Item 6 - Annual Review of CalMat-Poway CUP 89-05 - --.- AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY ---"0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FRO": James L. Bowersox, City "ana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~)1r ~ Reba Wrlght-Quastler, Director of Plan In Services DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Annual Review of CalMat-Poway, Conditional Use Permit/Reclamation Plan 89-05 ABSTRACT Resolutions for CUP/Reclamation Plan 89-05 require an annual review of the CalMat-Poway aggregate extraction/processing operation. The fourth annual monitoring conducted by staff and CalMat has demonstrated their conformance with the conditions of approval. ENVIRON"ENTAL REVIEW A subsequent EIR was certified on August 7, 1990. _ FISCAL IMPACT Mitigation monitoring costs of staff time will be paid by applicant. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to Severo Chavez of CalMat and Jim Rostvet of the Creek Road Residents Association. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this annual report on CUP/Reclamation Plan 89-05 for CalMat-Poway noting that the five year Interim Management Plan is active through March 1999. ACTION - 1 of 6 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM .0 ~ AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ ' INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~t ~ Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Plan ng Services PROJECT Stephen A. Streeter, Principal Planner ~ PLANNER: DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Annual Review of CalMat-Poway, Conditional Use Permit/Reclamation Plan 89-05 ABSTRACT The 1991 resolutions for Conditional Use Permit/Reclamation Plan 89-05 require an annual review of the CalMat-Poway aggregate extraction and processing operation. The fourth annual monitoring has been conducted by staff and CalMat has demonstrated their conformance with the conditions of approval. It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this annual report on Conditional Use Permit/ Reclamation Plan S9-05 for CalMat-Poway. BACKGROUND The City approved the revised resolution for the reclamation plan on July 23, 1991. The revised resolution for the conditional use permit was approved on August 20, 1991. The City Council received and filed the third annual report on Conditional Use Permit and Reclamation Pl an 89-05 for CalMat-Poway on September 13, 1994. FINDINGS The CalMat-poway property was inspected on August 3, 1995 by staff members from the Engineering, Planning and Safety Services Departments, and Severo Chavez, CalMat Assistant Manager for Planning and Land Management. Comments from field trio: - As of July 1995, CalMat is now receiving water from a water line extended to K i rkhall Way. The 2 1/2 inch water line previously served off the General Dynamics water line is now disconnected. ACTION: I 2 of 6 j SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM .6 -- - - Agenda Report September 26, 1995 Page 2 - As part of the City's strategy to implement AB 939 for reduction of materials to the County Landfill, the recycling of concrete and asphalt will be explored with the Public Services Department. - When the office and vehicle maintenance buil di ng is in use again, compliance with current access requirements will either require an elevator to the second story or arrangements to meet persons with physical disabilities in an appropriate place on the first floor. - Dumping of debris on CalMat's property adjacent to Scripps Poway Parkway has not been a problem within the past year. - Underground tank removal of one gasoline and two diesel tanks is to occur. Safety Services wants to know the capacity of the tanks and the timing for removal. - A Section 404 permit will eventually be needed from the Army Corps of Engineers to remove the box culvert across the driveway with reclamation of the original creek alignment. - Reclaimed water should be usable for future concrete production once available. The acidity and pH factor of the water will need to be tested. - The 1996 annual review will be more deta il ed per the reso 1 ut i on of approval. Page 9 of Resolution No. P-91-48R includes the following condition under Review Periods and Comoliance: 2. This permit is subject to five year reviews for compliance with prior conditions and to add new conditions as necessary to ensure compliance with changes in State, Federal, or local laws. General comments: Calmat has not been operating the Poway plant over the prior year due to the slowdown in construction activities county-wide. There have been no operational days since 1992. Their Miramar and Lakeside concrete batch plants have been closed down within the past year. Security