Item 20 - Purchase of Replacement Backhoe ,-- - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY -TO: Honorable Mayor and Members or the City ConneD FROM: James 1,. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIAlED BY: John D, Flteh, Assistant City Manager~i~ James R. WDliams, Dlreetor or Pnblie serviee:N..6L Douglas R. Hlll1ker, Water Utlllties Manager Brad Voorhees, Utilities Operations Supervisor <5/ DAlE: August 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Purehase or Replaeement Baekhoe ABSTRACT The City has budgeted for the replacement of its Case 580L Backhoe in FY 95196. The City of San Diego and Contractors Equipment Company of San Marcos have agreed to allow the City of Poway to "piggy- back" on City of San Diego's bid C4574/95 for several Case 580L Backhoes in order that Poway may take advantage of the quantity price. The total cost is $54,472, delivered It is recommended that the City COllllcil authorize the purchase of this backhoe through the City of San Diego's bid Total amount of award is $54,472. , ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Sufficient fimds are available for this purchase in FY 95/96 acCOllllt 0108-6106. ADDmONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRFSPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that the City Council authorize staff to purchase this Case 580L Backhoe from Contractors Equipment Company via the City of San Diego's bid C4574/95. ACTION - II 10f3 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 20 ~AGENDA REPOR'I CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public ~eque~t It to be removed fr~m t~e ~onsenl Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for dlScusslon, pl,ease flll out a slip Indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Joh. D. F;<oh. ......., C;<y M_ '1,1; ~ James R, Williams, Director of Public Services Douglas R, Hilliker, Water Utilities Manager Brad Voorhees, Utilities Operations Supervisor.6'V DATE: August 22, 1995 .sUBJECT: Purchase of Replacement Backhoe BACKGROUND This year the City will replace its Case 580L Backhoe, The cost for replacing this equipment is $54,472, It is recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of this equipment. FINDINGS The Public Services Department will be replacing its Case 580L Backhoe. The market value of this equipment requires that the formal sealed bid process be followed prior to making the purchase, This year the City of San Diego received bids for three Case 580L Backhoes and will permit the City of Poway to "piggyback" on their bid in order to take advantage of the quantity price. Total cost for the purchase of the 580L through the City of San Diego bid will be $54,472, This price is thought to be substantially lower than the cost of purchasing one (I) backhoe independently, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. ACTION: 2 of 3 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 20 - - - AGENDA REPORT Purchase of Replacement Backhoe August 4, 1995 Page 2 FISCAL IMP ACT Sufficient funds are available for this purchase in FY 95/96 account 0 I 08-61 06. ADDmONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council waive the formal bid requirement and authorize staff to purchase the Case 580L Backhoe from Contractors Equipment Company for $54,472 by taking advantage of the City of San Diego's bid C4574/95, - - 30f3 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 20 ,