Item 11 - Resolution Special Permit Fee Collection of Solid Waste Recyclables {)~ y:..,;:2 - :7 s- - ~ AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James 1. Bowersox. City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Manager ~ James R. Williams, P,E., Director of Public Services Annette R. Gonzalez. Sr, Management AnalysW6' DATE: August 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Resolution Establishing Special Permit Fee for the Collection of Solid Waste and Recyclables, and Rescinding Resolution No, 90-227, ABSTRACT Chapter 8.68 of the Poway Municipal Code contains new provisions relating to the issuance of special permits for the collection of solid waste and recyclables which may be granted by the City Manager under certain circumstances to someone other than the City's exclusive franchisee. The fees for such special permits shall be established by resolution of the City Council. The proposed resolution. Attachment I, - establishes the following fees for the following categories of service provision: a) $50 for up to ten (10) consecutive days of service provided during a one-year term for special pick-up service the franchisee cannot render within two full working days; b) $500 plus $50 per commercial account for specialized service the franchisee is not equipped or licensed to render, or has not subcontracted to render; c) an amount to be determined by the City Manger for service the franchisee cannot render in an emergency; and d) 5% of gross receipts received for that portion of the special permittee's contract with another govemmental entity for service rendered within the Poway City Limits, It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached resolution and rescind Resolution No, 90.227, ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMP ACT This action would result in increased revenues to the City for each special permit issued, The revenue would be used to offset costs incurred by the City in carrying out state and local solid waste regulations and diversion requirements, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Coast Waste Management, Poway Unified School District, Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution that establishes special permit fees for the collection of solid waste and recyclables, and rescind Resolution No, 90-227, ACTION Continued to August 22 to allow staff to meet with Coast Waste Management, 4-0, Mayor Higginson absent. ~ d ,ft<./ Marie Lofton, De~G ihty ClertrEM 11 'I 1 of 6 AUG 8 1995 ITeM 9 '1 ~ AGENDA REPOR'! CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James 1. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch. Assistant City Manager ti James R. Williams, P,E" Director of Public Service Annette R. Gonzalez. Sr, Management Analyst:NlS'" DATE: August 8. 1995 SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution Establishing Special Permit Fees for the Collection of Solid Waste and Recyclables, and Rescinding Resolution No, 90-227 BACKGROUND On September 20, 1994, the Poway City Council awarded an exclusive franchise for the collection of solid waste. recyclables, yard waste and other compostables to Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services, On August 8, 1995, the Poway City Council adopted Ordinance No, 448 which established a new Chapter 8,68 of the Poway Municipal Code regulating solid waste, recyclables, yard waste, and other compostable materials handling services, Chapter 8.68 of the Municipal Code contains new provisions relating to the issuance of special permits for the collection of solid waste and recyclables which may be granted by the City Manager under certain circumstances to someone other than the City's exclusive franchisee. Pursuant to the ordinance, the fee for such special permits shall be determined by resolution of the City Council. FINDINGS In instances where the franchisee, Mashbum Waste and Recycling Services, is unable to provide service that is not defined in the franchise agreement as a special pick-up service within two full working days from the date of the customer's request, the Director of Public Services reserves the right to direct such customer to obtain such service from another provider, A possible situation when the need arises to direct a customer to another provider may be one in which a customer requests a debris bin for three (3) days, but Mashbum does not have one available within two days, ACTION: See Summary Sheet I AUG 2 2 2 of 6 AUG 8 1995 . - - -, Resolution Establishin~ Special Permit Fees Page 2 August 8, 1995 The Director of Public Services will then direct the customer to another provider, That provider is then required to obtain a special permit from the City in order to render services. The recommended fee for the special permit is $50 for up to ten (10) consecutive days of service provided during the one-year term of the special permit. An additional $50 fee is recommended for each additional ten (10) days (or fraction thereof) provided during the one-year term. In emergencies such as work stoppages, the breakdown of equipment, a natural disaster. or other unforeseen or unpreventable circumstances, or when in the judgment