Item 12 - Approval of Minutes - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Ma~ _~ INITIATED BY: John 0, Fitch, Assistant City Manager~tt DATE: Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk U August 22, 1995 SUBJECf: 'Approval of Minutes ABSTRACf The Minutes of the August 1,1995 regular meeting and August 3, 1995 adjourned regular meeting have been prepared and are attached for your approval, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. , FISCAL IMPACf None ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Council approve the minutes of the Poway City Council meetings of August 1 and 3, 1995. ACfION - II e: \c1ty .g' It e tye rlr.\lg.ndl\minutls.sum AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 -I CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA "INUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR "EETING AUGUST 1, 1995 The August 1, 1995, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 7:00 p,m" by Mayor Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California, COUNCIL"E"BERS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna, Susan Callery, Bob Emery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson STAFF "E"BERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Manager Peggy Stewart Director of Administrative Services Bob Thomas Director of Community Services Reba Wright-Quastler Director of Planning Services Randy Williams Director of Public Services Warren Shafer Director of Redevelopment Services Mark Sanchez Director of Safety Services Brad Kutzner Senior Civil Engineer Penny Ri 1 ey Senior Management Analyst PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Callery led the Pledge of Allegiance, PUBLIC ORAL CO""UNICATIONS Mayor Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications, The following persons were present wishing to speak: Peggy Collette, 13969 Bernadotte Lane, stated she bel ieves that the current rates charged by Mashburn are introductory rates and will increase over time, Elvira Walker, 14830 High Valley Road, stated the planned High Valley Road improvements wi 11 take too much of thei r property and wi 11 create hazardous conditions at their driveway, City Manager Bowersox stated staff will report back regarding this issue, Bill Barnick, 14645 Sunrise Canyon Road, stated the evening library hours need to be increased, He also stated the qual i ty of work in hi s Landscape Maintenance District is poor and wants some input to get the benefit of the assessment he is paying. 5575 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 "I - -- - Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 Jim Marmack, Sheriff's Commander, thanked the City Council for support to him and the Poway Sheriff's Substation during his tenure as Poway's Sheriff Captain, CONSENT CALENDAR City Manager Bowersox stated Item 30, Temporary Use Permit for Chabad of Poway, is being removed from the calendar, Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Cafagna to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: 18, Approval of Minutes - City Council June 27, 1995, Regular Meeting 20, Ratification of Warrant Registers for period of July 3-7, July 10-14,1995, (401-10) 21. Denial of claim for damages: Jeanna and Jacob Arellano (704-13) 22, Approval of City's Investment Report as of June 30, 1995. (408-01) 23, Adoption of Resolution No, P-95-38, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Approving Comprehensive Sign - Program 78-14M, Assessor's Parcel Number 317-101-42,", Li ve 1 y Center, 13200 block of Poway Road, Northern Automotive Corporation, applicant, (203-15) 24, Approval of Standard Consultant Agreement with Jose Olivas for part-time Fire Inspector, (602-01 #1091) 25, Acceptance of Orange Blossom Storm Drain from Western Pacific Construction, (1421) (602-01 #1064) 26, Appropri at i on of S 11,800 from the Recovery of Stolen Property (Asset Forfeiture) account and authorization to purchase computer equipment for law enforcement use, (401-17) 27, Approval of the purchase of a Root Pruner from Vermeer California, in the amount of S14,137,91, (601-03) 28, Approval of annexations to the Sewer Improvement District: adoption of Resolution No, 95-083, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway Annexing Territory to the Sewer Improvement District of the City of Poway - Jerry Webster Annexation", 13612 Sagewood Drive; adoption of Resolution No, 95-0B4, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway Annexing Territory to the Sewer Improvement District of the City of Poway - M,T, Mojaverhossini Annexation", 15066 Huntington Gate Drive; adoption of Resolution No, 95-085, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway Annexing Territory to the Sewer 5576 AUG 22 1995 ITEM 12 I Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 Improvement District of the City of Poway - Michelle Randazzo Annexation", 13843 San Sebastian Way; and adopt i on of Reso 1 ut i on No, 