Item 5 - DR 95-13 VAR 95-08 Watkins Terminals Inc - - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ri [) Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Pla ing Services\~ DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95-08, Watkins Terminals, Inc., Applicant ABSTRACT This application is for the construction of a 13,100 square foot facility for a 40 door truck terminal and office along with a variance to allow light standards of 35 feet in height. The proposed six acre site is located at the N.E. corner of Tech Center Drive and Kirkham Way within the Light Industrial land use designation of the South Poway Specific Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW - The previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Final Subsequent EIR for the South Poway Specific Plan adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. FISCAL IMPACT The truck terminal will create local employment opportunities. Sales tax generation is not expected from this use. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Notice of this hearing was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 8 property owners within 500 feet of the project site. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95-08 subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. ACTION - " e: \c I ty\plan'l1 ng\report\dr9513..,. 1 of 20 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 . AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~'\- ".?'->- Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plann~services ~ Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner DATE: September 26, 1995 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: October 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95-08, Watkins Terminals, Inc., Applicant: A request to construct a 13,100 square foot facility with a 40 door truck terminal and office along with a variance to allow light standards of 35 feet in height on a six acre site located on the northeast corner of Tech Center Drive and Kirkham Way within the Light Industrial land use designation of the South Poway Specific Plan. \ APN: 317-280-62 portion BACKGROUND This application is for the construction of a 13,100 square foot facility for a 40 door truck terminal and office along with a variance to allow light standards of 35 feet in height. The proposed six acre site is located at the N.E. corner of Tech Center Drive and Kirkham Way within the Light Industrial 1 and use designation of the South Poway Specific Plan. The truck terminal portion of the building will be 10,050 square feet in size and the office will be 3,050 square feet. Watkins Trucking plans to relocate from Carroll Road in San Diego to this new location. Headquarters of Watkins Terminals, Inc. is in Lakeland, Florida. The building color of the office and terminal and the materials for the office shall be compatible with other buildings within the business park and be approved by the Director of Planning Services. The office building wall surfaces will be constructed of a stucco-like material or other suitable material compatible with the South Poway Oevelopment Standards. Screening walls will be chosen in a material of compatible color to the office building. The roofi ng wi 11 be ACTION: I J 2 of 20 - - Agenda Report September 26, 1995 Page 2 standing seam metal or similar material in a white color with blue and red accent stripes, The hollow metal doors and roll up doors will also be in white. Chain link fencing is proposed for the south, east and north property frontages. Vinyl-coated chain link fencing of seven feet in height topped with one foot of barbed wire fencing is allowable with landscaping in the street side yard area along the south property line. The development standards call for a maximum height of 25 feet for 1 ight standards. Watkins Terminals desires 35 foot high light standards in the yard area due to the 24 hour per day operating schedule and the need for a safe, well- 1 ighted working environment. The special circumstances are that uniform 1 ighting is essential for the safe operation of vehicular activities. The lighting source needs to be higher than ordinance requirements of 25 feet to achieve uniform 1 ighting over the wide expanses of the site during night and early morning hours of this 24 hour per day truck terminal. The allowance of high pressure sodium 1 ights for the terminal yard area is consistent with Goal 1, Policy I and Strategy 2 of the Poway General Plan that states "lighting should provide for public convenience and safety but not confl ict with the rural nature of the cOlIIDunity." Strategy 2 states that "publ ic and semi-publ ic parking lots and driveways should be adequately 1 ighted for public safety. Except for Single-family homes, only low pressure sodium lighting shall be used for exterior lighting between 11:00 p.m. and dawn." The use of high pressure sodium lights will not adversely affect the rural character of the community due to the truck terminal being located within the business park and due to the design of the lights to be shielded, directed downward and have zero cutoff. Staff has met with the applicants and their representatives over the past several months to discuss details of their proposal in order to expedite construction of the facility by March 31, 1996. They have submitted the building and grading plans for checking and began bulk grading on September 5, 1995 to meet a five month construction schedule. A related action is the creation of the six acre site from a 32.5 acre parcel. The tentative map is scheduled with the City Council for October 3, 1995. The site plan allows for a future 20 dock extension that would be addressed through a modification of thi s development review. Further project description information is contained in Attachment C. FINDINGS The proposed truck terminal is a permitted use within the South Poway Specific Plan. The overheight light standards are justified because of the 24 hour per day operating schedule and the need for a safe, well-lighted working environment. Approval of the development review and variance is recommended with the findings and conditions of the attached resolution. 