Item 24 - TUP 95-59 Rancho Cycling Club Alan Tragarz - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members ~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana . ~ir INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC1\ I Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of PlannMng Services~ DATE: September 5, 1995 SUBJECT: Temporary Use Permit 95-59, Rancho Cycling Club/Alan Tragarz, Applicant. ABSTRACT A request for approval of a bicycle race to be held in the South Poway Business Park on September 10, 1995. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed event is a minor temporary use of the land which will have no significant adverse impacts. Events of this nature are permitted under local ordinance with the benefit of a Temporary Use Permit approved by City Council. FISCAL IMPACT - None, ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Temporary Use Permit 95-59 subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. ACTION E: \CrrY\PLANNING\REPORT\TUP9559. SUM .- 1 of 7 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 24 n_"."_,~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City CouncH unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members ~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana " INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager'1l~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services Marijo Van Dyke, Associate Planner DATE: September 5, 1995 SUBJECT: Temoorarv Use Permit 95-59. Rancho Cvclina Club /Alan Traaarz. Aoolicant: A request for approval of a bicycle race to be held in the South Poway Business Park on September 10, 1995. BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of a temporary use permit for the Poway Criterium Bicycle Race, a closed loop bicycle race in the South Poway Business Park. Last year, an identical race was held on September 11, 1994. As last year, the race will be held from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. , with approximately 200 to 300 riders expected to take part. The course wi II run clockwise on the following streets: Stowe Drive, Danielson Street and Crosthwaite Circle. An interior street, Blaisdell Place will also be affected. There are only two businesses whose access may be affected by the event, Black Mountain Shooting Range, and the S.D.G.& E. Substation. The appl icant has supplied each with advance notice of the event, and an offer to accommodate any special needs of these properties. Barricades will be manned such that roadways along the course can be made available if the need arises. FINDINGS The proposed event is a minor temporary use of the land which will have no significant adverse impacts. Events of this nature are permitted under local ordinance with the benefit of a Temporary Use Permit approved by City Council. , ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project is considered exempt Class 4(e) and ll(c) of the CEQA Guidelines. ACTION: SEP 5 1995 ITEM 24 2 of 7 -- Agenda Report September 5, 1995 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Temporary Use Permit 95-59 subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. JLB:RWQ:MVD:kls Attachments: A. Proposed Resolution B. Zoning and Location Map C. Site/Traffic Plan 3 of 7 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 24 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 95-59 WHEREAS, Temporary Use Permit 95-59, Ranchos Cycling Club, Alan Tragarz, . applicant, requests approval to hold a bicycle race in the South Poway Business Park on September 10, 1995; and WHEREAS, on September 5, 1995, the City Counc il he I d a heari ng on the above-referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findinos: The City Counc il fi nds that the above-referenced item is exempt under Class 4(e) and ll(c) Categorical Exemptions of the Cal ifornia Environmental Quality Act. Section 2: Findinos: The proposed project is in accordance with the purposes and standards of Section 17.26.030 of the Poway Zoning Ordinance. Section 3: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Temporary Use Permit 95-59 subject to the following conditions: 1. The bike race shall be conducted as shown on the site plan on file in the Planning Services Department. 2. The applicant shall obtain a right-of-way permi t from the Engineering Services Department prior to the event. 3. Advance closure and detour signage will be required. 4. This approval shall become null and void the evening of September 10, 1995. 5. The applicant shall obtain an insurance bond indemnifying the City of Poway from possible liability in an amount not less than $I million. 6. Approval of this activity does not waive compliance with all other sections of the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable ordinances presently in effect. 7. Any barricades which block access to structures or roadways shall be manned at all times by an adult capable of moving the obstruction for emergency vehicles. 4 of 7 ATTACHMENT A SEP 5 1995 ITEM 24 .- Resolution No. P- - Page 2 8. Temporary directional signs shall be located behind sidewalk areas and pI aced so that they do not interfere with visibil ity for vehicles. The signs shall not exceed two feet by four feet in dimension and shall be weighted down to ensure stability. 9. Publ ic streets, off-street parking sites and areas within and adjoining the proposed area for the event shall be cleared of debris and litter after the event. Temporary signage, barricades, cones and any other evidence of the event shall be removed upon its completion. 10. The surfaces of the streets and public right-of-ways shall not be marked with paint, tape nor any other type of marking materials. 11. Any electrical work shall meet current building code requirements. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 5th day of September, 1995. . Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: .- Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the day of , 1995, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: .- ABSENT: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 5 of 7 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 24 --. .~. L.,_ ~ " '[ -I ~./ .. SOUTHPOWAY' ./ . . BUSINE SPARK ..... "...-? i - - J ~~ ( 'I . j "\... - ri-c - ~'; 2~ j/ ~ /a;;v- I - .,-l)rt-.. ~ I '; .I /...-:-' I \ ~ \ r '-~-j- 01 ~ .>- ',I J. ~ \ ~'d-J I ~ l~- j J~ ~! ,- ~ ! 1 J / . "" j- I I,,' IT _ , ~ I-~' -f- >->- ~e ::::-- i >-< ~ f- I _ f- _ >- >- \.-\'\ I - - ......J-'~ _ --' '\. __ \ 'Wly - v . I \ '- ~ --; . J---J. -W.../ 1 I I PC f . '-l/ ;..' \ ~-~ . ( ~ . .~ / V- ........ -, ~ - I I CITY OF POW A Y ITfM: TUP 95-59_ ~ TITLE: 7LJN1JJtD ""/1JrA'f/()N (VIA!' SCALE: Ill,.. ATTACHMENT: 8 6 of 7 SEP 5 1995 ITEM 24 - L ~. - - 0 -- ,,-0-' C1 _ 00 .. __ 0 ~"'1> 00 ..- ~'"'to...;>6 0 ~ 0 0 . ,- /C) ~'~ /' 1- /' l" 1- ,; t"~ ,; (" >1'. C. e,.le':. - <:>00 ~Atr..~.lc" l-<~I-\ ~ ! 1'1 C' r 4 ~ :2 - ~~ -:( ~ d ~ ~"'" ~ ~v C-" /I '1 ;: 0 oil J ..J III J -1 '" <r p ;)l'i Co t<6\o1"\~WC ... 1 ... " .. " ,I) '\...y ~~ ,..,.C' Ay PAlllCw~~ c.p-),ett. 1)~ ~~~ ~ '" '"' """ t-i \\f? - qs- \~ 7 of 7 "I " ATTACHMENT C SEP 5 1995 ITEM 24 , -\