95-086, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway Annexing Territory to the Sewer Improvement District of the City of Poway - Martin and Mary Bloom Annexation", 15176 Huntington Gate Drive, (1170-11 ) 29, Award of bid for the annual supply of chemicals for use at the Filtration Plant to: 1) Rhone Poulenc for alum in the amount of $21,762; 2) Jones Chemi ca 1 for liquid chlorine in the amount of $17,660; 3) Commerce Chemi ca 1 for potassium permanganate in the amount of $8,184,; and 4) Commerce Chemical for sodium hydroxide in the amount of $23,378,(601-03) 30, Removed from calendar Minor Development Review 95-32 and Temporary Use Permi t 95-50, Chabad of Poway, applicant: a request to permit the temporary placement of three modular buildings for a period of one year to house the synagogue and pre-school for a maximum of 50 children; located at 16580 Espola Road, (203-10) 31. Approval of the fi sca 1 year 1995-96 budget of $23,285 for the Poway Visitor Enhancement Program to be administered through the Chamber of Commerce, (1180-05 ) 32. Adopt i on of Reso 1 ut i on No, 95-087 ent i t 1 ed, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Authorizing the City to enter into a Lease Purchase Agreement with Southland Industries," and authorize the City Manager to execute all related financing documents for lease/purchase of energy retrofit equipment, (602-01 #1060) 33, Award of bid for the Glen Oak Paving Project to Asphalt, Inc" in the amount of 43,120, and acceptance of withdrawal by apparent low bidder, Southpaw Construction (5279), (602-01, #235R) 34, Approval of extension of contract with McDougal, Love, Eckis & Grindle for City Attorney services for 1995-96, (602-01 #259) 35, Approval of the following positions on pending legislation: oppose AB 1949, wh i ch woul d 1 imit cit i es to fi ve percent retent i on payments on public works projects from contractors; oppose SB 646 which, in the case of a bankruptcy, would allow existing alcohol licensed locations to retain for 12 months the option of having a new replacement licensee issued for the premi ses; and support SB 561 which would give police chiefs the ability to notify the necessary individuals of the impending release of a violent felon, (701-11) Motion carried unanimously, 5577 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 - ,- Page 4 " CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 ITEM 5 ( 401-27) 1995-96 ASSESSMENTS LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 87-1 Item introduced by City Manager Bowersox. Staff report by Director of Public Services Williams, Staff proposes to add to the LMD 57 acres that are currently in the South Poway Business Park Land Development Area (LDA) and being maintained by them, The property owners will then have one assessment rather than two for landscape maintenance, The assessments are proposed to be $790,00 per net acre for Parkway Business Centre and Poway Corporate Center; $1,246,21 per net acre for Pomerado Business Park, Phases I and II and Rolling Hills Estates commercial area; and $311.58 per unit for Rolling Hills Estates residential area, There is currently 45,3% protest to this change, 40% of which is CF Poway. In response to query from Councilmember Emery, Director Williams stated that if the City Council does not approve staff's recommendation, the LMD assessments will remain the same as they were last year, Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Nev i 11 e Bothwe 11 , 12900 Brookpri nter Pl ace, stated the LDA Board was involved in this proposal and that it address the City's concerns that the landscaping would not be maintained in light of the financial difficulties in the Business Park, ,- Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Rexford to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No, 95-088, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Establishing Assessments for Landscape Maintenance District 87-1 to be Collected on the Property Roll for Fiscal Year 1995/96," Motion carried 4-0 with Council member Cafagna voting "no." ITEM 6 (401-27) 1995-96 ASSESSMENTS POWAY LIGHTING DISTRICT Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, Assessments for the Lighting District are proposed to remain at the current rate of $15,00 per benefit unit for Zone A, $3,75 for Zone B, and $13,58 for Zone C. Approximately 1,600 parcels have been redesignated into the proper zone according to benefit or non-benefit received from street lighting, Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Ed Harmon, 12624 Oak Kno 11 Road, stated he received notice that the assessment for an apartment complex he owns will go from $675,88 to $1,114,62 as he is moved from Zone B to Zone A, City Manager Bowersox explained the audit that was done to determine whether or not properties were in the proper zone and stated he will meet with Mr, Harmon, 5578 ~UG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 Page 5 