3 of 20 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 --" Agenda Report September 26, 1995 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The previously certified final Environmental Impact Report (ErR) and final Subsequent EIR for the South Poway Speci fic Plan adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. fISCAL IMPACT The truck termi na 1 wi 11 create 1 oca 1 employment opportunities. Sales tax generation is not expected from this use. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Public notice was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to 8 property owners in the project area. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95-08 subject to the conditions contained in the attached proposed resolution. JlB:JDF:RWQ:SAS:kls Attachments: A - Resolution B - Surrounding Land Use Designations C - Project Description Submitted by Applicant D - Site Plan E - Overall Floor plan F- Office Floor Plan G - Building Elevations e:\clty\plonnlng\roport\dr9513.Agn 4 of 20 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 - - - RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 95-13 AND VARIANCE 95-08 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317-280-62 portion WHEREAS, Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95-08, was submitted by Watkins Terminals, applicant, for approval of the construction of a 13,100 square foot facility with a 40 door truck terminal and office along with a variance to allow light standards of 35 feet in height on a six acre site located on the northeast corner of Tech Center Drive and Kirkham Way within the Light Industrial land use designation of the South Poway Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, on September 26, 1995 the City Council held a hearing on the above-referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as foliows: Section 1: Environmental Findinos: The previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the South Poway Specific Plan adequately addresses the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. Section 2: DeveloDment Review Findinos: 1. The approved project is consistent with the South Poway Specific Plan and the general plan in that a truck terminal is a permitted land use within the Light Industrial land use designation. 2. That the approved project wi 11 not have an adverse aesthet i c, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties in that the design of the building for the intended purpose conforms to the criteria of the South Poway Development Standards and will be compatible with current and future buildings in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed development encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City in that the architecture incorporates features provided for in the South Poway Development Standards. Section 3: Variance Findinos 1. The approved project is cons istent wi th the South Poway Spec i fi c Plan and the general plan in that it proposes the construction of a building and light standards within a site that is designated for light industrial use. The allowance of high pressure sodium lights for the terminal yard area is consistent with Goal 1, Policy I and Strategy 2 of the Poway General Plan in that these lights will not adversely affect the rural character of the community due to the 5 of 20 ATTACHMENT A SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 Resolution No. P- Page 2 truck terminal being located within the business park and due to the design of the lights to be shielded, directed downward and have zero cutoff. 2. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property, or the intended use of the property, and because of this, the strict application of the South Poway Development Standards deprives the property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under identical land use designations. The special circumstances are that uniform lighting is essential for the safe operation of vehicul ar activities. The 1 ight ing source needs to be higher than ordinance requirements of 25 feet to achieve uniform lighting over the wide expanses of the site during night and early morning hours of this 24 hour per day truck terminal. 3. That granting the variance or its modification is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and land use designation for which the variance is sought, in that complete and safe use of the property requires higher light fixtures. 4. That granting the variance or its modification will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in such Vicinity and land use designation in which the property is located. Granting of the variance will create a safer environment with less chance of injuries to property. 5. That the granting of this variance does not constitute a special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the vicinity and land use designation in that the property is located within the bus i ness park wi th numerous night lighting sources, including the Sports Park and parking lot lights of existing businesses. 6. That the granting of this variance does not all ow the use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by speCific plan development standards governing the parcel or property in that the approved project is the installation of 35 foot high light standards for a light industrial use in the South Poway Specific Plan. Section 4: Citv Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95- 08 subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. 