Item 7 - Pomerado Creek FEMA Flood Study Status Report AGENDAREPORTS~Y IJJ~ 7-<?,r-~S- I - -\ TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ - .NITIATED BY: J'" D. 'ito', "'i,t.,t Ott, M.,.."i!t)\r ~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineerin Service Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Pomerado Creek FEMA Flood Study Status Report ABSTRACT This status report provides the history of the Pomerado Creek FEMA flood study and staff's recommended plan to pursue an appeal to the findings. Pomerado Creek provides drainage for approximately 4 square miles located east and west of Pomerado Road from Poway Creek to Pomerado Hospital. FEMA initiated the study without a request, direction, or approval from the City of Poway. In June of 1995, FEMA completed its study regarding Pomerado Creek and advised the City of Poway of their intent to publish the preliminary maps and conduct a 90-day comment and appeal period. On September IS, 1995, the City submitted an appeal of the preliminary flood study for Pomerado Creek. iNVIRONMENTAL REVIEW No C.E.Q.A. review is required for this report. FISCAL IMPACT Staff recommends appropriating $75,000 to perform surveying, hydraulic studies, and cost estimates for improvements needed to contain the water within the channel if the FEMA study is verified. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Residential Ad Hoc Committee, Congressman Cunningham RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to actively pursue the appeal of the FEMA floodplain study and appropriate $75,000 to conduct surveys, technical studies, and determine cost of improvements necessary to contain the flood waters within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel if the FEMA study is verified. ACTION II 1 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 ," "-- AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~ City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~~ Mark S. Weston, Director of Engineer~ Service~ Javid Siminou, Senior Civil Engineer ' DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Pomerado Creek FEMA Flood Study Status Report BACKGROUND This status report provides the history of the Pomerado Creek FEMA flood study and staff's recommended plan to pursue an appeal to the findings. In January 1992, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) initiated a flood study for Pomerado Creek. Pomerado Creek provides drainage for approximately 4 square miles located east and west of Pomerado Road from Poway Creek to Pomerado Hospital. FEMA initiated the study without a request, direction, or approval from the City of Poway. The limits of the study are from Poway Creek to Glen Oak near Abraxas School. FEMA's flood study contractors contacted the County flood control staff and were advised that in 1977 and 1978 the County improved the channel to contain the 100-year flood flow. The 100-year runoff flows were developed by the County of San Diego and approved by the Corps of Engineers. At that time the Corps of Engineers had flood study responsibility prior to the creation of FEMA. In June of 1993, FEMA released preliminary flood profile information; however, no maps identifying the impact to the surrounding properties were released. In November, 1994, preliminary floodplain maps were submitted to the City of Poway. Staff responded to FEMA with concern about the impact to the surrounding neighborhoods. FEMA made no response to the City's letter. In June of 1995, FEMA completed their study regarding Pomerado Creek and advised the City of Poway of their intent to publish the" preliminary maps and conduct a 90-day comment and appeal period. The appeal period ended on September 20, 1995. On September 7, 1995, the City held a neighborhood meeting for the Powers and Frame Road residents at which FEMA representatives presented the floodplain mapping process, flood insurance program, and the appeal process. Residents of the neighborhood which is impacted by the creation of a new floodplain by FEMA were extremely upset by the lack of notice and poor responses from FEMA representatives and City staff. ACTION: 2 of 24 >0- j - - - Agenda Report . POMer_ Creek FEMA Flood Study Status Report September 26, 1995 P.ge 2 After receiving the preliminary plans in June of 1995, City staff and their engineering consultants reviewed the preliminary maps and found their methodology and analysis to be generally acceptable. The FEMA appeal must be based on technical and scientific data to refute the findings of FEMA. After the September 7, 1995 meeting with FEMA, City staff reviewed the administrative and technical record of the floodplain study and found discrepancies between County records and FEMA analysis. FEMA ignored the County records which demonstrated the channel had been built to a 100-year flood flow standard and approved by the Corps of Engineers. In addition, FEMA initiated a flood study on an area not designated as a flood prone area. Current floodplain maps show this area deleted from any floodplain designation based on the improvements constructed in 1977 by the County of San Diego. City staff obtained records from the County detailing the channel improvements constructed in 1977. The channel geometry as shown by the County does not correspond with that used in the FEMA study. In a dition, the City raised several technical discrepancies between the FEMA m pping and the onsite conditions. On September IS, 1995, City staff s bmitted an appeal of the preliminary flood study for Pomerado Creek. The a peal letter is shown in Attachment 1. In addition, staff sent FEMA the C unty records and copies of the appeal letters from the residents. On September 20, 1995, City staff conducted a second neighborhood meeting to respond to questions and concerns raised by the residents. Attachment 2 is a list of questions and answers prepared by the City of Poway. Attachment 3 is a list of questions prepared by the residential ad hoc committee. Staff's responses to the questions are also included in Attachment 3. Lastly, staff indicated to the residents that we would prepare a listing of the properties located in the preliminary floodplain and the relationship to this structure. This information is shown in Attachment 4. FINDINGS In 1977, the County of San Diego performed hydrology and hydraulics studies demonstrating that the 100-year flood flow was contained within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel. The Corps of Engineers and the County agreed on the improvements. This neighborhood was eliminated from any flood prone designation. Current FEMA analysis suggests that the 100-year flows are not contained within the channel. The City appealed the preliminary floodplain maps submitted by FEMA within the 90-day period. Two neighborhood meetings were held with residents of the Powers and Frame Roads. In addition, many meetings were held with an ad hoc committee from the neighborhood to discuss the impact of the study on them, The City received approximately 250 appeal letters which have been sent to FEMA along with the City's appeal letter. 3 of 24 ITEM 7 11 SEP 2 6 1995 ...- i Agenda Report - pomerado Creek FEMA Flood Study Status Report September 26, 1995 Page 3 Approximately 115 homes would be designated in a floodplain if this map is finalized in its present form. City staff recommends performing a new hydraulics study and determine if water is not contained in the channel, what improvements would be necessary to contain the flow within the channel. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT No C.E.Q.A. review is required for this report. FISCAL IMPACT Staff recommends appropriating $75,000 to perform surveying, hydraulic studies, and cost estimates for improvements needed to contain the water within the channel if the FEMA study is verified. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE Residential Ad Hoc Committee, Congressman Cunningham RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council direct staff to actively pursue the appeal of the FEMA floodplain study and appropriate $75,000 to conduct surveys, technical studies, and determine cost of improvements necessary to contain the flood waters within the Pomerado Creek concrete channel if FEMA study is verified. JLB:JDF:MSW:JS:mh Attachments: 1. Appeal Letter to FEMA 2. Questions and Answers Prepared by City Staff 3. Questions and Answers Prepared by Ad Hoc Committee 4. List of properties 4 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 I'" ...-- I, r=-:ITY OF POW A V- DON HIGGINSO~( \I.yor SUSAN CALLERY, DePUIY Mayor BOB E.\lERY, Councllmember MICKEY CAFAG!'A. Councilmember BE1TY REXFORD. Councilmembc:r I September 18, 1995 Mr, Michael K, Buckley, p, E. Chief Hazard Identification Branch Mitigation Directorate Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 "C" Street S,W, Washington, D. C, 20472 Subject: Appeal of the Flood Mapping Study for Pomerado Creek, Poway, California Dear Mr. Buckley: The City of Poway formally appeals the Base Flood Elevations (BFEl and the preparation of a flood study on Pomerado Creek, Poway, California currently proposed by FEMA. The City had no reason to believe that Pomerado Creek was in a flood prone area, Our understanding is that generally FEMA will study flood prone areas upon request by the local officials in order to designate a floodplain area. FEMA has had no formal contact from the City Council on this matter. The City of Poway has not requested this study and does not support any findings relative to the creation of a new floodplain along Pomerado Creek, Past efforts by the County of San Diego and the Corp of Engineers in 1977 and 1978 resulted in Pomerado Creek being eliminated from a previously prepared Corp of Engineers flood prone area map, In 1977 the County of San Diego and the Corp of Engineers resolved discrepancies in the hydrology for the Pomerado Creek basin, Five different hydrology studies had been prepared prior to 1977. The County of San Diego resolved any disputes regarding the hydrology and the Corp of Engineers accepted their " analysis, The hydrology estimated in 1977 is the same as FEMA used in 1993, The City agrees the" hydrology study prepared in 1 977, as accepted by the Corp of Engineers, is reasonable for the basin, The County of San Diego Flood Control District staff have indicated to the City of Poway (Exhibit" A") that they constructed the improvements required for the approved hydrology. The Corp of Engineers eliminated the Pomerado Creek area as a flood prone area, All correspondence, reports, and records should be in FEMA's files, clearly designating the Pomerado Creek area as not being a flood prone area, July 7,1977 and August 19,1985 flood maps issued for Poway deleted Pomerado Creek as a,flood area, The concrete channel has the capacity to carry the 1 CO-year flood flow, All of these actions occurred before the City of Poway obtained control of the Rood Control District facilities in 1985, FEMA should have all of the relevant correspondence and reports from the County. The City has no reason to request a restudy of the area. The City has not requested a restudy of Pomerado Creek, Further, this area is no longer a flood prone area, FEMA should not have prepared the flood study which is now in dispute, ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD REVIEW The City of Poway has reviewed the interactions of City staff and FEMA beginning in 1992. We strongly believe the City was mislead regarding the requirements to perform any floodplain mapping on Pomerado Creek. On January 31, 1992, Mr, Ray Lenaburg from FEMA met with a Senior Civil Engineer in the Engineering Services Department along with Rick Bettis of Ensign & Buckley, a FEMA study contractor, The notes of that meeting which are attached (Attachment #1) indicate that Ray Lenaburg told the City I they were going to perform a flood study on Pomerado Creek and he set the limits of the study. FEMA did not acknowledge the long-term history between the County and the Corp of Engineers regarding mapping of Pomerado Creek, In addition, FEMA did not discuss the improvements that had been made ~ 5 of 24 PO ATTACHMENT 1 Drive ~ . (6~~p74S-6600, 695-1400 1;- 26 1995 ITEM 7.1'" \;;;. .....- , Mr. Mich..l Bucklev, P .E. September 18. 1995 Page 2 by the County. Staff was lead to believe that FEMA had the authority to come into the jurisdiction and map the area without debate. FEMA made the decision to study on their own without receiving a request. direction, or approval by the City of Poway. This decision was made even in light of the past history that showed that the area was not flood prone and the agreement that was reached with the County of San Diego in 1978 which showed that the channel could handle the estimated flows. On February 1, 1992. Rick Bettis of Ensign &: Buckley, study contractor for FEMA, contacted Joe Hill at the County and he stated, as noted by Mr, Bettis IAttachment #2) that this area was no longer in a flood prone area and was a waste of time for FEMA to study the area. On April 6, 1992. Rick Bettis of Ensign &: Buckley, stated in a letter to Michael Baker, Review Engineer for FEMA IAttachment #31. "As can be seen from the FIRM, no flood hazard boundaries are shown.... " "As directed by Ray Lenaburg, this is to request a review of FEMA records and determine what data is available..." "If this stream has been determined by FEMA not to be flood hazard, I believe Ray intends to cancel our assignment. " A decision to study Pomerado Creek without a history of flooding or being flood prone was made unilaterally by FEMA. The City of Poway did not receive any copies of this correspondence until June of 1995. The City did not get the FEMA records. It appears FEMA staff made an arbitrary determination to study Pomerado Creek even though it was not shown as a flood prone area and that the County study had shown that the area was not flood prone. On June 9, 1992, FEMA and Ensign &: Buckley agreed on study scope and a time and cost without conferring or advising the City of Poway IAttachment #4). FEMA ignored statements presented by Joe Hill, County of San Diego, regarding the elimination of this area as a flood prone area. On June 11, 1993, one year later, the City of Poway received a draft summary report which included several incorrect statements , Paraaraoh 1.3. "On January 31.1992. FEMA contends that an initial consultation and coordination meeting was held with representatives of the City of Poway, Department of Public Works, FEMA, and study contractor, The stream to be studied and the limits of the study were identified at the meeting." In fact, based on meeting notes and City staff's racollection, FEMA told them they were going to study Pamerado Creek, Engineering staff did not request the study and explained to FEMA they thought they were wasting their time studying the creek. City staff was not told that the scope of the study could and should have been challenged at that time. Paraaraoh 2,3, "Principal Flood Problems. There are no reported significant flood problems in the study area,- City of Poway strongly agrees with this statement. Paraaraoh 7,0. "...Original 1973 FIS was superseded due to change conditions," City agrees that the 1973 Carp of Engineers FlS no longer is applicable due to the improvements made by the County of San Diego, FEMA should not have studied Pomerado Creek, In the June 1 1, 1993 report, FEMA included lists of water elevation tables and flood profiles but no plan view map showing the impact to the neighborhood, In June of 1993, City staff had no way to determine the impact to the neighborhood and at this time were unaware of the extent of the flood mapping limits. 6 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7..i.... .-- "- - Mr, Michlel K. BuckllV. P,E. - September 18. 1995 Peg. 3 On November 3, 1994. City received the "Preliminary Rood Insurance Study" IFIS) and "Rood Insurance Rate Map" IFIRM) for the San Diego County and incorporated areas. This report included all County maps, including Poway updates. The plan view showing the extent of the floodplain area were first shown in this report, On December 6, 1994. staff sent a review letter to FEMA which included concerns about the extent of the floodplain mapping on Pomerado Creek, City of Poway received no response to our comment letter from FEMA until we received a notice of publication of the new floodplain in early June of 1995, TECHNICAL REVIEW The City of Poway appeals the technical preparation of the report on the following items: 1. The Manning "n" for natural channels downstream from the Pomerado Road box culvert are too high. They should be based on clean, maintained channel with "n" values ranging from 0.030 to 0.040 rather than values indicated in the report of 0,050 to 0.070. 2. The Manning "n" used in cross section plots consistently shows 0.015 for the concrete channel. They should all be reduced to 0,012. We appeal the HEC II model runs as presented based on this significant discrepancy, 3. It appears FEMA is applying their 3-foot levy freeboard criteria to an engineered concrete channel wall which is inappropriate. The levy criteria should not be used in the analysis. Station-by-station analysis will support calculations which increase capacity. 4. Manning "n" values used in cross sectional stations 4180 to 9421 consistently show high values ranging from 0.019 to 0.037. City of Poway appeals these values and should be replaced with 0.012. The channel is a smooth walled concrete channel. Annual minor maintenance will maintain a "n" of 0.012. 5. We dispute the use of high "n" values (of 0,10) where hOUSllS are shown in the overbank area as part of the cross section and reducing the cross sectional area. There should not be a reduction shown in the cross sectional area when using a high "n" value, 6. Calculations performed by the City confirm the capacity of the channel as constructed by the County meets the 100-year design flow standards. (Note: Exhibit" A"). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Further, we do not agree with the findings that the preparation of this flood study has no significant economic impact to the community. We request that an environmental impact study, according to NEPA guidelines, be prepared to investigate the impacts associated with this proposed floodplain designation. - 7 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 . .' ..