Item 14 - Library Advisory Committee Request for Funding Addt'l Hrs at Poway Library AGENDA~PORTSUM~Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~)t Robert L. Thomas, Director of CommunIty Services DATE: September 5, 1995 SUBJECf: Library Advisory Committee Request for Funding of Additional Hours of Operation at the Poway Library ABSTRACT The Library Advisory Committee has requested that the City fund an additional 10 hours a week of operation at the Poway Library. San Diego County Library staff has estimated that providing the additional library hours would cost approximately $26,000 a year. The Library Advisory Committee has suggested that the $26,000 in funding could be allocated from the $100,000 placed in the FY 95-96 budget as start up costs for the new library. As this funding will be needed for increased operational costs of the new library, it is not recommended that the City Council approve the annual allocation of $26,000 for an additional 10 hours a week of operation at the existing library. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT An additional 10 hours a week of library operation would require an annual appropriation of approximately $26,000. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to the Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny the Library Advisory Committee's request for an additional 10 hours of week of operation of the Poway Library. ACTION - II 1 of 12 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 "---------- .- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager9rJr Robert L. Thomas, Director of Community Services ~ DATE: September 5, 1995 SUBJECT: Library Advisory Committee Request for Funding of Additional Hours of Operation at the Poway Library BACKGROUND At the July 27, 1995 Library Advisory Committee meeting, Chairperson Joye Davisson was authorized to submit a request to the City Council for additional library hours at the existing branch library. The approved motion also recommended that the City not approve the location of the Sheriff's substation on the library site and that an institute of higher learning, such as Palomar College, be pursued as a user on the site (Attachment 1). FINDINGS The current hours of the Poway Library are Monday and Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; and Friday and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Library Advisory Committee has requested that the library be open on Monday and Wednesday until 8:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. With an additional one hour of staff preparation, a total of 10 additional operating hours a week is being requested. The County Library staff estimates that approximately S26,000 a year would be needed to fund the additional hours. The City Council has budgeted S100,000 in the FY 95-96 budget as start up costs for the new library. Also contained in the budget is S61,930 to augment the current branch library operation. A substantial increase in the operating budget for the new 20,000 square foot library is anticipated. The $100,000 that is budgeted will be needed to help offset the increased costs of the new 1 i brary. It is anticipated that the new library will be open in approximately three years. ACTION: SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 2 of 12 Library Advisory Committee Request for Additional Hours September 5, 1995 Page 2 While additional operating hours at the current library may be desirable, it should be noted that the current 49 hours a week of library operation is more than that provided by any of the 31 branch libraries within the County system. It is also more hours than those provided by the vast majority of the San Diego City libraries, including Rancho Bernardo (Attachment 2). The Library Advisory Committee has also recommended that the City pursue an institute of higher learning, such as Palomar College, on the library site. While Palomar College is pursuing a satellite campus, a space in excess of the available two acres on the library site would be required by Palomar College. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT An additional 10 hours a week of library operation would require an annual appropriation of approximately $26,000. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Additional notification sent to Library Advisory Committee. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny the Library Advisory Committee's request for an additional 10 hours a week of operation of the Poway Library. JLB:JDF:RLT Attachments: 1 - Letter from Library Advisory Committee 2 - Library hours at other libraries (C:\DATA\AGENOA\AOOHOURS.LJ8) 3 of 12 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 tW<<) ~EO ~TE '.. - f r - CITY OF POW A Y LIBRARY AD\t1S0RY COMMITTEE - TO: MAYOR lnGGINSON, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS R E eEl V E D FROM: LIBR4,RY ADv1S0RY COM}yfi'ITEF, AUG - 1 1995 Jon DA V1SS01'<, CHAIR CITY OF POWAY CITY MANAGERS OFFICE DATE: AUGUST 1, 1995 The Library Advise!)' Conunittee met on Thursday, July 27, 1995. I ~ been asked by the committee to convey a request and a recommendations stemming from motions passed at that meeting. HE: ...\DDITIONAL HOL'RS AT POWAY LIBRARY (Motion One) The Library Ad\isory Conunince requeS1.ll that the City of Po way fund an additional ten (lO) hours at Poway Library. All past surwys and the needs a.sse.ssmellt survey for Poway Library that was conducted ill January of 1994 indicated that more open hours is the number one pricl'ity for our patrons. In addition, we believe that this is somet.'ling that we can do now to pro\ide expanded servica; as we await the construction of the new Poway Ilbrary. Perhaps funding for the additional hours could come from the S100,000 budgeted fiscal year 1995-96 and set aside to be used for the new hcrary. Onn:nt hours are: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00 A..'A - 5:30 PM; Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 Mi. 8:00 PM; Friday and Saturday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM The requested additional hours would ~ the hbrary op=n Monday and Wednesday until 8:00 PM and Sunday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, plus one (1) hour of preparation time for staff bringing the total to ten hours. San Diego County Ilbrary has prepared information regarding staffing and ~ for the additional hours. We believe that the costs will be in the ncighborhood of S26,000. At this time the County cannot give us the estimated costs for running the terminals and OPACs (On-Line Public Access Catalog). County Library Headquarters has indicated that the Ji'brary must be fully staffed and full service during these additional hours. This recommmdation is based on information gleaned from mher libraries with Sunday hours. Included with this communication is the staffing information and co!;ts provided by San Diego County Library headquarters and an article about Sunday hours/staffing. 4 of 12 Attachment I SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 - - ~~, LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMlTI'EE, PAGE 2 - AUGUST I, 1995 RE: CO-USER OF NEW POWAY LffiRARY SITE (Motions 2 and 3) At the request of several committee members we again addressed the is&uc of having the Poway Sheriffs' Substation as a co-user of the library site. It is the belief of the committee that this co-user mn not enhance Povlay Library or provide additional revenue to operate Poway L1brary. The motion was pas~,ed that the sheriffs' substation not be on the site with the hbrary. Further, the L1brary Advisory Committee rccommend~ that the City of Poway ac~1y punue an institute of higher learning (such as Palomar College) for a satellite campus as a complimentary co- user of the Poway L1brary