Item 21A - Status Report on Pending Legislation - F~ f-c2/"fS- AGENDA "",-PORT SUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - James L. Bowersox, City Man~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ . Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys DATE: August 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Status Report on Pending Legislation ABSTRACT On August 17, 1995, the City of Poway received a letter from Michael Bixler, Chairman of the SANDAG Board of Directors, urging the City of Poway to oppose House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Bud Shuster's outline for the House National Highway System (NHS) Bill (Attachment A). This report details the local impact of the legislation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action does not constitute a project, Therefore, environmental review is not - required. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this informational report; however, approval of the Shuster proposal could impact funding for completion of much needed regional transportation links. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham and Congressman Bob Filner, member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, will be notified of the City's opposition to this legislation. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council oppose the proposed outline by Congressman Shuster for the House National Highway System (NHS) Bill and direct staff to notify the appropriate legislative members and committees. ACTION - L 1 of 5 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 214. ! AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to llpproval by the City Council unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. . TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L, Bowersox, City Man~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys DATE: August 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Status Report on Pending Legislation BACKGROUND On August 17, 1995, the City of Poway received a letter from Michael Bixler, Chairman of the SANDAG Board of Directors, urging the City of Poway to oppose House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Bud Shuster's outline for the House National Highway System (NHS) Bill (Attachment A), FINDINGS House National HiQhwav Svstem CNHS) Bill - Shuster ProDosal Congressman Shuster has developed an outline for the House National Highway System (NHS) Bill which would implement a 20% across-the-board reduction in FY 1996 ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act 1991) program authorizations. This proposal would allow states to transfer funds which have not already been obligated or spent, The impact on federal highway funds would be the loss of all program category identifications (i,e.CMAQ and STP), Additionally, the funds would no longer be subject to the ISTEA requirements for suballocation to metropolitan areas. This proposal would give the sole decision-making authority to the state to reprogram funds. SANDAG is strongly opposed to this proposal as it would effectively remove local decision making from the allocation process for federal highway funds, This proposal could impact funds programmed by SANDAG, and allocated to projects of regional importance such as funding for SR 52 and SR 56 in additional to the items specified in Attachment A. It is recommended that the City Council oppose the NHS Bill as currently proposed. ACTION: )J 2 of 5 AUG 2 2 1995 ITEM 21,.9... . ~~..... . uw -, - - Agenda Report Pending Legislation August 22. 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action does not constitute a project, Therefore, environmental review is not required. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this informational report; however, approval of the Shuster proposal could impact funding for completion of much needed regional transportation links. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham and Congressman Bob Filner, member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, will be notified of the City's opposition to this legislation, RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council oppose the proposed outline by Congressman Shuster for the House National Highway System (NHS) Bill and direct staff to notify the appropriate legislative members and committees, Attachment A. Letter from SANDAG par\data\report\pnl.g822.95 - 3 of 5 lllr. 2 2 me; ITEM 21. d- ~ San Diego ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMEl\1TS Suite 800. First Interstate Plaza 401 B Street . San Diego. California 92101 RECEIVED (619)595,5300 Fax (619)595-5305 August 15, 1995 AUG 1 7 1995 Hon. Don Higginson CllYOFPOWAY Mayor CITY MANAGERS OFFICE City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 RE: NHS Legislation: Shuster Proposal - OPPOSE Dear Mayor Higginson: House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Bud Shuster has developed an outline for the House National Highway System (NHS) bill, Among the provisions are several designed to "take care of' the impacts of the 20% across-the-board reduction in all FY 1996 ISTEA program authorizations, Using as justification the need to mitigate the impacts of this reduction, Congressman Shuster's proposal would allow the states to transfer any funds in any categories that have not yet been obligated or spent, Funds could be transferred to provide funding for programs even beyond their authorized levels. ' The result of this proposal would be that federal funds would lose all identity with respect to program categories, such as CMAQ and STP, and federal funds would not be subject to any of ISTEA' s requirements for suballocation to metropolitan areas, States would have the sole decision-making authority to reprogram these funds. Local decision makin~ and Metro..politan Plannini Orianizations (cities and counties) would effectively be written out of the process for decidini how any federal hiihw~ funds are $pent. Congressman Shuster intends to act quickly on the bill, taking it up in the committee on September 5th. For the San Diego region, this proposal could impact funds programmed by SANDAG but not yet obligated for the following projects and programs: 0 STP Funds - SANDAG programmed $21 million for SR 76 in North County and $21 million for SR 125 - Sweetwater in the Spring Valley area, as well as $67 million to be distributed to local agencies for a variety of local projects, Any of these funds not yet obligated to projects could be subject to redistribution at the discretion of the state. 4 of 5 Cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Caion, Encinitas, Escondida, Imperlal8each, La Mesa, Lemon Grove. .__.._..81 City, Oceanside. Poway, San Diego, Sar 188Ch, Vista, and County of San Diego. ADVISORYILIAISON MEMBERS: Camomia Oeportman! of Transportat ATTACHMENT A fense, 5,0, unifiAUG 2s2ctm~ TiiUiTEM"Ii2'L a . .- - 0 CMAQ Funds - SANDAG programmed over $20 million for the Mission Valley East trolley extension, $12 million for local agency traffic signal improvements, $11 million for HOV lanes on 1-5, and $6 million for the Route 78 Rail Trail bikeway . . and the Bay Shore Bikeway. Many of these funds have yet to be allocated and could be subject to redistribution, 0 TEA Funds - SANDAG programmed 16 TEA projects which received a total of $14 million in TEA funds through the California Transportation Commission (CI'C). Funds have been obligated for only four of the these projects to date. The remaining $12 million in programmed TEA projects, which includes, as you know, projects in most of the region's communities, could be subject to redistribution. We urge you to contact your Congressman expressing opposition and urging him to immediately contact members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to alert them. From our region Congressman FiIner serves on the Committee, In addition to expressing your opposition to the Shuster bill, we suggest that if a solution to funding shortfalls is needed, then one should be constructed that will not pit states against local governments, but allow the 20% reduction to be dealt with by states through the local decision making (MPO) process currently established in ISTEA, I have attached a letter I have sent to Congressman Shuster and also to my Congressman for your -", information, Please contact Ken Sulzer (595-5330) or Stuart Shaffer (595-5331) of the SANDAG staff if you need further assistance or information in order to follow up on this urgent request. Thank you in advance for your assistance on this most critical issue for our region. Sincerely, ~13t1i~ MICHAEL B, BIXLER Chairman, Board of Directors MBB/DG/dah Attachments - 5 of 5 2 ITEM 2.1. a.. AUG 2 2 1995 --