Item 9 - On Line Computer Access by the Public via Internet AGEND) -EPORT SUMl\fARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council -- FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: JDh. D. Fit,h. A"j,t,.t City "'.,..,~ Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerlcr,~ . Patrick R. Foley, Principal Management nalyst DATE: September 19, 1995 SUBJECT: On Line Computer Access by the Public via Internet ABSTRACT At the August 3, 1995 City Council workshop on Goals and Objectives, the City Council requested staff proceed with making agendas and staff reports available to the public via on-line computer access, and suggested the Public, Educational, and Governmental funds (PEG) contributed by the cable companies would be an appropriate source of funding. Staff is recommending that the City Council authorize a City of Poway web site on the Internet's World Wide Web and appropriate funds to contract with an Internet host provider, an Internet access service and purchase computer equipment. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW , This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT As a condition of their cable franchises, Cox Communications and Southwestern Cable contributed $125,000 to the City for a public, educational, and governmental fund. This action will appropriate $10,000 from Fund 714 to City Clerk's accounts 100-011- 1799 and 100-011-6122b. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this staff report was sent to Larry Cruse. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize a City of Poway web site be established on the Internet's World Wide Web and appropriate $10,000 from the PEG fund to contract with an Internet host and an Internet access service for one year and purchase computer equipment. ACTION - 1 of 6 SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 9 - CITY OF POWAY AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~l'\ Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk~ Patrick R. Foley, Principal Manageme Analyst DATE: September 19, 1995 SUBJECT: On Line Computer Access by the Public via Internet BACKGROUND On August 3, 1995, during the City Council's discussion of Goals & Objectives, Council member Emery requested that staff "speed up" the process of making City Council agendas and staff reports available to the public by computer. Additionally, Larry Cruse recently appeared before the City Council under Public Oral Communications requesting reports on computer disk. Cox Cable has estimated approximately 68% of Poway households have personal computers with the potential to access the Internet through services such as America OnLine, CompuServ and Prodigy. Several cities have home pages on the World Wide Web, the most popular part of the Internet and provide many types of information about their community. The Home pages for San Diego and Davis are attached. Staff proposes that Poway establish such a site and, initially, provide basic information such as the agenda and staff reports, parks and recreation information, and a "who does what" directory of city services and phone numbers. This can be expanded to other types of information in the future if desired. FINDINGS Rather than rely on a staff person to support the Internet access, the City would contract with an Internet Service provider such as Webs Are Us to host the City's web site. This approach will allow the City to get on line quickly and releases staff from the technical burdens. The service provider would register the domain name for the City and will market the web site by getting Poway's domain name in the appropriate Internet directories. They will provide staff with a monthly tracking report regarding "visits" to the Poway web site. They handle all aspects of maintenance, security, and hardware and software upgrades. 2 of 6 SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 9 - On Line Computer Access September 19, 1995 Page Two Staff will be responsible for creating and transmitting to the provider the information on the "home page". A standard home page is a front page with boxes to click on to get more information. Each box is another page. Staff would propose to start with agendas, parks and recreation information, and a city directory of services. Webs are Us would establish File Transfer Protocol (FTP) links from the agenda front sheets to the staff reports so the entire agenda report could be down loaded onto an individual's computer. A stand alone computer, not tied into the City's system, and a modem would be used to transmit data to Webs Are Us. This eliminates the security concerns of unauthorized access to other City data. The specifications and vendor are the same the library system is using for their Internet connections. This data would be organized according to file names and an agreed upon format in order to transmit data consistently. The City Clerk will assume responsibility for providing the data to Webs Are Us. Internet access would allow the City to see what Poway's home page and information looks like to the public and also provide the staff and City Council access to other Internet information. Staff proposes contracting with Sierra Net to provide this access. .- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This item is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT Costs for this project are as follows: Services: Webs Are Us - design and set up $ 395 one time 10 megabytes storage 1,9S0 annually Internet Domain Name 50 one time Sierra Net - unlimited access 300 annually Phone line installation for modem 100 one time Eouioment: HP computer, monitor, modem, color printer and 3 year on-site maintenance agreement 6.100 one time TOTAL $S.925 .- SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 9 3 of 6 On Line Computer Access September 19, 1995 Page Three As a condition of their cable franchises, Cox Communications and Southwestern Cable contributed $125,000 to the City for a public, educational, and governmental (PEG) fund. This action will appropriate $10,000 from Fund 714 to City Clerk's Accounts 100-011-1799 and -6122b. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was sent to Larry Cruse. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize a City of Poway web site be established on the Internet's World Wide Web; and appropriate $10,000 from the PEG fund for a one year contract with Webs Are Us to host and market the City's information; Sierra Net to provide Internet access to a stand alone computer at City Hall; and to purchase the necessary computer equipment. Attachments: Sample Home pages 2-c:\wp\.gendo\;nt.rnet.rpt SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 9 4 of 6 - City of San Diego America's Finest City "$"" :' .- . .. .;1<....,1"....'..... Maps of San Diego Emergency Television Family Employment Information Radio Infonnabm Opportunities New.s ., -". .,,, ..."" .,.."':~<~*'<..",' ...... _""~ n.~~..;;;::~._... Univer.sltles '.N, Resean:l1 and San Diego Military lnsUlutes CoUeges SchoolS Informalim Medical Hotels Real Estate and and and " Health care Lodging i>partments . ... Music ""seums Law and Ubraries PaI1<s Sports The Prts The Zoo .~..".,.. "':':"~ei;" "'--"'," .-~",..". ..."" ,_"~._u.... Points .., Neighboring United The of Co.tj California SlaJes World Interest mmwu es .."',,.,.~':.:7. .~':':"'.~-~~,.:.:... ~ -- , ----- - ~ - -~ ............--~ ~ ~ - Host of the 1996 Republican National Convention WEBMASTER I I CALIFORNIA I USA I PLANET EARTH --- 11I.\1 l/f1(llIh' _),\' .Il1h. j)<, . HI 'I: (IIU hll!' If 1111 fI"\( ,,"I/,/llfll'l {.t/rllI \1 IlIdfl'.\:' , /1/"tI 5 of 6 SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 9 A 1/;:7:4'WU,)4./. den .da.v/.5. Ca. ,U=/ L'c:)V '"' / do.vl'.:;.ltt""~ I Davis [I]~.~~. - po. -I . ..... '..-..., .;. .=-~}: ." Web ;....;:;~..;:." . Calendar of events in and around Davis . City Government . Entertainment . Education . Community OQtanizations · Employment and Job Opportunities . Environmental Issues . Bus inesses . Valuable Local Resources/Miscellaneous . Tourist/New Resident Information . Libraries Input a.nd suqqestions are always welcome at msm,.?s.'ik@wlJi'illdco.d.1ViS:{';i.liS SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 9 6 of 6