site. - RE: HOW TO PROCEED: Tne conunittee requests direction from the City Council within thirty (30) days on how to proceed with getting action on these three motions. Copies to: fun Bowersox, City Manager Bob Thomas, Director, Conununity Services Mary Hobson, County librarian, Acting, San Diego County libraty Ellen Gold, L1brarian, Poway Library Members of library Ad\.isory Committee - 5 of 12 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 ~~ . LIBRARY OPERATIONS COMMITTEE POWAY STAFFING LEVELS FOR ADDITIONAL HOURS Thursday, July 27, 1995 The poway Library is presently open two evenings per week with the following staff: Tuesday - staff of 5: Thursday - staff of 5: Librarian I Librarian II Library Tech. III Library Tech. II Library Tech. II Library Tech. I (2) Library Tech. I Page Page Staff on Saturdays is as follows: Week 1 - staff of 5: Week 2 - staff of 5: Librarian II Librarian I Library Tech. III Library Tech. II Library Tech. II (2) Library Tech. I (2) Page Page In order to maintain a consistent level of service during the additional evenings and on weekend afternoons, it is recommended that the scheduled staff closely parallel the staff already in place during existing open hours. With the exception of the student workers, it is recommended that staff be hired as intermittent workers which allows each of them to work up to 720 hours per fiscal year. Staff would be paid hourly wages and receive no benefits. The main benefit of hiring intermittent workers is that filling the positions is not dependent on County employment lists. The positions could be filled by qualified candidates simply by advertising in the local newspapers, word-of-mouth, etc. Staff could be hired even if there were no active employment lists available from DHR. For two additional evenings per week and sunday afternoons, the recommended minimum staffing levels are as follows: Librarian I Library Tech. I (2) Student Worker (2) 6 of 12 SEP 5 1995 nEM 14 - - -- Hourly costs per classification: Position Salary Ranoe/Hr. 7.65%* Total/Hr. L I 12.81 - 14.83 .98 - 1.13 13.79 - 15.96 LT I 6.60 - 8.02 .50 - .61 7.10 - 8.63 Student Worker 4.71 - 7.42 .36 - .57 5.07 - 7.99 *Added costs for Social Security and Workers' Compensation. Using the entry level salary for each position, the cost of the additional staff working 10-11 hours per week would range from $19,827.60 - $21,810.36 annually. Note that while the librarian and technicians can be hired at entry-level rate, a student worker's salary is based on age and grade level. A college student would start at a higher hourly rate than a high school student. . h:\lQrett&\pwystatt.lvl ,- 7 of 12 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 .c.w~..... .., n ---- 0 c .., "" 3: -c 00 0 ::r III G)rT n .., rT 0 .... III .... :l>' 0 III ::I ::I tIl..... -(J)-{/}-tf)-{/) t"' n 0 ..... ro rT .......... LnU1U"1U"l n 0 .... ro [ZJrT c tIl )> ::I ......... U"IlJ'lU1U1 ~ rT t"' III ro ro WWWW .. .. ::I o tIl .., 0 rT ><><><'0 [ZJ ro '1 ro .... :; :; :; '1 .... 0 000 Z ~ ::r n ~ 3: ww ::r::r::rO :0 w 0 I I '1 '1 '1 C [ZJ .... ::I 00 tIl tIl t/l '1 :l>' 0 III III 00 ...... '<'< \II;:Jn + + + ("'f [ZJ ~ Z <t> 0 t:l .... 0< :on 0 ..... "'tvC <t> <t> <t> - ro ro..... rT - ....'1 O"I~Wl'b 3: 0 III tIl ro ro tv <t> ~ '0 '1 .c..\.O~X 0 "" '1 rTIll .. w W ...:J l1l'Oro O"IU"IOO Z 0 '1 ::I "" w "" '1 ro::l ..... ..., 0 ...... "" 0 '1rT " " " C :c o It' <t> ...... ...... 2: 0. t"' :; ..... <t> <t> 11l3::C :; 3 :; ro >< .... .... \0 III 0 0 "" 000 Ill:O - - - :><'::IC 0 ::I ::I ::I 0 t"' ::I ro "" 0 w -rT'1 :e: r-rrrn-c .... 0.::1 \II \II \II ::rtll :l>' ::r::r::rtll III rT tv 0 "" .... ...... >< Io-q.-, ~ r-r ~ .... 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I '" 0 I I ::I..... ~ ",~Q. n III III '0 .... ::I 00 lOC ..... 0 ..........'1 '" rT III III roo. - <t> 00.... 00 ~-ro ...... ::r '<'< ro w <t> "" ..., t/l <t> I ",0. tv w w 'O'O::r 00 ro ...:J >< :on .....~. ...:J '" \II (1) (1) 0 ::I - ro (1)..... rT::I ...... tv ...... '1 '1 C rT ...:J III III ro ::r <t> ...... <t> '1 ~ \II '1 rTlll IllrT ..... <t> ..... 2:3:Ul tv '1 ::I \II ..... .... 0 (1) 0...... 0 Q.::r - - - (1)::1 t: o It' Q.ro \0 \II W 0 :><'rTro :; ....Ill tv \II .... tv ~::rro rTO" \II \II "" tv '1 ......:><' ....0 0< ::I ro III :l>' ......... -0. III <t> ",~Q. ::ro ..... 0.... - <t> tv"""" C..... W <t> "" '1.... ...:J w '" 3: 'O'O::r UlrT ..... ...:J w 0 ro ro 0 .... ...... .... ...... ::I '1 '1 C (1) <t> ...... <t> rT '1 Ul ..... <t> ..... 2:3: III ...:J ..... .... 0 ro 0...... 0 - - - (1) ::I '" 0 .... '" .... w ro :><'rT(1) Ul \II 0 \0 \II III ~::rro rT ...:J ...:J .... '" '1 ......:><' Ul 8 of 12 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 (\ ') DRAFT SAN DIEGO COUNTY LIBRARY ADDmONAL HOURS STAFFING GUIDELINES L Each full-time and part-time staffhas the right to two consecutive days off per week. 2. Every staff member may work up to their allotted, budgeted hours not to exceed 40 hours per work week. 3. In an emergency situation, part-time employees may be approved to exceed their allotted hours with their consent. Pay will be straight time only. 4. All additionally hired staff will be payed at the same rate as the existing staff following standard County classifications. 5 No staffwill be scheduled to work more than six consecutive days. 6. Full service will be provided every day the library is open 7. Services normally provided by volunteers will be available on Sundays only if there are trained volunteers to provide them. 8. All County and County Library policies and procedures will be in effect on any day the library is open including Sundays. 9 All County business office-related procedures will be handled Mondays through Fridays. 10. In order to maintain a consistent level of service, scheduled staff on additional evenings and Sundays will parallel the staff already in place during existing open hours. II. The County of San Diego observes all Saturday holidays on the previous Friday and all Sunday holidays on the following Monday. There is no provision made to observe holidays on the actual day without previous approval from the County Board of Supervisors. 12 In the event that a scheduled staff member who is subsidized by a non-County agency, is absent, that agency will also be responsible for the costs incurred by the County Library for providing a Library Substitute. - SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 9 of 12 - . AMERICAN LIBRARIES ACTION EXCHANGE .kIJllII beh'nge. mleDme. your /yped quutlons I/Jd ''''''If. R.- The levels of expenise and U'aining among our Sunday staff range from clerical 10 paraprofessional. SUDCIay staff members ,pDnd.nls wllJ ""Iv. SID lor IIeh "ply publl.h.d. a',.,d A 'lb."",. provide bolll reference and circulatioo Ulistaoce. AU staff mem- American Ubl'lries' ,,,p.rty.nd m,y IN Idllld. I'IuA lMJ.d. YDur 11m.. .dd".., ,nd pesllJllII. . bets provide some lev.1 of reference service and find it one of lIle TIlls d.p,rlmenl/s .dll.d by Emily M.IIDn, ALA., ,par/.l.ft','anl 10 most inlereating pans of lIleir jobs. lb. u.eullv. dl"e'or. PIIIst dinel qU..IIDns lid "".If 10 lb. We have an unusual staff because of the higb level of educalion .dilor, "American lIbl'lrles, AeliDn behlng., 10 E. Hu", SI., CIII. in our communily. A tight job market ofleD makes ilneceuary for ClgD, IL IDltt. VI, lb. In'",,', send your m'..'gu to Emily M.ItDul peopl.1O take the jobs !hat are available 10 lbem, even thou&h lIley .flSJ70ulevm.ulc..du Dr 10 .mlly,m'llonO"'.Drg, are over-qualified for lIleso jobs. Nearly all of our staff members, Sunday staffing including the sh.lv.rs. have colleg. de..... and professional positions listed 00 lIleil resumes. c.lur. Kline, EU'lISburg Q We are curious as 10 how public libraries tbat mainlaln P.L., 209 N. Ruby