Item 10 - Evaluation of Community Contribution Request from Friends of Blue Sky AGENJl.4 REPORT SUMl\tARY "- , TO: Honorable Mayor an:} Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City ~ ^ , '... INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Mana9er0 I ' Penny Riley, senior Management Analyo;~ - DATE: August 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Evaluation of a carm.mi.ty eontr:ib..1tion Request Fran the Frierr::ls of Blue Sky Canyon ABSTRACT On July 27, 1995, the City received a letter fran the Frierr::ls of Blue Sky Canyon requesti.rq a donation of $1,200 to fun:i a start-up liJ:lrary for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve, 'Ihis report rE!CClll1lE!TXis a $1,200 donation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this ageroa item a=rdin;! to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, FISCAL IMPACT - As part of the b.Jdget process for Fiscal Year 1995-96, $5,000 was awropriated fran the General Fund for cxmnuni.ty contri.bJtions. 'Ihis is the first program ~est for the fiscal year. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE '!he Frierr::ls of Blue Sky Canyon were provide:l a CCfT:I of the staff report. RECOMMENDATION It is recxxnmen:led that the City Council awrove a $1,200 cxmnuni.ty =ntri.bJtion to fund a start-up liJ:lrary for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. ACTION - 1 of 6 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 10 " ! AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ ^ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager err Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys~ A~ DATE: August 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Evaluation of a Community Contribution Request from the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon BACKGROUND On July 27, 1995, the City received a letter from the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon requesting a donation of $1,200 to fund a start- up library for the Blue Sky Ecological Reserve. FINDINGS The Department of Fish and Game has requested the return of resource materials currently being used by volunteers and the staff interpretive specialist at Blue Sky. The library is used to plan programs and to enhance nature hikes. Additionally, the reference materials are used to prepare supplemental curriculum for poway schools. The loss of these books is seen as a major setback to the diverse nature programs offered at Blue Sky. The Friends of Blue Sky Canyon have requested that the City Council donate $1,200 for materials. Based upon the criteria set forth in the City's Community Contributions Policy for Educational and Non-profit Programs, which is provided in Attachment B, the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon are eligible to receive a contribution from the City for this one-time educational expense. ACTION: 2 of 6 JtI'G 2 2 1995 nEII 1'::' .. j - - , - Agenda Report Friends of Blue Sky contribution August 22, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT As part of the budget process for Fiscal Year 1995-96, $5,000 was appropriated from the General Fund for community contributions. This is the first program request for the fiscal year. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE The Friends of Blue Sky Canyon were provided a copy of the staff report. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the city council approve a $1,200 community contribution to fund a start-up library for the Blue - Sky Ecological Reserve. Attachment: A. Letter from the Friends of Blue Sky Canyon B. Community contributions Policy for Educational and Non-profit Programs - 3 of 6 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 10 .1 r~ - .., Friends of Blue Sky Canyon " i ' !1 Post Office Box 724 n.lDC%lS or IlLUJ: sxr CANYON Poway, CA 92074 . 7 IJ '1/1f5 10' H.......M, I'~,..,. D." Hi".~....~ l.- ;t, ..-f i,""i RECEIVEr: '"'1''' (,N;, ,+--,1)., f-",""} I ctt ~~"'r fr '- ,4/1,-, FdJ~h...:h CJw,.., JUl 2 7 1995 0.....,{ ,J !I jy,< -f..r~ CITY OF POWAY Y'v',-J} ot- ~/.( S~ c.-..., . ~ CITY MANAGERS OFFICE f<<-.', t......--r, Pv~ """";'ts .s;..... T?/". sx:, ~;'ml ~ j:l.,'\.. J A> I" ~~ ~If't'~ I +L.. IJrr' if F,'.J. tJ.. ~ CoI?v';'~' fz,. ;v,J.U~ ,t, ~t(~ t.... ~/v( SK)' T~ k -f~I("" ,.,..,~ jll.+ aJc.A tAll-Y'1-H.....Yt; If ~;/Vl -rl-f ~. ~ II~ b7 z:~ ~ 1I,/II.J'{i.~ ( .. ~~ I'~ ~fa.f{ 1',),1'8'" -H....+ vi.... C,:'h.J jj ~tI> /JMA:-V./,- +. f~ ; h ~ !tt-,/ . -rJ~ V'''';''''v 7'- +4:-t will Y~1'l.( ~ II I"b~ """"fl-Y,,~.R., ~} -t4 ~ ".f -f4... ~~c....t 1tA1<-v, -r~ /'h.<+~J., ~-t ~.f n-.17 v~ 1,;,1 D.N v'/v"i.u.-s -/7; I"~ 1'''''7'--....,.,.. IwK.,~ I ,",,-} ~ b-;- \lV1~.v~.v., c,.- H-4.-f~ fp t..,-.-<....p.., ~i/",,-hr.-..-( t-VVYi,,,/,,.... ~ t4 ~~ V",;fJ t;u.- ( jJ,~-f>-id... -;;- N-.. ~ A>~ -f>> rVr-ts.+ ~/~oo~ -/7 ~;" ~ (1/4<- ~ ~f~,J.J. ~ :wr+. "f FTlJ., e-~ w."/( ht -tA k,; . 1Lc... ~ of y,,~s ,f Fvt~ tV:II 11# Is.. Ju.. <~n.r.,l.~" .p i1l<.A# ~....h.../< ~Y' },.,(s iA/,"f1 ~1'+",...5.f :;r...-II....,.( ~7' 1'l-u.. Ik.c-lvv.~ ~, ers.,v< I~.f 1f..,.. ~1'''''7'''-u /,VI...{e;( rn+ ~ 1"7p...-.J. V4'" 1~.1 ~,i'vy lit "'Sot. ; ~ ~ ~ 'J J.IIN"J S I ~'J ..r;..... I..,f~,! y... u.-. ".~ IfoL.( If 7'~ ~ -IV t<.+ '151 - (.,11'=1 I 4 of 6 I 'f4t)~-IM~ ..,,~ / ~ ~~ Attachment A AUG 22 1995 ITEM 10 , , . - - - COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS pOLICY FOR EDUCATIONAL AND NON PROFIT PROGRAMS L PU1l.POSE The purpose of this policy is to establish a formal procedure for allocating funds to co~~unity groups requesting contributions from the City of poway for educational or non profit programs. II. ELIGIBILITY City contributions shall be considered for one-time educational or non profit programs which benefit and involve poway residents. Reoccurring educational or non profit programs shall not be eligible to receive funding, All funding requests must meet one of the following criteria, A. school activity or educational program for school groups. E, Printing of non profit or educational materials to be -", distributed to poway residents. c. Non profit community oriented programs or events. III. PROCEDURE A. AI'lnUally, the City Council shall appropriate Community Contribution funds for educational and non profit programs in an amount to be determined through the budget process. E. Funding requests for educational or non profit programs shall be presented to the City Council in writing. Funding requests may be presented to the City Council throughout each fiscal year. C. Within a thirty day (30) period, staff shall prepare an evaluation of each funding request presented to the City Council. D, The City Council shall review funding requests on a case-by-case basis and determine the amount granted for those requests based upon funds remaining for Community Contributions. Corr~unity Contributions shall be available until all Coa~unity Contribution funds have been allocated. 5 of 6 A iT ACHME~n B AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 10 ----- . -, III. PROCEDURE (Continuedl - , E. Community Contributions may be allocated by the City Council in the form of a donation or loan. Loans must be either repaid in full to the City within a specified period of time or repaid through a specified amount of community service hours. F. Payment for approved contributions shall be based upon the timing of the educational or non profit program expenditures. . --- 6 of 6 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 10