SF Type "A" per attached drawings. ::- . North Allow ,..-/54 SF Reg. 45 SF Type "A" ~/or (61.6 S~x. 16.6 SF Type He" combllled) _ _ j .'" ',/ . West Allow .....64.5 SF Reg. 23.5 SF Type "c" and/~ (39.5 SF max. 16 SF Type liB" combined) ~ t- Space 2 .., . West Allow v30 SF Reg. 21 SF Type "A" a~d/or (37 SF .max'. .", 16 SF Type "BII combined) " Space 3 . West Allow' 30 SF Reg. 35 SF Type "A" or (35SFrnax.) 23.5 SF Type lie" . North Allow 13 SF Reg. None - Space 4 . West Allow 30 SF Reg. 16 SF Type "B" X / Space 5 v . West Allow 30 SF Reg. 16 SF Type "B" ,/' Space 6 Allow 25.5 SF c:j . West Reg. 35 SF Type "A" or (35 SF max.) 23.5 SF Type lie II . North Allow 13 SF Reg. None - { Space 7 It! . West Allow 22.5 SF Reg. 13 . 3 SF Type "B" G~77-02 13 of 15 . G 5199S ITEM 14 t ) SIGN TYPE LOCATION AREA HEIGHT TYPE OR SHAPE Freestand- j ing Signs E-l Allow 87.5 SF r 25 Ft. Req. 75.0 SF 14 Ft. Max. Exact size, shape & graphic design under E-2 Allow 75.0 SF 25 Ft. study. See Req. 75.0 SF 14 Ft. Max. attached draw- ings for con- cept sketches. E-3 Allow 87.5 SF 25 Ft. Req. 87 SF 8 Ft. Max. - ~ '2-- .. ::, , .- . J ,. ! I ~ " '7 cf-s P77-02 14 of 15 AUG 1 5 1995 ITEM 14 i '_. ._--- - - - NOTES: l. All areas of signs requested are maximum allowed. Signs of less area may be allowed at owners dis- cretion. 2. In the event that any 2, 3 or 4 lease spaces are combined, the maximum number and size of the allowed signs shall be the sum of those indicated for in- dividual tenants. No individual sign may be in- creased in area beyond that indicated in the sign criteria. 3. In addition to the wall signs herein designated for each lease space, one incidental, double-faced, under canopy identification sign, not to exceed 3 SF, shall be allowed. (See Section I on attached drawing.) - csp77- 02 )UG 1 5 1995 ITEM 14 l .5 of 15