Item 21 - Proposed Resolution Approving Application for Grant Funds - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Managert:tJf. James R, Williams, P,E" Director of Public Services ~ Annette R, Gonzalez, Sr. Management Analyst{ffr DATE: August 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution Approving the Application for Grant Funds from the California Department of Conservation to Establish an Outdoor Beverage Container Recycling Program at Designated Parks and Bus Stops to Increase Beverage Container Recycling and Increase Community Outreach Efforts ABSTRACT Grant funds are available through the California Department of Conservation for the purpose of increasing postconsumer beverage container materials and increasing beverage container recycling, Staff has prepared an application for funding in the amount of $38,000 to purchase recycling - receptacles and signs (made from recycled content) and establish an outdoor beverage container recycling program at designated City parks and bus stops. Staff recommends adoption of the proposed resolution approving the application and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to secure the grant funds and implement the project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT If the grant is approved, the City will be reimbursed up to $38,000 for implementation of the project, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution. ACTION 1 of 5 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 21 AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James 1. Bowersox, City M~ INITIATED BY: John D, Fitch, Assistant City Manager~;~ ~ James R, Williams, P,E., Director ofPuD ic Services Annette R. Gonzalez, Sr, Management Analyst~ DATE: August 22,1995 SUBJECT: Proposed Resolution Approving the Application for Grant Funds from the California Department of Conservation to Establish an Outdoor Beverage Container Recycling Program at Designated Parks and Bus Stops to Increase Beverage Container Recycling and Increase Community Outreach Efforts. BACKGROUND Under the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act (Act), a minimum redemption value is assigned to every plastic, glass and aluminum beverage container labeled "California Redemption Value" or "California Refund Value" (CRV), Beverage distributors make a payment equal to the redemption value into a fund that supports the California Beverage Container Recycling Program, Subject to the availability of funds, $2 million is available for grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies, The funds are set aside for this purpose pursuant to Section 14580 of the Act, The California Department of Conservation (DOC) is soliciting proposals for the purpose of creating jobs and stimulating economic development through the development of markets for postconsumer beverage container materials and increasing beverage container recycling through collection, community outreach, education programs or litter reduction, Of the $2 million available in the 1995/96 fiscal year, $1.5 million has been reserved for this purpose, ACTION: ~UG 2 2 1995 ITEM 21 t 2 nf 5 - - - Resolution Approving DOC Grant Application August 22,1995 Page 2 All grant applications accepted will remain in consideration for award eligibility for the entire 1995/96 fiscal year, Applications received by August 31, 1995 will be notified of award eligibility in January, 1996. FINDINGS The City currently conducts residential and commercial recycling programs, as well as a mixed paper and white paper recycling program in City offices. There is an opportunity to expand the City's recycling and community outreach efforts by establishing a beverage container recycling program at outdoor public areas where citizens are most likely to possess and have the need to discard empty beverage containers. Presently, there are no recycling receptacles available at heavily utilized public outdoor facilities in the City, Consequently, recyclable materials are routinely disposed of with other refuse, Staff has prepared an application for funding in the amount of $38,000 to purchase recycling receptacles and signs made of recycled content to be visibly placed at designated City parks and bus stops for the collection of used aluminum, glass and plastic beverage containers, These are locations where citizens are most likely to possess and have the need to discard empty beverage containers, This project will serve to increase beverage container recycling and reduce littering at designated public locations by making it convenient for citizens to separate and recycle their empty containers. The more convenient and accessible recycling receptacles are, the more citizens will be willing to separate their recyclable materials, And when the separation of recyclable beverage containers becomes more "routine", recycling will increase, This project will also be a form of community outreach to citizens, By making recycling available to a large segment of the population the City will be relaying a message that it is doing its part to help reduce the amount of waste going into the landfill and preserve the environment. By actively and visibly promoting recycling in the Community the City is asserting that recycling can easily become a part of everyone's daily activities outside of the home as well as at home. ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review, - ~UG 2 2 1995 ITEM 21 3 of 5 Resolution Approving DOC Grant Application August 22, 1995 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT If the grant is awarded, the City will appropriate funds to implement the project and the grant will reimburse the City up to $38,000. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the proposed resolution approving the application and authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to secure the grant funds and implement the project. Attachments; I. Proposed Resolution 4 of 5 ITEM AUG 2 2 1995 21 - - - RESOLUTION NO, 95. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POW A Y, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION TO ESTABLISH AN OUTDOOR BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING PROGRAM AT DESIGNATED CITY PARKS AND BUS STOPS TO INCREASE BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING AND INCREASE COMMUNITY OUTREACH EFFORTS. WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act which assigns a minimum redemption value to every plastic, glass and aluminum beverage container labeled "California Redemption Value" and requires beverage distributors make a payment equal to the redemption value into a fund that supports the California Beverage Container Recycling Program; and WHEREAS, funds are available for grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies for the pUlpose of creating jobs and stimulating economic development through the development of markets for postconsumer beverage container materials and increasing beverage container recycling through collection, community outreach, education programs or litter reduction; and - WHEREAS, the California Department of Conservation, Recycling Division, is administering the grant program and is soliciting proposals for eligible activities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Po way authorizes the submittal of an application to the California Department of Conservation for grant funding to establish an Outdoor Beverage Container Recycling Program at designated City parks and bus stops to increase beverage container recycling and increase community outreach efforts. The City Manager ofthe City of Po way is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the City of Po way all necessary applications, contracts, agreements and amendments hereto for the pUlposes of securing grant funds and to implement and carry out the purposes specified in the grant application, PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Po way at a regular meeting thereof this 22nd day of August, 1995, Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: -- Marjorie K, Wahlsten, City Clerk 5 of 5 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 21 .