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Callery to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No, 95-089, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Establishing Assessments for the Poway Lighting District to be collected on the Property Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 1995/96," Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 7 (701-04) ORDINANCE NO, 448/SECOND READING REGULATING SOLID WASTE SERVICES Mayor Higginson read the title of Ordinance No, 448, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, Cal ifornia, Repealing Chapter 8.68 of the Poway Municipal Code Regulating Solid Waste, Recyclables, Yard Waste, and Other Compostable Materials Handling Services," City Manager Bowersox stated that staff has made an amendment to Section 8,68.400, specifically excluding medical waste collection from the franchise requirements, The City Attorney has recommended that this be first reading on the amended ordinance and that this item be continued for second reading, Speaking in opposition to the Ordinance: Connie Griffin, 12655 Gate Drive Peggy Collette, 13969 Bernadotte Lane Don McKelvey, 13857 York Avenue Speakers talked about notices that Mashburn gives when the wrong material is placed in a recycling bin and stated this is too much government, Councilmembers discussed Assembly Bill 939 that requires all jurisdictions to reduce their waste stream by 25% by the end of this year and by 50% by 2000, The franchise is written to make the franchisee responsible for any fines levied against the City for failing to meet recycling goals, Motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Rexford to hold first reading on Ordinance No, 448 and set second reading for August 8, 1995. Motion carried unanimously, ITEM 8 (704-10) DECLARING A PUBLIC NUISANCE 13136 RIDGEDALE DRIVE Mayor Higginson opened the public hearing, Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, Staff requests that this public hearing to determine whether the junk accumulated at 13136 Ridgedale Drive is a nuisance be continued for two weeks, There was no one present wishing to speak, 5579 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 ,., - -- _.,"- Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 Motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Rexford to continue this public hearing to August 15, 1995, Motion carried unanimously, ITEM 9 (203-01) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 89-06jCARRIAGE ROAD TOWNHOMES REMOVAL OF CONDITION FOR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY Mayor Higginson opened the publ ic hearing, Sta ff report by City Manager Bowersox, The developer has requested the deletion of a condition requiring the installation of a pedestrian walkway connecting La Venta Drive and the Carriage Road Townhomes project, When this project was approved it was envisioned that the walkway would go along the eastern edge of the project to Poway Road, however it is not possible to use this alignment and a walkway would necessarily have to utilize the project's parking lot and driveway. Staff recommends approval of the amendment. Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Bi 11 Rickles, 13725 Utopia Road, representing the Southwest Poway Homeowners Association Larry Cruse, 13734 Utopia Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Joseph Hory, 12826 Carriage Heights Way, representing the Homeowners Association Board of Directors, He stated they do not want the liability or ~ responsibility for maintenance of a public walkway. ,\- Rich diPietro, III lOth Street, Del Mar, project developer Counc il di scussed the des i re to have pedestri an walkways and the 1 i abi 1 i ty issues. Motion by Councilmember Callery, seconded by Councilmember Emery to continue this public hearing to August 8, 1995 and requested staff prepare a report giving the historical perspect i ve of thi s project and the 1 i abil ity issues, Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Rexford requested staff visit the site with her, ITEM 10 (401-27) 1995-96 TAX ROLL WEED ABATEMENT/NUISANCE ABATEMENT CHARGES Mayor Higginson opened the publ ic hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This recommended action will reimburse the City for any costs incurred for weed abatement and public nuisances via the 1995-96 tax rolls, There is a $60,00 administration fee added. There was no one present wishing to speak, 5580 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 Page 7 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Callery to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No, 95-090, entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California approving the Report Prepared for Collection of Weed Abatement, and Nuisance Abatement Charges on the County Tax Assessor's Roll for the Year 1995-96," Motion carried unanimously, ITEM 13 (203-10) MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-31/MINI-PARK APPLI CANT: IGLESIA NI CRISTO Item introduced by City Manager Bowersox, Staff report by Director of Planning Services Wright-Quastler. In 1983 the Iglesia ni Cristo church was granted a conditional use permit approving the establishment of a church on a 3,2 gross acre lot located at the terminus of Elm Park Lane and extending west to Silver Lake Drive, The site is overlaid by an open space easement which was recorded in February, 1971 as a means of assuri ng that a recreat i ona 1 use woul d be preserved for the long-term benefit and use of the surrounding residents, CUP 83-01 specified a location for a public mini-park which was required to be constructed prior to the occupancy of the site by the church, The park site was in the northwest corner of the lower portion of the property, fronting Silver Lake Drive, but was never constructed. It has been proposed that the park be moved to the southwest side of the property, allowing the church to consolidate the rest of its property into one contiguous area. The proposed park design is the product of two neighborhood meetings, However, a subsequent meeting has resulted in a revised recommendation that the basketball hoop and backboard be removed, the walkway be moved to the northern side and a double-sided solid wood fence be constructed on the south boundary of the park, Mayor Higginson stated two mistakes he feels the City Council has made in the past in response to neighborhood input was eliminating the courts in Valle Verde Park and not lighting Hilleary Park, He cannot support deleting the basketball court. Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: Cathy Francis, 12724 Robison Blvd" objected to a park behind her home, Curtis Johnson, 13006 Via del Toro, stated his mother lives on Robison and the park should not be moved to the south portion of the property, Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Jay Kawamoto, 12706 Robi son, requested a block wall on the southern boundary of the park and a chain link fence on the western boundary with a gate where the walkway connects with Silver Lake, on the northern portion of the park, He also suggested staff contact General Dynamics regarding park equipment in Missile Park which is being closed, He cited opposition to a basketball court because of the noise, Jeff Bertino, 13340 Silver Lake Drive Alice Arnold, 12745 Elm Park Lane, apologized to the church for a flyer 5581 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 ~I - - - Page 8 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 that was circulated in the neighborhood regarding opposition to a new church, Melvin Moore, 13344 Carriage Road Mark Hawkins, 13352 Silver Lake, stated the neighborhood is trying to do some fund raising for park equipment and requested a letter from the City Council that they can use in the effort to show it is a legitimate project, Following discussion, motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Mayor Higginson to adopt Planning Resolution P-95-39 amended to include a block wall on the southern boundary, relocation of the walkway to the northern side, a basketball half-court, a chain 1 ink fence on the western boundary wi th a gate at the walkway, Motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Callery voting "no," because of her feeling that the basketball court should be eliminated if that's what the neighborhood wants, RECESS AND CALL TO ORDER Mayor Higginson recessed the meeting at 9:15 p,m, and called it back to order at 9:30 p,m. with all Councilmembers present. ITEM 11 704-02) NOTICE OF VIOLATION DAVID AND MARILYN GILLESPIE 14875 MINA DE ORO ROAD Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, On July 11, the City Council directed that the notice of violation be filed unless the application for the Conditional Use Permit, which was initiated in May, 1994, was completed within two weeks. On July 25, Mrs. Gillispie submi tted much of the additional information, However, there is an additional vi 01 at ion in that a horse rental business, operated by a Mr, & Mrs, Sull i van, has been establ i shed on the southwestern portion of the lot in newly erected structures for which no building permits have been issued, Staff recommends that the notice of violation be filed if the Sullivan Stables have not been moved to the main stable area by August 4 or if progress toward resolution stalls at any time before full resolution of all violations has been reached, Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Nancy Webb, 14825 Mina de Oro Motion by Councilmember Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Emery to adopt staff reconvnendation. Motion carried unanimously, ITEM 12 (602-01 #1022) POWAY-MIDLAND RAILROAD OPERATING SCHEDULE Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, On September 13, 1994, the City Council 5582 lUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 Page 9 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 approved an operating schedule for the operation of the rolling stock by the Poway-Midland Ra il road Volunteers at Old Poway Park, The Volunteers are requesting additional hours and staff recommends the request be denied and the current schedule be maintained, Speaking in opposition to staff recommendation: John Ohler, 729 Cody Lane, Escondido, President of the Volunteers Robert Miles, 4580 Ohio Street, San Diego, a railroad volunteer Lisa Lucidi, 13260 Glen Circle Road, operator of the Hamburger Factory in 01 d Poway Park Ed Shipper, 13738 Fairgate, a railroad volunteer Beth Shipper, 13738 Fairgate Chuck Cross, 13514 Mora Circle, a railroad volunteer Richard Childs, 2758 Kauana Loa, Escondido, the Volunteer's chief mechanical officer Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Carman Steven, 14134 Sycamore Avenue William Holgren, 14152 Sycamore Avenue Dr. Stan Moore, 14126 Sycamore Avenue Council concurred the train is a wonderful thing and adds a great flavor to Poway, however it is in the front yard of the Sycamore Avenue residents which creates problems, Mot i on by Counc il member Emery, seconded by Counc il member Rexford to deny the request for additional hours, Motion carried unanimously, Motion by Councilmember Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Rexford for staff to start investigating the possibility of purchasing the residences on Sycamore Avenue. Motion carried 3-2 with Mayor Higginson and Councilmember Emery voting IIno." Mayor Higginson requested staff to report back regarding the revenue the Volunteers could have expected from the additional hours they requested, ITEM 14 (706-02 ) COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS 1 AND 88-1 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, The City has been notified by the Tax Collector's Office that certain property owners in Community Facilities District No, 1 (CF Poway) and Community Facilities District No, 88-1 (Parkway Business Centre) are delinquent in their first and second installments of special taxes for 1994-95, Staff recommends a draw on the reserves to cover the debt service payments of $1,436,366,25 and $1,745,020,00, respectively, Mot i on by Counc i 1 member Emery, seconded by Mayor Higginson to authorize the recommended draws for payment of debt service due on August 2 and August 8, 1995. Motion carried unanimously, 5583 ~UG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 - - "- Page 10 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 ITEM 15 (1180-08 ) BUSINESS SURVEY TOPIC AREAS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. SANDAG has submitted estimates to conduct a survey of the business certificate holders similar to the one done in 1988, Staff is recommending topic areas for the survey and, with Council authorization, will proceed with the development of a draft questionnaire, Motion by Mayor Higginson, seconded by Councilmember Callery to direct staff to enter into a contract with SANDAG to conduct a survey of all businesses that have business certificates, approximately 1,000, and proceed with the development of a draft questionnaire, Motion carried unanimously, ITEM 16 (602-01 #1095) SOUTH POWAY BUSINESS PARK LAND USE MARKET AND FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS Councilmember Cafagna stated he would disqualify himself from this item since London Group Realty is one of his tenants, He left the room. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, On March 21, 1995, the City Counc i1 agreed to consider alternate land uses, except residential, for the South Poway Bus i ness Parle Staff recommends retaining a real estate marketing firm to better understand what options exist and their market possibilities. This will enable the City to better evaluate any proposal received for alternate land uses, Motion by Councilmember Rexford, seconded by Councilmember Callery to approve retaining the London Group Realty Advisors, Inc. for the preparation of a land use market and feasibility analysis for the South Poway Business Park, Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Cafagna disqualified, (Councilmember Cafagna re-entered the meeting) ITEM 17 (1504-10) INVESTIGATION OF OFFICER-INVOLVED SHOOTINGS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, On June 17, 1995, a Deputy Sheri ff assigned to the Poway Station shot and killed a suspect, The City Council has received a petition requesting a City investigation, The City is not empowered to conduct an independent investigation, however there are agencies other than the Sheriff's Department that do conduct such an investigation. Staff recommends the City Council receive and file the report, The Council concurred with staff's recommendation, - 5584 .UG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 Page 11 - CITY OF POWAY - August 1, 1995 ITEM 17,1 (1110-01, 602-01 #1097) SCRIPPS POWAY PARKWAY EAST FUNDING STATUS COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT Staff report by City Manager