SI.. EII.lISburg. WA 98926; NlUliI .Ip/- . Sunday boun deal with the following: Is SUDday aD diTO w/n.com. optional or a required workday? Are full reference aDd dreg- A I have worked for two public libraries that bad Sunday latloD fUDctions available? Are these functioDS performed by the weekday staff, by volunteen, by substitute professionals, . hours. Bolli libraries were tlpeII from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. or by othen? How are staff compensated? Are full- aDd part- At the D.venpon (1..) Public Ubrary, I wcxbd as the Suoclay time staff compensated equally? NIIIIl. wilhhdd by ,,- reference librarian. 1 was scheduled 10 work every SUDCIay, (At the fu.sL same time, I also held. position as a full-time nlereoce librarian I al a library !hat was not open on Sundays.) Pull-time refereoce ! A The Prince Georg.'s County Memorial Ubrary System librarians from lIle Daveopon library were lCbeduJed 10 work at . operates its six largest branches on Sundays from OclOber the reference desk willi me 00 a rotating basis. through M.y. Br.nches are open from I p.m. uotil 5 p.m., and full At !he Moline (111.) Public UbraIy, where I am ..-nlly employed reference and circul.tion services are av.iI.ble. as a full-time reference librarian, we are in !be midst of our aecond NO.lIwri.d staff are required to work on Suod.ys, but staff may year of Sunday hours. The tint year, all staff members were scheel- choose 10 work on Sundays in addition 10 lIleir regular workweek. uJed 10 worlc 01\ Sundays on a rotaIing basis IIllI we:re paid at lhe If they do so, lIley are gen.rally compensated .t time-and-a-half. overtime rale. This year, staff members were asked whether !hey Clerical aides (Murty positions comparable 10 pages) are scbed- wanted 10 work Suoclay houl1. Enough regular full-time staff mem- uled on Sund.ys as pan of their workweek and are paid at lIleir bers volunteered so !hallhose staff members wbodid DOt wish 10 worlc customary hourly rate. 00 Suoclay did nol have 10 do so. We aIJo biRd additiona1''Sundays- We lupplemenl our salaried .nd hourly staff willi subslitute only" 1IaIf, who are paid .1 . regular hourly me. librarians in public services. These individuals are required to Neither lIle Davenpan nor the Moline library opens its branches have an MLS and work eith.r every Sund.y or on a1tern.le 00 Sundays, but lIle main libraries are opeD, and all public services Sundays. They are paid at the hourly rate of a Ubrarian I. We do !hal are provided during lIle week are provided on Suoclays. At nOI use volunleers on Sundays. bolll libraries, lIle Sund.y hours have been well received by lIle On Sund.ys, branch.s .re staffed willi two librarians. two public. II may be useful to nOle lIlat both of tbese libraries h.v. circulation staff, and rwo to five substitute libnrians in addition to unions. Usll Pow.1I WiIlim1lS. refer.nc.Aibrarilln. Molin. lIle scheduled clerical .ides. P.L., Molin., /L; .-"",il Iwillil/ms@libby.rbls.lib.il./U. We schedule both salaried staff and returning substiolle librar- ians in July for lIle coming year. We hire and train additional A In Montgomery County, four of our 21 branches are open on .substitute librarians in August and Seplember if Deeded. MlIr. . Sundays from I p.m. until 5 p.m. from September lIlrough ..q gllrel A Smilh; IuuruJn resources .p.eil/list, Prine. G.or,.' s M.y (30 Sundays). W. have tried several staff cooIigurations over ..... ColUlfy M.11ltIrilll Librllry System. Adminisrrllriv. Offices, 6532 lIle years. Requiring .11 p.an-time staff to work several Sund.ys . :IE Ad./phi Rd.. HYlIrrsvill., MD 20782. year was nOlsuccessful. (Employmenl regulations prohibit full- time staff from working on Sundays.) Most of the staff resenled W A Our library serves .boUI 12.000 people wilb 7.6 FI'E staff. lIle requirement. and th.re was a lack of continuilY. t: . We are open on Sund.ys from I p.m. until 