Item 4 - CUP 95-04 DR 95-07 VAR 95-04 Richard Darr - - J ~ AGENDA REPORT' CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honor.bl. Key,r ." .....rs~ City C""il FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man ^ '1' INITIATED John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC11 Jl BY: Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plann~erVices ~ Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Condit ional Use Permit 95-04/ Develooment Revi ew 95-07/ Vari ance 95- 04. Richard Darr. Aoolicant: A request to continue and expand a tire sales and service with the addition of brakes, automotive detail, and related services; motorcycle repair shop, jet ski sales and service, and/or equipment rental yard (possible uses); truck and/or car rental/leasing; including a variance to side yard setback on the west side on a 1.25 acre site at 12957 Poway Road (just east of Winston Tire) within the CG zone. APN: 317-490-57 A recent prospective user of most of the site is for recreational vehicle (RV) rental along with .inor repairs to the RVs. Since that specific use was not envisioned at the time of the appl ication or subsequent amendments prior to publication and mailing of the notices to surrounding property owners, a CUP modification or renotice of this hearing will be needed to permit RV rental on the site. After consultation with the applicant, he has agreed to continue the public hearing to seek City Council approval for the RV rental use at this time rather than pursuing a CUP modification. Pub li c not i ce for October 10, 1995 wi 11 be repub 1 i shed in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 76 property owners in the project area. RECO....ENDATION It is recolll1lended that the City Council remove thi s item from cal endar and renotice the publiC hearing for Conditional Use Permit 95-04, Development Review 95-07 and Variance 95-04 to October 10, 1995. JLB:JDF:RWQ:SAS:kls .:\clty\plonnlng\roport\cup9504..egn ACTION: SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 4 I ---.-- - - -- -"