6 Of 20 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 - - Resolution No. P- Page 3 COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES, SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. The building color of the office and terminal and the materials for the office shall be compatible with other buildings within the business park and be approved by the Director of Planning Services. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the South Poway Specific Plan, Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. Trash and recycling receptacle shall be enclosed by a six foot high masonry wall with view-obstructing gates pursuant to City standards. Location and dimensions shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 5. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, screened from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Department. 6. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code (UBC), Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7. Vinyl-coated chain link fencing of seven feet in height topped with one foot vee barbed wire is to be installed along the east and north property lines and the Kirkham Way frontage. Vinyl-coated chain link fencing is also to be used for the rolling gates at the two entrances to the terminal area. 8. For each new commercial or industrial development, the applicant shall pay Permit, Plan Check and Inspection Fees and School Fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be 1 imited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. 9. Future expansion of the facility will require a modification to this development review approval. 10. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within two years from the date of project approval. 7 of 20 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 .--- Resolution No. P- Page 4 PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS 1. All front parking lot landscaping shall include a minimum of one 15 gallon size tree for every three spaces. For parking lot islands, a minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall be provided and be separated from vehicular areas by a six inch high, six inch wide portland concrete cement curb. 2. Parking lot 1 i ghts shall be shielded low pressure sodium, directed downward, have zero cutoff and a maximum height of 25 feet. Terminal yard lights are allowed to be high pressure sodium, directed downward, have zero cutoff and a maximum height of 35 feet. 3. The truck terminal yard lot fixtures shall be pole mounted, 35 feet maximum height, above finished grade of the parking surface. 4. All parking spaces shall be double striped. 5. The parking layout shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), i.e. 1:25 ratio for accessible spaces with at 1 east one van accessible space designated. 6. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 25 feet wide. A minimum of 24 feet wide emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear at all times during construction in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements. LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 1. Complete 1 andscape construct i on documents shall be submitted to and approved by the Plann i ng Servi ces Department pri or to the issuance of bu i1 ding permits. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements (latest edition). 2. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the City of Poway Guide to Landscape Requirements and shall be planted at an average of 30 feet on center spacing along all streets. 3. Landscaped areas within the adjacent publ ic right-of-way, as well as private street easements, shall be permanently and fully maintained by the owner. Landscape screening on the outside of the vinyl-coated chain link fencing along the south side shall be provided by planting of sufficient vines, climbing ivy, shrubbery and/or trees of an acceptable density to ensure adequate screening within one year of planting. Landscaping on the north and east side of the chain link fencing is not required until such time as final grading occurs on the adjacent land. 4. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debri s. The trees shall be encouraged and allowed to retain a natural form. Prun i ng shou 1 d be 8 of 20 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 - "- Resolution No. P- Page 5 restricted to maintain the health of the trees and to protect the public safety. Unnatural or excessive pruning, including topping, is not permitted. llill Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SERVICES. GRADING l. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, Approved Grading/Private Improvement Plan and Soils Report, and the South Poway Planned Community Development Standards. 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work at first submittal of a grading/private improvement plan. 3. The grading/improvement plan prepared on standard size sheets at 20 scale by a registered civil engineer shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Engineering Services Departments and shall be completed prior to issuance of a grading permit. 4. A pre-blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the City Engineer. 5. All new temporary cut slopes shall be a minimum of I 3/4:1 (horizontal to vertical) . All new fill slopes shall be a minimum of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). 6. A fi na 1 compaction report shall be submitted and approved pri or to issuance of building permits. 7. Site grading shall be certified by the project civil engineer prior to issuance of building permits. 8. Buildings and parking lots shall be at least five feet from tops and toes of slopes. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS - 1. All parking lot structural sections shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Pavement sect ions shall conform to the minimum required by the Poway Municipal Code Section 12.20.080. SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 of 20 ---~ Resolution No. P- Page 6 2. Exterior street improvements are to be constructed by the developer of the adj acent parcel. The developer is to execute a covenant for thei r construction with the development of the adjacent parcel. 3. Private improvements that include, but are not limited to: -L Sidewalks -L Curb and gutter -L Driveways -L Cross gutter -L Wheel chair ramps -L Parking Lot Paving shall be shown on the grading/private improvement plans and shall be constructed prior to occupancy to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 4, All damaged off-site public works facilities, including parkway trees, sha 11 be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of bond s and improvements, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 5. Prior to any work being performed in the public right-of-way, a right-of- way permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Office and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits required. 6. Driveways shall have a minimum width of 30 feet and shall be designed as an alley apron with ten foot minimum radius. Where driveways are adjacent to sidewalks, pedestrian ramps shall be required. 7. Existing settlement monuments shall be identified on the grading/private improvement plans and protected during construction. Monuments shall be permanently protected or relocated when they conflict with the permanent improvement. 8. Street improvements shall include curb, gutter, paving, street lights, underground utilities, striping, and traffic control devices. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL l. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the property and all surface waters that may flow onto the property from adjacent lands, shall be required. This drainage system sha 11 i nc 1 ude any easements and structures as required by the City Engineer to properly handle the drainage, and it shall conform to the previous studies done for the business park. 2. Portland cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where water crosses the roadways. 3. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. 4. On-site drainage shall connect to the exi st i ng stub unl ess otherwi se approved by the City Engineer. SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 I 10 of 20 - "- Resolution No. P- Page 7 UTILITIES 1. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground. 2. Utility easements shall be provided to the specification of the serving utility companies and the City Engineer. 3. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. 4. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway and the County of San Diego Department of Health. 5. The applicant shall pay for a water system analysis to establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be determined by the cost of the analysis and shall be paid upon demand by the City. Estimated amount is $2,800.00. 6. Existing telephone, gas, electric, and all other publ ic util ities and appurtenances shall be shown on the grading/private improvement plans. 7. All on-site water mains shall be public. A 20 foot easement shall be dedicated to the City over public water mains prior to occupancy. 8. All on-site private sewer mains shall be constructed to standards for public sewers and shown on the grading/private improvement plans. 9. Improvement plans for the on-site water mains shall be prepared on standard size sheets at 20 scale, signed by a registered civil engineer, and submitted to the City for approval. The plans must be signed prior to issuance of a building permit. 10. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall occur. 11. Prior to occupancy, the sewer and water systems serving the project shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS 1. Should this subdivision be further divided, each final map shall be submitted for approval by the City Engineer. 2. All provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. 3. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required above. SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 , 11 of 20 Resolution No. P- Page 8 4. This approval is based on the existing site conditions represented on the proposed site plan and grading/private improvement plan. I f the actual conditions vary from those representations, the site plan must be changed to reflect the actual conditions. Any substantial changes to the site plan must be approved by the Director of Planning Services and the City Engineer and may require approval of the City Council. 5. The following development fees shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to building permit issuance. These fees are currently in effect and are subject to change. Sewer connection $8,246 Sewer Cleanout $50 Sewer Inspection $25 Water Meter $1,775 (2" size compound) County Water Authority $7,597 Water Base Capacity $16,694 6. The following fee shall be paid to the Engineering Services Department prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: Traffic Mitigation $4,106.85 Drainage and park fees are to be paid by the developer at a later date. the developer is to execute a covenant for their payment with the development of the adjacent parcel. 7. An on-site reclaimed water system shall be sized and i nsta 11 ed for landscaping and irrigation to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY SERVICES. 1. Roof covering shall be fire retardant as per UBC Section 3203(e) and City of Poway Ordinance No. 64. 2. The buildings shall display their numeric address in a manner visible from the access street. Minimum size of the building numbers shall be 18 inches on the front facade of the bui 1 di ng. Building address shall also be displayed on the roof in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Safety Services, and meeting Sheriff's Dept. - ASTREA criteria. 3. Every building hereafter constructed sha 11 be accessible to Fire Department apparatus by way of access roadways with all-weather driving surface of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, with adequate roadway turning radius capable of supporting the imposed loads of fire 12 of 20 SEP 2 6 1995 nEM 5 - - Resolution No. P- Page 9 apparatus having a minimum of 13'6" of vertical clearance. The road surface type shall be approved by the City Engineer, pursuant to the City of Poway Municipal Code (P.M.C.). 4. The building owner will be required to install an approved fire sprinkler system, meeting P.M.C. requirements. The building sprinkler system shall be designed to meet a minimum .33/3000 design density at the roof. The entire system is to be monitored by a central monitoring company. System post indicator valves with tamper switches, also monitored, are to be located by the City Fire Marshal prior to installation. 5. A 'Knox' Security Key Box shall be required for the building at a location determined by the City Fire Marshal. A 'Knox' padlock sha11 be required for the fire sprinkler system Post Indicator Valve. 6. Fire Department access for use of fire fighting equipment shall be provided to the illlllediate job construction site at the start of construction and maintained at all times until construction is completed. 7. Permanent access roadways for fire apparatus shall be designated as 'Fire Lanes' with appropriate signs and curb markings, 8. Minimum 4A:60BC fire extinguisher required for every 3000 square feet and 75' travel distance. (Terminal area) Minimum 2A:10BC fire extinguisher required for every 3,000 square feet and 75 feet of travel distance for B- 2 area. 9. The applicant shall provide a detail plan for all storage areas and a complete racking plan. 10. The addition of on-site fire hydrants is required. The location of the hydrants shall be determined by the City Fire Marshal. 11. Material Safety Data Sheets shall be required for all hazardous and/or toxic substances used in each building. 12. An Emergency Contingency Plan and Hazardous Materials Disclosure shall be filed with the County of San Diego Department of Health and copies provided to the Fire Department. 13. Prior to del ivery of combustible building material on site, water and sewer systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be connected to the public water and sewer systems. In addition, the first lift of asphalt paving shall be in place to provide adequate, permanent access for emergency vehicles. The final lift of asphalt shall not be installed until all other construction activity has been substantially completed to the satisfaction of the City. -- 14. All driveways in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved turnarounds. SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 13 of 20 Resolution No. P- Page 10 15. H.F.P.A. Standard 704, Hazardous Materials Labeling, shall be provided as necessary throughout the building. 16. The building shall be provided with approved automatic smoke and heat vents. 17. Propane dispenser storage must observe a 10 foot setback from the property 1 ine and a three foot separation for multiple containers with tank capacities greater than 500 gallons. Consult Uniform Fire Code Table 82.104A. COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED, COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES. 1. The subject project has no Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) landscape requirements. The property is annexed into the Landscape Mai'ntenance District (LMD 87-1) and is subject to LMD assessments. Current assessments for this property are based on $790 per net acre. 2. This property is currently within the City Lighting District. Assessments will increase according to land use once developed. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 26th day of September, 1995. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 14 of 20 - - "- os os os I I ( ( ~ "en LEGENO 00 3c: 3- c:~ R Residential ." ::0 <C ~"U I:: ~ '<0 OS Open Space ~ r-:E CD III III IP Industrial Park T ::0,< - C. LI Light Industrial c3! I '" III C South Poway Commercial <Il ::0 "- ~16 ~c. -- I' ;:: . A TT ACHMENT 8 :;If 20 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 5 - . ~ ~ , ' " ~ FURTHER PROJECT DESCRIPTION The land east of Tech Center Drive is vacant, cleared and ungraded at this ~ime. Tech Business Center intends to grade the Watkins site during the processing of the Development Review and associated parcel map. The property to the west of Tech Center Drive consists of the vacant, unimproved industrial lots of Poway Tech Center, also owned by Tech Business Center. The underground and surface improvements on Tech Center Drive are complete. Watkins intends to take all access and sewer and water service from Tech Center Drive. Storm drainage will be conducted to outfall at the east of the site into a retention basin to be built by Tech Business Center during its grading of the site in accordance with previously approved Tech Business Center bulk grading plans and site grading plan being prepared by Tech for City approval. Tech Business Center proposes to defer the construction of Kirkham Way easterly from Tech Center Drive until further pevelopment to the east takes place. The right-of-way will be graded, however, and approximately 350 feet of the sanitary sewer trunk main will be installed in the fill area. :. A TT ACHMENT C 16 of 20 SEP 261995 ITEM 5 - r .i.' '. ,'1.. . .J-< . '%1% '." i <-c~"" ZZ ..' ....J. ..... -It 41" <0.; ". ~ 0 .."..'1&1.' ..11...1..... ..' : It II.. '; .~lt : W:::i -'OS' . ~< 8 . ...j .: 41""""..;i" 00 .... .....! '. . C!J....S. , ---..... ------ W .. - . !., __________ >-" I II' ---- ~ r: g1C <0 c ~, , _.. = 5:: I -- g i , -< , , I , I , I ~ , b I ; I IS., . . , . ."1- , , - .~ : - .... ~ , .. .- I ~ ., : I : ~ I. , ~ I I I .' Ii, I I + I I' , ..: I I I I I ' t I ~. I: II I l I is; L..--r----r--.J i -" I I' , - I I I I. ' I~. I L--'~I: III = -.. . . !I I, - Ii ~ -" . D ~ I, ~ Ii ' III - =1 Iii 5 I 1=1 ) . :I I I . I r! , :=" I I I J.. I I . I I I I: II II hil i = L______JJ_L__U______J::J .' . . -". I --....,. ,..... ..:. - .~. " . . I .' , ~ . .. '. .. l .1 " '!I ' , .r-. I . ~ I I . 1. I I l.~_ i . . 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I I 1 : . ! , ' : 19 of 20 SEP 28 1995 ITEM 5 , ..~ . . ~.. .'1. ."-:.,:. i. J" ..J <( u!D):!"l' .U1 ~~ G 'l,~ll' f 'I ~O ~ 1,<(,il" . a:u.. <<l ;, >',1 w- ---. " ,- -~ . . o ~..J 0 Wf ' o O~ :;idl ~ < 'a:' o W>,iO: - C > .- Q<( ., a:: o >W't Z:> N ' ~1' <(0 5 , x,:, ", Ct)Q. ..J;W:. " , . , , , , -.: "' .. ", ." .~ .'1. 1 , - . Ii, I ! ;. I .1. HMENr G5EP 261995 rrEII 5 ,. 20 of 20 - -~7- (( , -2 :<-?s- AGENDA REPORT It' c\ dJ- CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James l. Bowersox, City Manager ." INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~1t Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Pla ning Services~ Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner ~ DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Development Review 95-13 and Variance 95-08, Watkins Terminals, Inc., Applicant: A request to construct a 13,100 square foot fac i1 i ty wi th a 40 door truck termi na 1 and offi ce along wi th a variance to allow light standards of 35 feet in height on a six acre site located on the northeast corner of Tech Center Drive and Kirkham Way within the Light Industrial land use designation of the South Poway Specific Plan, APN: 317-280-62 portion The applicant is concerned about condition 9 on page 3 of the resolution regarding future expansion and desires some assurance that they will be able to build the expansion, as shown on the original and revised site plans, without any further City Council action. The expansion would have been a staff report level of City Council review and approval rather than a publiC hearing. The current action is a public hearing only because of the variance to light standard height for the truck terminal yard. Since staff was unaware of details on how the building would be expanded though the architectural site plan showed a twenty door future expansion as phase II, the condition was proposed as written. The expansion would be of the same metal construction as used for the forty door truck terminal. The applicant has asked for metal construction in the dock area (though normally not allowed) for functional reasons while the front office area will be of concrete or other construction in conformance with business park development standards. Metal "is a better material for long-term building safety with trucks occasionally bumping the building thus requiring periodic replacement of metal panels. Traditional tilt-up concrete construction could not be repaired as easily. Staff has reviewed their request and agrees with the recommendation to approve the twenty door expansion of the truck terminal at this time, Revised wording for the condition is as attached. Attachments: A. Resolution Page 3-reviSed B, Revised Architectural Site Plan ACTION: II 1 of 3 SEf..ll1!l!lli lIEU .5 . "- Resolution No. P- Page 3 COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED. COMPLIANCE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES. SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. The building color of the office and terminal and the materials for the office shall be compatible with other buildings within the business park and be approved by the Director of Planning Services, 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the South Poway Specific Plan, Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 4. Trash and recycling receptacle shall be enclosed by a six foot high masonry wall with view-obstructing gates pursuant to City standards, Location and dimensions shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 5. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, screened from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Department. 6. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code (UBC), Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 7, Vinyl-coated chain link fencing of seven feet in height topped with one foot vee barbed wire is to be installed along the east and north property lines and the Kirkham Way frontage. Vinyl-coated chain link fencing is also to be used for the rolling gates at the two entrances to the terminal area. 8. For each new commercial or industrial development, the applicant shall pay Permit, Plan Check and Inspection Fees and School Fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. 9. r~~ ~r: :::taR:~:r e\~~ t~:,,:r i 1 t~isII'~e~eI6~'ffig~~ITfR~ViTe~jl~,i~~o\1'>~1?iif!~cTi~.i~, - 2 of 3 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM .5 ,.., -- U::J d IOJ..UJ.. f '3I1'<lrC ~ 00' 4. _1Il - _ I _ il~r-.;t----l---! --r-i --:----l 1 I .I~' 'I~ I I I I I h !;j"'! I -I I ~ I I -- iii II.. I II I' I I ( i /. fl~ I i1l I I as; I rei I I I gii ISRi :._ Ii,"." !i!\g I hi :"- "- -~"~-:' EIS'I E~I 2- -~--~ ,I "I ' - . I~ t. . ' '-':'. r:li I r;.! ~~ ~,.~ r----, Ih :r-: '.( j I " _ . I 'I ~'1 i - - ': f- ~, , I I tsi - --', f- ."___ I ", _ .I _ -'-""'f- .: I ~';_ ~ r--l---:;--l--l ~ - --.:jf- ,7. , , ~ I R I 2 ~ I Ill; iI' ," f-': 5 )0 ". ~ ;r I" lIb - I ~ iI'. I : :u .... ~ II ,2 ll-iq I tll- f- ':: I > 0 > ~ I I a \. I ~ - -f- :,' ~ * ~",~ _ 1': " - .""-- :J, .. I - -i . "'. " " .-..w ", ~ I 'f1 ~ .. 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