~- I Mr. Mic:hael K. Buc:klev. P .E. September lB. 1995 Page 4 SUMMARY We strongly Question the accuracy of the study, Before we can appropriately appeal FEMA's analysis, we request all correspondence and analysis in FEMA's files from 1973 to 1986 relative to the settlement between the County of San Diego and the Corp of Engineers regarding Pomerado Creek, We request that no final maps be prepared until the City of Poway has the opportunity to analyze all previous information and prepare our own analysis to determine the accuracy of the analysis prepared by FEMA. County records clearly show the improvements meet Corp of Engineers requirements for flood protection, Attached are appeal letters (Exhibit "B") we have received from the residents of Poway and a copy of a letter from Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham from the district, Further, we will be receiving more appeal letters as indicated in several recent meetings with the residents. We support the residents' claims that appeal of the floodplain study is justified and the City supports the residents' claims that this is an inappropriate mapping effort and potentially flawed analysis. We request a meeting be held between FEMA staff and the City Manager of the City of Poway to discuss this issue. Further, we request that our appeal be evaluated by FEMA staff not previously associated with this project. The City of Poway has reviewed the record of FEMA' s activities on the performance of a flood study on Pomerado Creek, FEMA made a unilateral decision to study Pomerado Creek in light of the historicai fact that the County of San Diego, through their improvement efforts, eliminated the designated flood prone area along Pomerado Creek. This fact was substantiated with the development of the original Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the City of Poway by deleting Pomerado Creek. In addition, County staff concur in communications with FEMA and their consultants that studying Pomerado Creek was inappropriate. The County has demonstrated that the channel has the capacity to carry the 100-year flood flow. We feel we have been mislead regarding the requirements to perform a flood study effort on Pomerado Creek, We firmly believe FEMA has exceeded its congressional authority, Further, we find the flood study is technically flawed. City of Poway expects all floodplain mapping efforts on Pomerado Creek to cease, We reQuest a complete written response to our appeal issues. Sincerely, ~~~ Don Higginson Mayor xc: Jack Eldridge, FEMA Region 1 Rav Lenaburg, FEMA Region 1 Attachments 1 thru 4 Exhibits" A" and "B" ~\WJll61\Jen..ta~.lun 8 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 l'1 , " - - POMERADO CREEK FEMA FLOOD STUDY SEPTEMBER 20, 1995 Answers'to Questions From Neighborhood: 1. Q. Will the City be appealing the FEMA flood study? A. The City filed a lengthy appeal to FEMA on September IS, 1995 and will actively pursue the appeal. We questioned some of the technical findings as well as FEMA's decision to study this creek. The City incorporated all the appeal letters from the neighborhood in the appeal. 2. Q. Who initiated the study? A. FEMA initiated the flood study in 1992 and set the limits to be studied. The City did not request the study. Staff believed FEMA has authority to perform such studies. The City received the results in November, 1994. 3. Q. What design standards did the County use in the improvements (road crossings and concrete channel liner) constructed in 1977/7S? A. The County documents represent that they designed the channel for the 100-year flood flow and that the flow was contained in the channel. The flows that the County used in 1977 are the same that FEMA used in ' 1993. The Corps of Engineers accepted the County's work and deleted this area as a flood prone area. 4. Q. What impact has development had on the flood study? A. In 1977, the County and Corps of Engineers agreed on a 100-year flood flow anticipating future development. The flood flows used in 1977 are the same as the 1993 flood study. Recent development was anticipated in the 1977 analysis. 5. Q. What affect does the senior housing project on Brookview have on the flood study? A. When this project is built, the channel will be constructed to improve flow in the channel and handle the 100-year flood flow. The housing sites will be constructed one foot above the 100-year flood elevation. 6. Q. Why does the FEMA study show flooding on Powers and the County design keeps all the flow in the channel? A. The City staff and consultants will conduct their own review of the channel. The road crossings may be causing a constriction to the flood flow causing a rise in the upstream water surface thus showing part of the water leaving the channel. The City will study what improvements, if any, are necessary to satisfy FEMA that the channel 9 of 24 ATTACHMENT 2 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 1.-.' -_.- - Pomerado Creek FEMA Flood Study , Answers to Questions From Neighborhood September 20, 1995 Page 2 performs as designed. Once the City completes this analysis, we will hold another neighborhood meeting. "0 7. Q. How does the maintenance of the channel affect the flood study? A. The study assumes the channel is a maintained concrete lined channel. The City maintains the channel each year before the winter storms. The City will be maintaining this channel in the next few weeks under the annual program. 8. Q. How does this study affect my home mortgage? A. We have been told by several lending institutions if a flood plain is designated that refinancing, home equity loans or new loans, for homes in the floodplain will require the home owner to purchase flood insurance. 9. Q, Why weren't the residents notified earlier? A. Staff should have notified residents in June when FEMA published the notification of the flood study. FEMA documents emphasized that appeals of this study had to be based on scientific and technical information. We reviewed the summary report and their study looked technically correct. We then scheduled a neighborhood meeting with FEMA staff so that FEMA could explain their study. The earliest we could get FEMA staff in Poway was September 7, 10. Q. What will the City do next? A. The City is committed to challenge the findings of the flood study through FEMA's appeal process. We will conduct our independent hydraulic analysis of the channel, determine what constrictions, if any, result in the water leaving the channel, and estimate what improvements will correct the problem and to contain the water in the channel. 10 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITeM 7 ; 1>1 - - - ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS PREPARED BY THE RESIDENTIAL AD HOC COMMI'ITEE 1. How and why did the remapping of Pomerado Creek happen? ANSWER: In 1992 a FEMA staff member initiated the study and set the limits of the study without request, direction, or approval from the City of Poway. 2. When did the study start and when were the results of the FEMA study known? ANSWER: FEMA initiated the study in January 1992 and the results of the study which presented the impact to the neighborhood were released in November 1994. The preliminary maps were released by public notification in June of 1995. 3. Didn't the City have an obligation to notify the residents that the study was going on and the findings of the study prior to the August/September 1995 notice? ANSWER: FEMA does not conduct public meetings. As has been stated in the public meetings, City staff could have notified the residents prior to the appeal period; however, there was no statutory obligation to hold a public hearing. Council has directed staff to assure the neighborhood is fully briefed on this issue. 4. Why did the FEMA study only go as far north as Glen Oak? ANSWER: FEMA staff members set the limits of the study. 5. To what level of detail did BSI and the City review the FEMA flood study results? ANSWER: City staff and their consultants review the summary reports and the out from the computer analysis. City staff did not have the County improvement records and Corps of Engineers correspondence. 6, Was the channel upgraded to the 100-year flood level when improvements were by San Diego County in 1978? ANSWER: County records suggest that the channel was constructed to a 100-year flood level; however, a survey performed by the City on September 20, 1995, found discrepancies between the County design elevations and the FEMA flood study data. 7. We have heard that there was a plan at one time to build a flood detention basin in the fields north of Abraxas School. Why was this not built? ANSWER: In 1977, the County chose to build the channel to handle the lOa-year flood flow thereby deleting the need for constructing a detention basin. 11 of 24 ATTACHMENT 3 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 . ! Questions & Answers Page 2 8. Is the flood control channel, as it exists now in 1995 with all of the development that has gone on in Poway and Carmel Mountain Ranch, still adequate to .handle the l00-year flood? ANSWER: The estimated master plan flood flows in 1977 are the same flood flows used by FEMA in 1993 based on current and anticipated development. City staff will verify the flood flows used in the study. 9. What are the "corrections" reco=ended by FEMA to bring the channel up to the 100-year flood capacity? ANSWER: FEMA makes no estimate of the corrections needed to contain all of the water within the flood channel. 10. How will being in a floodplain affect my property value if my house is on a low pad or a high pad? ANSWER: The City of Poway has no information on how the floodplain designation affects property values. 11. Will FHA or V A lenders finance homes in a designated floodplain? ANSWER: The City of Poway's understanding is that loans can be issued on properties in a floodplain provided the buyer purchases flood insurance. 12, How will the redesignation affect existing home loans? ANSWER: The City of Poway has been told by lending institutions that for refinance loans, equity loans, or new loans, most lending institutions will require flood insurance. 13. Is the City appealing the redesignation? How will you know if FEMA received the appeal? ANSWER: The City is appealing the redesignation on administrative and technical issues. The City sent the appeal Certified Mail and has received the receipt. Staff has contacted Michael Baker, the review engineers, and has let them know verbally that an appeal has been sent. 12 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 ~ - - ! - Questions & Answers Page 3 I I , 14. When the appeal is filed, does the redesignation process stop or will the floodplain map be published before the appeal process is completed? ANSWER: All appeals will be reviewed and resolved before the floodplain map is published. The City of Poway will be advised of the appeal resolution and residents will be advised as soon as we receive information regarding the appeal. 15. If the appeal takes an extended of time, what are our legal obligations to disclose the alleged floodplain situation if we are going to sell our homes? ANSWER: Disclosure requirements are set by real estate law. The City of Poway cannot give an opinion on what a property owner needs to disclose. 16. How long do you expect the appeal to take? ANSWER: The appeal could take from two months to a year. 17. How soon after the results of the appeal are known will the City notify the residents? ANSWER: We will notify the residents immediately upon receipt of the appeal resolution letter. 18. If the City loses the appeal, what further action will the City take? ANSWER: City staff is recommending the City conduct its own independent analysis of the capacity of the channel. If the channel has capacity problems, we will identify what improvements can be made to contain all the water in the channel. City staff is recommending we proceed with this immediately. 19. The City offered special loans to residents of this area for improvements to their property. If the City knew that there was a flood control problem shouldn't that money have been spent to upgrade the flood control channel instead? ANSWER: Drainage funds are a different source of funds than the Redevelopment Residential Rehabilitation Loan Program. The two issues are not connected. - 13 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 rTEM 7 ..... QuestioDS & Answers Page 4 20. Assuming that we do have a flooding problem, how many future flood control projects does Poway have planned, and can the list be reprioritized so that our channel may be taken care of first? ANSWER: Staff is reco=ending to Council that this project be high priority and the study conducted immediately. Improvement projects, if needed, will be presented to Council after more information is developed. 21. When is the City going to clean flood control channel? What priority is our channel in the City maintenance schedule? ANSWER: The City will clean flood control channel before the winter rains. The priority to clean this channel is balanced with priorities to clean all the flood control channels before winter. 22. Why are the drain pipes that empty into the flood control channel near 13732 Powers and Frame Roads concrete enclosed? ANSWER: During the County review it was determined that this area is a low point in the neighborhood and the water from the channel would flow into the street if these pipes were closed off and flows redirected 10 another location. 23, Why is there water running in the channel now during the summer when there hasn't been in past years? ANSWER: Water in the channel has flowed every year. Urbanization of the basin increases the low water flows, which is occurring throughout the City. 14 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 I~' - ~ - Parcel In Building In ~ APN Flood Plain Flood Plain Name Address Phone No. - 314-252-01 Yes No Constance Shultz aka Shill 14227 Powers Road 2 314-252-16 Yes No Sandra Wall 14221 Powers Road 3 314-252-15 Yes No Ruhen Davila & Debra Oakes-Aquila 14215 Powers Road 4 314-252-14 Yes No David & Diane Schafer 14209 Powers Road 5 314-252-13 Yes No !.enh N. Born 14203 Powers Road 6 314-252-12 Yes No Mary M. Nuttall 14177 Powers Road 7 314-252-11 Yes No Michael & Kathy Alexander 14171 Powers Road 8 314-252-10 Yes No Don L. Nieto Jr. 14165 Powers Road 9 314-252-02 Yes No Dwight & Ruth Dickerhoff 14228 Frame Road 10 314-252-03 Yes No KeMeth & Deborah Thompson 14222 Frame Road 11 314-252-04 Yes No Alfred & BOMie Holthus 14216 Frame Road 12 314-252-05 Yes No Christopher & Jackie Woolley 14210 Frame Road 13 314-252-06 Yes No Sidney & Marcia Fenter 14204 Frame Road 14 314-252-07 Yes No Samuel G. Beighley 14172 Frame Road 15 314-252-08 Yes No Arbeiter Family Trust 14166 Frame Road 16 314-252-09 Yes No Melvin & Carol Mayhew 14160 Frame Road MAP 282- ill2. Parcel In Building In ~ APN Flood Plain Flood Plain Name Address Phone No, 1 317-152-10 Yes Yes DeMis W. Jurgensen Family Trust Oak Knoll Road 2 317-152-02 Yes No Turning Point United Pentecostal Church 12269 Oak Knoll Road DRAFT "- ATTACHMENT 4 15 of 24 SfP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 " .. .-- I ~ Parcel In Building In & Af.l::i Flood Plain Flood Plain ~ Address Phone No. 1 314-252-01 Yes No Constance Shultz aka Shill 14227 Powers Road 2 314-252-16 Yes No Sandra Wall 14221 Powers Road 3 314-252-15 Yes No Ruben Davila & Debra Oakes-Aquila 14215 Powers Road 4 314-252-14 Yes No David & Diane Schafer 14209 Powers Road 5 314-252-13 Yes No Lenh N, Born 14203 Powers Road 6 314-252-12 Yes No Mary M. Nuttall 14177 Powers Road 7 314-252-11 Yes No Michael & Kathy Alexander 14171 Powers Road 8 314-252-10 Yes No Don L. Nieto Jr. 14165 Powers Road 9 314-252-02 Yes No Dwight & Ruth Dickerhoff 14228 Frame Road 10 314-252-03 Yes No Kenneth & Deborah Thompson 14222 Frame Road 11 314-252-04 Yes No Alfred & Bonnie Holthus 14216 Frame Road 12 314-252-05 Yes No Christopher & Jackie Woolley 14210 Frame Road 13 314-252-06 Yes No Sidney & Marcia Fenter 14204 Frame Road 14 314-252-07 Yes No Samuel G. Beighley 14172 Frame Road 15 314-252-08 Yes No Arbeiter Family Trust 14166 Frame Road 16 314-252-09 Yes No Melvin & Carol Mayhew 14160 Frame Road DRAFT SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 l<t 16 of 24 - - MAP 290-174~ - Parcel In Building In No. APN Flood Plain Flood Plain ~ Address Phone No. I 314-072-01 Yes No Richard J. Hunt 14159 Powers Road 2 314-072-14 Yes No Wendell Gayman 141S3 Powers Road 3 314-072-13 Yes No Alba C. Campbell 14147 Powers Road 4 314-072-12 Yes No Newton D. Crawford 14141 Powers Road 5 314-072-11 Yes No David F, Ozeroff 14135 Powers Road 6 314-072-10 Yes No Kennedy Boardman 14129 Powers Road 7 314-072-09 Yes No Kong M. Cheung 14123 Powers Road 8 314-082-01 Yes Ves Robert A. Paulsen 14117 Powers Road 9 314-082-05 Ves Yes Richard E. Huber 14111 Powers Road 10 314-082-04 Ves Ves Louis J. Tooch 14105 Powers Road 11 314-072-02 Ves No Laurel F. Owen 14154 Frame Road 12 314-072-03 Ves No Richard D. Roland 14148 Frame Road 13 314-072-04 Ves No William Martin 14142 Frame Road .... 14 314-072-05 Yes No Robert W. Masters 14136 Frame Road u.. 15 314-072-06 Yes No Jean-Pierre Sepe 14130 Frame Road <( - Il 14-072-07 Ves No Mari V. Bray 14124 Frame Road ~ 17 314-072-08 Ves No Derrick R. Williams 14118 Frame Road C 18 314-082-02 Ves No David V. Collom 14112 Frame Road 19 314-082-03 Ves No Joseph A. Cavalier 14106 Frame Road 20 314-081-01 Ves No William J. K1ansnic 14116 Powers Road 21 314-081-02 Ves No Sharon W, Stanfield 14110 Powers Road 22 314-081-03 Yes No Timothy & Susan Deehan 14104 Powers Road 23 314-086-01 Yes No Delores J. Schoos 14048 Powers Road 24 314-086-02 Ves No Sal vador F emandez 14042 Powers Road 2S 314-086-03 Ves No Candace R. Meyer 14036 Powers Road 26 314-086-04 Ves No Margarito & Julia Yanez 14030 Powers Road 27 314-086-05 Ves No Thomas p, Farrell 14024 Powers Road 28 314-121-13 Yes No Patrick A, Riley 14018 Powers Road 29 314-121-12 Yes No The Olesen Family 14012 Powers Road 30 314-121-11 Yes No Edward Halpin Jr. 14006 Powers Road 31 314-121-10 Yes No Frederick W. Myers 14000 Powers Road 32 __314-121-09 Ves No Don G. & Joanne White 13956 Powers Road 3c JI4-121-08 Yes No Arthur A. Walsh 13950 Powers Road 34 314-121-07 Ves No Scott & Kim Kuntze 13944 Powers Road 35 314-121-01 Yes No Thomas J. Kowalski 13938 Powers Road 36 314-121-02 Ves No Eric R. & Linda Kobaly 13932 Powers Road SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 .. 17 of 24 Mlp 290-1749 Page 2 Parcel In Building In & APN Flood Plain Flood Plain Name Add ress Phone No. 37 314-121-03 Yes No Hu C. & Mary Anderson 13926 Powers Road 38 314-121-04 Yes No Ricky J. Standly 13920 Powers Road 39 314-121-05 Yes No The Dickerhoff Family 13914 Powers Road 40 314-121-06 Yes No Laverne G. Redding 13908 Powers Road 41 314-156-03 Yes No Richard J. Petty 13902 Powers Road 42 314-085-01 Yes Yes Gary C. Chiles 14049 Powers Road 43 314-085-10 Yes Yes Melba Schuster 14043 Powers Road 44 314-085-09 Ves Yes Peter S. & Pansy Tong 14037 Powers Road 45 314-085-08 Ves Ves Dannie H, & Jane Allen 14031 Powers Road 46 314-085-07 Ves Ves R.E. & Betty Huber 14025 Powers Road 47 314-122-19 Ves Ves John & Michelle Head 14019 Powers Road 48 314-122-18 Ves Ves Earl H. Gompper 14013 Powers Road 49 314-122-17 Yes Ves George L. Seago 14007 Powers Road I- 50 314-122-16 Ves Ves Reynaldo F, Sebastian 1400 1 Powers Road U. <( 51 314-122-15 Ves Ves Janet Gorder 13957 Powers Road 52 314-122-14 Ves Ves Mary A. Waller 13951 Powers Road c:: C 53 314-122-13 Ves Yes Daniel P. Nelson 13945 Powers Road 54 314-122-01 Yes Yes George Haughelstine Jr, 13939 Powers Road 55 314-122-12 Yes Ves Wesley M, Vnund 13933 Powers Road 56 314-122-11 Yes Yes Luther J. Pendleton 13927 Powers Road 57 314-122-10 Ves Ves Phillip C. Scott 13921 Powers Road 58 314-122-09 Yes Yes Bruce C, Walker 13915 Powers Road 59 314-122-08 Ves Ves William Sweeting 13909 Powers Road 60 314-156-01 Ves Yes Don & Winifred Baum 13903 Powers Road 61 3 14-085-02 Yes No Richard E. Kennedy 14050 Frame Road 62 314-085-03 Ves No Patrick Busceni 14044 Frame Road 63 314-085-04 Yes No Daniel S" Samudio 14038 Frame Road 64 314-085-05 Ves No Gloria H. Ginese 14032 Frame Road 65 314-085-06 Ves No Charles W. Lord 14027 Frame Road 66 314-122-20 Yes No Donald B. Hennessy 14020 Frame Road 67 314-122-21 Ves No Edward R. Profancik 14014 Frame Road 68 314-122-22 Ves No Daniel R, Planz 14008 Frame Road 69 314-122-23 Ves No John A, Finnell 14002 Frame Road 70 314-122-24 Ves No Gregory M. & Lynn Salo 13958 Frame Road 71 314-122-25 Ves No Jeffrey L. Ottosen 13952 Frame Raod 18 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 rl - fVIlp 290-1749 Page 3 - Parcel In Building In 1:!2. APN Flood Plain Flood Plain Name Address Phone No. n 314-122-26 Yes No Raymond J, Smith 13946 Frame Road 73 314-122-<l2 Yes No Margaret M. Calhoun 13940 Frame Road 74 314-122-<l3 Yes No Lura K. Shelton 13934 Frame Road 75 314-122-04 Yes No Charles J. Brettell 13928 Frame Road 76 314-122-<l5 Yes No The Duns Family 13922 Frame Road 77 314-122-06 Yes No Janet C, Knowles 13916 Frame Road 78 314-122-<l7 Yes No Hai L. Nguyen 13910 Frame Road 79 314-156-<l2 Yes No Greg Azlin 13904 Frame Road 80 314-155-<l1 Yes No Edmund T. Scott 13848 Powers Road 81 314-155-<l2 Yes No D.M, Stokes 13842 Powers Road 82 314-155-03 Yes No Anna Vega 13 836 Powers Road 83 314-155-04 Yes No John K, & Diane Terry 13830 Powers Road 84 314-155-05 Yes No Allen Burgess 13824 Powers Road 85 314-155-06 Yes No John H. Harger 13818 Powers Road I- 86 314-155-07 Yes Yes Paul Diaz Jr. 13812 Powers Road U. - <C 8 Jl7-041-01 Yes Yes Judith L. Duffy 13806 Powers Road 88 317-041-02 Yes Yes Michelle L. Poucher-Sharp 13800 Powers Road ~ 89 317-041-03 Yes Yes The Arvidson Family 13756 Powers Road C 90 317-041-04 Yes Yes Franklin G, Smith 13750 Powers Road 91 317-041-05 Yes Yes Robert W. Caldwell 13744 Powers Road 92 317-041-06 Yes Yes Jean & Anna OcoMor 13738 Powers Road ...~ 93 317-041-07 Yes Yes Michael J. Batherson 13.732 Powers Road 94 317-041-09 Yes Yes Juan J. Gallardo 13726 Powers Road 95 317-041-10 Yes Yes Paul W. Daneker 13720 Powers Road 96 317-041-11 Yes Yes Alvin L. & Ona Feaster 13714 Powers Road 97 317-041-12 Yes No Eugene H. Blakeney 13708 Powers Road 98 317-041-13 Yes No The Harmon Family 13704 Powers Road 99 317-041-14 Yes No The Rucker Family 13662 Powers Road 100 317-041-15 Yes No Enrico A. & Mary Miclat 13654 Powers Road 101 317-041-16 Yes No Adolfo R. Bajado 13642 Powers Road 102 317-060-40 Yes No The Hughes Family 13630 Powers Road 103 _ 317-060-03 Yes No Robert G uevarra 13624 Powers Road 10. 317-060-04 Yes No Leroy & Barbara Post 13618 Powers Road 105 317-060-05 Yes No Melvin F. & Mary Brown 13612 Powers Road 106 314-154-01 Yes Yes Gary A. Smith 13849 Powers Road 107 314-154-14 Yes Yes Scott L. Smith 13843 Powers Road 19 of 24 SEP 2 6 lS9S ITEM 7 ,., Mlp 290-1749 Page 4 Parcel In Building In & ~ Flood Plain Flood Plain Name Address Phone No, 108 314-154-13 Yes Yes Goorge T. Rosselle 13837 Powers Road 109 314-154-12 Yes Yes Raymond L. Williams 13831 Powers Road 110 314-154-11 Yes Yes Souhel & Najat Housban 13825 Powers Road 111 314-154-10 Yes Yes L.J. Bartlelt 13819 Powers Road 112 314-154-09 Yes Yes Mark D. & Debra Handy 13813 Powers Road 113 317-042-01 Yes Yes Jean M. Bennett 13807 Powers Road 114 317-042-16 Yes Yes John J, Wheelock 13801 Powers Road 115 317-042-15 Yes Yes Richard Erbacher 13757 Powers Road 116 317-042-14 Yes Yes The Becker Family 1375 I Powers Road 117 317-042-13 Yes Yes Wendell Gayman 13745 Powers Road 118 317-042-12 Yes Yes John A. Campbell 13739 Powers Road 119 317-042-11 Yes Yes Alfred J. Felton 13733 Powers Road 120 317-042-20 Yes Yes The Bevill Family 13727 Powers Road 121 317-042-21 Yes Yes Gerald B. Spellman 13721 Powers Road 122 317-042-22 Yes Yes Frederick A, Krause 13715 Powers Road 123 317-042-23 Yes Yes Hilarion V. Espe 13709 Powers Road I- 124 317-042-24 Yes Yes Inter V. Vitrano 13701 Powers Road u.. 125 317-042-25 Yes Yes Timothy J. Kennedy 13667 Powers Road <C 126 317-042-26 Yes Yes David W. Miller 13655 Powers Road ~ 127 317-042-27 Yes Yes Brigido R. & Ruth Babida 13643 Powers Road C 128 317-060-41 Yes Yes Jack A. Darnell 13631 Powers Road 129 317-060-28 Yes Yes Brian F, Burney 13625 Powers Road 130 317-060-27 Yes Yes Harry E. & Carin Ozmun 13619 Powers Road 131 317-060-26 Yes Yes Randy J. Livingood 13613 Powers Road 132 314-154-02 Yes No John C. Montgomery 13850 Frame Road 133 314-154-03 Yes No Richard & Anna Case 13844 Frame Road 134 314-154-04 Yes No Robin M, Mueller 13838 Frame Road 135 314-154-05 Yes No James J. Quiring 13832 Frame Road 136 314-154-06 Yes No Bruce C. Colkitt 13826 Frame Road 137 314-154-07 Yes No Robert H, Bowser 13820 Frame Road 138 314-154-08 Yes No Robert Johnson 13814 Frame Road 139 317-042-02 Yes No Robin L. Onley 13 808 Frame Road 140 317-042-03 Yes No Lawrence J. Zangari 13802 Frame Road 141 317-042-04 Yes No Audrey L. Martin 13758 Frame Road 142 317-042-05 Yes No C.A. Musgrove 13752 Frame Road 20 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 ... - -- Mlp 290-1749 Page 5 - Parcel In Building In & ~ Flood Plain Flood Plain ~ Address Phone No. 143 317-C42-06 Yes No Raymond Breen 13746 Frame