5 p.m. The cum:nl system ofh.viDg a mix of ~gular, merit part-time IIaIf Sunday is . required work day for pan-time staff. Most pan- who volunteer to work on Sunday along wllb nonmerit substitutes an time staff m.mbers work one Sund.y in lIlree, whil. one pan-lime seems 10 provide a knowledgeable IIllI willing IIaIf and keeps ~ staff member works Iwo Sundays in three. These staff members personnel costs down. Th. mix varies from branch 10 branch. At lbe 4 .lso work during lIle week. They receive lIleir .normal hourly rat. prosenl time, each branch is staffed on Sundays by six librarians and for Sunday hours worked. The only time we p,y more is if we are five circulalion slaff. Sunday staff membel1 are compensated al an C- open on a paid holiday; on Ihose occasions, p,y doubles. Some hourly IlIle according 10 their job classification lIllIal the same rate W U) full-tim. staff work Salurday hours regularly, but il would be very as on .ny other day. They work 4.5 hours (12:45 p.m. 10 5:15 p.m.). unusual for .ny full-time staff m.mber to work on a Sund.y. For lhe part-timers. lIleso hours are in .ddition 10 their regular 2()'hour F'ERRlIARY 199~ 10 of 12 .uf"'nr.ANI.lRRlRl~ '7< -,\(;TION E X C II A N {~ , \ wCt.'!.:.. All t;in:ul.uion ru"clinn.~ an: avail:lhlc. HcrcTcncc ~"f'Vil.:e is fl. Other rm'l.tilllc cmpluyl..-c... do 1101 work wl..'\:kcnd~ but d\"i'-l Iilllill"d huth by lime (."t)l....lrainl~ (~untl"y ~rvi\.:c is "r1")' popular) :nu.l iUI."ur :ltlliilicmal weeknight dUly. hy the t<<.."ct of c:'q'lCrtisc av:til~lhlc. Tht' rcsultillg. .."chcdulc 11:I~ rUIl.lilllc Sl:lrr working every third In-u,,"pch :I."isist:tncc and unlinc ~carclk:~ arc 110t USUillly pro. WCd,l'IU.!. hUI lhe rcsull or '\:UlI1p" lime i~ Ilmt Ihe ,<U:lIT mClIlhcr videll. We h.we rcccnlly ~t:lrtcd In use volUlllccrs who help h:1S 01 Ihrcc.c.I:1Y weekend rolluwing his nr her Sunday ~tint. palHlI1:<i n:lvip.:ltc the OPAC. hut Ihc~ volulllcer.. dn not provide: (1lllving a t1m.'c-d:1Y wct.:kcml every third weekend calmcd most of rcfl.'n.'lll:c or circulation ~crvicc~. Rod".lIe Foll,,,,drr, .twlllay thl' jnl'vila"le SI;lrr 1111'lterin~ when Sum!;IY lumrs were .11l11tlUlll'eu.) .fIlf't'ni,o;or. Refltl'.fflo Rf1:imlOl Lihmry, 74(}(} I1r/;II,1:(/l1I Ra.. Olhl'r ~u!!~csti<<JIls: 8rtlt,.saa, MD 2U8J.1; '.1I!(li! rjOlltIllJ@l.'lI(J.XWlI.cdll. "I':lir" S:llurd:lY :lnd Sund:lY fur ""ff scheduling. D.. nut makc your stafr work S;.uurday one wcc:kcmJ anu SUlIU;lY anothc:r. A Before we in~tituled Sunday houn; in 1990. we formulatccJ 1'1;11110 providc rullscrvic:c. Cu~tulOen; expect ;:uuJ descrve full . the (ollowing guideline5: lihrJ')' scrvicc whcnever lhe libr.ry is upen. (One ncarby library I. Monday lhrough Friday ~mains Ihc basis fur Ihc 40-hour "pen. its branches on Sunllays bUllIuc. nol answer the phones') workweek. 51:1Y open on Sunday year.mund. including sUlnmer. It' 5 ea5ier 2. Weekend work is compe..alwlhrough ..hedulell compen- than making Iwo schedule transitions during the ye:1r. Even salory time. (Half lhe slaff a~ compensalell for Salu,d.y work by though reference demands may lessen during the summer months, receiving the previous Friday 0(( and for Sunday work by receiv. readers' advi~ory questions increue. ing the following Friday off. For the olher h.lf of Ihe slaff, the Sunday will hecome your Iihrary's "family" d.y. os Sund.y is previous and (allowing Mondays are the "comp" days (or lhe oflCn lhe only day of the....k when a family can all come 10 lhe weekends.) library to.elher. 3. No one will be scheduled to work morelhan six slraightdays. Sunday will also become "homework" day for all the assign. 