1995 09-26 Agenda *~-- - CITY OF POWAV f*I~Hg!;1J:!9!JilU;i;rgga~Ig!?;lggf;!!g~ . REGULAR MEETING - SEPTEMBER 26,1995 -7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1. ROLL CALL - CAFAGNA, CALLERY, EMERY, REXFORD, HIGGINSON 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR CALLERY 3. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (State law may prohibit the City Council from taking action on items not on the agenda. Your concerns will be referred to staff.) CONSENT CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 9 THROUGH 21 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE PULLED FOR DISCUSSION. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE PULLED WILL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A REQUEST TO SPEAK SLIP (GREEN IN FAVOR OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND RED IN OPPOSITION) AND GIVE IT TO THE CITY CLERK. NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.* Conditional Use Permit 95-04, Development Review 95-07, and Variance 95- 04, Richard Darr applicant. A request to continue and expand a tire sales and service with the addition of brakes, automotive detail, and related services: motorcycle repair shop; jet ski sales and service; and/or equipment rental yard (possible uses); truck and/or car rental/leasing. The request includes a variance to side yard setback on west side of the 1.25 acre site located at 12957 Poway Road. (203-08) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Remove from calendar and re-not ice for October 10, 1995 in order to include an additional use not originally applied for. 5.* Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95-08, Watkins Terminals, Inc. , applicant: a request to construct a 13,100 square foot facility with a 40 door truck terminal and office with a variance to allow light standards of 35 feet in height on a six acre site located on the northeast corner of Tech Center Drive and Kirkham Way. (203-04) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Take public input; close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation "- - ~::::::::;:::::::::;:::::~ ::::::::;':::::::::::';::::::;:~ .;::\::::::;;::;:~;:;;;;;;~;:;;:::; .:;::::::::::::;:::::::::;:::::;:::::~:; .;:::::::::::::::::;::::::::::,:::::;::;:::::;,:~ :::;::::::::::::,:::,:;:::::::::;:~; .;:;:;;;::;nt:;;;;;;~;;.;:;:;:::;:;.~@~::;:;:;,::~;::: :::'::::::::;;::::::;:~:::::;:;~;;:;:::; ;::::::;:f::::::;,;::;;::;;::r:::::;:::~;:::;:;:~;::::;;::/:;:~;:::~:: ::::;;;:;:~;:;::;.;::;:: CITY OF POWAY - CITY _OUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBEI. 26, 1995 - PAGE TWO STAFF REPORTS 6.* Annual review of CalMat-Poway Conditional Use Permit/Reclamation Plan 89- 05, an aggregate extraction/processing operation located on the north side of Beeler Canyon Road and south of Kirkham Road in the South Poway area. (203-08) CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file report noting that the five year Interim Management Plan is active through March, 1999. 7.* Status report regarding FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) remapping study on Pomerado Creek. (Referred from September 12, 1995, Item 3. ) (1501-10) pti~M~~~~B!$~~P~~~~~~l!.~~;!'pjr~R~g~~Fw~~~1!~~g~;;~~~i~pil~~~~ng """" """""""" "" """""""""'t17Sooo ""if """" """" ""dll' t' """""""] "" fl "" 0 """to' """"" !'liditedll'tn ~~~I~PlM~~;9nl~nJ9n~~R~~1~~~:~%~!!n'J"~t\tjt.~ 8.* City of Poway Legislative Strategy. (701-11) ~~j!~!I~~~~R~~Bg~QM~~Q~t~g~;f~~~~!M~;~~~;~Jl~; CONSENT CALENDAR 9.* Approval of Minutes - City Council August 22, 1995, Regular Meeting August 29, 1995, Canceled Meeting 10.* Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency August 22, 1995, Regular Meeting August 29, 1995, Canceled Meeting 11.* Ratification of Warrant Register for period of September 4-8, 1995 (401-10) 12.* Denial of claim for damages: Thomas P. Woertz (704-13) 13.* Authorization to escheat certain unclaimed checks and return funds to the General Fund. (401-06) 14.* Approval of the establ ishment of a Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) goal of 15% for 1995-96 in order to qualify for Federal Emergency Relief Funds for arterial repairs. (1502-17) 15.* Acceptance of the Auxil i ary Generator Building from Construction Development Management. (5529) (602-01 #222R) 16.* Acceptance of public improvements and release of securities for La Paz Summit, Tentative Tract Map 89-03, Premium Investors, developer; a 28 lot subdivision located east of Poway Road at the end of Silver Ridge Road. (602-01 #946) 17.* Approval of final map for Tentative Tract Map 94-01, Herrick Development applicant; a six lot subdivision located at 12718 Oak Knoll Road. AND Resolution No. 95- ___ - Annexation into Landscape Maintenance District 86- 03A. (203-01) * Exhibit Enclosed # Exhibit in Preparation I '- - . CITY OF POWAY. CITY ~OUNCIL AGENDA - SEPTEMBER 26,1995 - PAGE THREE . - 18.* Resolution No. 95- - Authorizing the submittal of the Household Hazardous Waste Discretionary Grant Appl ication to the State to fund permanent collection sites within the City and on-going education programs. (401-30) 19.* Receive and file report regarding interest of property owners on Sycamore Avenue adjacent to Old Poway Park, in selling their property to the City of Poway. (Referred from August 1, 1995, Item 12) (1401-11) 20.* Award of bid for the purchase of a diesel tractor to Pauley Equipment Company in the amount of $15,247.50 (601-03) 21.* Award of bid for the purchase of three replacement ride-on lawn mowers to California Turf, Inc., in the amount of $54,152.70. (601-03) CITY MANAGER ITEMS 22. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS ~~Wl~'- Y!'!~~r~~9q~1~~tpn;t Price and terms of payment ~~ - MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS 24. MICKEY CAFAGNA 25. SUSAN CALLERY 26. ROBERT EMERY 27. BETTY REXFORD 28. DON HIGGINSON: "- ~'!!. i :;II~~~~~i~1 - datetlbli ...........,-....,..'.-....,..'.........'................ ............................. ~i;I~p~pln~mg ~;~~.~fi@~<<g~~~~ilRm~n~'~I~~il~~!!9I;I(~~,~gtM~~!I~~~~~~ ADJOURNMENT