Bowersox, The Scripps Poway Parkway is progressing to a probable construction start in early October, Recent State budget cutbacks have reduced the expected revenue available for the project, however staff estimates that the remainin9 funding may still be adequate to construct the Parkway, A Util ity Relocation Agreement with the San Di ego County Water Authority is required for a portion of the work. Mot i on by Mayor Higgi nson, seconded by Counc i 1 member Call ery to approve the Util ity Relocation Agreement and receive and file the report on the funding status of Scripps Poway Parkway East, Motion carried unanimously, CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS City Attorney Ecki s requested a closed session for Conference wi th Labor Negotiator, the City Manager, regarding the Poway Firefighters' Association pursuant to Government Code ~54957,6, CLOSED SESSION Mayor Higginson called for a closed session at 10:20 p.m, as requested by the City Attorney, CALL TO ORDER AND ADJOURNMENT Mayor Higginson called the meeting back to order at 11:20 p,m, and adjourned the meet i ng to Thursday, August 3, 1995, 5:00 P,M. on mot i on by Counc il member Cafagna, seconded by Councilmember Rexford, MarJorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 5585 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 1 - - CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 3, 1995 The August 3, 1995 meet i ng, adjourned from the August I, 1995 regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, was called to order at 5:10 p,m" by Mayor Higginson at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California, COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Susan Callery, Bob Emery, Betty Rexford, Don Higginson COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Mickey Cafagna STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT James Bowersox City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney Penny Ri 1 ey Senior Management Analyst PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Higginson explained the procedure for Public Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak, ITEM 3 (203-18) PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE APPlI CANT: LORETTA MINET 14221 MIDLAND ROAD TO BED & BREAKFAST The applicant was not able to be present at this meeting, The item wi 11 be placed on a future agenda, ITEM 4 (202-01) GOALS & OBJECTIVES City Manager Bowersox stated this is the City Council's annual review of the status of the current goals and objectives in order to begin developing ones for inclusion in the 1995-96 budget, Councilmember Emery requested inclusion of a block wall in Goal X(l) , improvements to west side of Pomerado Road between Glen Oak and 9th streets, Under Goal XIV, Technology, he requested on-line access for the community to the -, City Council agendas, Council concurred to use PEG funds for this project, 5586 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY - August 3, 1995 Under XIII, Solid Waste and Recycling, he requested recycling containers at public facilities and events, Council member Callery requested under Goal XII(2), Blue Sky Ranch Ecological Reserve, that we look at how the interpretative position can be continued, She also cited a need for an additional Code Enforcement Officer for the City, Councilmember Rexford under Goal V(7), Manufacturing Outlet Center, asked if staff had followed up with the center that was planned in Escondido and then denied, She also asked the status of Goal V(8), Palomar College Campus, since she understood they are looking at property on Pomerado Road again, City Manager Bowersox suggested a representative of the college come and made a presentation to the City Council at a workshop, Under Goal VI, Housing, she asked if we are taking advantage of State funding available for first time homebuyers, Staff will report back regarding what we are doing in that area. Jerry Hargarten, 13622 Orchard Gate Road, President of the Green Valley Civic Association and past member of the Budget Review Committee, stated he supports setting goals, however he cautioned the Council to keep in mind the costs and suggested the goals need to be more specific and quantified. He stated that Poway Road Specific Plan needs to be adopted and implemented to stop the decline of Poway's retail center, Susan Sheldon, 13411 Starridge, member of the Friends of the Library, under Goal VII (1), Upgrade Library Facility and Services, asked that it include identification of operating money sources, She stated that the Friends are ready to work on fund raising, City Manager Bowersox stated staff wi 11 incl ude these comments in a dra ft document for the Council to review on an upcoming agenda, ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Callery, Mayor Higginson ordered the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p,m. Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 5587 ~UG 2 2 1995 ITEM 12 ~