4. All full-lime stafr work the weekends. (This preyents some ments due on Monday. staff from feeling as if they are shouldering Ihe entire burden. It Although sehedulin. will take effort and ca~ and you may have also lets everyone-technical services staff, administrative assis- to hi~ additional staff to "cover," your public will ~ward you with tanl. and even the director-keep up some public contact skills gralitude and increased library use. Donald E. Bak", dir<c. and see the praclical ~sults of the policies they so blithely hand ror, Ollio Township P.I- System, 23 W. Jennings St.. Newburgh, down from their ivory towers durin. the week. I can testify that it IN 47630. is a continuing humbling experience (or the director.) Added A's to previous Q's S. Sludenl assistants are seheduled on weekends on a straight. time basis and are trained to perform at least the basics: check out A I would like to add a response to the question about the materials. register customers. and answer the phone. . availabilily of "WOlin. software for IBM and compalible - li compulers that will printlhree-by.live-inch catalog cards (AL. Julyl What really bugs me! Aug.. p. 642-643). Sca=row Press offers lhe Librarian's Helper, a Vi ~ product that nOl only enables use.. to produce cards, spine labels, and BY RICHARD LEE shelf labels. but as an added beneli~ !he software is now compauble with laser printers. nOl jusI dot matrix prinlers. The Librarian' 5 Helperand lhecompanion program. LH Onlin.!, are desi.ned to be used by those with little computer skill. II is nol even necessary for users to know how 10 formal the catalog cards-the Librarian's Helper does thai automalically. Users i DM.'i /oltwS simply enler the informalion as prom pled, and the software does the appropriale AACR2 formatun.. ~~" 00 ~e Scarecrow Press offers free demo disks of both the Librarian's :!II' - Helper and LH Online. Readers who would like a copy of either or .. .s ~5 __~ bolh disks may call1he Scarecrow Press customer service department at g()()'S37-7107. Amy R. Pratico. advtnising and promotion o ~ ;;~~!':!O' manager, Scar<c",w Press./llc.. 52 LibmySt.. POS 4167. Met"chen. NJ 08840. A I am replying to Ihe queslion about Microbook fiche readers . (AL. Nov., p. 923). Our library has several microliche realle,. malle by the .anIC company wilh labels reading Vantage III anll Xerox 320. The Iwo Iype. of machines are illenlic.L They have a drop-in Icn~, wilh the "K" len~ de~ign:](ed for USe wilh - ultranche. We have: ~veral dirrercnt "K"lense5 and change thcm ~ a~ needed. =- We arc al~n ante In t1~e lltlrCanOn PC 70 rCiUjer/l'rinler with the ...23: -::::::=.. Mi<.:ruhcH)k 'idle ~i111ply hy clmnt:.illG Ihe lens. M.II1Y of the new - I;:h -..... ~ fiche readers Imvc lUUI11 lenses., ilml rn:1l1Y lOanur;lc:turcr~ offer ~ ~ ,I<.illilil m:lllef1.';eS lflr tfSl' with ht)lll nliernriehc 11\00<.:llincs illUlllulSC COlli JOn di",'t'r.'i. rc;ujcr/prilllers 111;11 <'::111 he: usell rorcitherlillllorlkhc. Camly" Wolf. 'rt'm} lif JlIl'~lif' .\"'r\'ia.f. Iffll'llllidc Colil~Kr, S,f.!J(!Wi.(ja",w, l.ihmry, Om'''t/lll, NJ' !.IS10. 0 SEP 5 1995 rTEM 14 AM)mU:AN 1.11IILAIU~:S n:IlJUfAIIY lOUr. 11 of 12 .-.. . . ._.......A.~ .._........."'... ..~ ..<I7..l'~ . .' Standard hours for City of San Diego branch libraries 40 hours week Mon/Wed 12-8p.m. Tue/Thu/Fri/Sat 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Rancho Bernardo open on Sunday from 1 - 5 p.m. (44 hours/week) Exceptions are North Park, Otay Mesa, Mira Mesa Mon/Thu 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. 42 hours Fri/Sat 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 16 hours Sun 1-5 p.m. 4 hours Total 62 hours Poway is open Mon/Wed 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 15 hours Tues/Thu 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 20 hours Fri 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 hours Sat 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 7 hours Total 49 hours Poway is open more hours than any branch in the county system The Poway branch is open more hours than all the City of San Diego branch libraries except three (Mira Mesa, Otay Mesa, North Park) Attachment 2 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 12 of 12 f- D~SrR~BUTElJ ~.s--7S- Joye Davisson RECEIVED 13733 Celestial Road Poway, CA 92064 \ SEP 5 1995 September 4, 1995 CITY OF POWAY CITY CLERK'S OFFICI! Dear Mayor Higginson and City Council Members, I am wriling regarding the staff recommendation to deny funding to expand hours at Poway Library. Although I Wldemand staff concern regarding the expenditure of monies set aside for the proposed new Poway Library - I am not in agreement with the recommendation. Surveys conducted by the City of Poway and others have indicated that patrons want more evening hours and Sunday afternoon hours. The argument that Poway Library already has more hours than most other branch libraries is not valid. We have more hours because the usage in this community is there. What is wrong with Poway being leader in the area of SeMce to the patrons? Poway is unique in many ways - an outstanding school district, beautiful parks, exceptional facilities for sports, and much more. Our library services and facility should reflect this uniqueness. The City of Po way exln'bited great foresight when the City COWlcil voted to fund expanded seMce at Poway Library. These expanded services have increased circulation and brought a great many people to the hbrary. The community is used as an example to other cities to encourage these entities to bridge the gap between what San Diego COWlty Library can afford and what the user of the library needs. Since we are three years (or more) from having our new hbrary, I believe it is important to utilize what we have to the best of our ability. I also believe that these hours need to be factored in the cost of operations for the new library. The need for access to information will not go away. Whether the user ~ a student doing a school report, or an aduh seeking information for a job search or career change, information on a medical condition and support groups, "how tos" from gardening to wills and IMng lrusls, up to date stock information and much more - an is available to all at the Dublle IIbrarv. Three years of funding for the expanded hours is less than the money that was budgeted this year to be set aside for the future library. I believe that we will more than make up that money in good will and donations to the Poway Library Endowment FWld once the community sees that we really are going to have a new library. Poway Library, as a facility, is vastly undersized but the sm.ice offered to the community is IID1imitcd. Let's take this opportunity to provide what the surveys indicate is desired - more hours. Sincerely, ~"'l~ t-1,c.' ".. J, :.~ . 14- Joye Da"isson SEP S-1995 IlEM _.._--~- - ---. --....-.-..----.---------- DISTR!B~ TED ,.....~ ~.',;'l'..":Jo~:O': -~7~.._.-~ :Friencfs of tfie Poway Li6rary Box 1333 Poway, CA 92074-1333 September 5, 1995 RECEIVED SEP 5 1995 CITY OF POWAY Dear Mayor Higginson and City Council Members, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE The Executive Board of the Friends of Po way library urge you to support the recommendation of the library AdWory Committee for funding ten additional hours at Poway library. This request for added hours is a direct result of surveys conducted over the years in which the public has indicated a desire for more evening hours and Sunday hours . The "new" Poway Library is three years or more away from occupancy. Money spent now, for additional hours, will be money well spent We consider that this is an investment in the future of our library and our community, and a gesture of good faith. Poway has been a "trend-setter" in funding supplemental services at Poway Library. We believe that we can continue to set an example for other communities to support their local branches. Thank your for your consideration of the proposal. Sincerely, ~ ~ Barbara Curran r Secretary SEP 5 1995 ITEM 14 --