of the City Manager the preservation of the public health and safety justifies such action, the City Manager may issue a special permit to one or more persons other than the franchisee to perform required services, The Municipal Code allows the City Manager to establish the reasonable fees, charges and conditions to be imposed, and it is recommended that the City Manager maintain the flexibility to make a determination based on the nature and magnitude of a given emergency at that time, If. at any time during the effective period of the exclusive franchise agreement, a commercial customer of the franchisee requests a specialized collection and recycling service that the franchisee - is not equipped or licensed to provide, or for which the franchisee has not subcontracted to provide, the Director of Public Services reserves the right to allow another provider to provide such collection services until such time the franchisee is equipped and licensed to provide such service. or until such time the franchisee has subcontracted with a suitably licensed provider to provide such service, That provider is required to obtain a special permit before rendering service. The recommended fee for the special permit is $500 plus $50 per commercial account. It should be pointed out that haulers of medical waste and hazardous waste are exempt from the provisions of Chapter 8,68 of the Municipal Code because the materials they handle pose a serious health and safety hazard if not properly disposed, and these haulers are subject to more stringent permit requirements under County and State Health and Safety Codes. 1bis requirement pertains to a hauler who provides a service that Mashburn does not presently provide such as the collection of food waste. If, in the future, Mashburn has the capability of collecting food waste from commercial establishments. then the special permittee would not be eligible to renew a special permit when it expires. Other governmental agencies, including any school district. special district. or agency of county. state, or federal government are not required to utilize the collection or transportation services of the City's exclusive franchisee; however, another provider contracted by a governmental agency to provide such services is required to obtain a special permit in order to render service, The City is authorized to collect a franchise fee for granting the right to collect solid waste, recyclables, yard waste and other compostables within the City Limits, The City's franchisee, Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services, is required to pay a franchise fee in the amount of five percent (5%) of gross - receipts for the right to provide daily service within the City of Po way, The franchise fee revenue is used to offset the City's cost of providing public education on solid waste issues, the cost of ensuring compliance with the solid waste ordinance, the cost of maintaining public streets and AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 11 AUG B 1995 ITEM 9 .1 ") ,....(: (: Resolution Establishin~ Special Permit Fees Page 3 AugustS, 1995 rights-of-way traversed by collection vehicles, and the administrative costs associated with fulfilling AB 939 mandates, The contractor (in this situation) is also providing daily service within the City of Po way, and similar costs are incurred by the City that are associated with this daily operation, For these reasons the recommended fee for this special permit is five percent (5%) of the special permittee's gross receipts for that portion of the contract with the governmental entity for services rendered within the Poway City limits, The Poway Unified School District is the only governmental agency at this time that utilizes the transportation and collection services of a contractor other than the City's exclusive franchisee; that contractor would therefore be subject to this fee, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TItis action is not subject to CEQA review, FISCAL IMPACT Adoption of the proposed resolution would result in increased revenues to the City for each permit issued, The revenue would be used to offset costs incurred by the City in carrying out state and local solid waste regulations and diversion requirements, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Copies of the staff report and proposed resolution have been provided to Coast Waste Management, Poway Unified School District. and Mashburn Waste and Recycling Services. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution establishing special permit fees for the collection of solid waste and recyclables, and Rescind Resolution No, 90-227, Attachments: (I) Proposed Resolution AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 11 , AUG 8 1995 ITEM 9 I 4 of 6 . "- -- RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POW A Y, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING SPECIAL PERMIT FEES FOR THE COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABLES, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO, 90-227 WHEREAS, Chapter 8.68 of the Poway Municipal Code states that no residential occupant and commercial occupant shall enter into an agreement for residential solid waste collection services or commercial solid waste collection services with a person other than the franchisee having the exclusive franchise for collecting solid waste, recyclables, yard waste and other compostables, except as otherwise specified; and WHEREAS, Chapter 8,68 of the Poway Municipal Code further specifies that no person shall provide any solid waste collection or transportation services for which a special permit is required by the Poway Municipal Code without first obtaining a special permit; and WHEREAS, the fee for such special permit shall be determined by resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the fee established for each category of service provision delineated in Section 8,68,540 of the Poway Municipal Code shall serve to offset the City's administrative costs associated with: . processing the permit application; . ensuring compliance with all applicable provisions of the Poway Municipal Code; . implementation of AB 939 mandates, including the compilation of solid waste collection and diversion data from each category of special permittee, and reporting of that data to the California Integrated Waste Management Board; and . providing educational materials and support regarding solid waste management; and WHEREAS, the fee established for each category of service provision delineated in Section 8,68,540 of the Poway Municipal Code shall further serve to offset the City of Po way's - costs associated with the maintenance and repair of public streets and rights-of-way traversed by the vehicles of each category of special permittee when performing operations in the Poway City limits, AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 11 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 9 .., 5 of 6 Resolution No, 95- Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: Section I: Resolution No. 90-227 is hereby rescinded, Section 2: The fee for a special permit to provide solid waste collection or transportation services in the City of Poway shall be as follows: a) The fee for a special permittee providing service pursuant to Section 8,68.420 of the Poway Municipal Code shall be $50 for up to ten (10) consecutive days of service provided during the one-year term. An additional $50 fee shall be required for each additional period of special service of ten (10) days (or fraction thereof), b) The fee for a special permittee providing service pursuant to Section 8,68.430 of the Poway Municipal Code shall be $500 plus $50 per commercial account per year, The number of accounts shall be verified by the City at the beginning of each permitted year, c) The fee for a special permittee providing service pursuant to Section 8,68,440 of the Poway Municipal Code shall be established by the City Manager at the time of issuance. d) The fee for a special permittee providing service pursuant to Section 8,68.610 of the Poway Municipal Code shall be five percent (5%) of gross receipts received for that portion of the special permittee's contract which serves locations within the Poway City limits, Payment shall be rendered to the City of Poway on a quarterly basis during the one-year term of the special permit, e) Special permits issued under b), c), and d) shall be reviewed on a fiscal year basis, PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Po way, California at a regular meeting thereof this 8 day of August, 1995, Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 11 AUG 8 1995 ITEM 9 ! 6 of 6 ;J~~ s-- ---~ --9-.>/ ~ - .. 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CA~L~e"'D CA.L1FC~~A GLJ'~ 8'j~;" , " , , . ~ , ,': ,".ugUSt 8 1995 Kallay WIlliam" Director of Public Services ('ilV of POIA ay 80" 789 POlAay, CA 92064 RE: RESOLl:T10N ESTABLISHING SPECIAL PER.MIT HE FOR COLLECTlO,'Ij OF SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLABL.ES Dear Randy, Wtllle Ihere may b~ .11 logical reason for implementing a fee for administering >pecl~1 p~rmlt. for sl,lid Voaste and recycling collection, and I'oe dilfer in the lleces;lly of requirj",;, " a' 1!! :~< - manner on ....hlch the fee is being ba.ed on for the Poway Umfled School Dlsrfld vr', , " oommercul a,counts in not fair In Our opinion COmrr.~rclal arcounts are required to pay $5GO plus $50 p"r y..ar The Powav School ['''lIlCt is no dIfferent than a commerCial account The District i; btlled as one aCCOllnt fur CO'Tlrllcr,:'ai 'd"se and recycling services with the services verified annually, Providing Information regard,"~ the t0nna~es generated in lra~h or recyclable~ to meet the State reponing requirements '"n be p; v"dd by Coast Waste Management as needed annually if requested frOm 111" UI>lrict Vie ..k the Council (0 revi..w our request for the District to be charged under the ,""1< '''',Mt'r In wt,i~h a commerCial business is charged RC7fulll c:: ~' ? , ~ ""'= /<!fI~? - Conr.d B P"wc:lski Pr"sldellt/Gentral Manager cc Ron Wise, Puv..y Un' tied School DI>tl1cl ,- AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 11 I '1 AUG 8 1995 ITEM ~'..1 oil :.,;. c :::.;. c...; '!' :)", l'" :) c'_'.... ~ !;IS"!" 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