Road 144 317-C42-07 Yes No Michael Brohoski 13740 Frame Road 145 317-C42-18 Yes No Stanley & Kari Pelol.a 13734 Frame Road 146 317-C42-19 Yes No Nathaniel K, Lew 13728 Frame Road 147 317-C42-34 Yes No Harold E. Scofield 13722 Frame Road 148 317-C42-33 Yes No Linda D. Hodge 13716 Frame Road 149 317-042-32 Yes No Scott B. Kelsey 13710 Frame Road 150 317-042-31 Yes No Lee T. & Betty Winn 13702 Frame Road 151 317-042-30 Yes No Nonnito M. Castillo 13668 Frame Road 152 317-042-29 Yes No David W. Boles 13656 Frame Road 153 317-042-28 Yes No Dennis C. & Jane Masur 13644 Frame Road 154 317-060-42 Yes No Leroy A. Jordan 13632 Frame Road 155 317-060-13 Yes No David G. Sanborn 13626 Frame Raod 156 317-060-14 Yes Yes David G, Bentley 13620 Frame Road 157 317-060-15 Yes Yes Michael T. Despirito 13614 Frame Road - DRAFT 21 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 .. a_- I < ~ Parcel In Building In & APN Flood Plain Flood Plain ~ Address Phone No. 1 317-060-06 Yes No Lew A. Steinly 13606 Powers Road 2 317-060-07 Yes No Elsie A. Pavlu 13532 Powers Road 3 317-060-08 Yes No Jose H. & Irma Anaya 13526 Powers Road 4 317-060-09 Yes Yes David B. Greaney 13520 Powers Road 5 317-060-10 Yes Yes Michael J. HarriDgton 13514 Powers Road 6 317-071-01 Yes Yes Nona C. Sturdy 13508 Powers Road 7 317-071-02 Yes Yes James & Rose M, Baylor 13502 Powers Road 8 317-060-25 Yes Yes Corey B, Flohs 13607 Powers Road 9 317-060-24 Yes Yes Leo A, Weeks 13533 Powers Road 10 317-060-23 Yes Yes James & Rose Baylor 13502 Powers Road 11 317-060-22 Yes Yes Laura R. Jones 13521 Powers Road 12 317-060-21 Yes Yes Solomon Hose 13515 Powers Road 13 317-072-01 Yes Yes Thomas W. Crosby 13509 Powers Road 14 317-072-04 Yes Yes Kenneth K. Ford 13503 Powers Road t- IS 317-060-16 Yes Yes James A. Zito 13608 Frame Road LL. <( 16 317-060-17 Yes No Kayoko Larmour 13534 Frame Road 17 317-060-18 Yes No Erlinda C. Miller 13528 Frame Road ~ C 18 317-060-19 Yes No John L. Kalena 13522 Frame Road 19 317-060-20 Yes No Albert T. Russell 13516 Frame Road 20 317-072-02 Yes No Nels 0, & Darlene Toft 13510 Frame Road 21 317-072-03 Yes No Rufino C, Vargas 13504 Frame Road 22 317-075-01 Yes Yes Luther J. Pendleton 13436 Powers Road 23 317-075-02 Yes Yes Celestino O. Menguita 13430 Powers Road 24 317-075-03 Yes Yes The Huckleberry Family 13424 Powers Road 25 317-075-04 Yes Yes Lauren L. King 13418 Powers Road 26 317-075-05 Yes Yes Julia Mansfield 13412 Powers Road 27 317-075-06 Yes Yes Keith L. Nelson 13406 Powers Road 28 317-081-01 Yes Yes Julio G, Ponce 13338 Powers Road 29 317-081-02 Yes Yes Isae Alvarado 13332 Powers Road 30 317-081-03 Yes Yes Ronnie E. Farr 13326 Powers Road 31 317-081-04 Yes Yes Vichit Tilakamonkul 13320 Powers Road 32 317-081-05 Yes Yes Jeffrey W. Swartz 13314 Powers Road 33 317-081-06 Yes Yes Lawrence M. Filadelfia 13308 Powers Road 34 317-081-07 Yes Yes Ruth Burtchett 13302 Powers Road 35 317-074-01 Yes Yes Donald E. Kepner 13437 Powers Road 36 317-074-12 Yes Yes George T, Freelen 13431 Powers Road 22 of 24 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 \., - - Map 286-1749 Pase 2 - Parcel In Building In ~ APN Flood Plain Flood Plain ~ Address Phone No. 37 317-074-11 Yes Yes John C. Marsh 13425 Powers Road 38 317-074-10 Yes Yes Paul & Anne Harvey 13419 Powers Road 39 317-074-09 Yes Yes Rufus E, Cook 13413 Powers Road 40 317-074-08 Yes Yes Paul & Linda Wynhamer 13407 Powers Road 41 317-082-01 Yes Yc:s Edwin L. Nelson 13339 Powers Road 42 317-082-14 Yes Yes Terry L. Johnson 13333 Powers Road 43 317-082-13 Yes Yes Salvador Fernandez 13327 Powers Road 44 317-082-12 Yes Yes Oscar & Rachel Rocha 13321 Powers Road 45 317-082-11 Yes Yes Robert A, Romero 13315 Powers Road 46 317-082-10 Yes Yes Peter Wong 13309 Powers Road 47 317-082-09 Yes Yes Jose U, Navarro 13303 Powers Road 48 317-074-02 Yes No Richard Szewczyk 13438 Frame Road 49 317-074-03 Yes No Madeline M, Raymond 13432 Frame Road 50 317-074-04 Yes No Joseph M. Schwartz 13426 Frame Road ..... 51 317-074-05 Yes No Matthew E. Groves 13420 Frame Road u.. .."_. <( 5: 317-074-06 Yes No Christopher J. Woolley 13426 Frame Road 53 317-074-07 Yes No Larry M. Harrison 13408 Frame Rnad ~ 54 317-082-02 Yes No Roby L. Ramon 13340 Frame Road C 55 317-082-03 Yes No Charles G. & Sue Yarber 13334 Frame Road 56 317-082-04 Yes No Charles G. & Sue Yarber 13328 Frame Road 57 317-082-05 Yes No Jesse A. Miranda 13322 Frame Road 58 317-082-06 Yes No James E. Faaborg 13316 Frame Road 59 317-082-07 Yes No William H. Faaborg 13310 Frame Road 60 317-082-08 Yes No Kim O. Ngo 13304 Frame Road 61 317-531-01 Yes Yes Sidney S. Williams 13270 Powers Court 62 317-531-02 Yes Yes John A. Gonzales 13264 Powers Court 63 317-531-03 Yes Yes Brian D, Vonderahe 13258 Powers Court 64 317-531-04 Yes Yes Annando G. Diaz 13254 Powers Court 65 317-531-05 Yes Yes Athena M, Baldwin 13250 Powers Court 66 317-531-06 Yes Yes The Cakllrera Family 13246 Powers Court 67 317-531-07 Yes Yes Alan E, Biennan 13244 Powers Court 68 317-531-08 Yes Yes Richard M. Manis 13242 Powers Road -" 6c 317-531-26 Yes Yes Walter H. Chamhers 12404 Robinson Blvd. 70 317-531-15 Yes Yes Michael J. Horan 13271 Powers Court 71 317-531-14 Yes Yes Thomas G. Mclaughlin 13265 Powers Court 23 of 24 SEP 2 6 1QQ1; IIEM 7 " Map 286-1749 Page 3 Parcel In Building In No. Am Flood Plain Flood Plain Name Address Phone No. n 317-531-13 Yes Yes Raul & Dominga Marquez 13257 Powers Court 73 317-531-12 Yes Yes Scott B. Berlin 13255 Powers Court 74 317-531-11 Yes Yes Susan A, Dunlap 13249 Powers Court 75 317-531-10 Yes Yes Edward p, Hentz 13247 Powers Court 76 317-531-09 Yes Yes Robert E, Thomas 13241 Powers Court 77 317-151-59 Yes No 1mad F. Habba 12213-45 Poway Road 78 317-151-47 Yes No Tom E. Dixon 12305-07 Poway Road 79 317-151-51 Yes No Poway Investment Co. 12309-13 Poway Road 80 317-151-61 Yes No James M. & S. Piva Oak Knoll Road 81 317-151-62 Yes No Animal Keeper. Inc. 12280 Oak Knoll Road 82 317-152-10 Yes No Dennis Wa. Jurgensen Oak Knoll Road 83 317-152-11 Yes Yes Timothy G. Thornbury 12237 Oak Knoll Road 84 317-520-31 Yes No Pomerado Road Baptist Church 13230 Pomerodo Road 85 317-521-03 Yes No Poway Redevelopment Agency Pomerodo Road 86 317-521-04 Yes No Poway Redevelopment Agency Pomerodo Road DRAFT 24 of 24 ~~~ 2 6 1995 ITEM 7 ...