Item 8 - City of Poway Legislative Strategy - ,dJ~ Y_,?.5'-?s- AGENDAkEPORTSUMMARY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ FROM: INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analy DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECI': City of Poway Legislative Strategy ABSTRACI' The City of Poway takes an aggressive position on legislation pending before the California State Legislature. Additionally, the City monitors Federal legislation which has the potential to impact the City. This report details the methodologies used by the City to ensure that the unique legislative needs, as well as the general health and welfare, of our residents is fully communicated to other legislative bodies. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action does not constitute a project. Therefore, environmental review is not required. fISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be provided to Tracy Morgan of the San Diego Association of Realtors. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACI'ION = 1 of 7 - SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 8 " .-- AGENDA REPORT !. CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analy DATE: September 26, 1995 SUBJECT: City of Poway Legislative Strategy BACKGROUND During the September 5, 1995 hearing for the adoption of the Habitat Conservation Plan, there was a brief discussion of how the City represents the interests of its residents with State and Federal legislative members. The City of Poway takes an aggressive position on legislation pending before the California State Legislature. Additionally, the City monitors Federal legislation which has the potential to impact the City. FINDINGS The City employs the following methodologies to ensure that the unique legislative needs, as well as the general health and welfare, of our residents is fully communicated to other legislative bodies: . The Council and staff have maintained solid working relationships with our local legislative representatives. This rapport has served the interests of the City. . Staff prepares Status Reports on Pending Legislation routinely for the City Council's review of legislation. During the current legislative session, the City Council took a formal position on approximately 80 bills (Attachment A). Following the Council action, lobbying letters are forwarded on each measure. During this session, staff prepared over 950 letters on the pending legislation. ACTION: 2 of 7 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 8 .-- - - - Agenda Report Legislative Strategy September 26, 1995 Page 2 . Since June 1993, the City of Poway has contracted with a professional lobbyist, former Assemblymember Bob Wilson, to assist with sensitive negotiation with elected representatives. The efforts of Mr. Wilson have been successful in the passage of several important pieces of legi sl ation. Most recently Mr. Wilson assisted with the passage of SB 602 which will allow jurisdictions to keep use tax on leased vehicles. This bill means the tax will remain with the jurisdiction in which the dealership is located rather than be allocated to the County pool. SB 602 is on the Governor's desk. . The City of Poway is an active member of the League of California Cities. This organization provides up-to-the-minute analysis of legislation and lobbies on legislation which has the potential to impact the interests of cities. During the legislative session, the League produces a weekly bulletin and provides urgent updates to cities via fax. . The City of Poway is a subscriber to Citylink, an on-line database which provides access to the daily action on state legislation. This computer link also allows the City to track the progress of up to 200 legislative measures. Through Citylink the City is able to download text of measures, search legislative text for key words, obtain committee votes, and committee analysis of pending legislation. . Staff is represented on the San Diego Legislative Coalition which holds meetings at the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). This informal association of cities communicates regularly via fax to exchange position letters and staff reports. Traditionally, lobbying efforts have centered on maintaining local control of land use issues, unfunded mandates, bringing equity to housing and housing element legislation, increasing liability protection and tort reform issues, booking fee reform, municipal investments, and telecommunications legislation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action does not constitute a project. Therefore, environmental review is not required. FISCAL IMPACT None. - 3 of 7 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 8 t1 .-- Agenda Report Legislative Strategy September 26, 1995 Page 3 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be provided to Tracy Morgan of the San Diego Association of Realtors. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. Attachment A. City Council Positions on Legislation p.~\d.t.\r.port\1.9~tr...g" 4 of 7 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 8 . -- " "- - 1\ COUNCIL POSITION ON PENDING LEGISLATION FOR 1995 DATE BILL AUTHOR SUBJECT POSITION 3-10-95 $SIl1 AYALA UNFUNDED MANDATES SUPPORT AOi!Z PRINGLE BOOKING FEE REFORM SUPPORT ~~;l~~. BEVERLY 1~~~~J:~ti~:j~,~g~.\\tri;\!19n~~~X!;I SUPPORT ..pvern!H\ ~,Qi~l HAYNES i~~~~1~1~~ill~~Ml~ff;i(~i!!,~!9Q~$l OPPOSE 4-5-95 SB 150 JOHANNESSEN VEHICLE LICENSE FEE OPPOSE AB 208 CANNELLA AGRIC. EQUIP TAX EXEMPT OPPOSE SB 1266 DILLS EMINENT DOMAIN PROHIBITION OPPOSE SB 850 HAYDEN PUBLIC AGENCY IMMUNITY OPPOSE 50160Z WRIGHT USE TAX ON LEASED VEHICLE SUPPORT I\SaOt THOMPSON MANDATE RELIEF SUPPORT ACA 7 PRINGLE MANDATE RELIEF SUPPORT ACA 8 GOLDSMITH MANDATE RELIEF SUPPORT SB 805 MONTE ITH MANDATE RELIEF SUPPORT 4-19-95 Aal11S GOLDSMITH HOUSING ELEMENTS SUPPORT ABlj$ RAINEY VEHICLES SUPPORT AB 138 GOLDSMITH PREVAI LING WAGES SUPPORT AB 563 HARVEY WASTE DISCHARGE SUPPORT Aa.ii11$1 GOLDSMITH LAND USE SUPPORT AB 309 ALPERT PUBLIC LIBRARY LEARNING ACT SUPPORT AB 142 BOWEN PUBLI C RECORDS OPPOSE AB 282 HAUSER PROPERTY TAXATION SUPPORT SB 1122 MOUNTJOY ENVIRONMENT REGULATIONS OPPOSE SB 623 PEACE THEFT OF CABLE TV SIGNALS SUPPORT 5-2-95 ABlasS. BALDWIN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC MONIES OPPOSE , ACA 24 BALDWIN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC MONIES OPPOSE II AB 1392 CONROY PUBLIC WORKS OPPOSE 5 of 7 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 8 l; .-- ~ SB 1073 COSTA HOUSING ELEMENTS OPPOSE 5-2-95 SB 27 CAP PROHIBITING INVESTMENT OPPOSE SECURITI ES SB 14XX CAP PROHIBITING INVESTMENT OPPOSE SECURIT I ES SB 44 CAP PROHIBITION TO DELEGATE OPPOSE INVESTMENT AUTHORITY SB 13XX CAP PROHIBITION TO DELEGATE OPPOSE INVESTMENT AUTHORITY SB 117 LEWIS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS SUPPORT SB;$S4 JOHNSTON REPORTING REQUIREMENTS SUPPORT SB 861 CRAVEN DELEGATION OF POWERS SUPPORT SB 864 CRAVEN COUNTY TREASURY OVERSIGHT SUPPORT COMMITTEE SB 866 CRAVEN TERMS OF NOTES SUPPORT SB 867 CRAVEN REPURCHASE & REVERSE SUPPORT REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS SB 868 CRAVEN ZERO INTEREST ACCRUAL PERIODS SUPPORT 5-9-95 SB 1122 MOUNTJOY SMALL BUSINESS: ENVIRONMENTAL OPPOSE REGS. AB 1436 BURTON FIRST RESPONDER REIMBURSEMENT SUPPORT ACA 13 JOHNSON VOTER REQUIR. FOR TAXES,ASSES. OPPOSE SB IX O'CONNELL DISASTER ASSISTANCE SUPPORT sBi4!) JOHANNESSEN VEHICLE LICENSE FEES OPPOSE SB 1225 JOHANNESSEN PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS SUPPORT SB 238 HAYNES DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS OPPOSE SB 1167 CRAVEN PROPERTY TAX REVENUE SUPPORT AB 915 CUNNEEN PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION OPPOSE SB 610 LEONARD CABLE TELEVISION OPPOSE SB 936 CAMPBELL HOUSING ELEMENTS SUPPORT AB 771 AQUIAR SUBDIVISIONS OPPOSE SB 657 MADDY PROPERTY TAX REFORM BILL OPPOSE AB 1907 SHER ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SUPPORT AB 318 KATZ WATER AND MUNICIPAL UTILITIES OPPOSE 6 of 7 SEP 2 6 1995 ITEM 8 ' . . -- -- - .-... AB 349 ESCUTIA HAZARDOUS LIOUID PIPELINES SUPPORT 5-16-95 Stn~21' PEACE UTILITIES ACCESS FEES OPPOSE SB 652 HUTCHISON TELECOMM. COMPo DEREGULATON OPPOSE HR 1555 BLILEY TELECOMMUNICATION REFORM OPPOSE 5-18-95 BALLOT MOBILE HOME RENT CONTROL OPPOSE INITIATIVE RESTRICTIONS 6-6-95 SB 176 ALQUIST HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OPPOSE AB 1947 BATTIN HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OPPOSE ORDINANCE M~e~. TUCKER TOBACCO VENDING MACHINES SUPPORT AB 31XX SWEENEY ERAF SHIFT SUPPORT 6-13-95 SB 96 GREENE SCHOOL BONDS SUPPORT AB 331 ALPERT SCHOOL BONDS SUPPORT SB 1066 CAMPBELL DEVELOPMENT FEES OPPOSE AB 1544 HANNIGAN MELLO ROOS TAXES DELINQUENCY OPPOSE 7-11-95 SB 647 KELLEY FEES - PALADIN GROUP OPPOSE ~~II~~ GRANLUND l~i~I~~~~li~111~~1111!~ljft OPPOSE ~~~~3 LESLIE ~i~G~~II~ii~I~MRflE;11~:~S:~~~ SUPPORT 7-18-95 S13?Ze LESLIE MOUNTAIN LION PROTECTION OPPOSE 8-1-95 AB 1949 CONROY RETENTION-PUB. WORKS CONTRACTS OPPOSE ~~...:..~.~.~. KELLEY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES, OPPOSE BANKRUPTCY TRANSFERS ~e;~~~ MOUNTJOY NOTIFICATION, VIOLENT FELON SUPPORT RELEASE 8-15-95 SB 31 LESLI E CIVIL JUSTICE-TORT REFORM SUPPORT 8-22-95 NHS Bill SHUSTER HIGHWAY FUNDING - LOCAL OPPOSE CONTROL 9-5-95 AawoQ CUNNEEN TORT HAZARDOUS RECREATION SUPPORT AB 49XX GRANLUND LAFCO FUNDING OPPOSE ...... ." .... III A13,1$71 AB 285 PVEA GRANT FOR COGENERATION Revised September 19, 1995 - l~i~J:~il~~~~~I~~~~II!III~pi!1~g~;i;~lI~n!;IB~Q),!l'!~\tr~;(iIT~:lH~r~!Awi;l~J'1\S'TI1!!~~ 7 of 7 SEP 26 1995 ITEM 8 .", . -- ,