has been an issue for the plant site. Since CalMat personnel or their subcontractors are rarely on the property, periodic break-ins at the office building and vandalism to the outbuildings have occurred though none within the past year. Landscape maintenance is done about twice a month with some maintenance outside the fence along the Beeler Canyon Road frontage and the rest done by accessing the site from Kirkham Way for landscaping and irrigation within the plant site. 3 of 6 ITEM SEP 2 6 1995 .6 Agenda Report September 26, 1995 Page 3 When the plant is activated for concrete batch production, a lead time of about three months will be needed to rewire the machinery and install new parts as needed. A similar period is needed for the aggregate production plant. When operations begin again, CalMat will continue to use the balance of the 330,000 cubic yards of stockpiled material obtained several years ago from Cadillac Fairview before conducting new excavation. This operational procedure conforms with the conditions and mitigation measures in the resolutions for the reclamation plan and conditional use permit. The Engineering Services staff will review the $50,000 reclamation bond once the CalMat-Poway aggregate facility is operational on a regular basis to determine whether an annual adjustment is necessary. This condition is to ensure the reclamation of the existing excavated area at any given time during the life of the aggregate operation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A subsequent EIR was certified on August 7, 1990. FISCAL IMPACT Mitigation monitoring costs of staff time will be paid by applicant. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report was mailed to Severo Chavez of CalMat and Jim Rostvet of the Creek Road Residents Association. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this annual report on Conditional Use Permit/Reclamation Plan 89-05 for CalMat-Poway. JLB:JDF:RWQ:SAS:kls Attachment: A. Mitigation Monitoring Report dated August 3, 1995 e:\c1ty\p1a""tn,\re,.rt\c.,..t4.a'ft 4 of 6 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM (, -- - City of poway Planning Services Department Mitigation Monitoring Report TODAY'S DATE: f~3-9S- o NEG DEC 'f/ EIR: ENVIRONMENTAL , IMPACT AREA: SCH#: f'1" /~u;- CERT DATE: f'~7-?~ ~fOl_ a1v #~14ko/ ::{and Use" Plann'ing . . LEAD ,AGENCY: - ~ransport.tion/circul.tfon Soil. , Geol_ PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION~ a.I..-'1..r~ n "- !r'HydrolOlY/Drainage ~fr Quol ity /' H..lth, Safety. Noise I Muisance Factors ~PRIVATE PROJECT o PUBLIC PROJECT o CUt tunl Resources ritH ities .. Public Services a Water GUIll f ty APN: 32" ~bi/-/R M, ~{, o Public Recreation Facilities . nesthetics/Visual Qual i ty/ landform Alteration SPECIFIC ADOPTED MITIGATION MEASURE AND RELATED o Socio-Econo.ic Factors MONITORING PROGRAM (See attached text from o Energy and Scarce Resources approved/certified environmental document) o Other . INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION: (e.g. , Project Planner) )ft'~ A.~ffU flrtw~w Pla...,V ORG~~~Y TITLE , NAM TECHNICAL REPORT REFERENCE: (includes studies and survey reports) o INITIAL PROJECT-SPECIFIC REPORT . Title Prepared by/Date o SUBSEQUENT REPORT(S) . Title Prepared by/Date Title Prepared by/Date CONDUCT OF MITIGATION MONITORING: (Complete as appropriate) ~~~IANNERL o en;: eeUSl:l'];,qIMIT ~~ ~m . Name/Firm f'-j-9~ Date Date o ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST o eTIIER . - -- Name/Firm Name/Firm I Date Date forms\mitigation.rpt(1990) (over) 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT A SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM b --_.,-- --'-'--"~'--_. ""- --'_.+~---- DETERMINATON OF MITIGATION COMPLIANCE/COMPLETION: ~CCEPTABLE o UNACCEPTABLE o FOLLOW-UP MONITORING REQUIRED FOLLOW-UP: . , y , , MITIGATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: (Indicate as appropriate) o LEAD AGENCY DEPARTMENT/ o RESPONSIBLE AGENCY DIVISION o STATE AGENCY o FEDERAL AGENCY . o RESOURCE AGENCY o STATE CLEARINGHOUSE o OTHER FIRMS, ORGANIZAITONS, OR INDIVIDUALS, AS NOTED BELOW: MITIGATION MONITORING SIGN-OFF: as appropriate) ~ROJECT PLANNER: j),., P-.?-9..r- ature/T~t1e/Date o crr:: COlJST:Jl.T....~JT: Signature/Firm/Date o ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST: Signature/Firm/Date o OTHER INDIVIDUAL: Signature/Firm/Date THIS REPORT HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED TO: o PROJECT PLANNER ~ENTRAL AB 3180 COMPLIANCE FILE PROJECT PROPONENT/DEVELOPER liYeIT~ eStlST:ll.'FMIT FlU ,.t14f.rll'-tI- o ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST ~ESPONSIBLE AGENCY OTHER: ; of 6 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM b